GAW is site that is here for me and others
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
Great Awakening was here for me at a time I needed it most. I (under a different alias) was tearing my face off after 1/6/2021 and seeing globalism swoop into the country. i was asking for white pills from even the most optimistic of seekers here, something that has been consistently maintained throughout the tough four years, even in the wake of arguments that have broken out.
Even if people dislike the site or disagree with the psyop, I beg them to at least accept the fact that GAW helped me a lot in 2021 and 2022. Because that truth right there, is undeniable.
GAW is my home in the sea of confusion.
It is the first site of the morning with my coffee and my last site of the day with my whiskey.
Sláinte to all my frens on GAW
Me, too's great to be with family here! 🙏☕🥃🍀
GAW made/helped me realize I was not going crazy in a world of Insanity.... Q brought me back to God and GAW brought me back to some sense of Sanity and a Lot of Like minded People...🙏🏻 To This day I don't remember how I found GAW 4 years ago....😉
my sentiments exactly. GAW is the first thing I look for in the morning and last thing before bed.
algos. it found you based on your interests. no coincedences.
I know I found it through some glorious frog cross-posting from CBTS_Stream to /r/The_Donald, which I found through the media sodomites not being able to contain their two minutes of hate + probably somewhere else.
Pretty sure it was u/catsfive who pointed me here when changed it's name to
Agreed. I've been in the t_d train since before the reddit ban, I even remember when it took over the front page when Reddit glitched out, revealing just how actually popular the sun was at the time 😂😂
I was never on the Q train until after the Biden inaug. I came to this site for hope, and after half a year of doubting, I finally started to believe.
Thanks all to everyone who's been supportive, sharing, praying, and interesting. I've been temp banned twice but I really do appreciate the sludge the mods have to truste through to keep this place hopeful, high energy, and fun.
You're welcome fren!
Any good we have here is simply a reflection of the work Jesus is doing in each of our lives. Glad this place could help you out. Jesus is alive and very present in this place. We must all seek him in deeper ways each day. Love you fren. I am here if you ever need prayer or a fren to vent to
Yeah Jesus has absolutely been working through this website to help others.
Absolute truth! 🙌
IRL I'm a political outcast. I'm either a tin-foil-hat nut to the conservative normies, or the scourge of the universe to the lefties. I was lucky enough to stumble across GAW two months before the 2020 elections and then officially joined later that January. I've finally found my tribe. It's what's kept me going, too.
Some people need a good verbal scourging..
I'm too left for the Conservatives, too far right I extreme for the lefties, too conspiracy for everyone. I consider myself a MAGA fan, through and through. Trump train or no train at all!
Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys, fren. Kek!
If you need acceptance from the rest of the world then GA is probably not the place for you. Many of us have battled through the VOAT years and many here have decided that real Truth is found in knowing the Lord Jesus and that God has told us what is coming in the end times. Some of us here try to share the Good News of the Gospel because it is the Truth. I pray that each one that seeks truth will find it before it is too late. God bless you all.
Amen MJ! I cut my teeth on the chains & VOAT.
God brought us all here for a reason. 🙌
definitely^ was like a maze to get here! weeding out the like minded;)✨🐸
I could never have survived the past 4 years without GAW!!!
And the best part is? we're just getting started now. GAW will be around as long as it can, and the haters are seething that they can't disband us
Yep. Me too. It’s the only place no one calls anyone a nazi for speaking their mind!
Thanks Mods & Pedes 👍
Funny how you can tell someone that you don’t support Nazis and don’t agree with Nazis, but if you don’t agree with them they’ll proceed to call you a Nazi and try to end your life.
It’s almost like they’re Nazis.
The finger they points at you has 3 fingers pointing back to itself.
Perfect phrasing.
you got that right^ I still have relatives that call me Hitler;) because I have an opinion. I thought that might change after the election...nope.
One day that name will have a different status.
Do they do the Sieg Heil salute when you walk into the room? /Sarc
Since all of recorded history is probably wrong, we might find out that nazis were actually the good guys
General Patton would have agreed with you, sir.
If you haven’t read Prussiagate, you should.
“Germany” during WWI and WWII was actually Prussia, using Germany and England, and the U.S., among likely others, as proxy states, and in the same way that both sides of the Napoleonic Wars were funded by the same parties in the early 1800’s.
There is little doubt that a lot of … let’s call it “release of oppression”… was done from Weimar “Germany”, but to jump from that to “they were the good guys” is not drawing out the proper conclusions.
They want to paint us as Nazis. It helps them reset their game.
They serve Satan. We love righteousness. No reset this time. End the endless.
I said "might"
Anything’s possible, but it seems much more likely that they were controlled opposition to get rid of the German people (who were allegedly among the last holdouts in pastoral lifestyle in Europe) and further thin America’s/Britain’s/France’s stronger stock, and encouraging reading in that direction.
They don’t hate “rednecks” for no reason. They hate them because they can walk outside of their slave control systems.
Where did Hitler get all the financing for his “economic miracle”? From recovering all the wealth of the ashes of the wheelbarrow-toting Weimar Republic, or was he financed and given production and supplies from the same people financing and supplying the other side?
I find this site, along with praying to God, very comforting and the posters usually back up their information with where it was gathered from-which is a lot of research. I and, probably most on here, appreciate that. Keep up the great work patriots, it is showing. Plus I think it would be done by these people somewhere so that they could get the word out. The moderators also do yeoman's work keeping the site-Thanks to all who contribute and those that moderate, who of course are also contributors.
GA has allowed me to have solace in knowing I am not alone.
Voat got me through the covid years, where everyone was trying to make sense of this plague that was struck on the citizens of the world. Even when I got covid myself (very early on when it first came to america), people of Voat helped me make sense of what I was dealing with and how best to go about healing myself.
Like so many others, when Voat shut down, I moved over to here. Thank you for bringing me in and offering guidance through so many political, Q related items and even just solid sounding boards. Many months ago, I wrote a post about "hope" (found here: ), little did I realize where my life would take me since that time. That post was just a simple gesture of thanks. Since that time, I am now realizing that my marriage is over. As much as I still struggle with that, I know that it is for the best. January 20, 2025 was the day that Donald Trump declared "Liberation Day". Little did I know it would be my liberation day as well. That is the day that my wife filed divorce papers. I spend a lot of time on this page, probably too much time. My wife has accused me of having online "Emotional Relationships" with other women, when in fact I have just been carousing the posts of GA. When I put down comments in the middle of the night, when i can't sleep, she has been believing that I am writing sweet nothings to other women. Even when I have given her complete access to my emails and social media accounts, she thinks I have alternative places where I am hiding extra-marital affairs. I have worked my whole life towards being the most faithful, honest person I can be, yet she thinks I am some demon lurking in the shadows. At this point, C'est la vie. I know that life will go on and that God has a path of intention for me moving forward.
Thanks for the sanity along the way. It as been a pleasure to delve into "Q" with all of you and find the meanings in all of the crazy things we have watched go down.
Man, I am sorry she did that to you. Glad you found this place. We are with you, God bless and keep marching on. He will indeed deliver you where you belong.
I already feel the path that God has for me, even if it is a separate path than my wife’s. I will continue to venture on with comstant hope that God continues to provide me with positive direction.
Thank you for the blessings.
The perseverance of patriots like you is an inspiration to us all. o7
Wow, that is an honor. Back at you. o7
Thanks for your link! Looking back, happy to see i “liked” your post. Sorry you are going through difficult times right now. We all get through situations that we don’t understand. Been there, done that. But with God all things are possible. 🙏🇺🇸🙏
Thanks for your time to respond. With God all things are possible. In it to win it.
Many of us know how tough that is.
The causative agents behind that behavior are one of the reasons we have to win this war.
For God and Country!
For God and Country! MAGA and MAHA!
Your wife needs God to heal the hole in her heart. Her projecting that on you will either push you to do it or go back on her and she will be the guilty one. Maybe it’s there because her own father did it or someone close. Sin creates more sin in those affected, intentionally or unintentionally. It could also be that she sees you getting happiness out of your device and she wants to do that for you instead. Bitterness and anger due to lack won’t cause happiness though, so that’s why I said God needs to heal that part of her heart.
Her relationship with both of her parents is a convoluted one. I have no doubt it has played a part in her insecurities and some of our issues. It is my hope that God can heal both of our hearts, even if that means down separate paths as sad as it is to write.
Divorce is ok but only go there with God’s leading. Lots of prayer and talking to people you trust. I would at least suggest counseling with the hopes that you could get through it
Thanks for your advise. We have been trying marriage counseling for the last 8 months.
I remember your post and sorry that your marriage is ending and on "Liberation Day". Remember, sometimes God closes a window so He can open a door. Blessings fren...🙏
Thanks Joy’s D. Yes, there is always a path forward. Even if it sometimes goes through the weeds. :/. Thanks for the blessings.
Well said fren. God refines us in the fire and we are strengthened. Praying He sends you the partner He wants for you. 🙏
GAW set me on the path to find Jesus and gave me all the Hopium I needed to make it through. Now he is my best Friend in the world and most of you all here are my Frens too. ❤️✝️🫶
exactly^ and once you get hooked on the optimism, it's impossible to 'doom'😇
Yeah, this place allowed many of us to remain mostly sane.
Before the internet and before GAW. Humanity has done such great evil. I have read many books of how communism awards its sheep and disposes those who are free thinkers and Christians.
Within all the evil man has done to humanity there will always be those who will have the inner peace of Seeing and having comfort while witnessing the sickness.
As for this place it is awesome to see the freedom here to say things that even the most awake will have a hard time with.
My hope is what we went through was the edge that plummets into the darkness and what we have seen is the Great Awakening, yet I think the awakening is to show us we are not divided when the hot war begins and I sadly believe it will be in the USA this time around.
The horrors man can do to man is astoundingly sad and all for a perception of Power. Power that only lasts for a fleeting moment compared to infinity.
I have faith in people like you and in God. :)
I think every single one of us was lonely asf during the last 4 yrs.
People calling us crazy conspiracy theorist, the side eyes of people we tried to talk to, people still calling us crazy.
Even when it turned out to be correct over and over again.
One thing is for certain. This place was awesome for us lonely conspiracy theorists.
The truth is a lion. This is the lion's den.
Likewise I’m here every day and sometimes several times a day. It has been my place to share camaraderie with like minded individuals and my refuge from all the chaos in the world
Same. We can rest assured now, because
I joined here in 2021,cause this was the only active resistance I found. I didn't know or really care at the time about Q.
I feel the same about GAW but Bill ORielly and Fox News opened my eyes to Democrats and the deep state years ago. Late 1990’s. Seeing Bill debate Juan Williams and the looney left showed me what kind of trouble we were really in if we didn’t stand up and push back their lying narrative. Once awake, you can’t go back to sleep. Complements to the US Military for having it on, then 9-11 happened and we were overseas. Only 3 TV stations and 2 were exactly the same. Blessedly Fox News was on and CNN. We were able to watch the stark difference in the narratives - truth vs fiction. Not sure what happened to the Murdoch family, but they did provide a great service back then. Are they compromised? Very likely. Sad really. But we are the news now and GAW leads the pack.
GAW is the top site I visit through out the day.
I found GAW in 2021, in a bit chute video comment. The deep state had just nuked, from outer space. I cautiously lurked here for months, before I made a profile. It was very comforting to see that if I was crazy, at least I wasn’t alone. Thank you frens.
A light in a dark tunnel
This is mine news site! Lol