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From where we are seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father
The time has come for the Luciferian kingdom to be shaken.
We decree: that the great shaking of all who worship Lucifer has begun.
Your sorceries and sacrifices will not help you.
Your protection is removed.
Let the shaking of the Luciferian kingdom increase.
-- Lisa Meister
Amen 🙏
The Luciferian demonic pedophiles are crumbling before our eyes. Thank you, Jesus.
AMEN! Glory to God! 🙌
Amen in Jesus's name.
Amen Amen!!
What if the 'Fake Alien Invasion' is coming in a different way than we think. I've noticed that many of the whistleblowers actually communicate with these so called aliens, even inviting them to appear in their crafts: Greer, Barber, Elizondo & others & encouraging others to do so. People are 'Channeling' them, getting messages from the 'Galactic Federation' The Nazi were deep in Occult practices, receiving knowledge from evil entities just like before the flood. (sons of God) Gen. 6
Next the Nazis were working on antigravity systems & Nazi scientists were brought to The US (Operation Paper Clip). Also, inventors have developed this tech & it was suppressed. I'm starting to think the BHs have developed this tech not aliens & are using to deceive us to accept the NWO. There's more, but later.
Could you expand on the the following fren?
What if the 'Fake Alien Invasion' is coming in a different way than we think.
I'm starting to think the BHs have developed this tech not aliens & are using to deceive us to accept the NWO.
Regarding the "Galactic Federation" - an anon I deeply respect believes in this (and thinks the GF are orchestrating the Great Awakening). This belief troubles me.
I think as long as we see alien life forms as little guys running around with beams and lasers and thought control we are stuck in science fiction. An alien life form could be something more like a gas, or a bacteria or virus, something micro in size and more like elemental in form, with intelligence, yes, but not encumbered by a body with biological needs, organs, or appendages. More parasitic, frequency based, able to do mind control. Maybe they are here and have been here for a long time. These channelers are dancing with the devil.I realize this sounds schizophrenic, but I assure you I am not. I read a book called The Mind Parasites 40 years ago, by Colin Wilson, and have never been able to shake it off.
Read a book on Gurdjieff by Colin Wilson. I’ll have to find this Mind Parasites you mention.
Thank you fren, that is fascinating.
Real quick I always think of these angles but maybe I’m a bit too red and blue.
In the sense that I just assume that these forces would always default to convincing you “they” were God and that “God” was False and deceiving us? Heh it’s too late right now for this topic.
Biblical version = Christ returns in the clouds with His army (believers). The world will fight against Him (God) thinking they can defeat Him, but can't/won't.
World's (Gnostic) version = The Evil Alien Archon (Yahweh) coming to destroy them and they must fight (Armageddon) - and fight they will.
The New and Improved Gifs Thread...
Food for Thought…. COVID had to happen - For RFK TO HAPPEN.
COVID I believe was the last ditch effort to force vaccinate.
I remember the days before we were hit, I specifically noticed the intense uproar of “anti vax” “yoga mom” type stuff which always circulates Facebook and makes its rounds. I made note and even thought the momentum was too strong to stop. One of the first connections I made was seeing this landscape totally shift.
It was the effort to force lockdowns for 5-6 years before they would be able to perfect their bio control vaccines.
The hastily released vaccines thwarted those plans, but also exposed all this.
Operation Warp Speed saved millions and millions of lives.
I'm finding that any serious criticism of YouTube itself is completely scrubbed or censored from the internet. That should scare everyone.
Except in youtube comment section. It was the original redpill central.
That is changing. One used to be able to say words such as "faggot" and "idiot" there, but now you are censored or your comment shadowbanned.
Q channels were shut down a few years ago. I believe you can still talk about Q in the comments but you can't link to any Q sites.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon February 17th — Evening Reading
"Whereas the Lord was there." — Ezekiel 35:10
Edom's princes saw the whole country left desolate, and counted upon its easy conquest; but there was one great difficulty in their way-quite unknown to them-"The Lord was there"; and in His presence lay the special security of the chosen land. Whatever may be the machinations and devices of the enemies of God's people, there is still the same effectual barrier to thwart their design. The saints are God's heritage, and He is in the midst of them, and will protect His own. What comfort this assurance yields us in our troubles and spiritual conflicts! We are constantly opposed, and yet perpetually preserved! How often Satan shoots his arrows against our faith, but our faith defies the power of hell's fiery darts; they are not only turned aside, but they are quenched upon its shield, for "the Lord is there." Our good works are the subjects of Satan's attacks. A saint never yet had a virtue or a grace which was not the target for hellish bullets: whether it was hope bright and sparkling, or love warm and fervent, or patience all-enduring, or zeal flaming like coals of fire, the old enemy of everything that is good has tried to destroy it. The only reason why anything virtuous or lovely survives in us is this, "the Lord is there."
If the Lord be with us through life, we need not fear for our dying confidence; for when we come to die, we shall find that "the Lord is there"; where the billows are most tempestuous, and the water is most chill, we shall feel the bottom, and know that it is good: our feet shall stand upon the Rock of Ages when time is passing away. Beloved, from the first of a Christian's life to the last, the only reason why he does not perish is because "the Lord is there." When the God of everlasting love shall change and leave His elect to perish, then may the Church of God be destroyed; but not till then, because it is written, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, "The Lord is there."
Amen !!
With Authority.
I don't even watch hockey, but this is just awesome
Knowledge is increasing. Wisdom is not.
That is deep
We are living in Luciferian times fren
In the same vein: If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.
Hey frens, If I don’t say it enough here I go again. I appreciate each of you. I can’t let today go by without saying I’m truly grateful for you, except for my immediate family and a couple close friends you guys have shown me compassion and offered your prayers. Two years ago today I almost left this world. Of course I’d love to be with Jesus but not yet.
Monday Poem...Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - The Village Blacksmith
Two Alarming Truths: Family Farms Vanishing & Centralized Beef Industry For RFK Jr. To Fix
Gary, Indiana, and the Long Shadow of U.S. Steel...Can a company town that’s been called “the most miserable city in America” remake itself?
Worst Of Babylon Bee
Jobs Report Shows Skyrocketing Unemployment Among Lizard People
WINNING: Trump Announces Plan To Attack The British And Prussian Forces At Waterloo
Audit Reveals All Fort Knox Gold Replaced With IOUs
Deranged Maniac Fires Off Over 17 Memes In Crowded German Shopping Mall
Is Elon Musk The Father Of Your Child? Signs To Look For
That Longfellow is a beauty. o7
"That Longfellow is a beauty."
...that poem became a classic for a reason...
God bless you for your readership and positive observation .
...where we howl 1, we howl all...
Here’s a video of the plane crash that happened in Canada yesterday, where are the plane rolled over and every boy lived. But it’s only Instagram. I don’t have Xor TikTok.
Instagram is alright with me. I have X but rarely get on it. Thanks for sharing.
Heard on WarRoom that CIA took out a full-page ad in one of the big newspapers either NYT or Wapo. saying that they are glad to finally be protecting America's border instead of Ukraine's. I can't remember exactly what it said but I hadn't heard that anywhere else.
I had a really nice dream today. Trump announced that we bought Greenland and it was going to be a penal colony for all these crooks Doge is digging up. Really haven't a clue where I got that random thought from. I pictured them digging for ore or going hungry. My brain is on overload. How many perps have been arrested yet? How many trillions have been ripped off ?
Since they stole so many greenbacks, Greenland seems appropriate.
P.S. don't worry, I am just cracking myself up :)
Do you think the Q team let the baddies inhabit the lower level federal judgeships but got their people into the higher courts for this moment so they could publicly display their corruption but not stop anything that is happening? Bow down to me, for I am the King of the “run on” sentence.