A warning to President Trump from Colonel Douglas MacGregor. There WILL BE a war on the Mexican border
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The cartels run the government. The Mexican government is compromised. The president answers to the cartels. The cartels are not going to give up on their enormous drug income. Please note. Listen carefully to his words. Colonel Douglas MacGregor has been right about the Ukraine war from its beginning and with Gaza and Israel. Is this the surprise the democrats have planned for POTUS??
Starts at 25mins in:
I think it's a great opportunity to annihilate the cartels once and for all and make Mexico Great Again..In fact, so great that Mexico will have to build their own walls so the illegals can't come in to Mexico.
Would be a great excuse for us to dust off and update our nuclear arsenal.
If the cartels were inextricably linked to some U.S. Congressional leaders, think how close they are to the Mexican regime. They just agreed to put 10,000 of their military on the border. I wonder how close the Mexican military are to the cartels? I also saw the post with the black entertainer who was doing a show in AZ. Anyway he gets into a screaming match with a Mexican who says that Arizona belongs to Mexico. Well, the Arizona governor seems to be in the pocket of a cartel. All these oddities that connect in my brain.
There has been a war on the Mexican border for decades. That war has spread death and destruction across this whole nation.
I think it is high time America get in the game. Mexico's shit has been spilling into our country for far to long.
That may be but the Colonel is hearing info we don’t have privy to. He was deadly serious and it’s rare to see him take the stance he is taking.
Trump is baiting them so he can bomb them into oblivion.
It's about damn time.
We should take what is left for the 51st state. The state of Old Mexico. Kinda saggy, but was pretty hot in its prime.
Yes - it IS a war. A war we were losing under Joe Biden.
He means like a war between Russia and Ukraine. Not little spats among different cartels. Full on war.
Last time I checked,Mexico didn't have a realy army.
It will be the cartels and US soldiers. It will be urban warfare. Don’t forget there are many, many cartel members still on American soil.
Many of his predictions regarding the Ukraine War never actually occurred as predicted. I’ve been around long enough to remember that few month span where he was predicting the Ukrainians were about to surrender every couple weeks. And more recently Hamas and Hezbollah were struggling to replace Commanders and Leaders at the rate the Israelis were killing them while he was predicting they had the Israelis on the ropes and the Israelis were a couple months from giving up and going home. Despite all evidence, and the fact the Israelis were seemingly still leveling buildings and killing people in mass with relative impunity, to the contrary.
He’s a Veteran Officer who uses his former rank, and what connections that rank afforded him that he may still have, to act as a Geopolitical commentator and give himself credibility. That’s hardly unique for retired Officers. More power to him. Hell if anything he’s being used as a source to disseminate false information to the Civilian Population. Keep people and civilian sleuths looking one way and away from unintentionally blowing the cover on operations. While they’re doing something in the opposite direction.
Though you’d hardly need to be a genius to predict the Border is going to pop off. Or that Mexico is primarily run by Cartels.
"...if anything he’s being used as a source to disseminate false information to the Civilian Population." Exactly.
I stopped listening to him months ago. I don't think is intel is as good as he wants us to think.
As far as Ukraine goes, I have no idea where you get that what the colonel said, never eventuated. He also said that the war was fluid and are you aware that thousands of Ukraine soldiers have surrendered. Those captured Ukraine soldiers retold how they came across parents and a teen. He gave details how first he raped her barbarically then allowed others to do the same, then shot her in the head. The parents were tortured with wire then shot in the head.
Israel will go down as the worse war crimes committed ever. Did you hear him say that Israel were out of fighters? They were badly beaten in Gaza. And while I don’t agree with any war, when a Palestinian fighter loses his life, there are 10 fighters wanting to step into their shoes. What President Trump has just done is end the Gaza/Israel war. These people will now get to have a homeland which is their right because they were there long before Israel. People worldwide have been sickened by the atrocities done to mainly women, children and the elderly by Israel. You might not have seen the atrocities, but many independent channels showed them. Imagine turning off the gas to incubators and allowing 7 newborns to freeze to death. Netanyahu is a war criminal.
I’m not denying War crimes took place. I’ve seen the videos. Lord knows Netanyahu has a lot he should answer for.
What I’m saying is don’t take everything MacGregor says as Gospel Truth. He’s been wrong as often as he’s been right.
But he is getting news out to the average citizen that cannot trust the liberal media. GAW is doing the same. Rogan. Tucker. Valuetainment and many, many others. What is coming out is incredible regarding USAID. The corruption is undeniable. Finally the world is seeing the truth with their own eyes.
Um, POTUS already knows this, this was a warning for the US citizens. If you think Trump didn’t already know, you haven’t been paying attention.
The Colonel also said there are people that still not being truthful. Think military generals.
He’s probably correct, but I’m sure Q has their number.
Yeah recurring thing with MacGregor shills insisting that Trump somehow doesn't know about these things that are being discussed publicly on a podcast has really gotten old. I still remember the times when MacGregor insisted that the 2024 election was going to be canceled.
Things have been fluid for months before the elections. It’s up to you and me to use discernment. Research and research some more. But we no longer need the liberal media. They’re finished.
I would image POTUS has too. What the Colonel is broadcasting to those military personnel is …..’we’re watching you’.
Cleanup on Aisle Mexico
If we know, then of course Potus knows
It's been a war for decades.
Hell no it is no surprise for POTUS. And not for us in botder states because cartels have been encroaching, invading and harming Americans all along. We are going to bash the hornets nests. You know how we are so horrified by how the gangs of illegals torture and murder Americans here? Their actions mimic the cartel philosophy. Better to have this battle with cartels than constantly having murderous skulking predators at our doorstep. Ask any American land owner on our borders. They will tell you that the hulking beast is waiting to pounce. I am in a border state and feel it's hot breath, believe me. Step one, get rid of Katie Hobbs and her ilk in each border state.
This might shake the confidence of Americans. The Democrats will blame him for sending women and children back into a war zone. You can almost predict where this could lead.
The country is sick of this cartel.
No one will have shaken confidence.
They were controlling us.
If the border was kept open the war would be waged against us all over the country.
Starts talking about the Mexican border about the 30:22 mark, if you don't want to listen to the rest.
Colonel Douglas "There Won't Be a 2024 Election" MacGregor
Cartels see Isis bombing.
Waiting for Sicario 3 patiently
One or two precisely placed rods from Gods at or near key cartel leaders will probably have some influence on the way things go.
Never forget that singer who got a cartel death threat on-stage and was killed later that night.
Here's video of him getting the note.
The more important question is: what is the surprise that Trump has planned for the cartels?
From the Halls of Montezuma ... and now Montezuma-bound again!
Just watch out for Montezuma's Revenge. Kek!
The moment the cartels started poisoning Americans with fentanyl is the moment they declared war on the US.
That was the single dumbest move the cartels made. They didn't foresee Trump coming and winning because they work with the CIA and deep state and thought business as usual.
But it's too late. How many hundreds of thousands have died in their declaration of war? The casualties have already been taken on our side.
Now, it's boomerang time.
What is concerning is that the cartels already have thousands of people in big cities. If it comes down to it, they might activate those people to kill indiscriminately.
As we all know, this won't be clean. But they are the epitome of evil and evil needs to be eliminated.
If you didnt expect the cartels to fight you were wrong. Its long passed time for the military to take center stage and defend americas interest at home. That means wiping the cartels from the face of the earth. mexico is lucky it will free them at the same time.