11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations, akshully on page 780
11.3.1 End of Occupation. Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its application are no longer met. (Pg. 781) - In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a
hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power.
Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control. For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory.
If what Hegseth said is correct, this crash was due to a CoG operation, so we must look at what that means. 11.3 does not explicitly say that CoG is needed during a presidential inauguration, but Biden could be seen as a belligerent, especially if one takes into account the fraud to gain power, and the shocking damage the administration did not only to the American people, but also to others (e.g. to the last Ukrainian, genocide and things like that).
And oh, just to connect the dots: Orban said that Soros has been removed in the USA, and that Brussels was now in danger. So there's that. It may have something to do with Soros, who controlled and funded the DEI implemenation and Color demonstrations in the USA. That could be construed as a form of occupation.
OK, assuming that either Biden or Soros (or both) are considered occupying power(s),
11.3.2 Duration of GC Obligations in the Case of Occupied Territory. In the home territory of parties to the conflict, the application of the GC shall cease on the general close of military operations.
In the case of occupied territory, the application of the GC shall cease one year after the general close of military operations;
That's interesting because it tells us that 'all this activity' can be predicted to last for one year. What follows is a list of items on the GC that must be observed, such as humane treatment etc., and most importantly, it mentions:
49 (transfers, evacuation, and deportation)
This is what we are observing in full 3D.: One could say that Trump promised to deport unwanted individuals in his speeches. But if one interprets as part of CG, it makes sense - it has been proscribed.
Well, there is one year, that is covered by the Geneva Convention. @Kingsley covered it below.
Essentially the rest of 11.3 is about the rights that are afforded to the belligerent party. Basically, it prevents retribution, except by legal means.
For example, there is also some provisions for the people who have been affected by the occupiers:
11.4. Talks about the responsibilities of an occupying power.
11.4.1 Right of the Occupying Power to Govern the Enemy Territory Temporarily. The right to govern the territory of the enemy during its military occupation is one of the incidents of war. By the fact of occupation (i.e., the Occupying Power’s established power over occupied territory), the Occupying Power is conferred the authority to exercise some of the rights of sovereignty.
The exercise of these sovereign rights also results from the necessity of
maintaining law and order, indispensable both to the inhabitants and to the occupying force, and the failure or inability of the legitimate government to exercise its functions, or the undesirability of allowing it to do so.
So remember that we are working on the premise that there was an occupying power. Q stated that this whole thing started with Huma's sealed indictment, in 2018. This is during Trump's 45. So, they knew what was up. 11.4.1 describes Biden's 'occupation', after stealing te election. The point is to save lives and avoid bloodshed, so the belligerents are given a temporary 'run'. But, there are limitations:
11.4.2 Limitations on the Power of the Occupying Power Stemming From Its Lack of Sovereignty Over Occupied Territory. Belligerent occupation in a foreign war, being based upon the possession of enemy territory, necessarily implies that the sovereignty of the occupied territory is not vested in the Occupying Power.
Occupation is essentially provisional. Because sovereignty is not vested in the Occupying Power, the fact of military occupation does not authorize the Occupying Power to take certain actions. For example, the Occupying Power is not authorized by the fact of belligerent occupation to annex occupied territory or to create a new State. In addition, the Occupying Power may not compel the inhabitants of occupied territory to become its nationals or otherwise to swear allegiance to it. Similarly, in view of the provisional nature of belligerent occupation, the authority of the Occupying Power under occupation law has been interpreted as being subject to limitations on the ability of the Occupying Power to alter institutions of government permanently or change the constitution of a country.
One can pick it up in some of the language they use, as it refers to their codes - so the Rose revolution in Georgia 2003 was meant to destabilize Russia- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Revolution
Tthe Green revolution 1960's to late 80s, which purported to increase crop yields all over the world, but it had Rokefeller and Ford foundation hands all over it. It was prolly VERY bad for our health. Take a look at people on the beach in the 60's and compare it to now. You won't be able to see a fat person in the 60's, just saying. And it is likely not just overeating that was the problem - some fat people eat very little. It is all the weird chemicals and hormones (thanks globalists) that our bodies have to proecess. Not to mention what they did to Mexico's corn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Revolution
Also, the Green movement has its own ugly teeth - as was iterated during Biden and Obama terms.
The Blue revolution was from 1980's onwards and targeted aquaculture. I noticed for esample that Asian aquacultured tinned fish tasted like plastic, so now I am careful to buy Atlantic sardines. The aim was to set up lots of fish.mussel/prawn farms, espeially in Asia. Was it great? I dunno. I don't like that I can taste plastic in my food, even my kids hate that stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_revolution.
Tthe Green revolution 1960's to late 80s, which purported to increase crop yields all over the world, but it had Rokefeller and Ford foundation hands all over it. It was prolly VERY bad for our health. Take a look at people on the beach in the 60's and compare it to now. You won't be able to see a fat person in the 60's, just saying. And it is likely not just overeating that was the problem - some fat people eat very little. It is all the weird chemicals and hormones (thanks globalists) that our bodies have to proecess. Not to mention what they did to Mexico's corn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Revolution
And then they hide the Truth behind things like 'fat shaming' and false science like 'obesity is genetic', when they have intentionally and egregiously steered us to this place.
I also wonder if there is something in the vaccines taken since the sixties to cause or contribute to obesity as well. We have seen continually autism rise over the period, I presume because they slowly increased the amount of whatever poison they use and the percentage of distribution of vs saline. So, it's possible that they have been doing something similar to cause diabetes. And apparently the number of diabetics is predicted to keep rising.
Yes, I think the CoG is for the government in residence to follow. The previous one (Biden et al,) can be seen as the occupying power, given that they stole the election (with the help of Soros funds), and are therefore belligerents.
Also, I don't think this is something every administration needs to follow in peacetime. It is specific to the situation.
And as you are hinting at: One can expect that the previous people will kick and bite on the way out - as was observed, whereby Biden basically spiked his exit, with excessive spending towards WW3.
due to having seizures, I cant rember more than a sentence or two then I get lost in the words. Im sure it's great and I am trusting Trump, Q, and fellow frogs here for my news and information.
I have epilepsy but it's well controlled at the moment. I remember years ago having big seizures which wiped out my concentration and short term memory.
Lamo is interesting, I used to take it when i was a kid because i'd get extremely bad migraines, half of my vision would go blind, in addition to throwing up.
As soon as i started taking it, all migraines went away.
Alright you two...A VERY BIG THANK YOU for explaining what you are going through...I can actually relate to what you two are going through....so prayers/Mass and a prayer of St Francis are coming you're way...
We are nearing the end of this op and it would be wonderful if we could all meet because you would be the first two I would seek out...
I had migraines as a kid. Would wake up sick. couldn't go to school. I outgrew them at about 15. 44 when the seizures started happening. changed meds about 4 months in and started having them again. just taking it easy and taking the dang pill.
I think Dr Bryan Ardis may have mentioned nicotine as cure for the seizures, but I could be wrong. He did say something was beneficial. I checked my notes of his videos but I don't have anything written down about it.
"GC obligations" refers to the obligations under the Geneva Conventions that states and parties involved in armed conflict are required to follow in order to ensure humanitarian protection for those affected by war. These obligations are designed to limit the effects of armed conflict and protect non-combatants, prisoners of war, the wounded, and others who are not or are no longer taking part in the fighting.
The specific obligations under the Geneva Conventions (GC) include, but are not limited to:
Humane Treatment: All persons who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities (such as civilians and prisoners of war) must be treated humanely, without discrimination. This includes protections against violence, torture, and cruel or degrading treatment.
Care for the Wounded and Sick: Parties to the conflict must take all possible measures to care for and assist the wounded and sick, whether they are military personnel or civilians. Medical personnel and facilities should be respected and protected.
Protection of Prisoners of War (POWs): POWs must be treated according to the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention, which includes humane treatment, protection from violence, provision of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care, and the right to communicate with family members.
Protection of Civilians: Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, civilians are to be protected from acts of violence and collective punishment. Their property must be safeguarded, and they must not be targeted by military operations. If they are displaced, the convention obligates parties to provide basic assistance, such as food and shelter.
No Attacks on Medical Units: Medical units, personnel, and transport (including hospitals) must not be attacked, and they must be protected from military operations.
Treatment of Enemy Combatants: When an enemy soldier is captured, they must be afforded certain protections under the Geneva Conventions, including proper treatment and due process.
Respect for the Law: Parties to the conflict must ensure that their armed forces comply with international law, including the Geneva Conventions, and that violations are prevented or punished.
States are obligated to implement the Geneva Conventions domestically, and violations of these obligations can lead to legal consequences, including prosecution for war crimes.
I stopped listening to him because of his impatience with people not understanding “laws and orders”. And sometimes saying stuff that just wasn’t true.
He's a total fraud. He took all the research by Jon Harold (Patel Patriot) on the devolution series, and then rehashed it and passed it off on his own.
He paints himself as an ultra significant person, based on crap and nonsense. (Look at his self-described "first person in history to have two top songs on the billboard charts" nonsense).
Totally latched on to and went into cahoots with the fraud, Pascal Najadi.
After doing a dig on Johnson, in various dimensions, it became clear as day to me that he's another one of the fraudsters who latch on the Awakening Movement to get attention, self-inflate or cash in via followers.
FWIWI, he twists the conclusions of Harold's very solid research.
wow. people are not allowed to delve into a subject if someone else did it first? What a strange attitude! Of course the subject is going to sound the same.
people are not allowed to delve into a subject if someone else did it first?
Who said that?
Johnson is a fraud who claimed credit and who passed someone else's work off as his own. When Patel Patriot asked him about this, he blocked him.
It's completely proper and appropriate to build on someone else's foundation. We ALL do that (well, those of us who build), but its also proper and appropriate to recognize and acknowledge someone else's work when we cite it or use it, and to not pretend that we ourselves built it.
When people refuse to acknowledge the source when they take from others, the question of motive comes into play. Which is what inspired me to dig on Johnson.
Big egocentric fraud. My opinion. Based on reviewing his presence on the web.
Either way, please don't misconstrue my views or position by projecting such a fake and flimsy position as "people are not allowed to delve into a subject..."
I'll openly disavow such a statement.
I've seen enough of your posts and comments that I feel confident that you aren't trying to misrepresent me or win rhetorical points, so all I want to do here is to set the record straight.
FWIW, Patel Patriot has many times, which discussing his Devolution research, recognized that Thomas Wictor was the first person to discuss the idea of Devolution and then Jon went on to build on that.
To me, that speaks volumes. Just as Johnson's fundamental assertion that he is the instrument for "disclosing" important and secretly sourced information. (Not withstanding that of course, he cites and references all the publicly available documentation that Patel Patriot uncovered and brought to light in his Devolution Series.)
Maybe Johnson has changed his tune; my last digs on him was well more than a year ago. But personally, I doubt it.
Yes, that's true. Majic Eyes Only did the preeminent research on the LoW manural, imo.
That said, I think it hard to pin down exactly how of his research applies. Quite a different dimension of work from the CoG and Devo stuff.
I've read a good number of posts by frogs on the LoW manual, read through the relevant articles (e.g. Chapter 11) myself, and personally, I'm not convinced as to how much it really applies. But that's just me. Conclusion (for me): Jury out. Waiting for more data.
That said, if someone wants to listen to an audio reading that Johnson has published, I mean, go for it.
Majic Eyes Qnly did an eight part series on this. It's available on Rumble and Bitchute. Broken down correlating to Q posts.....Excellent info.
Yes, that guy is worth all the parts.
This one? Looks like a summary.
Good stuff.
Had a hard time understanding him though. He spoke so fast. Slowed it down 😊
Here is the manual: https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF
11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations, akshully on page 780
If what Hegseth said is correct, this crash was due to a CoG operation, so we must look at what that means. 11.3 does not explicitly say that CoG is needed during a presidential inauguration, but Biden could be seen as a belligerent, especially if one takes into account the fraud to gain power, and the shocking damage the administration did not only to the American people, but also to others (e.g. to the last Ukrainian, genocide and things like that).
And oh, just to connect the dots: Orban said that Soros has been removed in the USA, and that Brussels was now in danger. So there's that. It may have something to do with Soros, who controlled and funded the DEI implemenation and Color demonstrations in the USA. That could be construed as a form of occupation.
Thank you, your summary was helpful.
If you have more to say about section 11 of the Law of Manual and what is happening, I'd love to read it.
OK, assuming that either Biden or Soros (or both) are considered occupying power(s),
That's interesting because it tells us that 'all this activity' can be predicted to last for one year. What follows is a list of items on the GC that must be observed, such as humane treatment etc., and most importantly, it mentions:
This is what we are observing in full 3D.: One could say that Trump promised to deport unwanted individuals in his speeches. But if one interprets as part of CG, it makes sense - it has been proscribed.
You guys are making this plane crash way more interesting than I took it from the initial headline.
Interesting. What are the next steps in your words?
Well, there is one year, that is covered by the Geneva Convention. @Kingsley covered it below.
Essentially the rest of 11.3 is about the rights that are afforded to the belligerent party. Basically, it prevents retribution, except by legal means.
For example, there is also some provisions for the people who have been affected by the occupiers:
Do you want me to do 11.4?
So we are likely to see legal means being applied to the perpetrators. Does that apply to military courts or does it include civilian?
Yes, please continue.
11.4. Talks about the responsibilities of an occupying power.
So remember that we are working on the premise that there was an occupying power. Q stated that this whole thing started with Huma's sealed indictment, in 2018. This is during Trump's 45. So, they knew what was up. 11.4.1 describes Biden's 'occupation', after stealing te election. The point is to save lives and avoid bloodshed, so the belligerents are given a temporary 'run'. But, there are limitations:
So this is why Trump is trolling them about Canada, Mexico, and Greenland becoming states.
I really appreciate your interpretation, it has become a little easier for me to read the Law of War now.
Great points Sadness!
Thank you.
Good explanation, thanks for doing that 🇺🇸
Yeah I heard him say that about CoG. Interesting choice of words.
Color demonstrations…
Color demonstrations…
Bloody hell. “People of Color” is for comms, not a reference to minorities.
Damned witches.
One can pick it up in some of the language they use, as it refers to their codes - so the Rose revolution in Georgia 2003 was meant to destabilize Russia- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Revolution
The very next year there was the Orange revolution in Ukraine 2004 - for the same pupose really. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution
Tthe Green revolution 1960's to late 80s, which purported to increase crop yields all over the world, but it had Rokefeller and Ford foundation hands all over it. It was prolly VERY bad for our health. Take a look at people on the beach in the 60's and compare it to now. You won't be able to see a fat person in the 60's, just saying. And it is likely not just overeating that was the problem - some fat people eat very little. It is all the weird chemicals and hormones (thanks globalists) that our bodies have to proecess. Not to mention what they did to Mexico's corn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Revolution
Also, the Green movement has its own ugly teeth - as was iterated during Biden and Obama terms.
The Blue revolution was from 1980's onwards and targeted aquaculture. I noticed for esample that Asian aquacultured tinned fish tasted like plastic, so now I am careful to buy Atlantic sardines. The aim was to set up lots of fish.mussel/prawn farms, espeially in Asia. Was it great? I dunno. I don't like that I can taste plastic in my food, even my kids hate that stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_revolution.
The term is now color revolution Macedonia, for example had their 'colorful revolution' in 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Macedonian_protests
Here’s a map
Yeah - might as well use all the colors. It is quite blunt, once you know.
And then they hide the Truth behind things like 'fat shaming' and false science like 'obesity is genetic', when they have intentionally and egregiously steered us to this place.
I also wonder if there is something in the vaccines taken since the sixties to cause or contribute to obesity as well. We have seen continually autism rise over the period, I presume because they slowly increased the amount of whatever poison they use and the percentage of distribution of vs saline. So, it's possible that they have been doing something similar to cause diabetes. And apparently the number of diabetics is predicted to keep rising.
CoG re which government, exactly? The shadow one, perhaps. A stolen Blackhawk remote controlled to do precisely what it did?
Yes, I think the CoG is for the government in residence to follow. The previous one (Biden et al,) can be seen as the occupying power, given that they stole the election (with the help of Soros funds), and are therefore belligerents.
Also, I don't think this is something every administration needs to follow in peacetime. It is specific to the situation.
And as you are hinting at: One can expect that the previous people will kick and bite on the way out - as was observed, whereby Biden basically spiked his exit, with excessive spending towards WW3.
11.3 has double meaning, think mirror. It's a placeholder for sealed indictments.
As Trump said, we've been liberated.
Agreed jay!
due to having seizures, I cant rember more than a sentence or two then I get lost in the words. Im sure it's great and I am trusting Trump, Q, and fellow frogs here for my news and information.
It sucks doesn't it.
I have epilepsy but it's well controlled at the moment. I remember years ago having big seizures which wiped out my concentration and short term memory.
only in to it for about 2 years. I hate the way I feel on the medication. I used to be good at memory. now I can't remember what I did 2 days ago.
That's how I felt when I was regularly having seizures, but the further I get away from them, the more those abilitiies came back somewhat.
FYI I'm on a low dose of lamotrigine and if I avoid my triggers, that keeps the seizures away.
Lamo is interesting, I used to take it when i was a kid because i'd get extremely bad migraines, half of my vision would go blind, in addition to throwing up.
As soon as i started taking it, all migraines went away.
Alright you two...A VERY BIG THANK YOU for explaining what you are going through...I can actually relate to what you two are going through....so prayers/Mass and a prayer of St Francis are coming you're way...
We are nearing the end of this op and it would be wonderful if we could all meet because you would be the first two I would seek out...
God Bless and Prayers coming your way@@@@@@@@
🙏. Would like to meet up with all my anon frens. Ya'll are the best people on earth.
thank you for the prayers and warm thoughts!
I had migraines as a kid. Would wake up sick. couldn't go to school. I outgrew them at about 15. 44 when the seizures started happening. changed meds about 4 months in and started having them again. just taking it easy and taking the dang pill.
thank you all for the information.
You started taking Lamotrigine again?
I'm going to mention this to a friend of mine whose child has throw-up migraines.
that's how I was. wake up throwing up with head in a vise. light made it worse. motion as well.
great ! hope it works out
Have you tried medical MJ for seizures?
I’ve read about good success from Charlotte’s Web CBD (especially for children) but THC seems to be much more effective.
I've tried a few times from friends but never attempted to swap out for my pill
I think Dr Bryan Ardis may have mentioned nicotine as cure for the seizures, but I could be wrong. He did say something was beneficial. I checked my notes of his videos but I don't have anything written down about it.
Bless you both! 🙏🤍
You ever use Valproaic Acid?
Not sure how it works for epilepsy proper, but it cures absence seizures, at least in teens and under.
Also can’t be diagnosed on a digital machine. Has to be the old analog ones. Digital isn’t accurate enough.
It’s hard to find American doctors who will deal with it. Ivermectin syndrome. It’s too cheap, and doesn’t create lifetime subscribers….
My daughter had seizures, and Ivermetin calmed it down. Just saying.
Ivermectin is a strong anti-inflammatory. I feel that many of our health problems are due to inflammation.
Most all illnesses come from inflammation..
I want to try new stuff but terrified of having another. almost bit my tongue in half and herniated some disks in my neck and back.
That's wonderful! 🙏
Kash Patel was wearing Q cufflinks!
Your pic didn't come through
I can see it now! Awesome catch fren!! 🫡👏 This deserves to be a post...please do!
I downloaded this document sometime ago. This is important. Every Patriot should have a copy and take time to read it.
What is GC Obligations?
"GC obligations" refers to the obligations under the Geneva Conventions that states and parties involved in armed conflict are required to follow in order to ensure humanitarian protection for those affected by war. These obligations are designed to limit the effects of armed conflict and protect non-combatants, prisoners of war, the wounded, and others who are not or are no longer taking part in the fighting.
The specific obligations under the Geneva Conventions (GC) include, but are not limited to:
Humane Treatment: All persons who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities (such as civilians and prisoners of war) must be treated humanely, without discrimination. This includes protections against violence, torture, and cruel or degrading treatment.
Care for the Wounded and Sick: Parties to the conflict must take all possible measures to care for and assist the wounded and sick, whether they are military personnel or civilians. Medical personnel and facilities should be respected and protected.
Protection of Prisoners of War (POWs): POWs must be treated according to the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention, which includes humane treatment, protection from violence, provision of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care, and the right to communicate with family members.
Protection of Civilians: Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, civilians are to be protected from acts of violence and collective punishment. Their property must be safeguarded, and they must not be targeted by military operations. If they are displaced, the convention obligates parties to provide basic assistance, such as food and shelter.
No Attacks on Medical Units: Medical units, personnel, and transport (including hospitals) must not be attacked, and they must be protected from military operations.
Treatment of Enemy Combatants: When an enemy soldier is captured, they must be afforded certain protections under the Geneva Conventions, including proper treatment and due process.
Respect for the Law: Parties to the conflict must ensure that their armed forces comply with international law, including the Geneva Conventions, and that violations are prevented or punished.
States are obligated to implement the Geneva Conventions domestically, and violations of these obligations can lead to legal consequences, including prosecution for war crimes.
Thank you so much!
Thank you Kingslea! ✨👏
or, listen to Derek Johnson if you don't like to read.
What if I don't like listening or reading?
Have faith & pray
Then GAW might not be for you.
I stopped listening to him because of his impatience with people not understanding “laws and orders”. And sometimes saying stuff that just wasn’t true.
He's a total fraud. He took all the research by Jon Harold (Patel Patriot) on the devolution series, and then rehashed it and passed it off on his own.
He paints himself as an ultra significant person, based on crap and nonsense. (Look at his self-described "first person in history to have two top songs on the billboard charts" nonsense).
Totally latched on to and went into cahoots with the fraud, Pascal Najadi.
(See ICYMI: The CURIOUS CASE of Pascal Najadi: https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvo09gf/the-curious-case-of-pascal-najad/)
After doing a dig on Johnson, in various dimensions, it became clear as day to me that he's another one of the fraudsters who latch on the Awakening Movement to get attention, self-inflate or cash in via followers.
FWIWI, he twists the conclusions of Harold's very solid research.
Holy crap...
After reading all that, I ultimately ended on a high note
Kek, Classic and a little 1940-ish, but I love it.
wow. people are not allowed to delve into a subject if someone else did it first? What a strange attitude! Of course the subject is going to sound the same.
Who said that?
Johnson is a fraud who claimed credit and who passed someone else's work off as his own. When Patel Patriot asked him about this, he blocked him.
It's completely proper and appropriate to build on someone else's foundation. We ALL do that (well, those of us who build), but its also proper and appropriate to recognize and acknowledge someone else's work when we cite it or use it, and to not pretend that we ourselves built it.
When people refuse to acknowledge the source when they take from others, the question of motive comes into play. Which is what inspired me to dig on Johnson.
Big egocentric fraud. My opinion. Based on reviewing his presence on the web.
Either way, please don't misconstrue my views or position by projecting such a fake and flimsy position as "people are not allowed to delve into a subject..."
I'll openly disavow such a statement.
I've seen enough of your posts and comments that I feel confident that you aren't trying to misrepresent me or win rhetorical points, so all I want to do here is to set the record straight.
FWIW, Patel Patriot has many times, which discussing his Devolution research, recognized that Thomas Wictor was the first person to discuss the idea of Devolution and then Jon went on to build on that.
To me, that speaks volumes. Just as Johnson's fundamental assertion that he is the instrument for "disclosing" important and secretly sourced information. (Not withstanding that of course, he cites and references all the publicly available documentation that Patel Patriot uncovered and brought to light in his Devolution Series.)
Maybe Johnson has changed his tune; my last digs on him was well more than a year ago. But personally, I doubt it.
the source is the DoD manual. Just saying.
Yes, that's true. Majic Eyes Only did the preeminent research on the LoW manural, imo.
That said, I think it hard to pin down exactly how of his research applies. Quite a different dimension of work from the CoG and Devo stuff.
I've read a good number of posts by frogs on the LoW manual, read through the relevant articles (e.g. Chapter 11) myself, and personally, I'm not convinced as to how much it really applies. But that's just me. Conclusion (for me): Jury out. Waiting for more data.
That said, if someone wants to listen to an audio reading that Johnson has published, I mean, go for it.
Same here!
DK the fraud?