Thinking in military tactical terms, why alert the enemy to your actions? Why not just go there in secret, and hit them with all the "shock and awe" you can?
2 reasons:
1 - they are now on notice. They cant claim they didnt know or any other crap when they get raided or killed
2 - there are likely MANY low level cartels that will abandon with a real risk of death if they continue. They fight gangbangers not navy seals.
3 - Negotiation with the President of Mexico. They want our money and good will so they will likely become VERY helpful in our efforts and it sends them a message
I doubt the Mexican government will cooperate in any really meaningful way besides lip service. When we actually start going in and taking out top leadership, the Mexican government will activate like an antibody to US invasion, and do everything they can to resist the destruction of the Cartels. Because theyβre all bought, paid for, black mailed, and threatened with their lives it they go against the real rulers of Mexico.
We may have to completely purge and reform Mexicoβs government.
I donβt think they expect the Mexican government to be helpful. They know theyβre infiltrated and will even undermine the U.S. efforts to stop the cartel. Not the end of the world, the U.S. can work around most of that.
However, the Mexican government holds one card that the U.S. needs and that is public acknowledgement, and the implicit consent that comes with it, that the Americans can conduct missions in the territory of Mexico. Without that, things get really messy legally, and can spark a much larger conflict than the U.S. wants to get into. IMO this is the purpose of the tariffs on Canada and Mexico. They will both be forced to allow America to conduct operations on their territory and play ball with immigration, deportations, and other key issues.
Because we can't just invade a country, even if it's Mexico, without either requesting allowance of military ops or being invited. There's no way in Hell we'll ever be invited by any Mexican Govt to help them eradicate the Cartels because 1) Cartel ops account for at least 40% of Mexico's GDP, 2) at least 75% of all Mexican governmental officials at every level are on the payrolls of all the Cartels, 3) Mexico is a sovereign nation and member in good standing with the UN and also works closely with Interpol and at times has even done joint military ops with NATO, 4) Mexico's current President was (s)elected with the help of Sinaloa Cartel (that we know of) and possibly with the help of other Cartels, 5) Cartel owned and operated legal businesses and their illegal ops account for about 60%+ of Mexico's national employment numbers, 6) Mexico is nothing like Afghanistan in terms of ecology, politics, geology/topography, culture, or anything else other than the drug and human trafficking trades. The Cartels collectively outnumber AQ/Taliban by a factor of at least 5:1. Millions living in Mexico are either directly involved or are associated thru family/friends, addresses, businesses, or legal and/or illegal jobs.
Invading Mexico to root out the Cartels, like we did Afghanistan, would take far longer than the 20 yrs and change we stayed in Afghanistan. It is also illegal under UN law and NATO rules to openly use state-sponsored assassination as a tool of military or open governmental force (which is why the Clowns use PMCs, the Mafia, or mentally deranged "lone wolf" attacks for [their] wet work).
The Cartels are far better funded, far better organized, and far better equipped than AQ/Taliban ever was (at least until Buyden's withdrawal), too, and have been for decades. To the point that they now effectively control almost every border town on BOTH sides of the border, AND they have been working closely with CCP officials for about 25 yrs now. They send foot soldiers to mainland China for spec ops training, as well as clandestine operative training. Not to mention the fact that they've been known to work closely with our own: FIB, Clowns In America, and Drug Expansion Agency, and even U.S. Special Forces 4th Group ODAs in going after rival Cartels and gangs in other Central/South American countries like Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, etc. The Clowns, FIB, and DEA have long been known to fly in Cartel soec ops groups and train th m @ the Farm and Quantico, and have been invited numerous times to train with 4th Group ODAs in Arizona, California, and New Mexico for going on 35 yrs now. It was Mexican Cartel fed info that gave us El Chapo, helped us with Panama, and helped us in numerous joint ops in Colombia in the 80's-90's, and also helped us bring numerous Colombian Coca Cartel operatives to justice here in FL and in California in the late 80's and early 90's, too.
The larger and wealthier Cartels send their best and brightest to be educated at some of the best American and British Universities there are. At any point in time you can survey the student populations of Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UC-Berkely, Oxford, Cambridge, etc and find at least 5 students who are children of Cartel leaders going to school for educations in Law, Medicine, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Go to any of our military bases and survey the active duty members, and you will find at least 1 who is related to a Cartel member. And if you go to Bragg, Coronado, or Dam Neck, you'll find at least one unit who's worked with a Cartel either directly or indirectly against other Cartels in Central/South America. (I know this from personal experience.)
Americans have no idea just how permeated this country is with Cartel operatives or people associated with the Cartels. They're in every level of govt here in the U.S., either directly or indirectly working FOR the Cartels. They're in a very aspect of American life. If you go to a Mexican or Chinese restaurant here in the U.S. or abroad, you are directly helping to fund and operate a Cartel, and the CCP. If you've tried cancelled to a central or South American country for cheap medical, cheap dental, or even hallucinogenic treatment like Ibogaine or 5-MEO/DMT, you have funded a Mexican Cartel. If you buy ANY item with a "Made in China" or "Made in Mexico" or any item that is made in a Hispanic or Asian country at a store ANYHERE IN THE WORLD, you are directly or indirectly funding a Mexican Cartel, not to mention the CCP govt. If you pay taxes here in the U.S., to include a State/Local sales tax, you are directly and indirectly funding a Cartel, the CCP, AND AQ/Taliban/IS. If you buy drugs, whether it be legal marijuana at a legal dispensary, or illegal drugs like fentanyl, meth, coke, crack, or heroine, or even prescription AND OTC drugs anywhere in the world you are directly funding a Mexican Cartel, the CCP, AND AQ/Taliban/IS. If you have invested in stocks, bonds, or hedge funds like Coca-Cola, Disney, Pepsi Co, Pfizer, Moderna, Berkshire Hathaway, Blackrock, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Apple, IBM, Husqvarna, Levi's, Goya, Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, Nike, Reebok, are either directly or indirectly funding a Mexican Cartel, the CCP, or AQ/Taliban/IS. It's not a joke when I say they've infiltrated every aspect of our society. If you can ttace and item's manufacture, originating point, or shipment from or through Mexico, Asia, or Ctrl/South America, you have either directly or indirectly funded a Cartel, the CCP, or AQ/Taliban/IS. And if you've travelled to or through Mexico, Asia, or Ctrl/S. America, you have directly AND indirectly funded one of those organizations.
People in this country think MS-13 and Sur 13 are bad, but have no idea about the Mexican Cartels living among us, silently and clandestinely running the drug and human/sex trafficking trades, or the numerous extortion and bribery rackets in the U.S. from the border all the way to [D.C.] at every govt level we have. They've infiltrated our whole way of American Life from education to the courts, our police forces, military, etc.
There's no way BUT to telegraph our intentions and sit back to watch how they react. The dumber Cartel leaders will overreact, do something stupid and end up caught, but the smarter Cartels, like Sinaloa and Rainbow, won't.
So it'll force the U.S. Govt to get incentive, either thru direct sanctions against th Mexican Govt, or by other less legal means. Expect to see certain PMCs and other Security firms to end up with large Federal and State/Local contracts to help in this endeavour.
It is a bad idea to just use our Tier-1 units, or even our regular military units to go after these organizations due to the fact that it requires NUMEROUS legal manoeuverings for those units to operate in that capacity. It also requires a joint effort with Interpol and the UN, due to U.S., Mexican, and International Law, as well as the agreement of not just the federal Mexican Govt, but the agreement of the State and Local level govts of Mexico. Remember, Mexico is organized EXACTLY like the various governmental levels of the U.S. Hundreds, if not thousands of people will be involved just in an administrative and ministerial capacity to pull this off.
Lastly, we would be directly cutting off Black Budget funding of certain Federal, State, and local governmental agencies in this endeavour. If history has shown us anything, it's that the Clowns running things clandestinely absolutely CANNOT afford to let this operation commence, much less be successful.
There are numerous reports of Islamic Terror orgs planning U.S./Europe Homeland attacks at some point during 2025 and beyond, and it can be argued that New Orleans was only the beginning. That is child's play video compared to the war waiting for us in our cities and towns once Trump initiates this, IF he initiates this plan to go after the Cartels. They will absolutely activate their members already here, and will most certainly initiate incursions into the border States and elsewhere once Trump's plan kicks off. We're talking bombings of churches, schools, marketplaces, kidnappings and the executions of just about anyone, and full on ip n urban combat in our cities, the likes of which America isn't ready for. Most Americans don't have the stomach or mental)emotional fortitude for the decades long war that's about to come once Trump initiates this plan.
All that being said, I am not doomfagging here. I'm attempting to inform everyone on this platform just what's been happening since Nixon announced his "War On Drugs." It IS very possible that we can pull this off, but it's going to require the American Public to become tough in ways they've never experienced before. It's also gonna require a lot more from people like us. I'm talking about starting and organizing neighborhood watches and then training in hand-hand combatives, CQB, urban and suburban combat, offensive driving capabilities, clandestine operations, nighttime ops, small unit tactics, large unit manoeuvres, Intel gathering, cultivation of informants, stalking/sniper ops. And that's just the beginning of training and operations methods. It'll also require a well funded, well oiled supply network from everyday citizens like us. These are ALL areas of modern day combat science that the Cartels have decades of training and real-world experience in, all thanks to the U.S. Govt.
So get yourselves, your families and friends, and your neighborhoods ready for what's coming. After all, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming applies as much to us as it does to [them] in this scenario.
P.s., I apologize now for any spelling or grammatical errors here.
P.p.s., for more info, head to the various video and audio platforms and start watching the various podcast episodes from Rogan, Shawn Ryan, Scott Mann, and others to even begin to wrap your heads around the enormous tasks at hand were facing here. Search videos of interviews with people like Michael Yon, Sarah "Superbad" Adams, Scott Mann, Luis Chaparo, and former DEA, C_A, and FBI agents on YT, Bitchute, Rumble, Spotify, etc. There's a veritable library's worth of literature you can find on open sources like Wikipedia, WikiLeaks, and Substack you can search out on your own. I suggest you begineducating yourselves IMMEDIATELY, because a lot of you here think you know, but you absolutely don't.
Look up our very first war after Independence in the 1790s through early 1800s. There is precedent in the Barbary Wars.
Second comparing anything Trump would do in Mexico to Afghanistan, where we never had any intention of winning or even leaving as long as the C_A held the poppy fields, is laughable.
I've actually spent time with Ed Calderon of Joe Rogan and Shawn Ryan fame, and learned the techniques he learned from cartels.
I've also worked with 7th Group, and a clandestine individual who developed field SOPs for the Unit and Langley.
I have met with cartel members.
I'm not expert, but I do have a different POV.
Trump will listen to the experienced warriors of GWOT. They understand insurgency, invasion, terrorism, inter tribal/cartel fighting, and what it means to actually win, not just spend two decades in a foreign nation. There's a lot of experience there, and they don't want another Iraq or Afghanistan claiming the lives of more Americans.
Pete Hesgeth won't rush in and spend the lives of his brother's and sisters in a new forever war, nor will he risk the capture of an American warrior who will be made into an example on the latest Telegram cartel channel.
The Cartels are far better funded, far better organized, and far better equipped than AQ/Taliban ever was (at least until Buyden's withdrawal), too, and have been for decades.
AlQ/Taliban/Isis were funded by America, Iran, Russian, and China. Cartels also fear Isis members who crossed from Mexico into the US, Ed C said this himself in Rogans podcast. They may have used monkey bars, but they were still formidable. Granted, cartels do have better technology, including their own cell towers and network.
They send foot soldiers to mainland China for spec ops training, as well as clandestine operative training.
China couldn't win a border clash with India. I'm not at all concerned with their "spec ops and clandestine" training. I'm not underestimating the enemy, I'm putting my faith in five decades of US SoF development in Vietnam to Iraq.
Trump's plan seems clear: cleanse America of the worst of the worst as best we can, secure the border, stop the flow of drugs/compounds from China, then move into South America. Trump is starting in the northern most parts of American, and pushing the rats south as he makes his way down. He's flushing them out while building the wall. To me this communicates, "were destroying the sleeper cells, MS-13 hitmen, and terrorist groups, and removing any contingency plans you had stationed here in the US."
You are correct that the US can't simply HALO drop a Delta squadron into Mexico City and start raiding: there needs to be a localizing support element for the squadron. Medical, logistical, Ranger, comms, etc.
I agree that This is a completely different fight than Iraq and Afghanistan.
I think the plan to flush out the cells and sleepers, secure the border, cut off the flow, disrupt operations, and start eliminating the puppet masters seems to be the best solution.
You can kill every single cartel member right now, and get in two generations there will be more empires. The drug trade is too alluring, and Satan will always pull the greed of men towards the money in their jungles. I'm not sure what the answer is as Trump only has four years to make a difference.
But, one thing we haven't considered: the removal of the cabal. The cabal itself funded the drug trade as to undermine American power, poison Americans citizens, and create cash flow for themselves. Perhaps as Q toppled the last pillars of the cabal, the lifeblood of the largest cartels will start to fade.
I Rarely read anything this long, but as TNBanjoMan said, this is pure gold. Seriously, this needs to be a stand alone post and it needs to be stickied.
I think there's plenty of time for shock an awe, consider this a very friendly warning to the cartels and most importantly Mexico, that the USA is not putting up with this any longer. I'm sure our President would prefer that Mexico takes charge and the USA will offer any help that they need.
The same can be said of us. Tackling this mountain range of problems MUST begin with policing ourselves first and foremost. After all, the Cartels wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the U.S. Public at large. If we didn't cultivate the markets in which the Cartels operate here in the U.S., the Cartels wouldn't even exist in the first damned place.
Cartels are one of the problems that we already have the capability and resources to solve. We have not solved it simply because those in power don't want it solved. President Trump wants to solve it, and he's now in power.. so now we just have to watch as all the evil people spin the problem and spout how immoral it would be to actually solve it.
Who's to say they haven't been taken out already. Been a long while since we heard of Sean Penn going down there. What was with that ninja group auditing the election in 20? There was talk then about the cartels interfering with the elections. I feel they didn't know how far the rabbit hole went in 20 but ready to wrap it up now.
Maybe itβs just me. But Pete doesnβt have that Mr. Secretary vibe coming off yet. Still feels as if he is βreportingβ from The Pentagon for Foxπ
Taking over Greenland is on the table, taking over Canada is in the air, not mentioned is taking all of Mexico and making it part of USA instead of Mexico taking part of USA example Arizona and Colorado
This is what needs to happen. All of Mexico's leaders are already compromised when they take office, or else they are eliminated. Mexico is lost without draconian intervention from some major entity.
Thinking in military tactical terms, why alert the enemy to your actions? Why not just go there in secret, and hit them with all the "shock and awe" you can?
2 reasons: 1 - they are now on notice. They cant claim they didnt know or any other crap when they get raided or killed 2 - there are likely MANY low level cartels that will abandon with a real risk of death if they continue. They fight gangbangers not navy seals. 3 - Negotiation with the President of Mexico. They want our money and good will so they will likely become VERY helpful in our efforts and it sends them a message
I doubt the Mexican government will cooperate in any really meaningful way besides lip service. When we actually start going in and taking out top leadership, the Mexican government will activate like an antibody to US invasion, and do everything they can to resist the destruction of the Cartels. Because theyβre all bought, paid for, black mailed, and threatened with their lives it they go against the real rulers of Mexico.
We may have to completely purge and reform Mexicoβs government.
It would be a very quick war.
The Mexican government = the cartelβ¦
I donβt think they expect the Mexican government to be helpful. They know theyβre infiltrated and will even undermine the U.S. efforts to stop the cartel. Not the end of the world, the U.S. can work around most of that.
However, the Mexican government holds one card that the U.S. needs and that is public acknowledgement, and the implicit consent that comes with it, that the Americans can conduct missions in the territory of Mexico. Without that, things get really messy legally, and can spark a much larger conflict than the U.S. wants to get into. IMO this is the purpose of the tariffs on Canada and Mexico. They will both be forced to allow America to conduct operations on their territory and play ball with immigration, deportations, and other key issues.
Kinda like giving the news media and the democrats that thereβs a new sheriff in town
Because we can't just invade a country, even if it's Mexico, without either requesting allowance of military ops or being invited. There's no way in Hell we'll ever be invited by any Mexican Govt to help them eradicate the Cartels because 1) Cartel ops account for at least 40% of Mexico's GDP, 2) at least 75% of all Mexican governmental officials at every level are on the payrolls of all the Cartels, 3) Mexico is a sovereign nation and member in good standing with the UN and also works closely with Interpol and at times has even done joint military ops with NATO, 4) Mexico's current President was (s)elected with the help of Sinaloa Cartel (that we know of) and possibly with the help of other Cartels, 5) Cartel owned and operated legal businesses and their illegal ops account for about 60%+ of Mexico's national employment numbers, 6) Mexico is nothing like Afghanistan in terms of ecology, politics, geology/topography, culture, or anything else other than the drug and human trafficking trades. The Cartels collectively outnumber AQ/Taliban by a factor of at least 5:1. Millions living in Mexico are either directly involved or are associated thru family/friends, addresses, businesses, or legal and/or illegal jobs.
Invading Mexico to root out the Cartels, like we did Afghanistan, would take far longer than the 20 yrs and change we stayed in Afghanistan. It is also illegal under UN law and NATO rules to openly use state-sponsored assassination as a tool of military or open governmental force (which is why the Clowns use PMCs, the Mafia, or mentally deranged "lone wolf" attacks for [their] wet work).
The Cartels are far better funded, far better organized, and far better equipped than AQ/Taliban ever was (at least until Buyden's withdrawal), too, and have been for decades. To the point that they now effectively control almost every border town on BOTH sides of the border, AND they have been working closely with CCP officials for about 25 yrs now. They send foot soldiers to mainland China for spec ops training, as well as clandestine operative training. Not to mention the fact that they've been known to work closely with our own: FIB, Clowns In America, and Drug Expansion Agency, and even U.S. Special Forces 4th Group ODAs in going after rival Cartels and gangs in other Central/South American countries like Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, etc. The Clowns, FIB, and DEA have long been known to fly in Cartel soec ops groups and train th m @ the Farm and Quantico, and have been invited numerous times to train with 4th Group ODAs in Arizona, California, and New Mexico for going on 35 yrs now. It was Mexican Cartel fed info that gave us El Chapo, helped us with Panama, and helped us in numerous joint ops in Colombia in the 80's-90's, and also helped us bring numerous Colombian Coca Cartel operatives to justice here in FL and in California in the late 80's and early 90's, too.
Sorry to break this info to everyone here, but using CAG/DEVGRU/MARSOC/U.S. SPECIAL FORCES GREEN BERETs to go after the Cartels is a quagmire of a solution that absolutely isn't going to play out like everyone here hopes it will. It's not as simple as declaring them a terror orgs and sending in a few 20 man teams to start offensive target pckgs like we did in Afghanistan circa 2001/2002. Most Mexican citizens won't ever speak out against the Cartels, either due to being directly involved or having family/friends or businesses that benefit from Cartel livelihood. They either live in Cartel owned apartments, live in Cartel "owned" cities/towns/villages, or pay rent for their business locations to the Cartels. They also have been conditioned thru propaganda and extreme violence to keep their mouths shut about Cartel ops and will inform the Cartels when Mexican Marine or FederalΓ© units are in the area. Most Mexican FederalΓ© officials won't inform against the Cartels because they either are paid by them, or the Cartels know where they live and will regularly assassinate family members as a show of force to keep them quiet. (I personally know numerous Mexican illegals that came to FL trying to get away from the Cartels, only to end up being tracked down by them after they got here.) (I also personally know born American citizens and Naturalized Citizens of Mexican descent that have been silenced or forced to work with the Cartels stationed here in FL just to help keep family still living in Mexico safe from Cartel violence.)
The larger and wealthier Cartels send their best and brightest to be educated at some of the best American and British Universities there are. At any point in time you can survey the student populations of Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UC-Berkely, Oxford, Cambridge, etc and find at least 5 students who are children of Cartel leaders going to school for educations in Law, Medicine, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Go to any of our military bases and survey the active duty members, and you will find at least 1 who is related to a Cartel member. And if you go to Bragg, Coronado, or Dam Neck, you'll find at least one unit who's worked with a Cartel either directly or indirectly against other Cartels in Central/South America. (I know this from personal experience.)
Americans have no idea just how permeated this country is with Cartel operatives or people associated with the Cartels. They're in every level of govt here in the U.S., either directly or indirectly working FOR the Cartels. They're in a very aspect of American life. If you go to a Mexican or Chinese restaurant here in the U.S. or abroad, you are directly helping to fund and operate a Cartel, and the CCP. If you've tried cancelled to a central or South American country for cheap medical, cheap dental, or even hallucinogenic treatment like Ibogaine or 5-MEO/DMT, you have funded a Mexican Cartel. If you buy ANY item with a "Made in China" or "Made in Mexico" or any item that is made in a Hispanic or Asian country at a store ANYHERE IN THE WORLD, you are directly or indirectly funding a Mexican Cartel, not to mention the CCP govt. If you pay taxes here in the U.S., to include a State/Local sales tax, you are directly and indirectly funding a Cartel, the CCP, AND AQ/Taliban/IS. If you buy drugs, whether it be legal marijuana at a legal dispensary, or illegal drugs like fentanyl, meth, coke, crack, or heroine, or even prescription AND OTC drugs anywhere in the world you are directly funding a Mexican Cartel, the CCP, AND AQ/Taliban/IS. If you have invested in stocks, bonds, or hedge funds like Coca-Cola, Disney, Pepsi Co, Pfizer, Moderna, Berkshire Hathaway, Blackrock, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Apple, IBM, Husqvarna, Levi's, Goya, Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, Nike, Reebok, are either directly or indirectly funding a Mexican Cartel, the CCP, or AQ/Taliban/IS. It's not a joke when I say they've infiltrated every aspect of our society. If you can ttace and item's manufacture, originating point, or shipment from or through Mexico, Asia, or Ctrl/South America, you have either directly or indirectly funded a Cartel, the CCP, or AQ/Taliban/IS. And if you've travelled to or through Mexico, Asia, or Ctrl/S. America, you have directly AND indirectly funded one of those organizations.
People in this country think MS-13 and Sur 13 are bad, but have no idea about the Mexican Cartels living among us, silently and clandestinely running the drug and human/sex trafficking trades, or the numerous extortion and bribery rackets in the U.S. from the border all the way to [D.C.] at every govt level we have. They've infiltrated our whole way of American Life from education to the courts, our police forces, military, etc.
There's no way BUT to telegraph our intentions and sit back to watch how they react. The dumber Cartel leaders will overreact, do something stupid and end up caught, but the smarter Cartels, like Sinaloa and Rainbow, won't. So it'll force the U.S. Govt to get incentive, either thru direct sanctions against th Mexican Govt, or by other less legal means. Expect to see certain PMCs and other Security firms to end up with large Federal and State/Local contracts to help in this endeavour.
It is a bad idea to just use our Tier-1 units, or even our regular military units to go after these organizations due to the fact that it requires NUMEROUS legal manoeuverings for those units to operate in that capacity. It also requires a joint effort with Interpol and the UN, due to U.S., Mexican, and International Law, as well as the agreement of not just the federal Mexican Govt, but the agreement of the State and Local level govts of Mexico. Remember, Mexico is organized EXACTLY like the various governmental levels of the U.S. Hundreds, if not thousands of people will be involved just in an administrative and ministerial capacity to pull this off.
Lastly, we would be directly cutting off Black Budget funding of certain Federal, State, and local governmental agencies in this endeavour. If history has shown us anything, it's that the Clowns running things clandestinely absolutely CANNOT afford to let this operation commence, much less be successful.
There are numerous reports of Islamic Terror orgs planning U.S./Europe Homeland attacks at some point during 2025 and beyond, and it can be argued that New Orleans was only the beginning. That is child's play video compared to the war waiting for us in our cities and towns once Trump initiates this, IF he initiates this plan to go after the Cartels. They will absolutely activate their members already here, and will most certainly initiate incursions into the border States and elsewhere once Trump's plan kicks off. We're talking bombings of churches, schools, marketplaces, kidnappings and the executions of just about anyone, and full on ip n urban combat in our cities, the likes of which America isn't ready for. Most Americans don't have the stomach or mental)emotional fortitude for the decades long war that's about to come once Trump initiates this plan.
All that being said, I am not doomfagging here. I'm attempting to inform everyone on this platform just what's been happening since Nixon announced his "War On Drugs." It IS very possible that we can pull this off, but it's going to require the American Public to become tough in ways they've never experienced before. It's also gonna require a lot more from people like us. I'm talking about starting and organizing neighborhood watches and then training in hand-hand combatives, CQB, urban and suburban combat, offensive driving capabilities, clandestine operations, nighttime ops, small unit tactics, large unit manoeuvres, Intel gathering, cultivation of informants, stalking/sniper ops. And that's just the beginning of training and operations methods. It'll also require a well funded, well oiled supply network from everyday citizens like us. These are ALL areas of modern day combat science that the Cartels have decades of training and real-world experience in, all thanks to the U.S. Govt.
So get yourselves, your families and friends, and your neighborhoods ready for what's coming. After all, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming applies as much to us as it does to [them] in this scenario.
P.s., I apologize now for any spelling or grammatical errors here.
P.p.s., for more info, head to the various video and audio platforms and start watching the various podcast episodes from Rogan, Shawn Ryan, Scott Mann, and others to even begin to wrap your heads around the enormous tasks at hand were facing here. Search videos of interviews with people like Michael Yon, Sarah "Superbad" Adams, Scott Mann, Luis Chaparo, and former DEA, C_A, and FBI agents on YT, Bitchute, Rumble, Spotify, etc. There's a veritable library's worth of literature you can find on open sources like Wikipedia, WikiLeaks, and Substack you can search out on your own. I suggest you begineducating yourselves IMMEDIATELY, because a lot of you here think you know, but you absolutely don't.
Look up our very first war after Independence in the 1790s through early 1800s. There is precedent in the Barbary Wars.
Second comparing anything Trump would do in Mexico to Afghanistan, where we never had any intention of winning or even leaving as long as the C_A held the poppy fields, is laughable.
I agree with most of what you say.
I've actually spent time with Ed Calderon of Joe Rogan and Shawn Ryan fame, and learned the techniques he learned from cartels.
I've also worked with 7th Group, and a clandestine individual who developed field SOPs for the Unit and Langley.
I have met with cartel members.
I'm not expert, but I do have a different POV.
Trump will listen to the experienced warriors of GWOT. They understand insurgency, invasion, terrorism, inter tribal/cartel fighting, and what it means to actually win, not just spend two decades in a foreign nation. There's a lot of experience there, and they don't want another Iraq or Afghanistan claiming the lives of more Americans.
Pete Hesgeth won't rush in and spend the lives of his brother's and sisters in a new forever war, nor will he risk the capture of an American warrior who will be made into an example on the latest Telegram cartel channel.
AlQ/Taliban/Isis were funded by America, Iran, Russian, and China. Cartels also fear Isis members who crossed from Mexico into the US, Ed C said this himself in Rogans podcast. They may have used monkey bars, but they were still formidable. Granted, cartels do have better technology, including their own cell towers and network.
China couldn't win a border clash with India. I'm not at all concerned with their "spec ops and clandestine" training. I'm not underestimating the enemy, I'm putting my faith in five decades of US SoF development in Vietnam to Iraq.
Trump's plan seems clear: cleanse America of the worst of the worst as best we can, secure the border, stop the flow of drugs/compounds from China, then move into South America. Trump is starting in the northern most parts of American, and pushing the rats south as he makes his way down. He's flushing them out while building the wall. To me this communicates, "were destroying the sleeper cells, MS-13 hitmen, and terrorist groups, and removing any contingency plans you had stationed here in the US."
You are correct that the US can't simply HALO drop a Delta squadron into Mexico City and start raiding: there needs to be a localizing support element for the squadron. Medical, logistical, Ranger, comms, etc.
I agree that This is a completely different fight than Iraq and Afghanistan.
I think the plan to flush out the cells and sleepers, secure the border, cut off the flow, disrupt operations, and start eliminating the puppet masters seems to be the best solution.
You can kill every single cartel member right now, and get in two generations there will be more empires. The drug trade is too alluring, and Satan will always pull the greed of men towards the money in their jungles. I'm not sure what the answer is as Trump only has four years to make a difference.
But, one thing we haven't considered: the removal of the cabal. The cabal itself funded the drug trade as to undermine American power, poison Americans citizens, and create cash flow for themselves. Perhaps as Q toppled the last pillars of the cabal, the lifeblood of the largest cartels will start to fade.
I Rarely read anything this long, but as TNBanjoMan said, this is pure gold. Seriously, this needs to be a stand alone post and it needs to be stickied.
^^^ THIS ^^^ is pure gold. Thanks for all that information, anon, I'm going to pass this on to many other people I know on my email distribution list.
I am pretty sure they will start with their finances.
Maybe they already have. After all, Trump has been in office a whole week. In Trump Time, that is an eternity.
There is nothing they can do when a Spectre or Ghostrider shows up.
You could use a small drone for surveillance video and let the boys up top handle the rest.
This is for the mexican government if anything
The Cartels ARE the Mexican government.
I dont disagree but there are still rules to follow. They are a soverign country and we cant just do whatever we want
Wipe them all off the face of the Earth!
These terrorists just recently fired on US Federal agents.
It's long past the time for them to know they have crossed the line.
I'm pretty sure a special ops scout/sniper team would love some live-action practice on some terrorists.
I think there's plenty of time for shock an awe, consider this a very friendly warning to the cartels and most importantly Mexico, that the USA is not putting up with this any longer. I'm sure our President would prefer that Mexico takes charge and the USA will offer any help that they need.
That first venture into Mexico will be for the ages. A new definition of βshock and aweβ incoming....
Mexico has no one to blame but themselves.
Take back your country, Amigos.
Trump should simply tell them, either you solve the problem, or I will...
Same deal with Trudon't
Been wanting this for ever.
The same can be said of us. Tackling this mountain range of problems MUST begin with policing ourselves first and foremost. After all, the Cartels wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the U.S. Public at large. If we didn't cultivate the markets in which the Cartels operate here in the U.S., the Cartels wouldn't even exist in the first damned place.
YES!! πͺβοΈ
Cartels are one of the problems that we already have the capability and resources to solve. We have not solved it simply because those in power don't want it solved. President Trump wants to solve it, and he's now in power.. so now we just have to watch as all the evil people spin the problem and spout how immoral it would be to actually solve it.
Hit their compounds with B-52.....
Time to let Delta handle business
Who's to say they haven't been taken out already. Been a long while since we heard of Sean Penn going down there. What was with that ninja group auditing the election in 20? There was talk then about the cartels interfering with the elections. I feel they didn't know how far the rabbit hole went in 20 but ready to wrap it up now.
hope they use those bombs that use knives and only kill the target in the car instead of everybody. that would be awesome
Maybe itβs just me. But Pete doesnβt have that Mr. Secretary vibe coming off yet. Still feels as if he is βreportingβ from The Pentagon for Foxπ
I wonder if Mexico will try and protect these cartels in some capacity.
Taking over Greenland is on the table, taking over Canada is in the air, not mentioned is taking all of Mexico and making it part of USA instead of Mexico taking part of USA example Arizona and Colorado
This is what needs to happen. All of Mexico's leaders are already compromised when they take office, or else they are eliminated. Mexico is lost without draconian intervention from some major entity.