Could she be walking around in the morning prior to the store opening? The shelves would be fully stocked, and no one but employees walking about—just as she shows.
FWIW, I went into town yesterday (to west Knoxville, TN) to a Walmart and while the store wasn't crowded, it WAS Saturday and I was rather impressed by that. I did see two people whom I thought might be Hispanic, and the usual fat Muslim women in their hijabs smelling like they hadn't bathed in two months... but I gathered my items, paid for them (I was second in line at the checkout counter, and I ALWAYS prefer using a human checkout, not a self-serve), and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. It's a big store so I spent most of that time traversing the store looking for specific items from the pharmacy to the grocery section.
Another thing I've noticed on my past few stops there, the hired help rarely speak passable English. A simple question like, "Where is the Wheaties Protein cereal?" will get a blank stare and a shrug of the shoulder. Where DO these people come from, and why does Walmart hire people who can't speak the most basic English? The two I encountered yesterday looked to be from India or southwest Asia somewhere, and presumably here legally. Maybe...
wife is trying to get me to leave our blue state in the middle of the midwest for TN Any recommendations or "non recommendations" as i get it you guys feel like we did when hit by the left coast invaders.
Knox County and surrounding counties (east Tennessee) are deep red and full of good people. I'm a native and except for 4 years in the USMC and a lot of travel, have lived here all my life. I have several new friends these days who have moved here from Chicago, California, and Long Island, all seeking a better life and to escape the oppressive taxes and laws of their former blue states.
I may be an exception, but all the transplants that I know who have moved here are conservatives and are glad to be gone from their former hell holes.
TN has no income tax, our state balances its budget every year, is Second Amendment friendly, and while we have a handful of liberal crazies (doesn't everywhere?) we don't put up with a lot of foolishness. Our energy comes from the TVA hydroelectric, coal, and nuclear plants, and our resulting utilities are quite reasonable. According to my Chicago friends, they pay about one-fourth of what they paid for utilities back in Chicago.
I'll cite one example. Last year on a drive into west Knoxville, overnight there had appeared some kind of homeless tent shelters with 3 tents and scattered litter that always accompanies these people. On my way back home 2 hours later, the police had arrived and were rousting the people and the tents were being taken down, but they were doing little about the litter. The very next day I made the same trip and the litter had magically disappeared too.
Apparently after the cops left and the people sent on their way, the county crew had swept in and cleaned up the mess. This is what I consider a good use of my tax dollars.
Keep in mind, though, that I live in the county, Knox County, which is a very conservative place. Smack dab in the middle of Knox County is the City of Knoxville, which leans blue and Democrat, with the presence of a university and all their critters, and a large minority population on the east side of the city. Ninety percent of all the crime I hear about is in the city, and that's also where the homeless go for the various shelters and "ministries" that cater to them. If you build it, they will come. I typically avoid the city except for the occasional old time music jam I attend to play music.
If you look at the surrounding counties (Blount, Loudon, Anderson, Union, etc.) there are nice places to live there as well.
If you get the notion to move here, I can put you in touch with some good friends here who are real estate folks. Just let me know.
Hey different guy here. I'm moving from CO to a little east of Knoxville in a month and a half.
If you are open to sharing more information or maybe even bring frens someday that would be really cool. I know it wouldn't be hard to find some patriots there (82% red let's go!!), but it would still be cool.
Yeah, could meet for coffee one day, that's fine with me. Just not Starbucks PLEASE! But I expect whoever your neighbors are, you'll fit in fine. Just don't tell us how you did things in Colorado... we don't care. KEK!!
I moved here during Trump’s first term, and while I also had some concern about not being welcome, everybody has treated me like an old friend (especially once they realize I came here to live with like minded people and not bring any commie bullshit with me).
Having bought a house within the past couple years (worst time for prices, but I needed it and it is what it is), I might have some insight if you have any questions, but good ol BanjoMan is much more well versed in these parts.
"FWIW, I went into town yesterday (to west Knoxville, TN) to a Walmart and while the store wasn't crowded, it WAS Saturday and I was rather impressed by that. I did see two people whom I thought might be Hispanic, and the usual fat Muslim women in their hijabs smelling like they hadn't bathed in two months... but I gathered my items, paid for them (I was second in line at the checkout counter, and I ALWAYS prefer using a human checkout, not a self-serve), and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. It's a big store so I spent most of that time traversing the store looking for specific items from the pharmacy to the grocery section."
Word for word, the same as my own experience in central PA.
I'm a Field Service rep and work inside 2 different Walmarts.
This week I was in one of these stores 3 days, from 6:30 am til noon.
This is exactly what I am witnessing!
This particular Walmart is in a nice neighborhood in a Denver suburb, and it is a ghost town.
No Hispanics anywhere!
Fair enough but OP was only celebrating that hispanics are gone when Illegals are more than just mexicans. Biden opened the gates anyone who could come up through Mexico.
Hey Walmart might be empty of illegals, but so to most likely are the back of police cars, and jail houses, hospital emergency rooms not filled with non-emergency patients. Don't even get me started on the freed up space at the flee market.
Also drastically reduced is the number of people standing in line for a welfare check, as 59% of house holds headed by illegal aliens got one.
How long are these illegals going to hide, 4 years? I mean, how will they pay their bills once the freebies are cut off? They can't work or shop in public. It doesn't leave a lot of options and self deportations will increase with time.
Didn't say it was fake, I said I needed a comparison vid for how busy it typically is.
Also, notice how this worker isn't afraid to be in the store. She must be a citizen or have other legal status! Notice how you don't need to be afraid to be in the country!
"Walmart employee avoids ICE raids and lives without fear of being deported with one simple trick! Democrats hate her!"
No whenI was there the other day there was only 3 I saw and they were looking a bit sheepish. Evenings are owned by the illegal community. This is when they really come out, normally looking defiant and bold. Look you straight in the eye. Those days are over. Bet they finish their current job and head out.
Are people like myself, feeling alot safer on the roads now, that illegals are even afraid to drive, knowing if they stopped for ANY infraction, they will be deported immediately, not able to say good bye to family memebers.
I'm in the Chicago suburbs, traffic has been suspiciously light since the day after the ICE raids started in Chicago (the ones filmed by Dr Phil.) It's also been quieter than normal in stores around here and I found it odd how when I went to my vet and dental appointments that there were hardly any other clients around when usually they're busy on the weekends. Now maybe a lot of people are away on vacations right now but the timing is still very interesting.
I have been speaking for months on here about the local shopping district that houses Home Goods, Marshall's, and a handful of other stores, and the over-abundance of non-Englosh speaking people paying with brand new bills on Sunday nights. I may go up there today to check it out. This area of the Midwest exploded in population with thousands of Latinos during Biden’s illegals-relocation program, and it became annoying to go anywhere without an influx of people that I knew didn't come here by appropriate means.
I can confirm the same in my area of south NJ. Just left Walmart, store was empty for a Sunday afternoon without any sportballs games on. Not only this, but the roads in the area are like pandemic times. The same for Philly yesterday, i95 about 50% what it used to be on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah I was heading to work last Tuesday and was wondering where all the traffic was. Intersections that usually had a line of cars in the left-turn lane were empty.
Excuse me, Quick Question. Does this mean we can stop locking up all the products behind sealed glass racks. It's really annoying having to get permission to buy sunscreen.
They don't lock that up by me but a while back a friend posted a photo in Rockford IL in a Walmart they stopped at with entire aisles of the silliest things behind glass. "They might as well just require you to order online and do store pick-up only at this point."
I remember the rumblings about the numerous Walmart stores and warehouses around the country that are supposedly shut down, never mind the open stores being empty.
I wonder which Walmart she's at? I also wonder what time she's recording, because I was at a Walmart in Volusia County, FL yesterday and it was filled with illegals. And right down the road was a protest filled with Mexicans protesting Trump and saying they'd refuse to go back. Made me wish Homan had more eyes and ears in suburban and rural America. All he'd have to do is send some "attendees" to start rounding them up. Like shooting fish in a barrel, it would be that easy to bag a few dozen (or more).
For everyone saying we don’t know of what time it is.
Look at the bright blue sky and bright white clouds you can see through the sky lights.
That store is open as it is anywhere from 10am-2pm, imho, by the look of the sky. I live in CO.
And at the very end of the clip, there is a lady with a cart who appears to be a customer. But she’s an old white lady so the Hispanic Walmart lady doesn’t see her.
They have gone into the hills to escape, build rudimentary shelters and grow food to eat. The bears in the hills welcome this, as do the cryptids, a nice change of diet for them to gorge themselves on.
Could she be walking around in the morning prior to the store opening? The shelves would be fully stocked, and no one but employees walking about—just as she shows.
FWIW, I went into town yesterday (to west Knoxville, TN) to a Walmart and while the store wasn't crowded, it WAS Saturday and I was rather impressed by that. I did see two people whom I thought might be Hispanic, and the usual fat Muslim women in their hijabs smelling like they hadn't bathed in two months... but I gathered my items, paid for them (I was second in line at the checkout counter, and I ALWAYS prefer using a human checkout, not a self-serve), and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. It's a big store so I spent most of that time traversing the store looking for specific items from the pharmacy to the grocery section.
Another thing I've noticed on my past few stops there, the hired help rarely speak passable English. A simple question like, "Where is the Wheaties Protein cereal?" will get a blank stare and a shrug of the shoulder. Where DO these people come from, and why does Walmart hire people who can't speak the most basic English? The two I encountered yesterday looked to be from India or southwest Asia somewhere, and presumably here legally. Maybe...
howdie neighbor
Howdy. Deep west Knox County here, how about you?
Question for the tennanon's,
wife is trying to get me to leave our blue state in the middle of the midwest for TN Any recommendations or "non recommendations" as i get it you guys feel like we did when hit by the left coast invaders.
Knox County and surrounding counties (east Tennessee) are deep red and full of good people. I'm a native and except for 4 years in the USMC and a lot of travel, have lived here all my life. I have several new friends these days who have moved here from Chicago, California, and Long Island, all seeking a better life and to escape the oppressive taxes and laws of their former blue states.
I may be an exception, but all the transplants that I know who have moved here are conservatives and are glad to be gone from their former hell holes.
TN has no income tax, our state balances its budget every year, is Second Amendment friendly, and while we have a handful of liberal crazies (doesn't everywhere?) we don't put up with a lot of foolishness. Our energy comes from the TVA hydroelectric, coal, and nuclear plants, and our resulting utilities are quite reasonable. According to my Chicago friends, they pay about one-fourth of what they paid for utilities back in Chicago.
I'll cite one example. Last year on a drive into west Knoxville, overnight there had appeared some kind of homeless tent shelters with 3 tents and scattered litter that always accompanies these people. On my way back home 2 hours later, the police had arrived and were rousting the people and the tents were being taken down, but they were doing little about the litter. The very next day I made the same trip and the litter had magically disappeared too.
Apparently after the cops left and the people sent on their way, the county crew had swept in and cleaned up the mess. This is what I consider a good use of my tax dollars.
Keep in mind, though, that I live in the county, Knox County, which is a very conservative place. Smack dab in the middle of Knox County is the City of Knoxville, which leans blue and Democrat, with the presence of a university and all their critters, and a large minority population on the east side of the city. Ninety percent of all the crime I hear about is in the city, and that's also where the homeless go for the various shelters and "ministries" that cater to them. If you build it, they will come. I typically avoid the city except for the occasional old time music jam I attend to play music.
If you look at the surrounding counties (Blount, Loudon, Anderson, Union, etc.) there are nice places to live there as well.
If you get the notion to move here, I can put you in touch with some good friends here who are real estate folks. Just let me know.
Hey different guy here. I'm moving from CO to a little east of Knoxville in a month and a half.
If you are open to sharing more information or maybe even bring frens someday that would be really cool. I know it wouldn't be hard to find some patriots there (82% red let's go!!), but it would still be cool.
Yeah, could meet for coffee one day, that's fine with me. Just not Starbucks PLEASE! But I expect whoever your neighbors are, you'll fit in fine. Just don't tell us how you did things in Colorado... we don't care. KEK!!
I second everything said by TNBanjoMan.
I moved here during Trump’s first term, and while I also had some concern about not being welcome, everybody has treated me like an old friend (especially once they realize I came here to live with like minded people and not bring any commie bullshit with me).
Having bought a house within the past couple years (worst time for prices, but I needed it and it is what it is), I might have some insight if you have any questions, but good ol BanjoMan is much more well versed in these parts.
Thank you, anon. Welcome to the true America.
It’s been a blessing, and exactly what I was looking for. I’ve even started a beautiful family. Thank you, sir, and others like you.
You mean the ones that have a minimum of 5 children under the age of 7 running around with them?
That's not fat, that's called pregnant again...
"FWIW, I went into town yesterday (to west Knoxville, TN) to a Walmart and while the store wasn't crowded, it WAS Saturday and I was rather impressed by that. I did see two people whom I thought might be Hispanic, and the usual fat Muslim women in their hijabs smelling like they hadn't bathed in two months... but I gathered my items, paid for them (I was second in line at the checkout counter, and I ALWAYS prefer using a human checkout, not a self-serve), and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. It's a big store so I spent most of that time traversing the store looking for specific items from the pharmacy to the grocery section."
Word for word, the same as my own experience in central PA.
I work in proximity to this store… can confirm it would be very crowded on a Saturday, typically.
I'm a Field Service rep and work inside 2 different Walmarts. This week I was in one of these stores 3 days, from 6:30 am til noon. This is exactly what I am witnessing! This particular Walmart is in a nice neighborhood in a Denver suburb, and it is a ghost town. No Hispanics anywhere!
It's awesome
Is it the fact that they're hispanics that is the problem for you? Kinda glowing there!
I thought most of us agreed that the illegals must go. Was just sharing my real life observations
Illegals are more than one race. Only being happy one kind of them being gone is what I was talking about.
See. This is why I just lurk here . 8ve been here since 2016, since the- Donald on reddit. Oake 1 comment and mtly responses are " you're a glowie
To be fair, a high percentage of illegals ARE Hispanic. It's because our country borders a Hispanic country where most illegal crossings occur.
Yeah it's Europe where the proportion of illegals is much more African and Middle East.
Fair enough but OP was only celebrating that hispanics are gone when Illegals are more than just mexicans. Biden opened the gates anyone who could come up through Mexico.
Yes, correct, they are from every continent.
Kinda what I thought.
All the lights to the deli are turned off. That lends credence to your theory.
Hey Walmart might be empty of illegals, but so to most likely are the back of police cars, and jail houses, hospital emergency rooms not filled with non-emergency patients. Don't even get me started on the freed up space at the flee market.
Also drastically reduced is the number of people standing in line for a welfare check, as 59% of house holds headed by illegal aliens got one.
“the flee market”… we hope they”re all fleeing. LOL
Ha Ha, yup add new meaning to flee market.
"She shows all the empty checkout lines, the empty store, the fully stocked shelves
There has so be WAY MORE illegals in America than even the highest predictions they told us"
Nobody is over working behind the counter at the deli. Maybe it's before opening hours?
Deli staff is probably illegal, too.
How long are these illegals going to hide, 4 years? I mean, how will they pay their bills once the freebies are cut off? They can't work or shop in public. It doesn't leave a lot of options and self deportations will increase with time.
Didn't say it was fake, I said I needed a comparison vid for how busy it typically is.
Also, notice how this worker isn't afraid to be in the store. She must be a citizen or have other legal status! Notice how you don't need to be afraid to be in the country!
"Walmart employee avoids ICE raids and lives without fear of being deported with one simple trick! Democrats hate her!"
A lot of people stopped going to Walmart because of the illegals too, I’m sure.
yep. we started ordering walmart online cause of this, and being deep in the moutnains
This seems like an attempt to scare business owners. If Trump deports illegals you'll have no customers. But its Walmart
Walmart can down size. Plus all the Chinese shit they sell is gonna get expensive.
INTERDASTING! I live in Australia and I cannot comprehend a supermarket that EMPTY even if all the illegal immigrants were suddenly raptured. WTF!
The same thing here in FL. and I thought the same thing their hiding that means someone's are going out too buy all their food.
No whenI was there the other day there was only 3 I saw and they were looking a bit sheepish. Evenings are owned by the illegal community. This is when they really come out, normally looking defiant and bold. Look you straight in the eye. Those days are over. Bet they finish their current job and head out.
Are people like myself, feeling alot safer on the roads now, that illegals are even afraid to drive, knowing if they stopped for ANY infraction, they will be deported immediately, not able to say good bye to family memebers.
I'm in the Chicago suburbs, traffic has been suspiciously light since the day after the ICE raids started in Chicago (the ones filmed by Dr Phil.) It's also been quieter than normal in stores around here and I found it odd how when I went to my vet and dental appointments that there were hardly any other clients around when usually they're busy on the weekends. Now maybe a lot of people are away on vacations right now but the timing is still very interesting.
I have been speaking for months on here about the local shopping district that houses Home Goods, Marshall's, and a handful of other stores, and the over-abundance of non-Englosh speaking people paying with brand new bills on Sunday nights. I may go up there today to check it out. This area of the Midwest exploded in population with thousands of Latinos during Biden’s illegals-relocation program, and it became annoying to go anywhere without an influx of people that I knew didn't come here by appropriate means.
She should have shown her green card while she was at it..
Oh wait.....
That’s not much to go on. Walmart’s aren’t open 24 hours, his could have been filmed before staff got to work and opening the store.
Pre coof they were 24 hrs
Yeah they were, Walgreens was 24 hour pharmacy & it took several years for stores to stay open till nine.
McDonald's too open all nite breakfast anytime...pre regular hours breakfast only in morning
I lost it when she said gualmart 🤣🤣
I can confirm the same in my area of south NJ. Just left Walmart, store was empty for a Sunday afternoon without any sportballs games on. Not only this, but the roads in the area are like pandemic times. The same for Philly yesterday, i95 about 50% what it used to be on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah I was heading to work last Tuesday and was wondering where all the traffic was. Intersections that usually had a line of cars in the left-turn lane were empty.
Excuse me, Quick Question. Does this mean we can stop locking up all the products behind sealed glass racks. It's really annoying having to get permission to buy sunscreen.
They wouldn't have to lock that up
They don't lock that up by me but a while back a friend posted a photo in Rockford IL in a Walmart they stopped at with entire aisles of the silliest things behind glass. "They might as well just require you to order online and do store pick-up only at this point."
I remember the rumblings about the numerous Walmart stores and warehouses around the country that are supposedly shut down, never mind the open stores being empty.
I wonder which Walmart she's at? I also wonder what time she's recording, because I was at a Walmart in Volusia County, FL yesterday and it was filled with illegals. And right down the road was a protest filled with Mexicans protesting Trump and saying they'd refuse to go back. Made me wish Homan had more eyes and ears in suburban and rural America. All he'd have to do is send some "attendees" to start rounding them up. Like shooting fish in a barrel, it would be that easy to bag a few dozen (or more).
For everyone saying we don’t know of what time it is.
Look at the bright blue sky and bright white clouds you can see through the sky lights.
That store is open as it is anywhere from 10am-2pm, imho, by the look of the sky. I live in CO.
And at the very end of the clip, there is a lady with a cart who appears to be a customer. But she’s an old white lady so the Hispanic Walmart lady doesn’t see her.
So what you're telling me is, that we can get rid of illegals AND Walmart in one, fell swoop. Win/Win
I not buying it, they been walking around in plain sight for years now.
They were a protected class for the last 4 years though.
They have gone into the hills to escape, build rudimentary shelters and grow food to eat. The bears in the hills welcome this, as do the cryptids, a nice change of diet for them to gorge themselves on.
Rambo has entered the chat, along with Predator.