Combine your rational take with knowledge that DS shills are actively sowing division around any topic they can, and it's easy to see how this "debate" is astroturfed. Most of the arguing is between shills trying to get us all sucked in.
It would help if he specifically stated he wants more O1B visas. It appears he is just whining in order to support the H1B scam. We are tired of the elites creating giant imaginary problems with built in Americans last solutions.
free nokia phones 20 years ago had better build quality than $1000 phones today. Silicon valley is a bunch of rich perverts and druggies selling ad space on gadgets which they stop supporting 2 years after release.
He expects us to buy this? Silicon Valley doesn't know how to do remote work?? Yes, I know he hates remote, but we aren't talking average workers, we are talking top 1% talent, they can be trusted to work remote on multiple projects.
Just going to point out that if anyone knows about tech talent and who “ain’t got it” it would be Elon. Him pointing out that we have a talent shortage shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the subpar education system and the types of workers that are being cranked out. There is a very serious decline in work ethic in this country.
And in the meantime? Why not bring in the very best talent, those that want to become citizens and train up Americans at the same time? We lose out when we don’t have a competitive edge.
Only with a large Trump style tariff on that "talent". If we aren't going to allow other countries to undercut our products with cheap imitations then the same applies to workers.
Why would talented workers want to come here only to be docked because of their country of origin. I don’t think y’all get what Vivek and Elon are saying. There is a shortage of talented tech. Why is that? Because of our failed education system and lack of work ethic. You can’t fix that overnight. You can’t take a workforce that can’t do college algebra, can’t understand basic physics concepts, believe climate change is real, and turn them into tech nerds overnight. Be pissed off about the hard truth, but it’s our fault, we let this bullshit happen and now we are going to have to deal with the consequences.
The tech talent shortage is largely bullshit, just as these supposed labor shortages are. The real truth is there’s a shortage of people who want to work for peanuts. H1B and such are just about suppressing wages.
Also, some of these areas are so new that our education system hasn’t had a chance to pump them out yet. But that doesn’t stop CEOs and HR from asking for AI Engineers with 30 years of experience.
Take a good hard look at the current workforce, millennials, in the US and tell me that we don’t have a real problem. We have people who aren’t capable of critical thinking, whine about everything, got fooled by masking and climate change and you think they’re the best and brightest? Sure that makes sense.
Remote is not the wave of the future, hands on face to face collaboration cannot be replaced with video conferencing.
All nighters in the office and labs with the team are where dreams are made real!
There could always be more talent. And the more you have, the more you can use.
Calling this a "permanent shortage" however is suspect. That implies that other methods and processes can't be used to accomplish the same thing. Substitutions can be used to avoid shortages.
It isn't "excellent engineering talent" which sparked this debate. It is the low cost, generic, H1B talent used to suppress wages that sparked this debate.
Elon's remarks illuminated a serious disconnect in his thinking. While most of us think of America as the citizens of the US and believe the purpose of MAGA is to improve their lives, Elon's metaphor of a sports team (issued before this tweet) indicates he thinks of America as an economic engine where he can simply cut the roster and bring in foreign free agents.
My take is I don't care if stopping immigration causes America to fall behind India and China. Because that is not what MAGA's purpose is. Our purpose is to rebuild this country and bring it back to the ideals we once had, where citizens were proud to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. After that, the American spirit will allow us not only to catch up, but surpass anything the Indians or Chinese can accomplish.
Sadly Elon, in this sequence of tweets, demonstrated quite clearly he does not share that vision. For him, this is all just about how much he can extract right now to push technology, rather than how much he can improve the country and the lives of the American people.
In this big Tent that President 45~47 has built there will be difernces. We must work together. Move on do not waste time worrying about what Elon does.
Moronic comment. The satanists subverted our education system in the 1950s and turned it into a garbage truck. Our kids are the garbage. The spend 12 years indoctrinating kids into the idea that they are too stupid to learn anything and can't understand math, can't understand english, can't understand science. Their goal is ann idiocracy where people are EASY to control because they are so stooopid they can't see, can't communicate, can't think. All they can do is put on perfume, listen to rap, drink and do drugs and hook up... and pursue other mindless artificial addictions like fashion, sports, social media, TV... The end result is no engineers. That's not an overnight fix. People need to be healed from school stultification. And fuck every teacher who contributed to that — you guys owe the world a BIG apology.
Don’t you understand that hiring Americans, even if they are not as good a candidate as someone from a foreign country, just because they are American is really just another form of DEI?
I don’t know about you but hiring the best candidate is always the way to go, especially in the tech sector.
Wow, so Elon is bad man. Really, it is the WOKE colleges and lack of students choosing science and engineering degrees. He isn’t not alone in this. You also have the WoKE hiring still going on.
It's a limiting factor because people like Elon don't want to adapt to the WFH paradigm when it's eminently doable.
That means they're limited to qualified engineers within a very small radius of Silicon Valley.
Which means unless you're willing to pay something like 4x the national average for these qualified engineers, to offset the cost of living expenses in that part of Californistan, you're not going to find anyone to fill those positions.
Get your HQ or working sites out of major cities in California if you want asses in seats for engineering jobs at an affordable salary.
Or be a putz and hire H1Bs and stack them like cordwood in efficiency apartments locally.
Or maybe it’s a way of exposing to the wider public how fucked up college systems are and how American kids are being screwed over in favor of imported cheap labour via the visa schemes.
This is a challenge to the education system. In Oregon the democrat legislature/ governor removed all graduation standards for high schools.
One thing I’ve noticed over the years— whenever “attacks” are made on our failing government educational system, parents inevitably defend “their” schools and teachers.
And of course there will be kids who succeed in spite of poor schools or declining culture of excellence. But we must start facing the facts snd try to stop the slide. I’m not sure this will happen with a “one size fits all” monopoly, government controlled system.
Parents need to be in control— schools succeeded best when control was completely local and bad or weak educators could be fired. And all the social manipulation ( except for extreme bullying) was left to families. Schools need to be private. That’s the only way to roll back the crazy.
The answer should always be improving how we identify and enable talented people. Improving edjucation and college being useful again. Bringing in people from the outside ensures you never have the talent and always need to outsource. Those people on H1B who end up citizens wont produce kids who are just like them. Their kids willbe just like all other american kids. Resulting in bringing in even more people from other countries for eternity. It doesnt fix the problem.
And yet he's not wrong here. It may be an uncomfortable fact for some, sure, but why would it be viewed as a bad thing that Elon is pointing this out?
Combine your rational take with knowledge that DS shills are actively sowing division around any topic they can, and it's easy to see how this "debate" is astroturfed. Most of the arguing is between shills trying to get us all sucked in.
Well put. Division is the most important of their weapons.
It would help if he specifically stated he wants more O1B visas. It appears he is just whining in order to support the H1B scam. We are tired of the elites creating giant imaginary problems with built in Americans last solutions.
It's not a imaginary problem and it's not just high Tech Silicon valley,it's in every Genre workforce.
Musk has Jewish heritage. For some that's enough to dump him!
free nokia phones 20 years ago had better build quality than $1000 phones today. Silicon valley is a bunch of rich perverts and druggies selling ad space on gadgets which they stop supporting 2 years after release.
Do you not get it yet? He is part of exposing the corrupt government. What part of watching a movie do you not get?
He expects us to buy this? Silicon Valley doesn't know how to do remote work?? Yes, I know he hates remote, but we aren't talking average workers, we are talking top 1% talent, they can be trusted to work remote on multiple projects.
Just going to point out that if anyone knows about tech talent and who “ain’t got it” it would be Elon. Him pointing out that we have a talent shortage shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the subpar education system and the types of workers that are being cranked out. There is a very serious decline in work ethic in this country.
True, but that isn't a reason to replace us. Let's try fixing education first.
And in the meantime? Why not bring in the very best talent, those that want to become citizens and train up Americans at the same time? We lose out when we don’t have a competitive edge.
Only with a large Trump style tariff on that "talent". If we aren't going to allow other countries to undercut our products with cheap imitations then the same applies to workers.
Why would talented workers want to come here only to be docked because of their country of origin. I don’t think y’all get what Vivek and Elon are saying. There is a shortage of talented tech. Why is that? Because of our failed education system and lack of work ethic. You can’t fix that overnight. You can’t take a workforce that can’t do college algebra, can’t understand basic physics concepts, believe climate change is real, and turn them into tech nerds overnight. Be pissed off about the hard truth, but it’s our fault, we let this bullshit happen and now we are going to have to deal with the consequences.
The tech talent shortage is largely bullshit, just as these supposed labor shortages are. The real truth is there’s a shortage of people who want to work for peanuts. H1B and such are just about suppressing wages.
Also, some of these areas are so new that our education system hasn’t had a chance to pump them out yet. But that doesn’t stop CEOs and HR from asking for AI Engineers with 30 years of experience.
Take a good hard look at the current workforce, millennials, in the US and tell me that we don’t have a real problem. We have people who aren’t capable of critical thinking, whine about everything, got fooled by masking and climate change and you think they’re the best and brightest? Sure that makes sense.
Remote is not the wave of the future, hands on face to face collaboration cannot be replaced with video conferencing. All nighters in the office and labs with the team are where dreams are made real!
The mega advancements ahead will lead to the Borg type 'Hive Mind' & the 'Mark of the Beast'. Stay human, stay free.
There are several issues going on here:
My take is I don't care if stopping immigration causes America to fall behind India and China. Because that is not what MAGA's purpose is. Our purpose is to rebuild this country and bring it back to the ideals we once had, where citizens were proud to be a part of the greatest nation on earth. After that, the American spirit will allow us not only to catch up, but surpass anything the Indians or Chinese can accomplish.
Sadly Elon, in this sequence of tweets, demonstrated quite clearly he does not share that vision. For him, this is all just about how much he can extract right now to push technology, rather than how much he can improve the country and the lives of the American people.
I regret that I have but one updoot to give!
In this big Tent that President 45~47 has built there will be difernces. We must work together. Move on do not waste time worrying about what Elon does.
Moronic comment. The satanists subverted our education system in the 1950s and turned it into a garbage truck. Our kids are the garbage. The spend 12 years indoctrinating kids into the idea that they are too stupid to learn anything and can't understand math, can't understand english, can't understand science. Their goal is ann idiocracy where people are EASY to control because they are so stooopid they can't see, can't communicate, can't think. All they can do is put on perfume, listen to rap, drink and do drugs and hook up... and pursue other mindless artificial addictions like fashion, sports, social media, TV... The end result is no engineers. That's not an overnight fix. People need to be healed from school stultification. And fuck every teacher who contributed to that — you guys owe the world a BIG apology.
I simply do not buy this argument.
Brilliant minds are everywhere.
Even right here in the good ol' USA.
For those who want to clutch their pearls over the "racists" opposing Elon:
Most H1B work is just digital cotton picking.
Don’t you understand that hiring Americans, even if they are not as good a candidate as someone from a foreign country, just because they are American is really just another form of DEI?
I don’t know about you but hiring the best candidate is always the way to go, especially in the tech sector.
Wow, so Elon is bad man. Really, it is the WOKE colleges and lack of students choosing science and engineering degrees. He isn’t not alone in this. You also have the WoKE hiring still going on.
There is a permanent shortage in elite intelligence. It is the fundamental factor limiting the cream. They have to pasteurize everything. lol
So why trying kill our future off with a shot? They focused their PSYOP on the rich and educated. They always get rid of the intellectuals first.
Nope. Not dumping Elon. 🇺🇸 Enjoy that juicy nothing burger.
Sometimes truth hurts.
The Deep State is trying to divide us.
It's a limiting factor because people like Elon don't want to adapt to the WFH paradigm when it's eminently doable.
That means they're limited to qualified engineers within a very small radius of Silicon Valley.
Which means unless you're willing to pay something like 4x the national average for these qualified engineers, to offset the cost of living expenses in that part of Californistan, you're not going to find anyone to fill those positions.
Get your HQ or working sites out of major cities in California if you want asses in seats for engineering jobs at an affordable salary.
Or be a putz and hire H1Bs and stack them like cordwood in efficiency apartments locally.
As predicted, they're trying to turn MAGA against Elon. To that, I say go fuck off. This train has no breaks.
Or maybe it’s a way of exposing to the wider public how fucked up college systems are and how American kids are being screwed over in favor of imported cheap labour via the visa schemes.
OP - looks like you put a title that was meant for a different post
Because readers are finding that the title and the post have nothing to do with each other
This is a challenge to the education system. In Oregon the democrat legislature/ governor removed all graduation standards for high schools.
One thing I’ve noticed over the years— whenever “attacks” are made on our failing government educational system, parents inevitably defend “their” schools and teachers.
And of course there will be kids who succeed in spite of poor schools or declining culture of excellence. But we must start facing the facts snd try to stop the slide. I’m not sure this will happen with a “one size fits all” monopoly, government controlled system.
Parents need to be in control— schools succeeded best when control was completely local and bad or weak educators could be fired. And all the social manipulation ( except for extreme bullying) was left to families. Schools need to be private. That’s the only way to roll back the crazy.
The answer should always be improving how we identify and enable talented people. Improving edjucation and college being useful again. Bringing in people from the outside ensures you never have the talent and always need to outsource. Those people on H1B who end up citizens wont produce kids who are just like them. Their kids willbe just like all other american kids. Resulting in bringing in even more people from other countries for eternity. It doesnt fix the problem.
move on
Next stop RFK.
Maybe he will stay in his lane long enough to accomplish something on the health care front.