It's probable that she new things that The Powers that Be would like to remain hidden. -- Always dangerous to be a close-at-hand flunky to the corrupt and powerful.
Appears she was involved in a lot of woke programs, and probably Biden's main puppeteer with Obama's DEI policies while in the WH. Did this deranged woke psychopath, deliberately target the passenger plane because of President Trump scrapping every DEI policy. Who were the 'DEI' most senior experienced pilots in her battalion, that after testing, passed her, to earn her certification as a pilot-in-command? "She really wanted to be in Combat Arms " Be rest assured President Trump will be giving more pertinent details on this DEI hire.
So she graduate college in May of 2019
In July became an aviation officer
(Flight school takes several months..
Then she spent, what a year(?) as a aviation officer and somehow was plucked to become a WH aide.
And less than two weeks after the administration is out she goes for a revert flight and crashes into a passenger jet?
I am just glad she didn't get anywhere near Marine One!!!
That's why they wanted to keep it quiet.
I'm starting to think for some reason it was an intentional crash.
It gets better. She was a LESBIANfag. piC related- - /pol/ thread
over 450 hours flying tho.
i'm still wanting to know why it happened.
me too.
Would that make her a high value target?
i dunno
It's probable that she new things that The Powers that Be would like to remain hidden. -- Always dangerous to be a close-at-hand flunky to the corrupt and powerful.
They can't keep it quiet... The images continue to bubble up.. Maybe not her text posts, but the images..
WTF? She was an aide then goes to being a co-pilot of a BlackHawk?
Well… it DID crash… 🤣
In the 80s we used to chant "woman drivers no survivors" when we found out our favorite female friends were taking drivers ed.
I didn't realize that it was prophecy.
It's OK, she ded...😢
Appears she was involved in a lot of woke programs, and probably Biden's main puppeteer with Obama's DEI policies while in the WH. Did this deranged woke psychopath, deliberately target the passenger plane because of President Trump scrapping every DEI policy. Who were the 'DEI' most senior experienced pilots in her battalion, that after testing, passed her, to earn her certification as a pilot-in-command? "She really wanted to be in Combat Arms " Be rest assured President Trump will be giving more pertinent details on this DEI hire.
“ Lobach, who had over 450 hours of flying experience, recently served as a military social aide at the Biden White House.”
Wtf is a military social aide?
A protocol droid?
An I am sorry but that helmet makes her look like Rick morranis in Spaceballs...
Was this just another version of the ATF DEI lady moved to Senior executive?
So it's not just me about Dark Helmet.
I wonder if she knows snotty?
We need pilots that know how to read their altimeter.
Sauce from the MSM
I am calling it - CIA asset from a bloodline family
So she graduate college in May of 2019 In July became an aviation officer (Flight school takes several months.. Then she spent, what a year(?) as a aviation officer and somehow was plucked to become a WH aide. And less than two weeks after the administration is out she goes for a revert flight and crashes into a passenger jet?
I am just glad she didn't get anywhere near Marine One!!!
They have proven it once again, and far too many times. Not just anyone can fly a Black Hawk.
I wonder how many qualified white pilots they had to overlook to get her
Awarded presidential medal of freedom ...
She's GOTTA be connected...
That is not a regulation hair cut is it?
Awarded the Medal of Freedom you say...... for what she did or for what she was about to do?
pretty sure Ralph Lauren was given the award, and she was there...
Ding frickin ding...
Pick any prize on the middle shelf...
who was the pilot?
report says co-pilot. not, Pilot.
She was getting checked out by a training pilot.
BREAKING: New answers emerge about plane collision near Regan National Airport.....
I thought the army released statement saying she was the pilot ???
Pilotless, remote guidance.
My question has shifted to why the check pilot didn’t save the day. Two new theories enter the arena: suicide or remote control of the helicopter.
Every way you slice it, a DEI hire
hey if you believe this, I got a bridge in Brooklyn you can have ,,,cheap.