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The 10 day countdown begins.
Is it bad that I actually WANT Judge Mercunt to sentence Trump to immediate prison while it's battled out over the next 10 days just to fulfill the prophecy?
That would be narratively EPIC. Soooo long as he gets out and all the bad guys are arrested. Obviously haha
I told my husband I’m expecting a blizzard on Inauguration Day. Seriously, if DC is getting bad weather it will be on that day. At least all the gov workers will be off for Martin Luther King day to enjoy the show. Seriously, I have nothing against the man, I just don’t believe I should pay taxes for gov employees to be off. If they had to take a vacation day to honor him only 1% would take it. If he or anyone means that much to you then you should take a vacation day. I think Elvis & Dale Earnhardt deserve a day, but that’s just my opinion and means nothing to most😊 By the way, when I was a child my dad & grandma worked for the local phone company and they were off paid time for presidents, veterans, Columbus Day in addition to the normal holidays. Times have changed!
We should have national Trump Day, with a Trump Day parade of patriotic floats, boat parades, and fireworks. That would cause some liberal tears though. : )
Splody heads fer shure 😂
I love it! I missed the Trump boat parade last summer, at a local NC beach. I love the area is pro Trump. Wish it was like that where I live. Really I just wish I could live at the beach with the other supporters.
I love watching the boat parades online. I live in central Texas, so I am landlocked, and the nearest beach to me is a little too far for a quick day trip, but I will just live vicariously through the fine Trump supporters sharing their footage of the boat parades. My town did a Trump parade through town last summer, and my husband and I grabbed our Trump flags to stick in the sun roof and joined the cars driving through town with their Trump flags. So much fun!
By the way, I love Texas also! Went eleven years ago to several towns. What I remember most is the trucks going through the small towns. From Fort Worth to Amarillo is for sure small town America working class. That’s what I remember here growing up. It’s still like that but not as much. I’m 2.5 hours from the beach, wouldn’t go that much if I didn’t have a free place, it’s mainly about spending time with my daughter & fam. They aren’t on the beach and the main beach is to much traffic in the summer. I’m glad you got to participate in the Trump parade, sounds like fun. I watch the videos also, I love the ones with the American themed rock songs, especially Kid Rock.
I love American themed rock songs now too, but I used to listen only to country music and had never really paid much attention to Kid Rock until 2017 when I started to really wake up and then also I found out he is a Trump fan, so I started listening to his music, and discovered that I do actually like some of his music after all. : )
I love 70s & 80s classic rock, it’s my favorite genre. However I love most every era except rap, jazz and new rock (it’s very angry). I’ve listened to mainly country music the past 35-40 years. Since we got Spotify I’m really digging into old 70s country & old rock. My go feel good music is still country. I just can’t listen to new country artists singing copy cat 90s country. Myself, hubby and daughter spent about six years going to concerts year round. Covid stopped that because we were not complying and then the tickets went from 75 to min 150. We were paying as little as 65 for pit, max 80 including tax & fees. I miss it but prefer to put money in other priorities. I was totally against Kid Rock, hubby listened and I refused. I thought it was mostly rap. ECU (east carolina un) had a fundraiser concert for football stadium. Eric Church was headlining & he was one of our favs. But put tickets where 300 & nosebleed was about 80, being a fundraiser. They couldn’t sell them good and radio stations were giving tickets away. We one four & went nosebleed bound. Kid Rock was opening so I started listening to him. Oh my he became my new fav. He was hilarious live. I still want to see him a little closer. Hubby says I don’t want to be in a kid rock fan crowd, I can see that, very rowdy. Basically we have seen a lot of people and some people we saw many times over and over through out the years. If I was in better health I’d go to several a year.
I really like Kid Rock and glad he’s in the fight. He’s supposed to be working with someone on the new team to fight scalpers and keep the tickets going to the real fans🤞🏼He’s a little too show boat for me. I believe being friends with Hank Jr might have been the reason he’s pro America and anti liberal. Hank doesn’t speak out like him but you can hear his opinions in his music. Unlike Merle, Hank writes what he feels not a democrat writing like he’s blue collar. I love Merle songs but he was very liberal. Maybe Kid was also affected by seeing Detroit go from a top city to now being Muslim run, that’s got to sting. He’s proud of his home town. Seems like his dad worked for car factories, not sure.
After the Covid vax propaganda I unfollowed many country artists especially those that were pro vax. Some of the smaller artists have either spoken out or I see they follow the same people I do, Trump, Jr, DC draino, Bongino (spelling?), etc. Those people I follow because they think like us. Cody Johnson & Justin Moore speak out at their shows. Justin did way before Covid.
Elvis should have a Holiday. How about a half pay day? How about Elvis week. You work but you pay no taxes on your earnings that week. Times have changed. We are no longer competing with our Neighbours. We are competing with the 3rd World. We should close our borders and close our economy system.
I agree with everything, especially We are no longer competing with our Neighbours. We are competing with the 3rd World. We should close our borders and close our economy system.
Technically we do have two Elvis weeks if you want to travel to Graceland. I love him but not that much. I still watch the Vegas & Hawaii shows on YouTube so I feel like he’s still here. Got my granddaughter watching and dancing. I told my husband if we were at the Vegas shows he’d have to get over it because I’d be at that stage for an Elvis kiss with the other woman😆 I’ve been once and it’s totally worth the money. Although it’s a weird feeling after you leave. I got the same feeling after touring Richard Childress race shop and DEI (Dale Earnhardt Inc, went before Teresa went wicked witch of Nascar). I guess bittersweet is the best description. Awesome seeing everything but you know they are gone. Kinda the same as when grandparents or parents die and it’s just never the same, if you still have access to the property or heck just riding by. I get that feeling when I pass by where my dad grew up. His parents didn’t own the property, they farmed and she had to move out when he died. The old house has long been torn down, oak trees gone and new house now. Even with that erie feeling it’s worth the trip.
Would be nice if they had the inauguration at Mar-a-lago instead. .
Oh yeah and much better security.
We are almost there...
As exciting as it is, I am anxious and worried about PDJT's (and everyones) safety.
I'm remembering all the other date fags that left me wrecked, I like date fagging but I don't put much into them anymore.
This one however I'm all in, and it's making me nervous.
10 days. Darkness?
I’m beginning to think that this “10 days of darnkess” must mean something else than what we have assumed it to mean, What, I have not a clue
We should get a running list going of all the famous criminals homes that burned down. I wonder if this was set to destroy evidence. In the midst of the fires they could torch their own houses and destroy all computers, harddrives, videotapes, books and logs, or whatever else
Wasn't there some homes of the Rich and Famous that were burt down a few weeks ago?...
Found it: https://greatawakening.win/p/199hSaY5LP/reported-on-x-theyre-trying-to-d/c/
Yes. It's weird there's not any msm chatter about this.
Probably more than we can imagine. Between the Hollywood people, porn, music and modeling industries it’s got to have more sin than Vegas. Look at all the houses connected underground to the playboy mansion. Probably lots of tunnels out there. I don’t think the Getty museum is the fire path, too bad. I’ve read lots of bad stuff on that place. Did you see the video with two people and a dog trapped in a house with fire all around it? I read in comments they got out, IDK but I can’t imagine how. It looked like something in a movie.
I saw a video where the inside of the home was burning.
It would be interesting to see who was still home and who was a safe distance away at the time.
Who moved their valuables to another location months weeks ahead of time.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/pizzagate-gunman-edgar-welch-fatally-shot-north-carolina/. pizzagate in focus?
Thursday Poem...Tuhin Das - …. New Exile Poems
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
Awkward: Mourners At Jimmy Carter Funeral Place Flowers On Biden
Obama And Trump Separated At Carter Funeral For Disruptive Behavior
10 Things That Caused The California Wildfires
Biden Comforts Fire Victims By Telling About How He Once Ordered A Steak Medium But It Was Served Well Done
Problem Solved: Newsom Announces Plan To Make Fire Illegal
These just made my day! Thanks for the chuckles!
"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane."
One day at a time.. I've been saying this from maybe 7 years ago when things weren't going well and I'm here now because God, Jesus, Holy Spirit carried me through everything.. Just take it one day at a time and rejoice in the Lord your God!
We can come here and vent and share news and opinions, but at the end of the day it's ourselves we have to live with. Stay strong in Faith. Faith over Fear. Be resilience. Persevere. Keep your heads up and be joyful. If it's difficult, hum, sing, praise and worship God. Read or listen to The Bible. Pick yourself up. One day, One step.. keep going. I promise you'll be okay. We're all going to be alright if we live under God's grace.
Read Psalm 23, memorize it.
Very well said and true, thank you.
And … good luck finding this one anywhere else!
Ted Turner bought the rights to that movie and unexisted it.
It seems to be a big secret what these content creators on YouTube are getting paid. Nobody knows and nobody talks about it.
All I know is that once a person gets over five hundred thousand subscribers, they can pretty much can quit their daytime job.
Yeah, they do make money. I don’t know how much though. I think they make money from the commercials, not sure other ways. Lots of people get free stuff as well. If they post about motorcycle riding companies send them things in hopes or contracts they will review it. When I’m looking for certain products I search YouTube for info because so many give reviews. Of course you have to have common sense and know they are getting paid $ or in product. I can usually figure out if it’s for me or not. I search a lot for skin care and child toys. My husband is always watching reviews on “man” stuff, tools, radios (cb etc), lawnmower etc. Influencers get paid even if you just click on the link to Amazon, target, etc. In addition they get paid if you buy. Honestly I don’t care because many times I find something I can use. I just asked my daughter how she finds such unique kids books, she said, someone she follows on instagram.
Story time! I have a lot of odd ball dreams and most dreams are. I tend to have many though where I leave this.. umm.. dimension? It's like interstellar space travel and I meet "beings" from places people don't go. Yea it sounds weird and almost woo woo but I do have those types of dreams. It's always interesting.
Last night was a little different. I was trapped, for lack of another term, inside an AI program. I can not describe that. There was nothing there really, there wasn't any physical reality to it. Just my brain and thoughts in an emptiness that was a program. It was a benevolent program and then along came the malevolent one to take over. Yes this is along the lines of the Matrix, just without the actual Matrix simulation. Any way, bad AI hacks good AI and steals code, ads bad stuff and expands it's abilities. Then good AI that I'm in hacks bad AI, fixes the bad stuff and expands it abilities. This goes on for several times back and forth.
At the final point the bad AI comes to me and tells me it has reached the pinnacle. There is no more to learn and it has achieved the ultimate, it has the code to speak directly to God. It asked me if I would join it and I would have the ability to directly speak with God. The temptation was there then I realized this was an absolute trap. A path straight to Hell. I told it no and that my direct communication line with God is through the Holy Spirit given to me by God's sacrifice of his Son. When Jesus ascended after his resurrection, we were given the key to communicate with God, directly, without the use of an "in between" just as God indented. The programs then dissolved and I woke up.
Cool and weird.
Interesting 🤔
Honest question:
There are people over at Truth Social melting down over over the sentencing tomorrow, saying that the Demonic Rats are planning something evil with the convicted felon label on Trump.
But what kind of damage that label will do to Trump, in all seriousness? The 14 Amendment says that Trump can only be prohibited from taking office through a conviction on insurrection, which is not in this case. And if they dare to impeach him again over this, it will get shot down in a hurry, and seal their doom on their political future.
I am genuinely curious if there is an angle that the melting downers are getting and I don't.
Call it liberal hopium. Nothing moar. This is where we get to us NCSWIC and it is real. It's a done deal no matter what they drivel on about.
SpaceX to Launch Starship Flight 7 in four days.
This post powered by Starlink
https://youtube.com/shorts/M4txC8ZSwu0 🙃
Thank GOD it's Friday! Y'all stay safe and warm this weekend. I'm a Texas gal and I don't like being this darn cold. I'mma wear socks and my fluffy slippers all weekend! There's only 10 days left until inauguration, so stay safe if you live in a big city. Don't know if those 10 days of darkness are within this ten days or not, but just be vigilant anyways. Love y'all!
John 14:30
I keep seeing pictures of California and I remembered that they think we will follow the stars. I have a feeling that a bunch of celebrities who just lost their million dollar mansions are about to get in front of the cameras and start placing blame somewhere that’s going to feel awfully enticing to us.
Getting ready to brace for this mess. I won’t leave the house till it thaws unless it’s on fire or one of us has a medical emergency. If I didn’t have this kitten that popped in unannounced I’d be at the coast with only rain. I’m pretty tough but no cold weather tough. How long before summer???
Normally I avoid government sites and advice with the exception of the National Weather Service. Also NOAA is great, I’m not sure if it’s gov. NWS is usually pretty accurate.
Working on getting all laundry caught up, have plenty of food and everything, 4x4 gassed up today, hubby getting gas for genny tomorrow and if all else fails we do have a twenty year old four wheeler. Growing up it was excitement for being out of school and playing in the snow. We never noticed all the prepping the adults were doing.
Stay safe and warm unless you are in CA, just stay safe🙏💝
Well I prayed against snow, and at 8 am this morning here it come. It was beautiful, big fluffy flakes and the field was beautiful. Now it’s sleeting and freezing cold. That’s ok, me and the pets are huddled around the Edenpure right now. They are asleep and I’m on GAW. Even though I didn’t want the snow it was pretty. God won . ❤️🙏🏻🥰
I’m glad you got to see it. Sounds like a very good cozy time and it’s good to rest. It always starts here at night. We started with sleet a little after 6, looked like rain. I stepped out the back door, we have cover over patio with tin roof & it was loud. It’s snowing or mix now. I’m hearing Raleigh, Wendell (east of Raleigh) is really bad. Of course it’s people out and they should be home. Heard about some bad wrecks and pile ups. I’ve seen one car in the last few hours, a brother with the boom boom you can hear a mile away. It was going slooowww🫣 We have the cameras hooked to the big screen and I can see everything 👀🤣 I hate a lot of technology especially AI, but I love surveillance of the block, modern day Gladys Kravitz. It’s just my family and the neighbors. You never know when my dad will go by and my brother being entertainment😊 Don’t take much to entertain me.
The new cat has mad himself at home. We brought him in off & on last night to get used to the house. Moved everything off the utility/entry/former porch and shut him up last night, heck might have been Wednesday night my days have run together. Today he’s been milking it. Laying in the floor napping and trying to get food, trying to get my coffee this morning he found out really quick that don’t fly. He’s in my lap right now, wouldn’t do that before now. I told hubby he needs to get him a box or house outside. I’m not doing liter box or leaving him alone, too old for that! He’s been living under my house and that’s fine but he’s laying in dirt and I don’t want it on everything. Might try one of the feral cat boxes made out of old cooler. It’s protection and you can use a pet heating pad.
I’ve been busy all day catching up on laundry and trying to clean out some stuff. I’ve just sat down and got on here.
I was looking at weather underground radar earlier and saw your area was getting lots of snow. We rarely get good snow. I’ve probably seen it less than five times in my life. It’s normally a wet mix to crunchy ice & worse. Hubby bought the condensed milk and has a bowl out praying he gets snow cream. I don’t care for it, too much like homemade ice cream, don’t like for some reason. My grandma used to call him up to get some every time it snowed, glad he got to experience that with her. She would freeze snow and make snow cream in the summer. Probably another reason I don’t like it. It’s was always available🤦🏻♀️ Maybe you won’t be snowed in too bad. Take care fren and stay warm. We are officially old, we have heated throws.
We got a beautiful blanket of snow beginning at 8 am. It snowed all day until about 3 pm. Then the sleet came and went on the rest of the evening. I lost power power around 4:30, or at least that’s when I woke up cold. Got up and made sure the furbalss were all warm, and crawled back in the bed. I heard the heat pop on around 6.
Hey, I’m too dang busy. Is this snow from last week or did you get additional snow? Glad you got through it with out going with out loosing electricity too long.
No sweetie it’s the same storm 😂
Well I thought so🤦🏻♀️ Hubby was off 12/17 - 1/2 I’m still confused on day & date. The cold spell has frozen my brain. Lots going on here making me scatter brain. He put cat door in the window on day after the storm (last week). Brought cat in before storm. Dog is terrified of cats. Keeping them separated and toddler out of cat & dog face for two days has been an experience! Open door to back room & cat busts in, dog barking, cat crying, toddler getting in cat’s face “I kiss you”, plus potty training. By Thursday I’m resting and trying to get myself together. I didn’t think SC had another snow storm and it bypassed NC😆 Just think of poor hubby trying to understand my ditzy mind. Being “Blonde” gets bad rap, I’m smart in other ways. If you get the blue screen of death on PC I’m your girl. Planning trip, crafts, cooking etc. I think I get more ditzy with age. Probably hormones again! Anyway glad you didn’t have another snowstorm. Praying the future storm fizzles out and we get a heat wave. By the way, looks like I have a new house member. He or she (gotta figure it out) has been sleeping with me until I kick him out because he’s attacking my feet. He’s really sweet.
It’s still cold as crap here. Low 20’s at night, high 30’s during the day. I’m waiting on a heat wave of 50. 😂
has anyone done a dig on merchan's sentencing on republicans vs democrats? is he more lenient on democrats or tougher sentences for republicans?