Well you know one simple arrest and disbarment of a judge will stop that BS. There is no way a judge has a right to tell the President what he can and cannot do. Arrest him now.
The judge has no standing in the Executive Branches business. Panic and Desperation oozing from the criminal cartel. The low information useful idiots parroting the vomit…….
Yeah IL governor JB Prickster is trying to cheerlead this like it means anything while most comments on his social media post are calling for his own arrest.
LAWFARE: Obama-appointed judge threatened Trump and his team with arrest if they don't restore every last dime of funding that has been paused or cancelled. If the president wants to delay any payment he will need to justify his request to the judge's personal satisfaction.
What happens is that those who want the government corruption & waste to continue will shop around the country for an activist judge to do their bidding.
It is an undemocratic and unconstitutional power grab by a tiny group of radical leftists!
LAWFARE: The order from Rhode Island Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. (Obama appointee) requires the president to resume all paused funding as well as restoring missed payments. He threatened arrest if his order was not obeyed.
It's all going to move torwsrd. You think Trump isn't aware of rogue unconstitutional judges? He let's them out themselves as traitors.
Moving right along over speed bulbs.
The judge has stepped out of his lane. POTUS is a duly elected President & as such he has authority & control over the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of gov’t. He can reorganize, stop funding & lay off staff. Since there is EVIDENCE of fraud, he has a DUTY to stop it. Judge must be thrown off the bench & lose his license to practice law. If he even has one.
Somewhat ironically there’s a not insignificant faction of people from both sides of the aisle who struggle to figure out why everyone else is gradually finding Authoritarians, Strongmen, and people who actually rule and lead without regard to the other branches of Government and their declarations more appealing than conventional Modern Democratic and or Republican Governance.
Judge sure has his ass up on his shoulders. Trump needs HIS permission? And since when can anyone have the President arrested? I want to watch that one.
Cross Roads Rhode Island
EIN 05-0259094
Part of USAID hand outs. Seems to be same ones Schumer, Waters , Walz etc are supporting ( ie: receiving funding from)
Very simple solution. Trump gives a preemptive pardon to everyone on the DOGE team and they just keep doing what they're doing
i like it...good idea
They're backed into a corner if they object
Better idea, now Trump can seek mandamus.
I read a little about this, but could you explain it to me like I’m brain damaged as it specifically would work in this instance? Thank you!!
The quick brain dead version is .....
A higher court tells lower court. Stop, shut the f up. Stay in your lane.
Last time I checked,that judge doesn't have any army.
Well you know one simple arrest and disbarment of a judge will stop that BS. There is no way a judge has a right to tell the President what he can and cannot do. Arrest him now.
I agree completely and we need to do this soon so this shit will stop.
and who died and left this judge as GOD?? this boy needs a new necktie
One made from Hemp.
“John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it” - President Andrew Jackson.
This fag judge bout to FAFO
The judge has no standing in the Executive Branches business. Panic and Desperation oozing from the criminal cartel. The low information useful idiots parroting the vomit…….
Yeah IL governor JB Prickster is trying to cheerlead this like it means anything while most comments on his social media post are calling for his own arrest.
Fuck you
The only option is impeachment.
Speaker Johnson: FAFO time?
The dying heads of beurocracy reared up before they are popped!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣They make it so easy, these people are stupid.
Yup. Dogs don't bark at parked cars.
Post -
LAWFARE: Obama-appointed judge threatened Trump and his team with arrest if they don't restore every last dime of funding that has been paused or cancelled. If the president wants to delay any payment he will need to justify his request to the judge's personal satisfaction.
Elon retweeted this post -
What happens is that those who want the government corruption & waste to continue will shop around the country for an activist judge to do their bidding.
It is an undemocratic and unconstitutional power grab by a tiny group of radical leftists!
To post with the link to the pdf document -
LAWFARE: The order from Rhode Island Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. (Obama appointee) requires the president to resume all paused funding as well as restoring missed payments. He threatened arrest if his order was not obeyed.
Link in post to the pdf legal document (5 pages long) - https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.rid.58912/gov.uscourts.rid.58912.96.0_2.pdf
Trump should pull a Pelosi and rip it up in his face.....
if there ever was a guy that looks like he'd have kiddypron on his computer.......
Ooooh. Let's find out.
I guarantee he's a pedo and is being put up to this by his Deep State masters.
It's all going to move torwsrd. You think Trump isn't aware of rogue unconstitutional judges? He let's them out themselves as traitors.
Moving right along over speed bulbs. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣popcorn
The judge has stepped out of his lane. POTUS is a duly elected President & as such he has authority & control over the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of gov’t. He can reorganize, stop funding & lay off staff. Since there is EVIDENCE of fraud, he has a DUTY to stop it. Judge must be thrown off the bench & lose his license to practice law. If he even has one.
He's asking for an IRS audit without asking for an IRS audit.
so, they want to re-fund migrant chicken rehabilitation and LGBT comics in Peru. That's really important.
Some "operators " should visit his home and bench. Have a nice talk , pass along the FAFO message of the new administration
No, there are easy and legal ways to deal with this
Please clarify?
Try taking a look through the comments
I was hoping you'd paste them here. I'm a twitter virgin.
Maybe you could post an unrolled link so I an akshully see the comments?
Somewhat ironically there’s a not insignificant faction of people from both sides of the aisle who struggle to figure out why everyone else is gradually finding Authoritarians, Strongmen, and people who actually rule and lead without regard to the other branches of Government and their declarations more appealing than conventional Modern Democratic and or Republican Governance.
So this mf'er thinks GEOTUS has to ask his permission to do what We The People elected him to do? Hahaha! Eat a big bag of dicks!
Use their own rules against them.
Oh for the love of GOD, just get a deep south Texas federal judge to rule the NY court is full of shit. One cancels out the other.
Two federal courts at loggerheads automatically move to Appeals/SCOTUS for resolution.
Who does this Leftists Judge think he is? God Almighty?
That's not how this works.
This is a joke right?
Judge sure has his ass up on his shoulders. Trump needs HIS permission? And since when can anyone have the President arrested? I want to watch that one.
Cross Roads Rhode Island EIN 05-0259094 LOOK IT UP. Part of USAID hand outs. Seems to be same ones Schumer, Waters , Walz etc are supporting ( ie: receiving funding from)
Impeach judge
As FDR said, "The judge decided it, let him enforce it."
Congress?? What's up?? Can no one do anything?This is bs, this can't happen AG Pam Bondi? They will NEVER stop until someone is made an example.
Anybody know about that disclaimer on the bottom: "accuracy confidence: low" ?
I haven't seen it before. Is it AmuseX, or is it an X thing?
POTUS with the single finger salute sounds appropriate to me.
They got Trump this time!
This lawfare is no longer being waged against Trump, private citizen. It’s being waged against hard working citizens and taxpayers.
This sounds to me like the last standout! They never thought she would lose, now they all lose! This is just another way to confirm, Game Over!
This is exposing the out of control weaponization of the activist judiciary.
Oh well it was fun while it lasted :(