I'm smelling the sweet smell of BS. Ain't no way the NYC police department is that capable. And why would the assassin still have his weapon on him? Wouldn't that have been left in the backpack? The stinks so much even the hogs will turn their noses up at it.
Capable? The only reason they have this suspect is because a good samaritan recognized the guy and called the local pd. Nypd had nothing to do with it. They stil maintain their sucking reputation.
I realize now that all these many years I have been both a baller blocker AND a player hater.
With the advice of my local priest, I will observe the needed penance for my actions. I can only hope that my future as a cross-eyed, propeller hat wearing normie can make up for all my time spent as an anal retentive, typo correcting conspiracy looney.
I still want to know how he knew the CEO would be in that location at that time.
As CEO of the company hosting the investor conference at the Hilton, I would think he would get a hotel room at the Hilton, as a matter of convenience.
And one of them's a mod that pushes a lot of other really interesting propaganda. Even more interesting, their post was swarmed by SRS-style accounts that farm upvotes off each other with pointless comment chains (that also happen to hide anyone down farther below in the comments disagreeing with the fake narrative).
Ahahahahahaha, oh my God man, it's so jarring and you can tell they know it. Someone is definitely screaming in their earpieces LMAO.
"We interrupt this detailed investigative report by a talented local journalist to read off some CIA-approved birdshit that was written six minutes ago by a glowie with Adderall dust caked around his nose, going so fast that he smeared grease from his half eaten Whopper Jr onto the mock-up he used to fax us! This is BREAKING SHIT, PEOPLE! GET IT UP NOW!"
So, uh, Harrison, law enforcement has been getting this photo out and we're hearing that some, um, people recognized him in a McDonalds! Aren't everyday Americans great!? Law enforcement had been conducting a wide search, assisting uh, NYPD... Aren't our men and women in law enforcement great!?
And I guess police are saying he had the murder weapon on his person when they took him into custody... *Wow, so it seems like, well yup! THEY GOT THE GUY! Pretty much a sure thing. Hmm, don't we wonder about his job, or if he had help? Was there more than one person?
No way Jose. Some girl told him he looked like Luke Bryan when he was playing acoustic guitar outside the local watering hole - it became an indispensable fashion accessory after that, consequences be damned!
Although somewhere deep down he knew that his penchant for always laying low at national restaurant chains coupled with that roll o' quarters in his denims would likely be his downfall. Ah, drat! Foiled again by those meddling actuaries!
[Makes just as much sense as any of THIS, I mean.....]
The FBI can't find the owner of a package of cocaine in the most secure building in the United States, but they can find this guy. Nothing to see here.
I mean, whether he was a pro or an amateur, does the guy in that footage SEEM like he would have the murder weapon stuffed in his pocket, Plaxico Burress-style, almost a week later while he was inside of a McDonald's?
A guy that waited for his target for hours and even knew the door that he would be coming out from? A guy who inscribed words into his shell casings to intentionally leave a message?
That kind of planning and forethought, but not enough to dispose of the murder weapon or even just to avoid having it on his person sans a holster? He tucked it into his waistband, underneath his shirt like a 14 year old Crip?
Yeah, I can smell the shit from several states away. 🤣
I mean, whether he was a pro or an amateur, does the guy in that footage SEEM like he would have the murder weapon stuffed in his pocket, Plaxico Burress-style, almost a week later while he was inside of a McDonald's?
Walks into a McDonald's along with the murder weapon, the fake ID's, and face masks.
How convenient!
Why didn't he just walk up to a uniformed police officer and say, "Here, could you hold these things for me? I don't need them anymore, after that NYC deal. Thanks. Bye!"
That kind of planning and forethought, but not enough to dispose of the murder weapon or even just to avoid having it on his person sans a holster?
Or how about walking into a McDonald's or any public place ... at all?
Never heard of Door Dash?
But ...
It sure would be convenient to find some random homeless guy, and say, "Hey, we are doing a TV commercial. Here, take these things and walk in to the McDonald's. The cops will show up, but that's all part of the commercial. We will pay you $100 and free food."
I supposed it could be the guy, but this reckless behavior at the arrest does not line up with the calculated behavior at the event.
New deets on the suspect in custody released in the last hour.
• 26 year old student at Ivy League UPenn; Luigi Mangione.
• Went to an all boys high school reserved for the upper crust in Baltimore, MD. Tuition is 40k per year.
• Graduated high school valedictorian. Spoke during commencement, indicated he was interested in studying and receiving a degree in AI technology.
• Social media imprint shows heavy interest in climate policy, healthcare system and other environmental topics. Left-leanings far enough to fall off the map.
• Liked quotes from classical philosophers, Ted Kaczynski and others w/ intellectual bent.
• Had in his possession a manifesto where he discussed the reasons for dispatching UNH CEO Johnson.
• Pictures show a young man in excellent physical condition. No obvious tells of psychosis, besides his political beliefs.
So the kid is a fucking virtuoso, calculated super genius that could have been the leader of ELF (Environment Liberation Front) if he had been born 20 years earlier.
Police have noted the level of sophistication in the plans he mapped out for the assassination. Every detail was covered including multiple escape routes, he successfully escaped New York City so easily it was stunning.
THIS is the dude who got turned in by an old fart who spotted him in a McDonald's, when he happened to have both the 3D print ghost gun/murder weapon AND a manifesto detailing his raison d'etre behind the assassination on his person?
Ok, like, seriously. Fuck you. This is nearly at the level of the "mysterious" would-be Trump assassins, in terms of the odor of shit emanating off of it.
Something nobody has considered: He chose NYC for the crime. This might be one of the few places in America where someone could get on the jury and vote not guilty, no matter what evidence is presented, due to political views.
Think: OJ, but for political ideology rather than race.
I'm smelling the sweet smell of BS. Ain't no way the NYC police department is that capable. And why would the assassin still have his weapon on him? Wouldn't that have been left in the backpack? The stinks so much even the hogs will turn their noses up at it.
Capable? The only reason they have this suspect is because a good samaritan recognized the guy and called the local pd. Nypd had nothing to do with it. They stil maintain their sucking reputation.
Sorry folks, its Altoona, PA not La Tuna which is a city in Texas. Please excuse my error.
When you people do this and make corrections, it makes it impossible for smartasses like me to comment.
Your words caused me to have an epiphany.
I realize now that all these many years I have been both a baller blocker AND a player hater.
With the advice of my local priest, I will observe the needed penance for my actions. I can only hope that my future as a cross-eyed, propeller hat wearing normie can make up for all my time spent as an anal retentive, typo correcting conspiracy looney.
We're out of coffee in the meeting room
Right away mi'lord.
Oh god, I forgot to ask about decaf! "It gets the hose again," doesn't it?
kek Amber
You commented anyway. Your title is safe.
If you all ever want to see one of the most hilarious plays ever, find a performance of "Greater Tuna, Texas."
And I assumed it was a business establishment in PA, a franchise of Heidi Fleiss.
Take note of the folks who pushed the idea that it was just an average Joe who was angry about a claim denied. They lurk amongst us here.
I still want to know how he knew the CEO would be in that location at that time.
As CEO of the company hosting the investor conference at the Hilton, I would think he would get a hotel room at the Hilton, as a matter of convenience.
But he didn't. Why not?
And how did the perp know that?
And one of them's a mod that pushes a lot of other really interesting propaganda. Even more interesting, their post was swarmed by SRS-style accounts that farm upvotes off each other with pointless comment chains (that also happen to hide anyone down farther below in the comments disagreeing with the fake narrative).
That's what discussion is for. Opposing views. A search for truth. You a commie?
Some people are paid to come to forums like this and push "the narrative".
Are you one of them or are you just fucking retarded?
You pull that head out yet?
I can smell the horse shit from here.
AND on the very same day of the poor man's service! Ohhh, oh dear....
::pecks at dirt:: 😆
Nothing like interrupting the reporter who's on-scene to give us the approved version of the story. 🙄
Ahahahahahaha, oh my God man, it's so jarring and you can tell they know it. Someone is definitely screaming in their earpieces LMAO.
So, uh, Harrison, law enforcement has been getting this photo out and we're hearing that some, um, people recognized him in a McDonalds! Aren't everyday Americans great!? Law enforcement had been conducting a wide search, assisting uh, NYPD... Aren't our men and women in law enforcement great!?
And I guess police are saying he had the murder weapon on his person when they took him into custody... *Wow, so it seems like, well yup! THEY GOT THE GUY! Pretty much a sure thing. Hmm, don't we wonder about his job, or if he had help? Was there more than one person?
Total fucking cringe. 🤣🤣
Hopefully, the perp took the suppressor off of his gun before stuffing it into his pants.😂
No way Jose. Some girl told him he looked like Luke Bryan when he was playing acoustic guitar outside the local watering hole - it became an indispensable fashion accessory after that, consequences be damned!
Although somewhere deep down he knew that his penchant for always laying low at national restaurant chains coupled with that roll o' quarters in his denims would likely be his downfall. Ah, drat! Foiled again by those meddling actuaries!
[Makes just as much sense as any of THIS, I mean.....]
The FBI can't find the owner of a package of cocaine in the most secure building in the United States, but they can find this guy. Nothing to see here.
Thanks! I'm wearing my coffee☕️☕️☕️ while reading this... truth is truth!!!! 🤔😃😄😆😂🤣
If true, he has to be one dumb motherfucker.
And that does not line up with how the event went down.
I mean, whether he was a pro or an amateur, does the guy in that footage SEEM like he would have the murder weapon stuffed in his pocket, Plaxico Burress-style, almost a week later while he was inside of a McDonald's?
A guy that waited for his target for hours and even knew the door that he would be coming out from? A guy who inscribed words into his shell casings to intentionally leave a message?
That kind of planning and forethought, but not enough to dispose of the murder weapon or even just to avoid having it on his person sans a holster? He tucked it into his waistband, underneath his shirt like a 14 year old Crip?
Yeah, I can smell the shit from several states away. 🤣
Walks into a McDonald's along with the murder weapon, the fake ID's, and face masks.
How convenient!
Why didn't he just walk up to a uniformed police officer and say, "Here, could you hold these things for me? I don't need them anymore, after that NYC deal. Thanks. Bye!"
Or how about walking into a McDonald's or any public place ... at all?
Never heard of Door Dash?
But ...
It sure would be convenient to find some random homeless guy, and say, "Hey, we are doing a TV commercial. Here, take these things and walk in to the McDonald's. The cops will show up, but that's all part of the commercial. We will pay you $100 and free food."
I supposed it could be the guy, but this reckless behavior at the arrest does not line up with the calculated behavior at the event.
So bogus. It was a set up of some kind. I don;t believe this one iota.
Reporter in the red suit is totally a dude!
New deets on the suspect in custody released in the last hour.
• 26 year old student at Ivy League UPenn; Luigi Mangione. • Went to an all boys high school reserved for the upper crust in Baltimore, MD. Tuition is 40k per year. • Graduated high school valedictorian. Spoke during commencement, indicated he was interested in studying and receiving a degree in AI technology. • Social media imprint shows heavy interest in climate policy, healthcare system and other environmental topics. Left-leanings far enough to fall off the map. • Liked quotes from classical philosophers, Ted Kaczynski and others w/ intellectual bent. • Had in his possession a manifesto where he discussed the reasons for dispatching UNH CEO Johnson. • Pictures show a young man in excellent physical condition. No obvious tells of psychosis, besides his political beliefs.
So the kid is a fucking virtuoso, calculated super genius that could have been the leader of ELF (Environment Liberation Front) if he had been born 20 years earlier.
Police have noted the level of sophistication in the plans he mapped out for the assassination. Every detail was covered including multiple escape routes, he successfully escaped New York City so easily it was stunning.
THIS is the dude who got turned in by an old fart who spotted him in a McDonald's, when he happened to have both the 3D print ghost gun/murder weapon AND a manifesto detailing his raison d'etre behind the assassination on his person?
Ok, like, seriously. Fuck you. This is nearly at the level of the "mysterious" would-be Trump assassins, in terms of the odor of shit emanating off of it.
oNe L0nE gUnMaN pLeAsE!
You want fries with that?
you know he also looks like the j6 bomber just sayin
Funny that he was found in Altoona, Pennsylvania... home of the ground hog.
I predict 2-more weeks of prison.
Punxsutawney is the hone of the ground hog.
Its not La Tuna, its Altoona , PA
Something nobody has considered: He chose NYC for the crime. This might be one of the few places in America where someone could get on the jury and vote not guilty, no matter what evidence is presented, due to political views.
Think: OJ, but for political ideology rather than race.
I read that he lived in Hawaii, until recently.
Who else lived in Hawaii, until recently?
The guy in the bushes at the golf course where Trump was.
Jury trial dude. Jury trial.
The critical question now, ladies and gentlemen: DiD hE cRoSs StAtE LiNeS?
Criminal members of the FBI might try to assert jurisdiction.
But ...
This was not "interstate commerce."
Interstate crime is not a thing -- if the States uphold the law, which they ususally do not.