This is another FF. Remember where we are at in the timeline and all the other psyops being run against us as well as the attempt to remove the Speaker so they can delay Trumps certification.
Its layers of psyops running 24/7 right now. If I knew more about their esoteric demon cultism I would probably say this is some kind of spell to lower the collective optimism and hope. These people are literal vampires feeding off hate, fear and despair. Notice the big Christmas blockbuster they have been advertising for weeks -- Nosferatu.
I think everything is designed to push us into internecine violence. They will use it to either slam the door shut on Liberty and Truth or as cover to make their escape, depending on circumstance.
I want to add to this with a post from another thread:
Everything happening has been planned. One FF after another. We are 5 days away from a certification that probably wont take place because they will remove the Speaker and 19 days from Inauguration.
Go through all the February 2019 drops. I think many of them are deltas for this period of chaos that is ramping up. I think the "10 Days. Darnkess" is on the menu. In the book "3 Days of Darnkess" this is summarized as '3 days of hell on earth'. Dont want to alarm anyone, but this isnt over.
Stay vigilant. Stay prepared. I said just yesterday you wouldnt catch me walking around Times Square last night. I was only wrong on the place.
Here are a couple of my favorite Q drops from Feb. 2019:
I've been wondering how the storm might fit into the narrowing gap between now and the inauguration, there doesn't seem to be enough time, but there is if it's moved to March.
Go read all those February 2019 drops. They are illuminating. I really think they are the blueprint of the ending. I have probably 50 posts explaining my position over the last 8 months or so. Few have gained any traction but as we get closer and closer to the end, I become more sure I am right.
Again, I hope and pray I am not right and that the demons will pass quietly into the night. But we all know they wont and we are watching it play out right now. None of this shit is organic, it is all preplanned FF bullshit.
But a March 4th Inauguration and the return of our Republic, accompanied by arrests and convictions and Justice, would be glorious.
Ban assault vehicles now!!! Think of the children!! Reeee!!
The cabal doesn't want us to be able to drive at all. If their raving about "climate change" doesn't work, they'll start having their MK Ultra drones mow people down in the streets until we give up another freedom in the name of safety.
They report 10 dead & 35 injured. The report says that the FBI is taking over the investigation and that the FBI said "the incident was not terrorism."
Incident was NOT terrorism? How could they come to that conclusion soo quickly? Ya think we are being lied to again? BTW I live in the New Orleans area.....I stay as far away from Bourbon Street as I can.
It looks as though after the truck crashed into a heavy machinery crane, officers approached with pistols drawn, and then the driver pulled a gun and a short shootout occurred. The driver was killed and two Officer were shot. This was a close proximity shooting.
I had relatives living all over New Orleans. I lived there as a small child. I can remember shopping on Canal Street with my grandmother. That was before malls were a thing.
Seems like there should be another one of those Simpson memes - like the one that has the whole classroom telling Bart to say the line (They were on our radar) for the FBI.
Easy change to the meme. Just change "They were on our radar" to "It was not terrorism). Huh - I figured out how to do it.
New Orleans - a Dem stronghold. Corrupt Mayor, Police Chief & a Soros District Attorney. Evidence the NOPD has already stepped aside to allow the FBI to take the lead in the "investigation". The FBI has already determined that terrorism was NOT involved!
You will be happy to know the FBI has rushed in to assume control of the investigation. Can you say glow fag cover up? Here we go! Archive everything!! Police said act of terror FBI said "welllll slow down it might not be"
At least 10 probably more. Pray for those injured and killed by this piece of shit. Suspect dead but now who was this person, connections, race, etc. You know damn will it's not a white male because that would have come out already.
This was really BaD. At least 10 have died and 35 injured,, along with two NOPD officers shot. The suspect was shot and killed by officers. Pray for the families please.
From Fox8 News New Orleans - "After 8 a.m. Wednesday (Jan. 1) morning, the FBI did confirm they have begun to investigate the incident as a terrorist attack and issued the following statement:
This morning, an individual drove a car into a crowd of people on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing a number of people and injuring dozens of others. The subject then engaged with local law enforcement and is now deceased. The FBI is the lead investigative agency, and we are working with our partners to investigate this as an act of terrorism.
City officials say they have briefed Gov. Jeff Landry’s office and the White House."
Yes from what I'm reading the FBI has backtracked & is now calling it terrorism. I mean duh! What would you call someone who deliberately runs his truck over folks on a crowded street then shoots 2 cops? I guess it was just "road rage".
Well, terrorist attacks are always intentional. Even if it was homegrown, this should be considered a terror attack. Especially if IEDs are/were found in the vehicle.
I was up reading until very late and then was awakened by what sounded like a series of bombs going off. I said to myself: Is this some kind of celebration, maybe?What is today? Is it a holiday?? This is just after being asleep. Finally, the brain kicked in: It's New Years! Those must be fireworks, not bombs. OK, then. Back to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZ
Truck driver's name released to reporter by someone with law enforcement probably wanted to make sure the truth is told. Driver is Shamsud Din Jabbar
"The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear."
Leave it to Mayor Latoya da Destroya. Getting the bollards ready for the Super Bowl BUT it seems NYE and the Sugar Bowl crowds were forgotten. Would serve her right if thousands cancelled their hotel rooms for the Super Bowl.
10 killed. 35 in hospital with several not expected to survive.
I was trying to figure out HOW he got on Bourbon Street as we have barricades that pop out the street to prevent vehicles from doing what they did.The steel reinforced concrete poles have been out for repair for the Superbowl. The city council president has issued statement that she has been on their ass about having them back for new years eve bc always a huge crowd. They weren't back.
The idiot mayor, LaToya da Destroyer didn't close the new year eve celebration route to vehicular traffic. Guy crashed, jumped out shooting. His truck was loaded with explosives.
Also, truck had Texas plates and news is speculating he came from Texas
In the cabal's war on the people there are no combatants. They only see pawns. It doesn't matter if that pawn is black, white, brown or other; man, woman, child, or baby. All they see is their means to an end.
It takes the most evil POS that walks the earth to even think like these people, and they act this way without remorse.
Burned at the stake is to good for those involved.
Did people get in the way of a Truck of Peace again?
Remember when we used to live peaceful lives before mass immigration?
This is another FF. Remember where we are at in the timeline and all the other psyops being run against us as well as the attempt to remove the Speaker so they can delay Trumps certification.
Its layers of psyops running 24/7 right now. If I knew more about their esoteric demon cultism I would probably say this is some kind of spell to lower the collective optimism and hope. These people are literal vampires feeding off hate, fear and despair. Notice the big Christmas blockbuster they have been advertising for weeks -- Nosferatu.
I think everything is designed to push us into internecine violence. They will use it to either slam the door shut on Liberty and Truth or as cover to make their escape, depending on circumstance.
I want to add to this with a post from another thread:
Everything happening has been planned. One FF after another. We are 5 days away from a certification that probably wont take place because they will remove the Speaker and 19 days from Inauguration.
Go through all the February 2019 drops. I think many of them are deltas for this period of chaos that is ramping up. I think the "10 Days. Darnkess" is on the menu. In the book "3 Days of Darnkess" this is summarized as '3 days of hell on earth'. Dont want to alarm anyone, but this isnt over.
Stay vigilant. Stay prepared. I said just yesterday you wouldnt catch me walking around Times Square last night. I was only wrong on the place.
Here are a couple of my favorite Q drops from Feb. 2019:
Its been my opinion for quite some time that Inauguration wont take place until the old March date, bringing our Republic full circle.
I'm going to remember you said this.
Not sure how to take your comment. If Im wrong, Im wrong and happily so.
nothing bad fren!
I'd just not thought of this that's all.
I've been wondering how the storm might fit into the narrowing gap between now and the inauguration, there doesn't seem to be enough time, but there is if it's moved to March.
Go read all those February 2019 drops. They are illuminating. I really think they are the blueprint of the ending. I have probably 50 posts explaining my position over the last 8 months or so. Few have gained any traction but as we get closer and closer to the end, I become more sure I am right.
Again, I hope and pray I am not right and that the demons will pass quietly into the night. But we all know they wont and we are watching it play out right now. None of this shit is organic, it is all preplanned FF bullshit.
But a March 4th Inauguration and the return of our Republic, accompanied by arrests and convictions and Justice, would be glorious.
I'll keep a lookout for any posts you make on the subject.
Thanks fren!
Why do vehicles keep doing this?
So that the cabal can have them restricted?
Probably. I can already hear Peelousy, Upchuck Schumer and Old Joe squealing that we need Truck Control legislation.
And that it's all Trump's fault, somehow.
Ban assault vehicles now!!! Think of the children!! Reeee!!
The cabal doesn't want us to be able to drive at all. If their raving about "climate change" doesn't work, they'll start having their MK Ultra drones mow people down in the streets until we give up another freedom in the name of safety.
I'm still trying to figure out how we're going to lose cars in boating accidents.
Here's the website for the major news outlet in New Orleans:
They report 10 dead & 35 injured. The report says that the FBI is taking over the investigation and that the FBI said "the incident was not terrorism."
Incident was NOT terrorism? How could they come to that conclusion soo quickly? Ya think we are being lied to again? BTW I live in the New Orleans area.....I stay as far away from Bourbon Street as I can.
My friend in N.O. Said 11 dead, 30 injured. The guy rammed into the crowd, then got out and started shooting
It looks as though after the truck crashed into a heavy machinery crane, officers approached with pistols drawn, and then the driver pulled a gun and a short shootout occurred. The driver was killed and two Officer were shot. This was a close proximity shooting.
We're talking about the Biden Admin FBI who believes there isn't any terrorism happening anywhere in the world.
Except in local school boards where parents are pushing back on the sexualization of kids.
Such a sad decline. We lived in the quarter as kids. It’s like we live in a different world.
I had relatives living all over New Orleans. I lived there as a small child. I can remember shopping on Canal Street with my grandmother. That was before malls were a thing.
When i was 12 and there with my friends a guy was following us with his dick out in his hand. I've always hated new orleans.
I got engaged, then married in the quarter. I've been back 7 times since. Considered moving there many times over the years.
The city has dropped into hell precipitously since I first visited 15 years ago. Very sad indeed.
There's what looks like an isis flag on the truck. Cops tied it up so it couldnt' be seen i guess?
Well I guess the 72 hr rule should apply here. But if it was an ISIS flag I'd say look into this being a "false flag".
The isis flag only makes Trump's case for closing the border more appealing to the leftists.
If they wanted to do a FF they would have made it a Trump supporter or a Nazi flag
Hmm - has anyone ever thought about this? 72 hours, 72 virgins. Neat little tie-in.
Wait till he finds out they're dudes
And in the image from TMZ the black flag is conspicuously missing.
I think this is the photo you're referring to. It's hard to see it but the flag is still there
I read on Epoch Times that the Mayor claims it is an act of terrorism.
No, not at all, you carry on updating it as much as you like. I'm grateful!
Oh no!
I have a reputation?
Your husband is an especially supportive person, going by all the things you've said. I admire that.
Things are moving fast. any updates are appreciated!
It's just the glow fags not calling it that yet as far as I know. Everyone else is calling it terrorism.
NEVER FEAR, the FBI said it wasn't a terrorist attack!
Seems like there should be another one of those Simpson memes - like the one that has the whole classroom telling Bart to say the line (They were on our radar) for the FBI.
Easy change to the meme. Just change "They were on our radar" to "It was not terrorism). Huh - I figured out how to do it.
Let's hear about that driver now, ay?
It was probably a man
New Orleans - a Dem stronghold. Corrupt Mayor, Police Chief & a Soros District Attorney. Evidence the NOPD has already stepped aside to allow the FBI to take the lead in the "investigation". The FBI has already determined that terrorism was NOT involved!
when the FBI says something so quickly, you know it is a lie and the opposite of truth.
Was the guy being watched by the FBI?
You will be happy to know the FBI has rushed in to assume control of the investigation. Can you say glow fag cover up? Here we go! Archive everything!! Police said act of terror FBI said "welllll slow down it might not be"
Next we will hear that the killer was on the FBI's radar....
Oh 100%! This is why they're sweeping in and taking control over the police.
The driver had I.E.D.'s in his vehicle? Speculation on Fox News.
At least 10 probably more. Pray for those injured and killed by this piece of shit. Suspect dead but now who was this person, connections, race, etc. You know damn will it's not a white male because that would have come out already.
With 30 plus injured there will probably be more fatalities from that group.
Unfortunately that is probably correct.
This was really BaD. At least 10 have died and 35 injured,, along with two NOPD officers shot. The suspect was shot and killed by officers. Pray for the families please.
I'm relieved the attacker was killed.
He got out of the truck and started shooting into the crowd. 10 dead so far. Look for a ban on guns and trucks from the Demoncrats!
i'm looking for a ban on Demoncrats.
From Fox8 News New Orleans - "After 8 a.m. Wednesday (Jan. 1) morning, the FBI did confirm they have begun to investigate the incident as a terrorist attack and issued the following statement:
This morning, an individual drove a car into a crowd of people on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing a number of people and injuring dozens of others. The subject then engaged with local law enforcement and is now deceased. The FBI is the lead investigative agency, and we are working with our partners to investigate this as an act of terrorism.
City officials say they have briefed Gov. Jeff Landry’s office and the White House."
The local police called it a terror attack. The FBI changed the rhetoric when they got involved.
Just saw on Fox FBI just changed it back to act of terrorism. Maybe “too big to rig”?
Yes from what I'm reading the FBI has backtracked & is now calling it terrorism. I mean duh! What would you call someone who deliberately runs his truck over folks on a crowded street then shoots 2 cops? I guess it was just "road rage".
Climate change induced vehicular manslaughter with a side order of anti police brutality activism.
The bots are out on FakeBook already…. It should get a lot more messy from here.
Do we even know if this really happened? The msm is reporting that it is so..
TraumaZone. Search it up on YT
enter text
If you go to the comments, several saying that exactly the same thing. I didn’t click the link, but the accounts are listed as Indonesian.
What was that? Got taken down. Always archive, fren.
Facebook link to the local paper - the same exact responding post by several Indonesian accounts.
It sure wasn't anything else.
Well, terrorist attacks are always intentional. Even if it was homegrown, this should be considered a terror attack. Especially if IEDs are/were found in the vehicle.
Thank you for the updates!
I was up reading until very late and then was awakened by what sounded like a series of bombs going off. I said to myself: Is this some kind of celebration, maybe?What is today? Is it a holiday?? This is just after being asleep. Finally, the brain kicked in: It's New Years! Those must be fireworks, not bombs. OK, then. Back to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZ
exciting time to be alive
Truck driver's name released to reporter by someone with law enforcement probably wanted to make sure the truth is told. Driver is Shamsud Din Jabbar "The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear."
What a time to have the traffic barricades out for maintenance.
Leave it to Mayor Latoya da Destroya. Getting the bollards ready for the Super Bowl BUT it seems NYE and the Sugar Bowl crowds were forgotten. Would serve her right if thousands cancelled their hotel rooms for the Super Bowl.
42 year old Shasud-Din Jabbar from Texas.
Rented A truck.
Had Isis flag inside....
10 killed. 35 in hospital with several not expected to survive.
I was trying to figure out HOW he got on Bourbon Street as we have barricades that pop out the street to prevent vehicles from doing what they did.The steel reinforced concrete poles have been out for repair for the Superbowl. The city council president has issued statement that she has been on their ass about having them back for new years eve bc always a huge crowd. They weren't back.
The idiot mayor, LaToya da Destroyer didn't close the new year eve celebration route to vehicular traffic. Guy crashed, jumped out shooting. His truck was loaded with explosives.
Also, truck had Texas plates and news is speculating he came from Texas
I guess it was a white truck? It always is in events lke this. Sad...
My daughter (UGA student) is there for the game. Her hotel overlooked the scene, the gunshots woke her up.
We’re going to have to remain on alert while in DC for inauguration.
I just noticed something different. I wonder what is really going on.
Lookup some of the headlines on this attack and see if you notice the same thing I did. Here are a few:
Driver plows into crowd, killing 10 in New Orleans
10 People Killed, 30 Injured After Truck Is Driven into New Year's Eve Crowd in New Orleans: Police
Truck Driver Kills 10 in Bourbon Street New Year Massacre
New Orleans attack: 10 killed, over 35 hurt when driver plows into Bourbon Street crowd
Note - there are still some of the fake news headlines too.
At least 10 people killed by car driving into crowd in New ...
Car plows into crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans
New Orleans car plow kills at least 10
"OMG, we need to have some sort of kill switch in every car so that 'the authorities' can shut any car down and keep us safe". . . . in 3, 2, 1..
They already have that on the books.
In the cabal's war on the people there are no combatants. They only see pawns. It doesn't matter if that pawn is black, white, brown or other; man, woman, child, or baby. All they see is their means to an end.
It takes the most evil POS that walks the earth to even think like these people, and they act this way without remorse.
Burned at the stake is to good for those involved.
Must be an Arab, since no one is reporting who did it
Is there any video of the aftermath?