I cured my own colon cancer with the Carnivore diet, Ivermectin and fenbendazole, plus a few other things like iodine, vitamin d, melatonin, etc. Wasn't taking any chances.
For Ivermectin I used the horse paste and took the recommended rate for my body weight (200 lbs) on the plunger scale every day.
For fenben I got the pills but I should have gotten the equivalent from Tractor supply in the gallon container and again for my body weight every day.
Here is the thing, none of the medications, vitamins, salt and minerals have any adverse side effects if you use too much of them, basically your body pees them out, proper nutrition is key.
I also need to emphasize the Carnivore diet, too many carbs depletes the vitamins and minerals in your system.
Also check out the Florida Sharkman Protocol on Truth Social, It turns out that most of this info is what Veterinarians have been doing for a long time.
Watch Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube & (maybe) Rumble for lots of info and benefits to carnivore. There’s many doctors that have posting for years how it’s helped them. Basically, people do different versions of carnivore. Most recommend doing at least 30-60 days of just beef, eggs & butter. If nothing else it’s a good way to eliminate what you are allergic to. Lions diet is just meat, mainly beef. I get the names mixed up with the actual foods. Some eat only steak, those I’ve seen talk about this eat a huge ribeye in one sitting and don’t eat again for at least 48 hours. I’m not there. I find hamburger more filling than a ribeye steak. You need the animal fat, especially for weight loss. Watch sausage as it has sugar & grains, sometimes not listed. Study oxalate foods, I didn’t have a clue high oxalates cause allergies and that could be stomach distress as well. Sometimes I have eaten foods I ate all my life and I get very sick. I can’t eat lettuce, my stomach hurts for hours. Basically it’s what works for you and what you are trying to accomplish. Look for Jordan Peterson & family carnivore story, they were all very sick before carnivore.
Good that you mention iodine and Vitamin D (I presume D3). Adding K2 to the D3 + a fat to drive absorption ramps up the effect even more, especially for getting any calcium out of the blood vessels and into the bones.
I think one of the real "conspiracies" we have, these days is the iodine story. Most people are very deficient in iodine.
The push to "sea salt" is increasing iodine deficiency, since iodized salt has been the way most people get iodine. Unless sea salt has iodine added, it is pretty low in iodine.
Himalayan pink salt contains trace amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, and sulfate
It also contains lesser-known minerals like strontium and molybdenum
Good catch on the Iodine! I take 2 vitamins a day, primarily because I don't absorb iodine very well. Np Thyroid compensates and makes a HUGE difference in my energy levels. If you are low, and your MD puts you on thyroid - ask for Np (think Naturally Produced), as it's pretty much the pure form your thyroid would make.
The problem with iodized salt is it is crap for your body. It’s bleached so it has none of the trace minerals. They add anticaking agents which are cancer causing and have other health issues.
It would be much better to have unrefined sea salt with no anticaking agents with 80 plus trace minerals and if you still want to add iodine do that another way.
I am 90% certain that cancer is primarily a metabolic (mitochondria) disease and that a healthy immune system will take care of cancer and most other diseases.
From the research I did, it seems almost everyone is deficient in Iodine, D3 (preferably from the sun), zinc, etc. I was definitely low in iodine and iodine is essential for every gland functioning properly in the body.
So I took very high doses of everything. The only bad effect was the Niacin gave me heat flashes which aren't pleasant. Surprisingly the Melatonin (150 mg) didn't seem to affect me at all.
Yes to all of this, with the one proviso that I think a lot (all?) of cancer is caused by parasites of some kind (worms, etc.). To your point though, it could be "parasite brings in toxic process/chemical and alters behavior of mitochondria", in which case "we're both right", or something like that.
We are all also deficient in the other "metals" like selenium, potassium, boron, copper, etc. How serious are these deficiencies? In some cases, quite serious. I wish we had better science.
Finally, the last two that I found in my experience are that just because you don't live on a Spanish Galleon doesn't mean you don't have scurvy. Heh. I ramped up my Vitamin C and was shocked at how much things improved. And, the Bs are all important, and B1 in TTFD formulation really seems to help.
Good question. I had a friend from High School, stellar student, super smart, grew up to be top doctor working in a Cancer research lab and one day out of curiosity (there were no symptoms) she tested herself with MRI and found out she had stage 4 cancer. She died at the young age 40 leaving behind 2 very young kids.It was very sad and to this day I wonder if it had something to do with her work environment and what she was exposed to, the lies she was told, or just one of those ironies in life. This was before Covid and such, we didn't know about Ivermectin or FenBen at that time. With all the research she was doing with top dogs, all the knowledge she had and trying everything it didn't quite worked out. They must be hiding something super simple and obvious.
Yeah it was.. our whole school was shook because she was the top student and we all looked up to her. The research center/hospital even had a plague for her and raised money on her behalf for "Cancer research".
Now when I look back, that lab/hospital was being phony because they were holding so much back. How many decades of research on Cancer do we need and they still don't have a cure but Covid vaccine came out immediately. So phony and fraudulent.
And to think she tested herself out of curiosity when she wasn't sick or anything. Curiosity kills imo. I think when she went to Chemo was what broke her immune system altogether. What a waste of life and talent due to being "part of the system".
Never heard of this methylene blue. I immediately looked into it on Yandex. Sounds like something I may need to add to my supplements.
Also, I can attest. Got a friend on fendbendazole and apricot seeds (b-17), who had stage four cancer. Cancer free within 6 months.
Dr. Mercola says it's good to kick start your mitochondria. Also recommends smaller doses than most. Has some info on his site. Also researcher Georgi Dinkov is a valuable resource and has a site called haidut.me.
Mercola says take it but also don't take it forever. Just to get you to baseline.
What I found out along the way is that statins also seem to be strongly correlated with developing dementia. Which I guess I should have known instinctively, since they "strip" cholesterol.
One of the biggest scams in history, it seems to me.
I read a book, "The clot thickens", written by a medical doctor who studied heart disease for 40 years and was pretty convinced what was being told was either a lie or just ignorance. One of the things from the book that stood out for me was that in the 1980's, a group of doctors convened to review statins, and determined that they should no longer be prescribed because the side-effects outweighed any benefits. However, their recommendations were ignored because the statin industry (so lucrative it can be considered an industry) makes too much money every year (billions worldwide).
I completely support this. And, I think that all cancers originate from the gut and overall gut health. If the biome is prime to support parasitic life, it is probably causing other symptoms that most dismiss as getting old. It is vital to have a good pH balance so these organisms can't survive. I take 3 FenBen and 3 Ivermectin at the beginning of the month, alternating days, as prophylactic.
Edit: I also take prebiotic and probiotics, Tudca and Pancreatic Enzymes for my pH balance.
I'm thinking along the same line and does the iver and fenben routine as well. Lately I was thinking of getting over the counter probiotics like the ones from Amazon on top of eating sauerkraut and dill pickles. Do you think those work? Which probiotic pills would you recommend?
P.S I heard probiotic has to be in liquid because they're live cultures..
Yes! Any fermented foods work and probably better than the OTC prebiotic/probiotic (I love Kimchi). I was taking this: These digestive gummies are packed with clinically-studied probiotics and a prebiotic to support gut health and reduce bloating. Others swear by it! https://a.co/d/gtDHgwX
It seemed to work well and had a good taste. I recently switched to a less expensive brand to see if it works the same. So far my BMs are better on this. TMI, but everybody poops.
Methylene blue (MB) is a synthetic dye that can be used in cancer treatment in several ways:
Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
MB is a photosensitizer that can be used in PDT to kill cancer cells. When exposed to light with a specific wavelength, MB generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that destroy cancer cells. MB can be used at low concentrations for PDT.
Increasing oxygen levels in tumors
MB can be injected into the bloodstream and accumulates in tumors, where it interacts with cancer cells to increase oxygen levels. This makes cancer cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy and radiation.
Staining lymph nodes
MB can be administered in the lymphatic bed of a tumor during surgery to stain lymph nodes that drain from the tumor. This can help identify tumor sentinel lymph nodes.
Treating oral mucositis
MB mouthwash can be used to treat pain associated with oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer who are undergoing radiation therapy.
MB is a low-cost drug that has been safely used in the human body.
People with a blood disorder called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency should not receive methylene blue. G6PD deficiency is an inherited (genetic) condition that affects the way someone's red blood cells work.
MB is amazing. A whole host of benefits. They used to give it to soldiers in ww2 for infections. I don't know about taking it longterm everyday but occasional strssful times its great. You can mix it with vit C powder to reduce the blue effect.
Methylene blue suppression is criminal. Also HCQ is a form of methyl blue without the blue die. People complained about blue urine and everything staining.
"Methemoglobinemia treatment
Methemoglobinemia may be a medical emergency.
The first treatment is infusion with the drug methylene blue. This medication usually helps people quickly. But methylene blue can’t be used on people who have a congenital type of methemoglobinemia.
People who don’t respond to methylene blue may need a blood transfusion."
I cured my own colon cancer with the Carnivore diet, Ivermectin and fenbendazole, plus a few other things like iodine, vitamin d, melatonin, etc. Wasn't taking any chances.
We have the cure for cancer.
God bless you
You tell 'em..spread the message to those who don't know the benefits of Carnivore diet
If I may ask, what was the regimen? Dosage, period, etc? Any links? I am actually looking into this nowadays.
For Ivermectin I used the horse paste and took the recommended rate for my body weight (200 lbs) on the plunger scale every day.
For fenben I got the pills but I should have gotten the equivalent from Tractor supply in the gallon container and again for my body weight every day.
Here is the thing, none of the medications, vitamins, salt and minerals have any adverse side effects if you use too much of them, basically your body pees them out, proper nutrition is key.
I also need to emphasize the Carnivore diet, too many carbs depletes the vitamins and minerals in your system.
Also check out the Florida Sharkman Protocol on Truth Social, It turns out that most of this info is what Veterinarians have been doing for a long time.
Thanks, I was wondering about the carnivore diet, so basically keto (no carbs starve most cancers)
Watch Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube & (maybe) Rumble for lots of info and benefits to carnivore. There’s many doctors that have posting for years how it’s helped them. Basically, people do different versions of carnivore. Most recommend doing at least 30-60 days of just beef, eggs & butter. If nothing else it’s a good way to eliminate what you are allergic to. Lions diet is just meat, mainly beef. I get the names mixed up with the actual foods. Some eat only steak, those I’ve seen talk about this eat a huge ribeye in one sitting and don’t eat again for at least 48 hours. I’m not there. I find hamburger more filling than a ribeye steak. You need the animal fat, especially for weight loss. Watch sausage as it has sugar & grains, sometimes not listed. Study oxalate foods, I didn’t have a clue high oxalates cause allergies and that could be stomach distress as well. Sometimes I have eaten foods I ate all my life and I get very sick. I can’t eat lettuce, my stomach hurts for hours. Basically it’s what works for you and what you are trying to accomplish. Look for Jordan Peterson & family carnivore story, they were all very sick before carnivore.
Dr Anthony Chafee is a huge red pill! I’m so happy for you.
Good that you mention iodine and Vitamin D (I presume D3). Adding K2 to the D3 + a fat to drive absorption ramps up the effect even more, especially for getting any calcium out of the blood vessels and into the bones.
I think one of the real "conspiracies" we have, these days is the iodine story. Most people are very deficient in iodine.
The push to "sea salt" is increasing iodine deficiency, since iodized salt has been the way most people get iodine. Unless sea salt has iodine added, it is pretty low in iodine.
Good catch on the Iodine! I take 2 vitamins a day, primarily because I don't absorb iodine very well. Np Thyroid compensates and makes a HUGE difference in my energy levels. If you are low, and your MD puts you on thyroid - ask for Np (think Naturally Produced), as it's pretty much the pure form your thyroid would make.
The problem with iodized salt is it is crap for your body. It’s bleached so it has none of the trace minerals. They add anticaking agents which are cancer causing and have other health issues.
It would be much better to have unrefined sea salt with no anticaking agents with 80 plus trace minerals and if you still want to add iodine do that another way.
I buy sea salt with iodine on Amazon.
I am 90% certain that cancer is primarily a metabolic (mitochondria) disease and that a healthy immune system will take care of cancer and most other diseases.
From the research I did, it seems almost everyone is deficient in Iodine, D3 (preferably from the sun), zinc, etc. I was definitely low in iodine and iodine is essential for every gland functioning properly in the body.
So I took very high doses of everything. The only bad effect was the Niacin gave me heat flashes which aren't pleasant. Surprisingly the Melatonin (150 mg) didn't seem to affect me at all.
Yes to all of this, with the one proviso that I think a lot (all?) of cancer is caused by parasites of some kind (worms, etc.). To your point though, it could be "parasite brings in toxic process/chemical and alters behavior of mitochondria", in which case "we're both right", or something like that.
We are all also deficient in the other "metals" like selenium, potassium, boron, copper, etc. How serious are these deficiencies? In some cases, quite serious. I wish we had better science.
Finally, the last two that I found in my experience are that just because you don't live on a Spanish Galleon doesn't mean you don't have scurvy. Heh. I ramped up my Vitamin C and was shocked at how much things improved. And, the Bs are all important, and B1 in TTFD formulation really seems to help.
I watched this the other day and thought of your post.
Thanks, that video was very informative. It is looking bad for cancer : )
Every other country that is healthy and a longer life span does parasitic cleanses.... why not tye USA?
Theory: pharma makes money when people are sick
There's the treatment profit, sure.
But what's even dirtier is the "cancer research" profit. Was any research being done? Ever?
Good question. I had a friend from High School, stellar student, super smart, grew up to be top doctor working in a Cancer research lab and one day out of curiosity (there were no symptoms) she tested herself with MRI and found out she had stage 4 cancer. She died at the young age 40 leaving behind 2 very young kids.It was very sad and to this day I wonder if it had something to do with her work environment and what she was exposed to, the lies she was told, or just one of those ironies in life. This was before Covid and such, we didn't know about Ivermectin or FenBen at that time. With all the research she was doing with top dogs, all the knowledge she had and trying everything it didn't quite worked out. They must be hiding something super simple and obvious.
That is so tragic!
Yeah it was.. our whole school was shook because she was the top student and we all looked up to her. The research center/hospital even had a plague for her and raised money on her behalf for "Cancer research".
Now when I look back, that lab/hospital was being phony because they were holding so much back. How many decades of research on Cancer do we need and they still don't have a cure but Covid vaccine came out immediately. So phony and fraudulent.
And to think she tested herself out of curiosity when she wasn't sick or anything. Curiosity kills imo. I think when she went to Chemo was what broke her immune system altogether. What a waste of life and talent due to being "part of the system".
Never heard of this methylene blue. I immediately looked into it on Yandex. Sounds like something I may need to add to my supplements. Also, I can attest. Got a friend on fendbendazole and apricot seeds (b-17), who had stage four cancer. Cancer free within 6 months.
Do more research first, Fren.. don't start taking things out of the blue without a deep dive lol
Idk how it works either but there are plenty of videos on Rumble with testimonies or how to administer them.
The fact that’s it’s been used since the early 19th century gives it validity imo, but I just read a couple long positive articles on it.
They been using mercury to cure for centuries, too...
Or lead pipes "for health water" for centuries, even millennia, too...
Just be careful, just because people did something for decades, doesn't mean it's always a good thing...
Dr. Mercola says it's good to kick start your mitochondria. Also recommends smaller doses than most. Has some info on his site. Also researcher Georgi Dinkov is a valuable resource and has a site called haidut.me.
Mercola says take it but also don't take it forever. Just to get you to baseline.
MB benefit rabbit hole goes deep
Methyle blue is amazing.
Mel Gibson is an international treasure. Lord, please protect this hero!
I listened to the whole show and really enjoyed it.
I’m watching now and enjoying it as well, thank you for the recommendation. But Mr. Gibson is very, very clearly on cocaine lol.
Now do statins.
How many people have had strokes and such because of those poisons?
What I found out along the way is that statins also seem to be strongly correlated with developing dementia. Which I guess I should have known instinctively, since they "strip" cholesterol.
One of the biggest scams in history, it seems to me.
Dementia and permanently destroy your joints.
I read a book, "The clot thickens", written by a medical doctor who studied heart disease for 40 years and was pretty convinced what was being told was either a lie or just ignorance. One of the things from the book that stood out for me was that in the 1980's, a group of doctors convened to review statins, and determined that they should no longer be prescribed because the side-effects outweighed any benefits. However, their recommendations were ignored because the statin industry (so lucrative it can be considered an industry) makes too much money every year (billions worldwide).
So it's parasitic if true.. no viruses, merely bacteria fungal toxins infection inflammation build up?
I completely support this. And, I think that all cancers originate from the gut and overall gut health. If the biome is prime to support parasitic life, it is probably causing other symptoms that most dismiss as getting old. It is vital to have a good pH balance so these organisms can't survive. I take 3 FenBen and 3 Ivermectin at the beginning of the month, alternating days, as prophylactic.
Edit: I also take prebiotic and probiotics, Tudca and Pancreatic Enzymes for my pH balance.
I'm thinking along the same line and does the iver and fenben routine as well. Lately I was thinking of getting over the counter probiotics like the ones from Amazon on top of eating sauerkraut and dill pickles. Do you think those work? Which probiotic pills would you recommend?
P.S I heard probiotic has to be in liquid because they're live cultures..
Yes! Any fermented foods work and probably better than the OTC prebiotic/probiotic (I love Kimchi). I was taking this: These digestive gummies are packed with clinically-studied probiotics and a prebiotic to support gut health and reduce bloating. Others swear by it! https://a.co/d/gtDHgwX
It seemed to work well and had a good taste. I recently switched to a less expensive brand to see if it works the same. So far my BMs are better on this. TMI, but everybody poops.
Thanks, I'll have to check it out :)
I love Kimchi too
The other, less expensive brand I'm taking is Digestive Advantage.
Well the "fabric dye" one is a new one for me. Must research... Lol..
Look it up.. it's a blue liquid, methylene blue
According to google:
Methylene blue (MB) is a synthetic dye that can be used in cancer treatment in several ways:
Increasing oxygen levels in tumors MB can be injected into the bloodstream and accumulates in tumors, where it interacts with cancer cells to increase oxygen levels. This makes cancer cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy and radiation. Staining lymph nodes MB can be administered in the lymphatic bed of a tumor during surgery to stain lymph nodes that drain from the tumor. This can help identify tumor sentinel lymph nodes. Treating oral mucositis MB mouthwash can be used to treat pain associated with oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer who are undergoing radiation therapy.
MB is a low-cost drug that has been safely used in the human body.
People with a blood disorder called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency should not receive methylene blue. G6PD deficiency is an inherited (genetic) condition that affects the way someone's red blood cells work.
MB is used frequently in the aquarium hobby to treat fish diseases.
Yes. Parasitic diseases like Ich
MB is amazing. A whole host of benefits. They used to give it to soldiers in ww2 for infections. I don't know about taking it longterm everyday but occasional strssful times its great. You can mix it with vit C powder to reduce the blue effect.
Book called Magic Bullet by Dr Sloan
Methylene blue suppression is criminal. Also HCQ is a form of methyl blue without the blue die. People complained about blue urine and everything staining.
Vit C powder reduces the blue coloring
It is used to treat methemoglobinemia.
From this article.
"Methemoglobinemia treatment Methemoglobinemia may be a medical emergency. The first treatment is infusion with the drug methylene blue. This medication usually helps people quickly. But methylene blue can’t be used on people who have a congenital type of methemoglobinemia. People who don’t respond to methylene blue may need a blood transfusion."
And you can probably achieve same results just with MMS.
So this begs the question: is there a therapeutic dosage that can be taken by EVERYONE to prevent cancer from even forming?
They most likely drank Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)
If you don't know about MMS, see my compiled information here.
First I ever heard of delta 8/9, and of the idea that CBD would be an "antidote to a bad trip".
The CBD idea is especially interesting to contemplate. Thank you for posting.
Higher Ed for docs educated previously known treatments right out of existence.
Call me Mr. Ed.
MB is a rabbit hole with health benefits. They used to give it to soldiers in ww2