It will be interesting to see all the ways that the Trump administration protects America's current and future children, and I look forward to the day where families are celebrated and wanted again. It is on my wish list that Pride Month actually turns into Family Month, where the family is celebrated instead of non-reproducing humans. I think 2025 is a great time to have a Liberty baby, and it would be so great to see the Trump administration start to incorporate more policies that will support the American family.
It started when all the Moms were conned into going to work. Women’s Liberation they called it. They do love to name things the opposite of what they are. It was really Women’s Enslavement.
Read an interesting article several yrs ago how many shows in the 70's were all part of a govt op to separate families, mostly via women's "liberation," while doubling the tax base, making stay at home moms feel shameful... sitcoms such as: Mary Tyle Moore, One Day at a Time, Laverne & Shirley, Odd Couple, Alice, Threes Company, even Wonder Woman and Bionic Woman (don't need no stinking man!), Love Boat, Fantasy Isl, and of course all the soaps.
Personal note: my parents divorced in '77 as my mother pursued her career, remarried each other in '80... then divorced again in '86 as our family scattered to the winds. She's now an elderly, lonely, angry widow (from her 3rd marriage). Sad.
You are very right; the message was very clear and pervasive. If we are the media now, maybe there is a way to become the voice in entertainment. Shows that have families in a positive light.
1 Timothy 2:5 - For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Leviticus 19:31 - "'Don't turn to those who are mediums, nor to the wizards. Don't seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 20:6 - "'The person that turns to those who are mediums, and to the wizards, to play the prostitute after them, I will even set my face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people.
What are “mediums” and “wizards” though?
We tend to think of mediums as fortune tellers and psychics, and they are,
Something, such as an intermediate course of action, that occupies a position or represents a condition midway between extremes.
An intervening substance through which something else is transmitted or carried on.
An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred
Web pages. TV. Movies. Radio. Newspapers. Magazines. Video games.
wizard (n.)
early 15c., "philosopher, sage," from Middle English wys "wise" (see wise (adj.)) + -ard.
Compare Lithuanian žynystė "magic," žynys "sorcerer," žynė "witch," all from žinoti "to know."
The ground sense is perhaps "to know the future."
The meaning "one with magical power, one proficient in the occult sciences" did not emerge distinctly until c. 1550, the distinction between philosophy and magic being blurred in the Middle Ages.
These might be things like college professors, NIH policymakers, and the like.
I do not know if I am correct on my assessments, but I know who has been defiling us and enticing us to play the prostitute.
Agreed. That was also a way to devalue wages for men. When they wanted to devalue them again they began a push for immigration from low wage countries. Fat cats getting fatter on the bones of the working people. As a woman the fact that we can’t choose motherhood as our calling without being looked down on by other women or called lazy. Is proof it is a scam. I absolutely believe that given the right tools and opportunity that I can do everything a man can albeit in a different manner BUT should I? That ability is programmed into our DNA so that should our mates die or our family group be wiped out we can protect and provide for our young. I realize this is incredibly unpopular idea but I believe part of purpose as a woman is to nurture and care for children. When we fell for the concept that our value as women is limited to our ability to generate money we lost something precious.
Nowadays you actually need to have two incomes in order to make it really. I know for a fact that a housewife is a very expensive luxury item that most people can't afford on a regular salary, and I'm not going to work three jobs so that somebody who isn't going to school or doing anything with their life can just sit at home and mooch off of me financially, that seems like a really raw deal.
Maybe if our incomes were not taxed and then wasted on Brazilian Forest gender studies or Transgender Thai Dance, having only one income could provide a very comfortable living for most families.
Which means people need the actually start being smart and competitive by starting their own businesses instead of just working for "the man" (big corporations and government) and calling it a day.
I keep five of us afloat on about 85-90k, pure commission as an auto mechanic. It's actually quite doable, but nobody wants to go without anything.
If my wife went to work, her entire pay would be demolished by childcare and then somebody else is raising and educating our children, not us. The only real reason we're even in any more debt now than 4 years ago is adding two more children and because I ran up a bit to shore up our unmolested food supply. If it recovers I'll pay it off, and if it crashes then to hell with it. It's unsecured anyways.
I agree; it is a luxury and a dream for most families nowadays to even be able to afford a family. This is why I really hope and pray that the Trump admin will address this and make it where America really will be great again, not just for us all currently alive, but for all future children and our children's children's children's children's children's..... for infinity. It has to start with We the People, though, and we need to request this help to do our part to make America great again too.
In the 70ies I was a teenager, my mom was 40ish, she would say to me “Why would a woman lower her standards”? Men have limitations Women don’t. ( Women’s lib)
I wonder what we can do to help?
Might there be tax credit advantages to having a father in the home? Some type of benefit for mothers at home taking care of children? I like the idea of families being celebrated and wanted again.
My daughter took the jab (just didn't want to hear anything from me at the time of not taking it) and now she and her husband (married 3 years) are having fertility issues and not able to conceive.
It's been heartbreaking for her, her husband and all of us in the family. Along with this she came down with an autoimmune issue.
I've ordered her the detox protocol from the Wellness Center and hope that this can help with her fertility issues.
We need to consider banning or restricting birth control as well, to remind people that having children isn't a luxury but a duty to future generations. Some people may need birth control very various reasons, but it should only be available when it is medically necessary.
I believe babies and intact families will be a huge by product of MAGA. People feel good about those things when an economy is good, a moral structure is in tact and the future isn't burning down with leftist control and lies.
Having more babies is admirable as long as they have their biological parents who love them and have a strong marriage that is centered around the Lord. That the parents can provide the home, nurturing care, food, clothing and loving support that all children need to be prepared to take on the challenges of the next generation. That the parents are able and willing to stay engaged with their children’s teachers, friends and the parents of friends and keep a watchful eye on the external influences that can negatively impact them and will step in to better guide them when necessary.
Having babies just to have them is diabolical. The pedos and Fauci’s of the future would love having baby farms for their own satanic perversion. No, we need a society that is correctly aligned with God’s plan for families that see their children as blessings not experiments for social engineering. Not as consumers in need of messaging for poisonous foods, filthy rap music or theme parks promoting subtle sexualization.
I agree; having good parents and a good home is obviously desirable. We are all human, and I think that most of us who are mature enough will say that their parents did their best. The societal and cultural movements behind MAGA & MAHA presents the perfect opportunities for us patriots, most of who are Christian and have best intentions, to have children. I am just praying that the Trump administration and future administrations will continue to protect and to help foster a movement where families are valued again. No one is saying to just go get knocked up and pop one out to send them to an orphanage. Also, to address the pedos and the satanists, one of the main focus of this movement is to get rid of those people and trafficking for good. Now that we have the technology to actually catch all of these criminals, as long as we have just and righteous, God-abiding leaders, there is no excuse to not eradicate the satanists, pedos, & traffickers. Of course, a couple who is wanting to start a family responsibly and are aware of the evils this world will do a better job of protecting their children and making the world a better place for everyone; a world that also supports and values that idea of a good life for every single life born will also help to encourage people to have more children too.
That the parents can provide the home, nurturing care, food, clothing and loving support that all children need to be prepared to take on the challenges of the next generation. That the parents are able and willing to stay engaged with their children’s teachers, friends and the parents of friends
Oh, if only Mary and Joseph could live up to your standards.
Natalism is also a tool of the cabal. Think mirror applies to everything. Just like there is a myth of overpopulation concerns there is a concurrent myth about underpopulation. THEY get away with everything because of kids. How many parents got the death shots because they needed to keep their jobs? How many people stay complicit because they have kids to feed?
Honestly, the entire grift. 30 year mortgages, a dozen different taxes, wage slaving, gun laws, authoritarian over reach of government, fake money, etc it is all because THEY know people with kids will comply for the sake of their kids.
And quite frankly, I am more concerned for the quality of children than the quantity. What is the point of so many kids if most are unensouled homonculi born to apathetic normies? In a society of loveless, dysfunctional relationships and swipe left hypergamy, it is a good thing there is a decline.
A cultural shift and spiritual awakening MUST happen first.
Stats are stats. The article has this link in it: which not only goes over the numbers currently, but the predictions and the outcomes for our nation if the population does not increase is shown at this link. How many people did not get the jab in spite of the fact they had kids? The cultural shift is happening now, as is the spiritual awakening. We are the movement.
You're wrong. The Cabal is encouraging people to not have children, which goes against our nature. We need to take steps to prevent people from not taking responsible for their biological responsibilities. We need to ban (or greatly restrict) birth control. This will help people get in the mindset that sex produces children, and that it is their biological responsibility to do so. Comstock was right all along.
Humans are not just biological machines, and the deternination whether sex is a form of higher level communication or strictly a reproductive act is based on deeply personal views (religion) The end goal of Q is not a theocracy nor a form of communism that rewards child birth but our current corrupt system basically has UBI through child tax credits
You can have a world with less hedonistic views on sex without people having to borderline adhere to Quiverfull dogma.
And if the cabal is strictly focused on reducing birthrates then pray tell why during scamdemic they encouraged babymaking. Tell me why there are entire arms of social programming, including marketing and the mainstream media, driving the multi billion dollar baby industry.
You really think almost nationwide abortion bans happened by accident? Uniparty and RINOS made it happen by design.
Childfree people are still social pariahs. No one with actual reach is promoting it. Read up on the reactions willing child free people get from both society and the medical industry. Getting "fixed" is damn near impossible if you are a woman under 40
I wanted to point out that you are incorrect about the last statement. Nowadays in America women get offered the option of having of sterilization after their first child, especially if they had a C-section with their first child, before age 40.
The Georgia guide stones clearly showed their plan for decreasing the world population, and all of their plans and actions with the vaccine agenda sterilized many global populations. The plan here was to make child rearing (raising) so difficult for Americans that the intelligent people would not want to have children, and they would bring in people who did not have American values or were fluent in English so that they would be easier to control, creating a slave race for them. They would keep all Americans enslaved with taxes and high cost of living so that no adult would be able to organize and fight against the corruption.
As someone else here pointed out, during the scamdemic the jabs were pushed, and it does cause fertility issues. It is scientifically known that even if the jabbed person was still able to have a child, several generations down the line the offspring would be unable to conceive.
A sheep's bladder condom combined with the pull out method is a more effective form of birth control than a pill that messes up your hormones. It was effective thousands of years ago and still is today. Can't ban obvious information fren.
Until the "divorce" system is fundamentally changed, birth rates will continue to decline in America. Men have witnessed first-hand the absolute destruction that a divorce brings. Its no surprise men are walking away from marriage (and children) altogether.
Point out that marriage is between a man, a woman, and God, and not between a man, a woman, and the state.
The state has no more authority to annul it than they do to acknowledge it, and should go sodomize themselves for daring to do it as part of trying to declare us all as their livestock.
Every, chance, you, get. It’s funny. Christians will say that my take on the Bible is legalistic, then turn right around and say that the government, through “law”, has the authority to rend asunder that which God has placed together, in spite of that declaration being in direct affront to their vows.
I’m with you. 100%. But the problem remains. The divorce industry is a billion dollar behemoth that cannot be reasoned with. Wife decides to bail? Cash and prizes await along with a slew of thirsty men willing to take a chance at “love”. As a man, you will pay or you will be jailed. No-fault divorce has absolutely ruined marriage in the west.
The defense against the problem, once statutory law is in the picture, is a good question. Don’t be part of the offense we can do, but more importantly spread the word about how they’re abusing us and the alternatives, and why the alternatives. Whatever it takes to get people to stop caving to malincentives and listen to truth again.
David vs Goliath is the story we tell, because Abinadab and Shammah both decided the challenge was too great.
Yes, totally! One of my dreams is to one day adopt, but I am waiting for things to improve socially/economically before doing so. I think about this often, though, and it would be great to have more families who have good values to start doing this. I often think of and pray for the poor children who have been saved from the trafficking, and I am praying that God sends them good, loving guardians and families who can help them to heal and give them the love they deserve.
That's because on the whole most of the jabs were placebo. The ones who were unlucky enough to get the genuine article have a very high percentage of sterility (if they even live long enough to try).
Let's fix the healthcare system and do away with Big Pharma before we decide to have a baby boom. No other generation should have to go through what we did.
Every generation should go through what we did. Then they will understand that freedom has a price and that it should not be taken for granted. Otherwise, the future generations will become soft and will allow the elite cabal to reentrench themselves.
Especially at my age, I've seen how rough it is for guys who became fathers in their late 40s plus the wife is getting to the age where the risk of a downs baby is getting to be significant.
This is why MAHA is so important. I have seen healthy "hippies" in their 60's still having kids who are healthy. Once we fix our health and our health system, raising a family at an older age will be much easier.
Once you get your sh*t together, you can start being part of the solution and not the problem. Being a parent, having a family, and raising kids is hard work and requires a maturity level higher than current social norm at the moment. If we really want to make America great again and have this concept endure, then we need good Americans creating good American families and raising children with these American values.
I think that the issue is that most of America lives in big cities, which has made them easier to believe that there is overpopulation. Your personal experience is very interesting. If you look at the stats you can see the importance of why we need more children in general.
You subsidize illegals and those already on assistance and you punish everyone else, and this is what happens.
Refer to the WHO paper on population replacement via sub-Saharan African population redistribution. I believe they scrubbed it but it outlined how to control a population.
You are literally seeing it happen and the corrupt politicians lashing out to keep it in place.
I saw something pointing towards the average IQ is now in the low 90’s in the U.S.- if true, that is insane. I believe it was 100-110 just a short time ago.
Here’s a comprehensive approach to encourage more people to have children, especially in the context of supporting nuclear families and providing incentives for larger families. These are some strategies that could potentially foster a more family-friendly environment and boost birth rates:
Financial Incentives for Families
a) Keep costs down for families: Reduce the financial burden on families by making basic living expenses, such as housing, healthcare, childcare, and education, more affordable. This could include tax breaks, subsidies, and public assistance programs targeted at families with children.
b) Increase family benefits: Offer direct financial support for families, such as monthly child allowances, one-time bonuses for childbirth, and tax deductions per child. Larger families could receive additional benefits, with tiered rewards the more children a family has.
c) Affordable housing options: Develop policies that allow families to own homes more easily, including low-interest loans, government-subsidized mortgages, and housing vouchers.
Work-Life Balance and Parental Support
a) Paid parental leave: Implement generous paid maternity and paternity leave policies that ensure parents can care for their newborns without financial stress.
b) Flexible work arrangements: Encourage employers to provide flexible hours, remote work options, and family leave that allow both parents to balance career and home life more easily.
c) Subsidized childcare: Increase access to affordable, high-quality childcare, so parents don’t have to choose between their jobs and raising their children. This can include tax credits or vouchers for daycare and preschool services.
Cultural and Social Support for Large Families
a) Celebrate large families: Foster a cultural shift that recognizes and values large families, perhaps through media campaigns, role models, and community programs that promote the joys and benefits of raising multiple children.
b) Community networks: Build local communities and networks that support large families, from parenting groups to community centers, so families don’t feel isolated and can share resources, advice, and support.
c) Mentorship programs: Create mentorship initiatives where families with many children can share experiences and tips with those just starting to grow their families.
Nuclear Family and Family-Oriented Policies
a) Promote the nuclear family model: Encourage policies that support the traditional nuclear family structure (mother, father, and children) through educational programs, media, and community outreach.
b) Marriage incentives: Provide benefits for married couples with children, such as tax breaks, legal advantages, and support for relationship-building resources. These could also include marriage education programs and relationship counseling.
c) Stronger family law protections: Protect families from potential financial hardship through family-friendly laws such as child support, alimony, and anti-discrimination policies that support parents in the workplace.
Religious and Cultural Values
a) Incentives for Christian or religious families: For families that identify with specific religious or cultural values, including Christianity, consider offering extra support or benefits. This could take the form of religious-based community support programs, grants for religious schools, or special programs aimed at families that align with these values.
b) Faith-based organizations support: Collaborate with churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious organizations to create family-centered events and activities that encourage child-rearing within the context of faith-based values.
c) Family-oriented religious education: Encourage religious organizations to emphasize the importance of family life through teachings, sermons, and educational programming that aligns with the goal of encouraging larger families.
Long-Term Vision and Education
a) Educational reform: Reform educational policies to include family-focused education, teaching young people about the benefits of family life, including financial planning for families, the emotional rewards of parenthood, and the importance of a stable home environment.
b) Youth support programs: Implement mentorship and leadership programs that show the value of family life and prepare younger generations for parenthood, including aspects like responsible family planning, financial management, and emotional preparedness for raising children.
c) Public awareness campaigns: Run national campaigns that highlight the importance of strong families for the future of society, educating the public about the long-term benefits of raising children and the joys that come with it.
Encourage Family-Friendly Cities and Infrastructure
a) Build family-friendly urban environments: Create neighborhoods with a focus on child safety, access to parks, schools, and family-oriented businesses. This includes designing cities to make them more walkable, bike-friendly, and accessible for families with children.
b) Community childcare hubs: Set up community-run childcare facilities or co-op daycare centers that cater to the needs of larger families, with flexible hours and sliding-scale pricing based on income.
Address Societal Pressures
a) Combat societal pressures against having children: Address the societal stigma surrounding having large families or prioritizing family life over career by promoting family as a fulfilling and valuable life choice.
b) Counter overemphasis on career: Reduce the societal pressure that equates success solely with career advancement by promoting the idea that family life is just as valuable and enriching.
c) Anti-abortion measures: Depending on the region, there may be support for policies that focus on reducing abortion rates by offering strong support systems for women who choose to have children, including counseling, healthcare, and financial assistance.
When I was young, it was common belief in the growing middle class, (born in 1950), that a couple waited till they were settled, that the husband had a good job, and the acquiring of a home was done before starting a family. Unless they were practicing Catholics. As a matter of fact, the Catholics were held in disdain because of the large families, it went against the Protestant work ethic, was considered low education, and I heard a lot of tsk tsking from the adults. My best friend was an Irish Catholic girl, and her home seemed so chaotic compared to the austere neatness of the WASP families. I am using older stereotypes of the time. She had 8 siblings in a little house in Queens. I was raised Catholic, but my Dad was Presbyterian, so there was always a subtle cold war going on in our home. I think those feelings, 60 years later, crystalized into a lifestyle rule. The lower classes had big families, based on ethnicity, and the upper class had "reasonable" families. That changed of course with a lot of Mormons becoming mainstream, somehow they are all living in expensive homes, the men have high paying jobs, and the women are modern, but still having lots of children, whom they can afford. The good solid working class has all but disappeared, except for the rural areas in rare cases. Generations of birth control has led to cancer and God knows what else. Infertility? The high birth rate is still seen among Mormons, Hasidic Jews and Zionists right now. They consider birth control a terrible sin. As so many men have lost the option of home owning, land owning, family building, those that are not immoral or making babies for state supported welfare, simply cannot find a way to have big families. We all know the decline in families went hand in hand with the decline of religion in family life, the advent of birth control, etc. The question remains how to create a new world, because that is what is coming, we cannot go back to "how it used to be", it's just not gonna happen. If you follow your life according to scripture, the "woe to those carrying a baby or pregnant", I think we need to just keep practicing patience. The devil is still at work, and those religions who are under the influence of evil, Hasids, Mormons, have to come crumbling down. This is a subject that could take up an entire web site. What I do believe is that we have to support our community of awakened people, we have to connect and help each other, support each other in business and in spirit, so children will be safe, I do not think we are there yet.
I think we have to build a culture that instills good American values, and the only ones who can do that are good, patriotic Americans. I do believe that this administration will create policies that will help to support families who want to grow, and that these policies will not just help families, but will help every American to achieve their American dream. If done correctly, we can rebuild our society to be one that respects the lives of all, and the opportunities will be amazing for us all and for future generations to come.
Received the biggest blessing last year; a beautiful, healthy grand daughter. To my surprise, there have been many babies born around me (my kids friends) having babies; most healthy but some not.
My kids were talking about starting a family in 2022; DIL jabbed because of work, son not jabbed. Son is somewhat based. Had a conversation about the jab in a restaurant parking lot where I was, admittedly, freaking out!
So now I've earned the term, "Crazy Grandma".
Honestly, it's a badge of honor. I don't talk about vaccines, as they are wonderful parents and I trust their choices. My DIL is a Dr. Of Physical Therapy and read all the "studies", but after her horrific birthing experience, and very similar happened to me 34 years earlier, I think she's a bit more skeptical of the medical industry.
I thank God everyday that she, my son and the baby (and their two Samoyeds) are healthy.
It will be interesting to see all the ways that the Trump administration protects America's current and future children, and I look forward to the day where families are celebrated and wanted again. It is on my wish list that Pride Month actually turns into Family Month, where the family is celebrated instead of non-reproducing humans. I think 2025 is a great time to have a Liberty baby, and it would be so great to see the Trump administration start to incorporate more policies that will support the American family.
It started when all the Moms were conned into going to work. Women’s Liberation they called it. They do love to name things the opposite of what they are. It was really Women’s Enslavement.
The powers of Tell-a-vision
Read an interesting article several yrs ago how many shows in the 70's were all part of a govt op to separate families, mostly via women's "liberation," while doubling the tax base, making stay at home moms feel shameful... sitcoms such as: Mary Tyle Moore, One Day at a Time, Laverne & Shirley, Odd Couple, Alice, Threes Company, even Wonder Woman and Bionic Woman (don't need no stinking man!), Love Boat, Fantasy Isl, and of course all the soaps.
Personal note: my parents divorced in '77 as my mother pursued her career, remarried each other in '80... then divorced again in '86 as our family scattered to the winds. She's now an elderly, lonely, angry widow (from her 3rd marriage). Sad.
You are very right; the message was very clear and pervasive. If we are the media now, maybe there is a way to become the voice in entertainment. Shows that have families in a positive light.
I tell you, this is a very real thing.
1 Timothy 2:5 - For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Leviticus 19:31 - "'Don't turn to those who are mediums, nor to the wizards. Don't seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 20:6 - "'The person that turns to those who are mediums, and to the wizards, to play the prostitute after them, I will even set my face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people.
What are “mediums” and “wizards” though?
We tend to think of mediums as fortune tellers and psychics, and they are,
Web pages. TV. Movies. Radio. Newspapers. Magazines. Video games.
wizard (n.)
These might be things like college professors, NIH policymakers, and the like.
I do not know if I am correct on my assessments, but I know who has been defiling us and enticing us to play the prostitute.
Agreed. That was also a way to devalue wages for men. When they wanted to devalue them again they began a push for immigration from low wage countries. Fat cats getting fatter on the bones of the working people. As a woman the fact that we can’t choose motherhood as our calling without being looked down on by other women or called lazy. Is proof it is a scam. I absolutely believe that given the right tools and opportunity that I can do everything a man can albeit in a different manner BUT should I? That ability is programmed into our DNA so that should our mates die or our family group be wiped out we can protect and provide for our young. I realize this is incredibly unpopular idea but I believe part of purpose as a woman is to nurture and care for children. When we fell for the concept that our value as women is limited to our ability to generate money we lost something precious.
Wait till women start rebuilding female community networks again…
There’s a very good argument to be made that women working in business is the thing that should.. not always, but as a norm, looked down upon.
All while destroying the currency so both parents have to work. The U.S. had more disposable income in 1980 with one parent working than it does now.
Nowadays you actually need to have two incomes in order to make it really. I know for a fact that a housewife is a very expensive luxury item that most people can't afford on a regular salary, and I'm not going to work three jobs so that somebody who isn't going to school or doing anything with their life can just sit at home and mooch off of me financially, that seems like a really raw deal.
Maybe if our incomes were not taxed and then wasted on Brazilian Forest gender studies or Transgender Thai Dance, having only one income could provide a very comfortable living for most families.
No fren. Tax won’t solve the problem, the problem is that the number of people competing for jobs doubled, thus making salaries go down, ironically.
Which means people need the actually start being smart and competitive by starting their own businesses instead of just working for "the man" (big corporations and government) and calling it a day.
It's ok, I think you might be safe.
I keep five of us afloat on about 85-90k, pure commission as an auto mechanic. It's actually quite doable, but nobody wants to go without anything.
If my wife went to work, her entire pay would be demolished by childcare and then somebody else is raising and educating our children, not us. The only real reason we're even in any more debt now than 4 years ago is adding two more children and because I ran up a bit to shore up our unmolested food supply. If it recovers I'll pay it off, and if it crashes then to hell with it. It's unsecured anyways.
The child care costs are the main issue. You have to have a set of grandparents nearby.
A set of healthy grandparents that have energy
I agree; it is a luxury and a dream for most families nowadays to even be able to afford a family. This is why I really hope and pray that the Trump admin will address this and make it where America really will be great again, not just for us all currently alive, but for all future children and our children's children's children's children's children's..... for infinity. It has to start with We the People, though, and we need to request this help to do our part to make America great again too.
In the 70ies I was a teenager, my mom was 40ish, she would say to me “Why would a woman lower her standards”? Men have limitations Women don’t. ( Women’s lib)
Downdoot for the idea behind that comment, not you.
That's a great idea, try to replace 'pride' month.
You should send this idea to DOGE!
I wonder what we can do to help?
Might there be tax credit advantages to having a father in the home? Some type of benefit for mothers at home taking care of children? I like the idea of families being celebrated and wanted again.
Silly question:
By what authority do they declare a month to be in honor of pride?
The jabs are adding to the problem, I suspect dramatically so.
EDIT: 50% increase in miscarriages; 50% decrease in fertility after COVID vax
also: (57 sec video + short ad)
From based and widely respected OB/GYN Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D
Warnings of widespread infertility from the jab and other female issues, i.e. 6 month old female babies having periods
You are so right about this.
My daughter took the jab (just didn't want to hear anything from me at the time of not taking it) and now she and her husband (married 3 years) are having fertility issues and not able to conceive.
It's been heartbreaking for her, her husband and all of us in the family. Along with this she came down with an autoimmune issue.
I've ordered her the detox protocol from the Wellness Center and hope that this can help with her fertility issues.
Yup. My niece (first responder and first to be jabbed and boosted) got married a couple years and already had a miscarriage last year.
We need to consider banning or restricting birth control as well, to remind people that having children isn't a luxury but a duty to future generations. Some people may need birth control very various reasons, but it should only be available when it is medically necessary.
I believe babies and intact families will be a huge by product of MAGA. People feel good about those things when an economy is good, a moral structure is in tact and the future isn't burning down with leftist control and lies.
Nothing sweeter than babies, a gift straight from God's hands Always having baby fever 🥰🙏🏻❤️
Having more babies is admirable as long as they have their biological parents who love them and have a strong marriage that is centered around the Lord. That the parents can provide the home, nurturing care, food, clothing and loving support that all children need to be prepared to take on the challenges of the next generation. That the parents are able and willing to stay engaged with their children’s teachers, friends and the parents of friends and keep a watchful eye on the external influences that can negatively impact them and will step in to better guide them when necessary.
Having babies just to have them is diabolical. The pedos and Fauci’s of the future would love having baby farms for their own satanic perversion. No, we need a society that is correctly aligned with God’s plan for families that see their children as blessings not experiments for social engineering. Not as consumers in need of messaging for poisonous foods, filthy rap music or theme parks promoting subtle sexualization.
I agree; having good parents and a good home is obviously desirable. We are all human, and I think that most of us who are mature enough will say that their parents did their best. The societal and cultural movements behind MAGA & MAHA presents the perfect opportunities for us patriots, most of who are Christian and have best intentions, to have children. I am just praying that the Trump administration and future administrations will continue to protect and to help foster a movement where families are valued again. No one is saying to just go get knocked up and pop one out to send them to an orphanage. Also, to address the pedos and the satanists, one of the main focus of this movement is to get rid of those people and trafficking for good. Now that we have the technology to actually catch all of these criminals, as long as we have just and righteous, God-abiding leaders, there is no excuse to not eradicate the satanists, pedos, & traffickers. Of course, a couple who is wanting to start a family responsibly and are aware of the evils this world will do a better job of protecting their children and making the world a better place for everyone; a world that also supports and values that idea of a good life for every single life born will also help to encourage people to have more children too.
Oh, if only Mary and Joseph could live up to your standards.
They did in the standards of their day. Where do you think they failed?
Natalism is also a tool of the cabal. Think mirror applies to everything. Just like there is a myth of overpopulation concerns there is a concurrent myth about underpopulation. THEY get away with everything because of kids. How many parents got the death shots because they needed to keep their jobs? How many people stay complicit because they have kids to feed?
Honestly, the entire grift. 30 year mortgages, a dozen different taxes, wage slaving, gun laws, authoritarian over reach of government, fake money, etc it is all because THEY know people with kids will comply for the sake of their kids.
And quite frankly, I am more concerned for the quality of children than the quantity. What is the point of so many kids if most are unensouled homonculi born to apathetic normies? In a society of loveless, dysfunctional relationships and swipe left hypergamy, it is a good thing there is a decline.
A cultural shift and spiritual awakening MUST happen first.
“unensouled homonculi”. ❤️
Stats are stats. The article has this link in it: which not only goes over the numbers currently, but the predictions and the outcomes for our nation if the population does not increase is shown at this link. How many people did not get the jab in spite of the fact they had kids? The cultural shift is happening now, as is the spiritual awakening. We are the movement.
You're wrong. The Cabal is encouraging people to not have children, which goes against our nature. We need to take steps to prevent people from not taking responsible for their biological responsibilities. We need to ban (or greatly restrict) birth control. This will help people get in the mindset that sex produces children, and that it is their biological responsibility to do so. Comstock was right all along.
Humans are not just biological machines, and the deternination whether sex is a form of higher level communication or strictly a reproductive act is based on deeply personal views (religion) The end goal of Q is not a theocracy nor a form of communism that rewards child birth but our current corrupt system basically has UBI through child tax credits
You can have a world with less hedonistic views on sex without people having to borderline adhere to Quiverfull dogma.
And if the cabal is strictly focused on reducing birthrates then pray tell why during scamdemic they encouraged babymaking. Tell me why there are entire arms of social programming, including marketing and the mainstream media, driving the multi billion dollar baby industry.
You really think almost nationwide abortion bans happened by accident? Uniparty and RINOS made it happen by design.
Childfree people are still social pariahs. No one with actual reach is promoting it. Read up on the reactions willing child free people get from both society and the medical industry. Getting "fixed" is damn near impossible if you are a woman under 40
I wanted to point out that you are incorrect about the last statement. Nowadays in America women get offered the option of having of sterilization after their first child, especially if they had a C-section with their first child, before age 40.
The Georgia guide stones clearly showed their plan for decreasing the world population, and all of their plans and actions with the vaccine agenda sterilized many global populations. The plan here was to make child rearing (raising) so difficult for Americans that the intelligent people would not want to have children, and they would bring in people who did not have American values or were fluent in English so that they would be easier to control, creating a slave race for them. They would keep all Americans enslaved with taxes and high cost of living so that no adult would be able to organize and fight against the corruption.
As someone else here pointed out, during the scamdemic the jabs were pushed, and it does cause fertility issues. It is scientifically known that even if the jabbed person was still able to have a child, several generations down the line the offspring would be unable to conceive.
A sheep's bladder condom combined with the pull out method is a more effective form of birth control than a pill that messes up your hormones. It was effective thousands of years ago and still is today. Can't ban obvious information fren.
Juice ain't worth the squeeze when it comes to most western women.
Until the "divorce" system is fundamentally changed, birth rates will continue to decline in America. Men have witnessed first-hand the absolute destruction that a divorce brings. Its no surprise men are walking away from marriage (and children) altogether.
Point out that marriage is between a man, a woman, and God, and not between a man, a woman, and the state.
The state has no more authority to annul it than they do to acknowledge it, and should go sodomize themselves for daring to do it as part of trying to declare us all as their livestock.
Every, chance, you, get. It’s funny. Christians will say that my take on the Bible is legalistic, then turn right around and say that the government, through “law”, has the authority to rend asunder that which God has placed together, in spite of that declaration being in direct affront to their vows.
I’m with you. 100%. But the problem remains. The divorce industry is a billion dollar behemoth that cannot be reasoned with. Wife decides to bail? Cash and prizes await along with a slew of thirsty men willing to take a chance at “love”. As a man, you will pay or you will be jailed. No-fault divorce has absolutely ruined marriage in the west.
The defense against the problem, once statutory law is in the picture, is a good question. Don’t be part of the offense we can do, but more importantly spread the word about how they’re abusing us and the alternatives, and why the alternatives. Whatever it takes to get people to stop caving to malincentives and listen to truth again.
David vs Goliath is the story we tell, because Abinadab and Shammah both decided the challenge was too great.
I haven't given up, but the hunt isn't easy.
Ballroom (couples) dancing. Seriously.
That is actually how my two friends met. They are an adorable couple and have a wonderful family.
I might have to give that a shot. Thanks!
Love the Blunt Truth.
Agreed, 100%.
There's also a lot of children in foster care that need to be adopted to good families...people tend to forget about those babies.
Yes, totally! One of my dreams is to one day adopt, but I am waiting for things to improve socially/economically before doing so. I think about this often, though, and it would be great to have more families who have good values to start doing this. I often think of and pray for the poor children who have been saved from the trafficking, and I am praying that God sends them good, loving guardians and families who can help them to heal and give them the love they deserve.
I wonder how many are sterile after the clot shot?
Not many given how I'm still seeing jabbers popping out new kids.
That's because on the whole most of the jabs were placebo. The ones who were unlucky enough to get the genuine article have a very high percentage of sterility (if they even live long enough to try).
More than you can count on one hand here.
What a blessing. Our family is working on catching up with you.
Let's fix the healthcare system and do away with Big Pharma before we decide to have a baby boom. No other generation should have to go through what we did.
Every generation should go through what we did. Then they will understand that freedom has a price and that it should not be taken for granted. Otherwise, the future generations will become soft and will allow the elite cabal to reentrench themselves.
You guys are gonna have to have kids for me, just not into it
Especially at my age, I've seen how rough it is for guys who became fathers in their late 40s plus the wife is getting to the age where the risk of a downs baby is getting to be significant.
This is why MAHA is so important. I have seen healthy "hippies" in their 60's still having kids who are healthy. Once we fix our health and our health system, raising a family at an older age will be much easier.
Once you get your sh*t together, you can start being part of the solution and not the problem. Being a parent, having a family, and raising kids is hard work and requires a maturity level higher than current social norm at the moment. If we really want to make America great again and have this concept endure, then we need good Americans creating good American families and raising children with these American values.
My two granddaughters are on board, one due in March and the other due in May.
Congratulations! Wishing them both a healthy arrival and many blessings to them and your family.
Who knows what the population is....everything from govt is a lie
I think that the issue is that most of America lives in big cities, which has made them easier to believe that there is overpopulation. Your personal experience is very interesting. If you look at the stats you can see the importance of why we need more children in general.
Doing my part. 5 kids, 9 grandkids so far!!
Congratulations! God bless you and your family, and the generations that follow!
You subsidize illegals and those already on assistance and you punish everyone else, and this is what happens.
Refer to the WHO paper on population replacement via sub-Saharan African population redistribution. I believe they scrubbed it but it outlined how to control a population.
You are literally seeing it happen and the corrupt politicians lashing out to keep it in place.
I saw something pointing towards the average IQ is now in the low 90’s in the U.S.- if true, that is insane. I believe it was 100-110 just a short time ago.
Here’s a comprehensive approach to encourage more people to have children, especially in the context of supporting nuclear families and providing incentives for larger families. These are some strategies that could potentially foster a more family-friendly environment and boost birth rates:
Financial Incentives for Families
a) Keep costs down for families: Reduce the financial burden on families by making basic living expenses, such as housing, healthcare, childcare, and education, more affordable. This could include tax breaks, subsidies, and public assistance programs targeted at families with children. b) Increase family benefits: Offer direct financial support for families, such as monthly child allowances, one-time bonuses for childbirth, and tax deductions per child. Larger families could receive additional benefits, with tiered rewards the more children a family has. c) Affordable housing options: Develop policies that allow families to own homes more easily, including low-interest loans, government-subsidized mortgages, and housing vouchers.
Work-Life Balance and Parental Support
a) Paid parental leave: Implement generous paid maternity and paternity leave policies that ensure parents can care for their newborns without financial stress. b) Flexible work arrangements: Encourage employers to provide flexible hours, remote work options, and family leave that allow both parents to balance career and home life more easily. c) Subsidized childcare: Increase access to affordable, high-quality childcare, so parents don’t have to choose between their jobs and raising their children. This can include tax credits or vouchers for daycare and preschool services.
Cultural and Social Support for Large Families
a) Celebrate large families: Foster a cultural shift that recognizes and values large families, perhaps through media campaigns, role models, and community programs that promote the joys and benefits of raising multiple children. b) Community networks: Build local communities and networks that support large families, from parenting groups to community centers, so families don’t feel isolated and can share resources, advice, and support. c) Mentorship programs: Create mentorship initiatives where families with many children can share experiences and tips with those just starting to grow their families.
Nuclear Family and Family-Oriented Policies
a) Promote the nuclear family model: Encourage policies that support the traditional nuclear family structure (mother, father, and children) through educational programs, media, and community outreach. b) Marriage incentives: Provide benefits for married couples with children, such as tax breaks, legal advantages, and support for relationship-building resources. These could also include marriage education programs and relationship counseling. c) Stronger family law protections: Protect families from potential financial hardship through family-friendly laws such as child support, alimony, and anti-discrimination policies that support parents in the workplace.
Religious and Cultural Values
a) Incentives for Christian or religious families: For families that identify with specific religious or cultural values, including Christianity, consider offering extra support or benefits. This could take the form of religious-based community support programs, grants for religious schools, or special programs aimed at families that align with these values. b) Faith-based organizations support: Collaborate with churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious organizations to create family-centered events and activities that encourage child-rearing within the context of faith-based values. c) Family-oriented religious education: Encourage religious organizations to emphasize the importance of family life through teachings, sermons, and educational programming that aligns with the goal of encouraging larger families.
Long-Term Vision and Education
a) Educational reform: Reform educational policies to include family-focused education, teaching young people about the benefits of family life, including financial planning for families, the emotional rewards of parenthood, and the importance of a stable home environment. b) Youth support programs: Implement mentorship and leadership programs that show the value of family life and prepare younger generations for parenthood, including aspects like responsible family planning, financial management, and emotional preparedness for raising children. c) Public awareness campaigns: Run national campaigns that highlight the importance of strong families for the future of society, educating the public about the long-term benefits of raising children and the joys that come with it.
Encourage Family-Friendly Cities and Infrastructure
a) Build family-friendly urban environments: Create neighborhoods with a focus on child safety, access to parks, schools, and family-oriented businesses. This includes designing cities to make them more walkable, bike-friendly, and accessible for families with children. b) Community childcare hubs: Set up community-run childcare facilities or co-op daycare centers that cater to the needs of larger families, with flexible hours and sliding-scale pricing based on income.
Address Societal Pressures
a) Combat societal pressures against having children: Address the societal stigma surrounding having large families or prioritizing family life over career by promoting family as a fulfilling and valuable life choice. b) Counter overemphasis on career: Reduce the societal pressure that equates success solely with career advancement by promoting the idea that family life is just as valuable and enriching. c) Anti-abortion measures: Depending on the region, there may be support for policies that focus on reducing abortion rates by offering strong support systems for women who choose to have children, including counseling, healthcare, and financial assistance.
I really hope the Trump administration does all of these suggestions and more!
During the Iranian revolution, government officials would come door to door and ask the husband, "is the lady of the house expecting?"
And if the answer was no, they would firmly inform the man that she should be.
When I was young, it was common belief in the growing middle class, (born in 1950), that a couple waited till they were settled, that the husband had a good job, and the acquiring of a home was done before starting a family. Unless they were practicing Catholics. As a matter of fact, the Catholics were held in disdain because of the large families, it went against the Protestant work ethic, was considered low education, and I heard a lot of tsk tsking from the adults. My best friend was an Irish Catholic girl, and her home seemed so chaotic compared to the austere neatness of the WASP families. I am using older stereotypes of the time. She had 8 siblings in a little house in Queens. I was raised Catholic, but my Dad was Presbyterian, so there was always a subtle cold war going on in our home. I think those feelings, 60 years later, crystalized into a lifestyle rule. The lower classes had big families, based on ethnicity, and the upper class had "reasonable" families. That changed of course with a lot of Mormons becoming mainstream, somehow they are all living in expensive homes, the men have high paying jobs, and the women are modern, but still having lots of children, whom they can afford. The good solid working class has all but disappeared, except for the rural areas in rare cases. Generations of birth control has led to cancer and God knows what else. Infertility? The high birth rate is still seen among Mormons, Hasidic Jews and Zionists right now. They consider birth control a terrible sin. As so many men have lost the option of home owning, land owning, family building, those that are not immoral or making babies for state supported welfare, simply cannot find a way to have big families. We all know the decline in families went hand in hand with the decline of religion in family life, the advent of birth control, etc. The question remains how to create a new world, because that is what is coming, we cannot go back to "how it used to be", it's just not gonna happen. If you follow your life according to scripture, the "woe to those carrying a baby or pregnant", I think we need to just keep practicing patience. The devil is still at work, and those religions who are under the influence of evil, Hasids, Mormons, have to come crumbling down. This is a subject that could take up an entire web site. What I do believe is that we have to support our community of awakened people, we have to connect and help each other, support each other in business and in spirit, so children will be safe, I do not think we are there yet.
I think we have to build a culture that instills good American values, and the only ones who can do that are good, patriotic Americans. I do believe that this administration will create policies that will help to support families who want to grow, and that these policies will not just help families, but will help every American to achieve their American dream. If done correctly, we can rebuild our society to be one that respects the lives of all, and the opportunities will be amazing for us all and for future generations to come.
Not it…I contributed two very conservative daughters. They can makey the babies. I’m done.
Congrats for raising two great daughters. Wishing many blessings to you and your family.
Thank you Fren-blessing to you and yours
Received the biggest blessing last year; a beautiful, healthy grand daughter. To my surprise, there have been many babies born around me (my kids friends) having babies; most healthy but some not.
My kids were talking about starting a family in 2022; DIL jabbed because of work, son not jabbed. Son is somewhat based. Had a conversation about the jab in a restaurant parking lot where I was, admittedly, freaking out!
So now I've earned the term, "Crazy Grandma".
Honestly, it's a badge of honor. I don't talk about vaccines, as they are wonderful parents and I trust their choices. My DIL is a Dr. Of Physical Therapy and read all the "studies", but after her horrific birthing experience, and very similar happened to me 34 years earlier, I think she's a bit more skeptical of the medical industry.
I thank God everyday that she, my son and the baby (and their two Samoyeds) are healthy.
Congrats on your grand-daughter! Wishing you and your family many blessings.