Amazing…Elon Musk Posted, “ The
team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.
They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.
Not even once.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
US govt. officials knowingly funding fraud, and terrorists...
US govt. officials knowingly funding fraud, and terrorists...
The legal implications of this are off the charts!
This. And while men were being killed and maimed by these terrorists.
It almost like treason isn’t it.
Exactly like.
I heard there’s going to be some vacancy at Gitmo. Seems like the perfect place for traitors
30,000 spaces. They’re going to need a lot of water.
When does the frog marching start?
"Drain the Swamp"
Fraudlent groups? I say most likely buckets funded back to someone in the legislative branch, and military industrial complex, CIA.
You don't actually think they spend 20,000 dollars on a hammer, 30,000 dollars on a toilet seat do you?
That's why we have always needed and audit, released to all Americans every year.
Exactly. The g0vernment works for the people. Or at least its supposed to. Why can they audit us, but we can't audit them?
IDK. Im just laughing thinking about the HOA meeting I last attended where we literally argued for 40 minutes about how to save costs on cleaning supplies at the club house, and we have $5 million in reserves and growing lol. If our HOA, which is filled by homeowners and monitored and nitpucked constantly by a bunch of retirees with nothing better to do, can still experience instances of waste, fraud and abuse, I can only imagine the massive corruption that goes on in every branch of government with big ole piles of OPM and ineffective or absent oversight.
I have a hunch " someone" has been monitoring this crap for a long time and now it's finally time to pull the plug. I expect many more resignations as people flee before things they've done get scrutinized. And I further bet many are ratting out each other to save their own ass.
"filled by homeowners and monitored and nitpucked constantly by a bunch of retirees with nothing better to do"
I owned two properties in a deed restricted (55 and over) retirement community. I just sold one, so I'm down to one that I rent out. Most of the population are transplants from up North. These blue-haired busybodies are like bitter old Nazi's, constantly looking for someone who violates, or infringes on the rules. If your grass is too high, or car is improperly parked or .... you can expect to get a letter in the mail advising you to correct the violation, or else. God forbid you actually jump into the huge pool instead of stepping in, you get a tongue lashing post haste.
Then there is the rule passed that says no one person can own more than two properties in the community. I agree with this rule as it theoretically keeps real estate investors from buying up all the properties, but this rule does not apply, conveniently to anyone who is on the board, Nice huh?
"I expect many more resignations as people flee before things they've done get scrutinized."
In office, or out, the abuse was committed, and if a law was broken, I think the long arm of the law should make them pay. If technically no law was broken, and their actions were a violation of the public trust, the these persons should be black-labeled as scallywags. They should be made to walk upon the earth with a scarlet letter of ignominious shame attached to their being. I would not be opposed to the creation of a public trust offender database wherein all their names would be listed lol.
"And I further bet many are ratting out each other to save their own ass."
How successfully we can make them rat each other out is key. Since most of the players are self-serving individuals, and groups looking to come out winners at any cost, I suspect they will quickly turn on each other to save themselves.
They are facing the The prisoner’s dilemma
What is the winning strategy.
I going to give you a bit of push back on this.
When I was in the military, we had to go pick up some chairs ordered on our system from office depot.
Each chair was $500 USD.
However, the same chair was literally on the show room 2 for $200.
Verified that the show room chair matched the milspec of the chairs we bought for the ship.
Tried to convince the RPO to just buy the chairs outright using the division credit card and was told we either use the money in the budget or lose the money in the budget 😒
The ole "Use it or Lose it" budget mentality.
I used to get a call from our state grants administrator saying she'd had $$ returned to the state and she needed to spend it in the next week or "lose" it. Wanted to know if I had any projects that met the grant criteria that I could spend it quickly on. I got a lot of $$ that way. The deal was, not only did they lose that money if they returned it to the general "pot", the state also cut their NEXT year's budget request by that amount. It was a stupid process. I'm retired now, so I'm not sure if they've cleaned it up yet or not...
I can assure you that it has not. I know this from my experience working as a county employee for 11 years.
Same in public school
And Office Depot is not a government contractor.
Imagine the overcharges from a goverment contractor who knows with certainty that ANY payment request will be paid, no questions asked.
Anytime anyone gives a low information hot take like that, you know they’re retarded
Same when they say military is a huge cost burden. It’s not exactly cheap, and yes they failed a bunch of audits, but as DOGE is finding, you’ll find equal money going to far left NGO with zero oversight no one wants to mention
Well. then, THAT is the system that needs to change..
Who’s going to pick the cherries now the illegals are going?
The prisoners :)
Create a work program so that jobless, homeless and the young looking for a job get one. My father joined the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Depression, when he was about seventeen. He planted lots of trees, and it was a great way to grow up and get out of the house. I have a photo of him among his colleagues. He looks like the baby of the group!!!! But that kind of paramilitary organization would be great to use, once again. And also for picking cherries, I guess!!
Who suspects cherry picking shit examples, actually represents the norm for everything in government accounting practices?
But, respective to DoD accounting practices allocating costs, along with the inefficient manufacturing of a bag of speciality nuts and bolts on demand; these methods are not smart.
A bag of nuts transportation costs are not equal to a jet engine! And tooling up to make a bag of speciality nuts and bolts is stupid. These accounting ways of costing are idiotic. I don't care how it is rationalized. It is stupid shit like this that contributes to the out of control government budget.
And government contractor proposals take the shit into account. Contract proposals are inflated by having this stupid shit built in! Why? Could it be to pay off the DoD grifters defining the rules of the DoD procurement process? And it is just not DoD.
Isn't there a revolving door between government contractors and government employees, grifters all? I hate to be illogical and say "all", but have we observed enough over the years to conclude everyone in government is out for themselves? Because time and time again there are more than enough anecdotal evidence and documented reports of whistleblowers suffering consequences of going against the "norm"? From losing their government job, or shuffled off to a desk that does nothing, or fleeing to Russia for safety, or committing "suicide" along a national highway in California?
Elon get busy: "According to DoD accounting and charging rules the total cost of transporting that pallet (80% jet engine mass) is to be apportioned equally among each item on the waybill. So, the poor bag of spare nuts and bolts gets charged the same amount as the jet engine, even though the jet engine is causing most of the logistics expense. But those are the rules."
Is this the era of calling a spade a spade? And we should hope it lasts more than 4 years!!!
The Doves of Magnolia suggests:
Hmm, interesting. Is this practical, I wonder?
Definitely- common practice in business. You have to audit or the best people will abuse the cards.
That would only track money paid TO gov employees, not the money THEY pay to outside interests. Just do an audit.
Banks already do that. 😂 Ever tried returning anything bought off a credit or debit card? They can see all purchases. I do believe even from other stores.
Who gave the instructions? Why would these officers comply? Why was zero said? They all belong in prison. They are all complicit.
I wonder who: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/aug/16/janet-yellen-inadvertently-ate-hallucinogenic-mushrooms-in-china-and-started-a-trend
You’d only leave if you knew you needed the time to prepare for scrutiny. I think it tells you everything you need to know. He’s not even trying to defend what he and his department did.
True. I was an outside auditor/ consultant in the private sector , we had a lot of uncomfortable conversations with people wasting company resources. After the first audit, things cleaned up substantially. IMHO, you have to get people outside the company to do it. Most internal audit staff became better at hiding " inefficiencies" than exposing them.
Please please tell me they will audit anyway.
I love that they locked them out of their work network. Kek.
Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, followed by the dismissal of 80% of its staff to enhance efficiency, was a calculated move. This occurred in the fall of 2022, laying the groundwork and "normalizing" the notion among the general public that Musk could streamline operations effectively (DOGE). Personally, I was frustrated by the slow pace of change. Perhaps because I had already embraced the "red pill" and managed to avoid a mental breakdown (though that's debatable), I wondered why they didn't just accelerate the process to enlighten everyone at once. The human mind is fragile, and the plan was unfolding right before our eyes. Now, we're witnessing the results of all that groundwork. Hallelujah!
Nobody here is surprised...
why have the officers in the first place if all they needed was a stamped signature. just another body getting paid for doing nothing
Appearance of oversight.
zionist Lebryk
Noticed that too. How much money to their causes was hidden amongst everything else I wonder.
The US entire governments works like this. This is the problem. If a mayor is corrupt, his officers are corrupt along with him. They know what’s going on is wrong, but no one does anything. And if they do, they’re done. This guy was writing to check to not only terrorists, but probably people whose names rhyme with EPSTEIN! Otherwise why is he so mad. Walks out. Because he knows what he’s done is wrong. “But I was just doing my job. I sent money where I was told to”. Even when trafficked kids were involved? Yep. This has got to be more than just terrorist. Otherwise why is the audit so feared. It’s dirty. Big time. And we all know it. This “I’m just doing my job” crap has got to have consequences. To many people go along with corruption, knowingly, and do nothing about it. Entire offices of government are like this. As well as the private sector. Sheesh. Lots to do people.
It an epidemic. For far too many, stealing is no longer thought of as morally wrong. We have to improve the culture.
The very people we placed to protect us have done everything in there power to make sure we werent. That includes enriching themselves at all our expense. We need to remove them all and get people that truly care in there place. I only know of one man that is trying to do that in my lifetime. God Bless DJT!
Resigning is a good idea
Resignation should be rescinded and he should be fired for.cause and lose all pension and benefits.
Methinks he won’t need pension or benefits where he’s going
Biden didn't hand out nearly enough pardons. Not by far.
" The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury " - G Washington. And this has been going on our whole lives.
Lots of Q messages have KNOWINGLY in them...
Corpoate accounts, Nina speaking, just a moment...
I wonder if this post by Elon broke X. It seems locked up this morning.
Who suspects cherry picking the cost of shit examples like hammers and toilet seats actually represents the norm for everything in government accounting and procurement practices?
For example, respective to DoD accounting practices allocating costs, along with the inefficient manufacturing of a bag of speciality nuts and bolts on demand for the DoD; these methods are not smart and cost effective.
A bag of nuts transportation costs are not equal to a jet engine! And tooling up to make a bag of speciality nuts and bolts is stupid. These accounting ways of costing are idiotic. I don't care how it is rationalized. It is stupid shit like this that contributes to the out of control government budget.
And government contractor proposals take the shit into account. Contract proposals are inflated by having this stupid shit built in! Why? Could it be to pay off the grifters defining the rules of procurement processes?
Isn't there a revolving door between government contractors and government employees, grifters all? I hate to be illogical and say "all", but have we observed enough over the years to conclude everyone in government is out for themselves? Because time and time again there are more than enough anecdotal evidence and documented reports of whistleblowers suffering consequences of going against the "norm"? From losing their government job, or shuffled off to a desk that does nothing, or fleeing to Russia for safety, or committing "suicide" along a national highway in California?
Elon get busy: "According to DoD accounting and charging rules the total cost of transporting that pallet (80% jet engine mass) is to be apportioned equally among each item on the waybill. So, the poor bag of spare nuts and bolts gets charged the same amount as the jet engine, even though the jet engine is causing most of the logistics expense. But those are the rules."
Is this the era of calling a spade a spade? And we should hope it lasts more than 4 years!!!
Basically proves the truth of that fatuous-sounding statement I’ve seen cropping up lately: “The purpose of a system is what it does.”
why elect these people for an overpaid position. We need to elect people who do not take a penny. Like President Trump. Pretty sure Elon is doing this DOGE for free. People in govt are already rich and just looking to get filthy rich. They deserve no place to rule over us with an attitude like this. Besides, you can't take it with you when it's your time.
...all who ' instructed ' commited TREASON
No payment no kickback.
duh ~~~
With instructions like that, there is no reason to show up in the office.
The new DNC chairman is going to have a difficult time fund raising now. Curious to see what happens since we are stopping the funnel that leads from our taxes to the government to the Democratic Party.