All right, Catholics... Satan it is, then, yeah?
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“God who supersedes such constructs”
The constructs:
He created them male and female and He blessed them… Genesis 5:2
You forgot "in his image".
Sex is not a construct, and God doesn't 'transcend' it. God is the origin.
Worth noting: The definition of 'male' in human beings is the union of Y and X chromosomes. In other words, male means carries both the male and female code. Females on have XX.
This is another way we can confirm that God is our Father. God is the origin of both male and female.
So, uh, as far as US Catholic Magazine is concerned, um, yes. Satan is their daddy.
God is spirit. No man hath seen Him at any time. When God creates the gift of holy spirit born within man at the time of being born again they then and only then have God's image.
Romans 10,9 and 10. If you care to be made whole. Body is formed, breathlife is made, spirit is created.
Thanks For sharing your faith, SOG.
I frequently enjoy reading your comments here in GAW. They are often in agreement with my own perspectives on things regarding the 5G war.
I think, however, matters of faith are different. As a general comment, so many folks here seem highly intent on stating their belief as if it is fact, rather than seeking to explore the faith related topics together with others. That is understandable; we are created to have conviction in our faith and to move based on those convictions.
However, when all we do is state our beliefs as facts, rejoicing when someone agrees with us, and ignoring when others do not agree, it becomes a dogma-fest (imo), and very little learning proceeds.
Consider "the church" today, the body of the church aka believers who profess faith in Christ, has never, ever been more fractured. How would this be possible? is there one true and perfect church (denomination, congregation, theological standpoint) and all others are mistaken and untrue? It's a laughable proposition, in my opinion.
So where does all this fracturing come from? How is it possible? In my view, the fracturing is possible because no one has the complete understanding. Christian theological thinking itself is fractured, and that is reflected in the reality of believers today. More than ever.
Then, how could Christian theological understanding be fractured? It is because it is incomplete. It's because we are still missing pieces of the puzzle.
Think about it. Even Paul who you reference here very plainly admitted:
"Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
So Paul who expounded on our faith and the nature of God, etc, was coming from a place of admittedly limited understanding, and limited perception of truth.
This obvious fact is very often ignored, and has been historically. Why? Because of the very fact that we (Christians since Paul) have been working with a limited understanding, and knowing the certainty of Christ in faith, faithful have tried to resolve the contradiction in a number of ways:
The first already we have seen: ignoring the fact that the Gospels and the education we receive through them is incomplete, and secondly, adding "its the word of God, so the incompleteness of the authors isn't a factor; God overrides their incompleteness."
You end up with every believer and his dog asserting on one hand, that we do understand and have understood the Gospels to the required extent (i.e. 'completely') and yet, at the same time, a fracturing in the body of Christ that completely contradicts that idea. The two are logically incompatible, and because of that, we have fracturing and instead of humility in searching for truth, a general attitude of appealing to authority to shore up our faith. Whether one assigns that 'authority' to the Pope, to the local Pastor, to the Presbytery, the head office, etc., or even the Bible itself, its the same thing.
Appeal to authority as a means to try to ignore or explain the gap between the reality and the belief.
And, at this juncture, I would normally remind myself and others of Jesus own words:
"I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come"
Again, the 'common' accepted interpretation for this is, oh, he's talking about the Holy Spirit. So, when we receive the Holy Spirit then we have access to the whole truth.
But this also doesn't make sense. Why? because if that were the case, if we have been acting and believing based on "All truth", then why the fracturing, the breakdown? Why is the Kingdom not here on Earth already?
Also, I would ask any person, WHAT are the things that Jesus could not share with his disciples and could not speak during his public ministry that you have personally gained through the Holy Spirit? What are those things, that the disciples "could not bear" that were subsequently revealed?
I find it hard to think of anything in common Christian thinking that is so hard to bear that Jesus could not share them, but which we now know.
I personally think an overhaul needs to take place. I consider the following analogy.
A child is born. He grows, from being a toddler, to being a young child, to being an adolescent. He recognizes his mum and dad as a toddler, comes to love them, accept them accept his relationship to them, and even as an adolescent, assuming the relationship is good, he still accepts them. BUT, his understanding of what it means to be a parent is necessarily limited.
This doesn't mean that everything he knows is wrong. It doesn't mean that everything he DOES know is wrong or incorrect. But some ideas he has about 'being a parent' may well be incorrect, while the core ideas are right. Incomplete simply means he doesn't have the whole picture.
It's a common human experience that a son or daughter comes to a very new appreciation of, and understanding of, their parents when they themselves have children. As children, or adolescents, or as single people, they don't know what they don't know.
This is something that all believers in Christ need to reflect on, imo. We don't know what we don't know. Because none of us have the whole picture. And why is this? It's because Jesus left before he could teach everything he had to teach, and after the cross, his disciples, including Paul, were left with a necessarily incomplete understanding, even while having to carry on the work of spreading the word and the kingdom.
What's the point I am seeking to make here? It is simply this: The reason why the body of Christ is so fractured, and in being fractured, so vulnerable to the satanic attacks of atheistic Marxist thought (manifesting today through neo-Marxism and 'wokeness') and moral corruption, is because our understanding of Christ is very incomplete, by its nature, and acting as if the understanding IS complete, we become unable to learn from either God or each other. We become indoctrinated in our own minds to what we believe, and this separates us as believers.
The only way to overcome this is to share, listen and learn. If none of us has the whole picture, then perhaps through learning from each other, the picture we have can be improved, built up and raised, to the extent humanly possible.
If we apply the principle that "when two or more are gathered in my name" there is a foundation for Christ to be present in the MIDST of that gathering, then the same should be true of how we improve or develop our understanding, and on that basis, improve our faith.
We won't get there by being cocksure of our own understanding and simply telling others what is right and correct. That's not gathering in his name.
In closing, I will say this: I think the scripture is very much like the Q board. The scripture contains deep truths, but our understanding of it is limited. And, I mean this not simply in an individualistic way, but collectively, historically. My own faith is that the Old Testament was a teaching for the Israelite to follow so that they could make the correct offering that would lay the foundation for God to send Christ at the designated time to a people prepared. Their offering was to keep the law, not only in practice, but in spirit. Paying attention to the heart of the law, and through that, building a relationship with God the creator. To prepare for the coming of his son.
But, the Israelites failed. The preparation was incomplete. They did not recognize Christ - their awaited Messiah - when he came. And this caused Jesus great sorrow.
To atone for their failure, Jesus made himself the sacrifice, the offering, by undergoing the crucifixion. They never made the correct offering of unity and faith in him, so he was compelled to become the offering in their place. Doing so, Christ won the victory over death, and made spiritual salvation possible to all who believe in him.
But, the necessity to make that offering meant that Jesus own life was cut short. Just as Moses fasted for 40 days to lay a foundation for the Israelites to receive the law, Christ, resurrected and victorious over death, gathered the disciples on earth for 40 days to lay a foundation for Christianity. The purpose of Christianity? Only one thing: For the gospels to be a teaching that would allow faithful Christians to make the correct offering so that when Christ returns, he can teach the final installment that illuminates and resolves all the fractures, the limited understanding and bring the whole salvation process to completion, in both spirit AND flesh.
That's my personal understanding. That the whole purpose of the gospels was to allow the development of a worldwide foundation of faith and civilization that Christ can then build his kingdom on earth on.
In that sense, I don't believe in the rapture or in a mystical supernatural 'magic' wand when Christ returns. Rather, the prophecies and understanding of the return of Christ were symbolic and in language understandable by men and women of 2000 years ago. But they do not paint the real picture. They are an image. Symbolic. Like so many things in the gospel. For example, fire symbolizing truth in numerous sayings by Christ.
Not literal fire. Truth. So the world "judged by fire" as expressed by the authors of the gospels (i.e. Peter), means a world judged by truth.
To put the pieces of the puzzle together, we MUST listen to each other, learn and grow together, and by offering humble unity accepting our limitations, devoted to Christ, we build the foundation he needs to return and complete the whole process of salvation, spiritual AND physical.
There are many,many contradictions in Christian theology that need to be resolved. Historically, faithful have attempted to resolve them by ignoring certain contradictions, focusing only on specific parts of the scripture as if those parts justify ignoring other parts. But the contradictions are there simply because we do not, and have not, seen the whole picture. We are working with an incomplete vantage point, and so we have not been able to correctly interpret the meaning or truth BEHIND the scriptures.
But that's MY understanding and faith. I'm not claiming that is "the Truth". I'm only sharing it because of my conviction that my own faith might shed some light, possibly light that others can see even if I cannot.
For some crazy reason, I've written all this because I think the points you raise in your comment would benefit from some extensive discussion, but I suspect that without some agreed on points, discussion might be fruitless.
Either way, I thank you for sharing your faith and your understanding.
Praise God.
I'm tellin' ya, these nutcases believe that "trans" is somehow "nearer, my God, to thee." They are insane.
Also, to whatever extent they are actually Satanists, they absolutely believe in being both and neither sex.
I think we have a hard time believing this about these weirdos, because we have a normalcy bias.
Their true god, Baal, is a tranny, so you see why they would want to push this nonsense.
As is Baphomet, Diana/Artemis, etc. Indeed "Hermaphrodite" = Hermes + Aphrodite.
This crap is why I no longer consider myself a member of the Catholic Church. That org isn't Catholic anymore, it's not even Christian. I'm not even sure I'd call it a church any more.
I agree.
Heavenly Father, I humbly ask that you smite this abomination that has infiltrated your house, your flock are seeking your guidance and help to cast out the demons from your once glorious temple.
Lead us back to the beginning, free from these satanic attacks and perversions against your most glorious creations, man and woman.
Amen. Beautiful prayer my friend.
My mother-in-law was once Catholic but changed to Episcopalian. Her son/my husband said he 'HATED' the Catholic church because his Bible says, "Call no man Father but me." Matthew 23:9. And to this day he will tell any Catholic Priest he sees that they are not his FATHER. We are members of a Christian church.
Being raised Catholic, I never understood taking the Bible literally when not only is the English version typically a translation of a translation, but it's also a compendium decided by committee. Maybe if you were reading from one of the original manuscripts in the original language - most of which don't exist.
Just as an example, this scripture would seem to prohibit calling your own father "father" if taken completely literally.
Yes. That is what my husband says. I'm not Catholic and have never been. This reply isn't meant to downcast Catholics in any way, only that 'FATHER' portion is what my husband is against. That's why he no longer attends the Catholic church.
There has been an infiltration, there is no denying that. But the truth is still and has always been the same. There are good Catholic churches out there still, we just can't let yourselves be consumed with this type of nonsense.
Recognise the pattern; just like the left moved into journalism so as to bleat out that the country wanted socialism, or had Tweets by the thousands all duckspeaking about the clot shot at once, so here.
It isn’t Christian. Read The Secrets of Romanism by Dr. Joseph Zacchello. It show scripture according to Christian interpretation and then the Catholic interpretation. Worth anyone’s time.
Edit. This a research site…maybe look at the evidence I supplied in a less than shallow manner and you might see what I do.
Liars! None of this statement aligns with the Catholic church that I was raised in.
This is blasphemy. The gays, the pedos and the satanists have taken over the church.
Our current commie pope has elected 114 of 140 voting bishops. The church has been hijacked. Really sad.
They started the catholic church under the pagan ceasar. It never was anything God ordained.
Wait, I thought the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church?
(imo, it never was. It was always Mystery Babylon...the true Church splintered out a long time ago...)
That's what happens when they vote in a Jesuit as Pope, and the congregants allow it to happen.
I am interested in your thoughts on this part - "and the congregants allow it to happen"
There's no Catholic Church constitution. It's an absolute monarchy.
If they want me to protest, then so be it, would rather be burnt for what they deem as heresy than embracing such heresy.🙏🏻🔥
What's funny is, now they consider some of those sanctified, but when judgement was passed by the Church when those saints were alive, they were burnt at the stake, stoned to death, or tortured and then disemboweled and beheaded for heresy.
Oooh you got downvoted with no refutation! Oooh satan big mad! Oooh his faithful slaves are cope'n and seethe'n!
Ooooh I got one too! Kek
I saw this earlier..
There arent many things in my day that are so vile and abominable that they repel me with the utter pervasive wrongness. But this did it.
wonder what Archbishop Vigano has to say about this...
Consider the source, Frens. The "catholic" magazine is yet another front for Satan to confuse and cause division. There is nothing "catholic" about this magazine.
And... There is this LBQT... bullsh*t in many Christian churches. PLENTY of Protestant churches with their "all are welcome" banners flying next to their rainbow flags.
I went to the site. Written by a kook. She is a s mentally ill as the trans folks she thinks she is supporting. Here are a couple of the comments below her article:
Henry Two Door 6 months ago Ms Cieslik,
I hereby by assign you the following books for your summer reading list:
We'd appreciate book reports on all of the above after Labor Day.
Oliver Kelley 5 months ago edited I am 37 and detransitioning. I am also an Episcopal and in RCIA to become Catholic. "Gender affirming care" did nothing but deepen my hurt and pain. It is a lie because ones gender cannot be changed. It was healing from Jesus and Father Mike explaining Theology of the Body that really started to get me in a better direction. I am working on learning to love the good gift of a body God gave me. I wish someone, anyone would have talked to me sooner - instead of the hundreds who encouraged my destruction.
I sent an e-mail to [email protected] asking if they support the teaching in this article. Since when did we take the results of a Pew Poll to mean the church is wrong?
I suspect his US "Catholic" Magazine is another propaganda rag.
So what about Gen 1:27, did we forget, what a bunch of DS.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
WOW.....making something fit your own agenda.
Words matter....Satan at his best
God please help the Catholic Church.
I am a practicing catholic. I believe in Jesus the son of God. This pope is not moving the church forward. He is promoting an agenda. How many priests sexually abused children or had relations with nuns?!! He needs to go.
Horseshit. Real catholics celebrate the family. Encouraging deviant behavior reduces the chances someone will ever have a family.
I do agree a lot of weirdos are attracted to the priesthood. It's not something to be proud of. It would be nice to filter more of them out, but the church is so hard up for help that any living male willing to volunteer is allowed to be a priest. They haven't done a good job of making it attractive to young, well-balanced males. Not sure how they could.
Authors bio: "Emma Cieslik Emma Cieslik (she/her) is a queer Catholic scholar focused on material culture and LGBTQ+ identity within the church. She founded and directs Queer and Catholic, A CLGS Oral History Project based out of the Pacific School of Religion."
I found the article on the site, and the comment section largely does not agree with this (thank goodness).
While I'm admittedly not failiar with this magazine, I am a Catholic and it does upset me to see some of content this author is posting. Their site has a nice professional feel, but from what I skimmed, it does not represent the true Catholic faith
I sent an e-mail to [email protected] asking for clarification on this article. I wonder if the order even knows about this publishing operation.
The editor in chief isn’t even ordained. I’ll stick with what the church ACTUALLY states, not some run-away heretics looking to change 2,000 year old doctrine:
Not just catholic BUT so many areas of the so called 'church' have gone the same way - apostacy turning their back on God, God warned through Peter
1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
BTW the organisations called church are not the church and the TRUE CHURCH is the body of believers. BUT thousands of years of lies by 'organised religion' loosely called Christian is NOT the Church.
God is moving!
Yup all denominations are still 90 percent roman in practice. The great deception.
Many large institutions have leftists embedded in places where they can exercise undue volume.
On the ground, correct traditional thought surges, to the point where it worries Francis.
Yikes. A woman rides the beast.
Dave Hunt…. A masterpiece. He is probably the most solid Christian author I have ever read.
name some of them then
In fairness, the Catholic church has been raping kids and covering it up for a LONG time, so maybe they have been into "gender diversity" longer than people give them credit for.
Bullshit. More evidence that the hierarchy of the church is corrupt and in the hands of apostates and heretics.
Made-up babble like most of the Roman babaloyan doctrine. Glad i escaped it for a real relationship with my Heavenly Father.
That may actually be a true statement, given my recent historical findings.
They've just very cunningly kept it hidden for so long...
Just like they kept countless catacombs under churches hidden for so long... and there's evidence that the churches we're built after and on top of the catacombs... and we're not talking about a handful of bones... we're talking MILLIONS of people's remains, spanning THOUSANDS of miles in some locations AND in many locations, the bones were scraped clean, boiled, polished and arranged in specific geometric patterns. Reminder... this time we find ourselves in is the Great Awakening & not everything we find will be pleasant... Consider possibilities and listen to your gut to see what rings true
Here's a small pointing.... Do what you will with it: 1,500 miles of catacombs in Odessa Ukraine There's much deeper things to ponder in part 2 of that series... involving pipe organs, living people at "mass", cymatics and bone conduction... Above /Below rituals...Deep rabbit hole to uncover... Dark truths - Part 2 & Part 3 Eyes open...
Your 1,500 miles link points to Part 1; the Dark truths - Part 2 also points to Part 1 and; the Part 3 points to Part 3. You may want to correct the second link.
(Former:, has been corrected)
Thanks fixed - part 2 via Rumble... YT censorship in YT version anyway.
Downvoter - speak... don't be a coward.
Thanks for the link. I'll take a gander at 2 & 3 later. As for #1 (watched) - someone has to know the true history of these, seems rather morbid.
As far as the down-voter(s), some may consider this as "topic-sliding" as it segues into ancient history, but I think your point is there are some very dark secrets going back centuries, that certain "churches" have always been antithetical to God, but just hide their dark cores either under their actual buildings (like those bones) or cloaked in flowery words and obfuscation (like OP is sharing with us in this post).
Thanks - one never knows...
When you approach anything related to dogma there's often a lot of beliefs in the way of simply seeing what is right in front of their the physical. Can't do much about that.
The way in which those bones are arranged is positively satanic... and going by the title of the thread, I have a feeling that certain factions of the church maintained and practiced certain rituals, while others maintained the good word.
And before anybody start doling out shit - Catholic altar boy veteran right here.
When I think of the Roman+ Catholic religion I think of Cardinal Vigano and priests like Fr Altman - plenty of true Christian Catholics out there. The current Pope, however, not so much...
Good comparison of the contrast...