Yeah, especially as there seems to be no strings attached, why would you want your tax money back? (/s)
Pretty sure the IRS going away is still on the table. Realistically though, never thought it would go away this tax season.
Trump would be prescribed a madman if he axed it now without first demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt it truly isn't needed for a balanced fed. budget, or to kill the deficit. I'm willing to wait one more year to have it completely gone (you have to show them).
Edit: If it does by some miracle go away this tax season, I'll happily eat crow.
Part of the proposal is the requirement that you must file a tax return. They are trying to incentivize people to go back to work so only tax payers will get a refund. Looks like we will at least have 2 more tax seasons if this proposal is approved.
We are still looking for [SUICIDE WEEKEND] and the [PRECIPICE] to arrive
I assume once the FED is audited and some criminal activity like money laundering or fraud is found, shit finally hits the fan...
Then the public will demand an end to income taxes forever, as the gov no longer deserves to have the people's money if they are abusing their income like this.
Yep. Just take away my income taxes and promise to get this question on all 50 states election ballot: "Do you want State, County and local governments to accept DOGE audits to identify and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse?"
LoL, you ain’t getting all that for 5k. Maybe 10-12k. Know a guy who part time sells “top the line” bicycles. His personal one is $4500. A top of the line PC, that’s 2k easy. An average gamer one cost $1600. My dad sold his Gibson electric guitar like 10 years ago for $3500. Now a used motorcycle, they actually aren’t that expensive. Can find a really nice one for under 5k. Depending on the brand/style.
$5k would be a good buy in on $DJT to own a bit of Truth Social and TMTG+ for yourself. Once DOGE has the SEC cleaned up, see what that $5K grows into.
So each taxpayer will get an equal rebate amount which seems unfair to those of us who have paid MORE in taxes. Person A paid $20000 in taxes while Person B paid $1000 but they both get a $5000 Doge rebate.
I’m not sure it will look good if they give the upper class more money than the lower class. I totally get your point…but optics..!! Also perhaps some of that tax money taken from the wealthy should have been going to the poor over the years but instead much of the aid was sent to foreigners instead of American citizens forcing many to remain in poverty and struggle to survive. Just give every legal citizen who has paid taxes in the past a check. We are all Americans and we have all been cheated, abused and drained to the fullest. 🇺🇸
You will never be made whole as o will not either. The reward for me will be the end of all tax slavery. Most will piss their 5k away, ill do something to increase mine bill store it in silver.
The flat 5000 plan will have the highest boost to the economy and will build the strongest support for further cuts. The solution has to be cutting waste, paying down debt, and spurring growth to grow out of the debt. This is just the first step. It sounds like there is way more than 2 T to cut so this is just the beginning...
Since this in no way comes close to compensating American taxpayers, this should be considered only as an initial microscopic token payment, with increasing ongoing compensation as DOGE uncovers more.
Eliminate income taxes then create a sliding scale to pay back at least some of the taxes people have paid. Someone in retirement who paid all their lives get a much bigger chunk than someone who is 25 and only paid in a little thus far. Seems fair to me.
If ur shacking up with someone and pay taxes separately but at the same address…you get $10,000? But if you’re married at the same address you only get $5,000.
Elon should give married couples filing jointly $10,000. How about a reward and incentive for doing things the right way?
Fuck that. A flat $5,000 "dividend" makes zero sense. So, a small business owner getting taxed nearly 50% and sending hundreds of thousands in taxes to the government... WAY beyond any taxes their employees may be liable for, gets the same refund?
LOL. I'd just rather they keep it and dissolved taxes altogether.
If the average HHI gets a $5,000 tax kick-back... by comparison, a business owner should get a $25,000+ kick-back, if not more.
We get taxed from every angle imaginable. It really feels like there is an active campaign in the USA against entrepreneurship. And this doesn't help that case one bit.
Considering all of that $2 trillion has been flat out stolen from us, $5000 isn't even close to being enough. $5000 per month for the foreseeable future probably isn't enough.
If the gubmint can print all the money it wants, why are we paying taxes in the first place?
I do really like this idea. I feel like a refund is absolutely owed to those of us who have slaved away paying taxes for years without anything in return. My only thing is that I think the amount should be reflective of the amount of taxes you've paid (like those of us in middle to upper middle class) who have consistently paid far more than our fair share in taxes without receiving anything in return. People who get more back from the system than they pay in should be exempt. Their taxpayer funded benefits should be their dividend.
It really annoys me that every tax season, all of the broke degenerates with 5 kids from different dads all get massive $10K refund checks on top of the Medicaid, food stamps, free childcare, and subsidized housing and college that they receive year round. Meanwhile people like me work full-time only to have the government steal 30% of my income, then I have to pay full price for my own healthcare, childcare, groceries, housing, student loans, property taxes, etc. Never received one single dime aside from the Covid stimulus. The last thing this people deserve is yet another massive windfall from the government that will be blown on new iPhones, flat screen tis, tattoos, down payments on cars they can't afford payments on, and other dumb shit. I'm in so many mom groups on FB with these types and every spring it's like they all hit the lottery, talking about all the luxury crap they are buying with their refunds. Then come Christmas time, it is all the same ones begging for money to buy Christmas presents or posting sob stories about how they can't afford rent. Meanwhile I'm over here living frugally year round so that I can pay for all their crap.
Trump and Elon understand they have to keep the economy going. They know its necessary. They know people are hurting. Its not about the IRS or the debt it creates, or the spin the media will put on it. Its simply about keeping the economy going until the IRS/FED is gone, and the switch occurs. In my humble opinion, this is the tip of the iceberg.
Its a nice start but since all of us have been getting ripped off since we all began working we should be getting more. What about reperations for us folk whose grandparents & great grandparents paid into this scam?, lol
How is that fair? I owe a lot this year, thanks to a f-up by me and my financial advisor. Should I get to wipe those off my slate, and then collect 5k? What about the guy who broke even, or the guy who overpaid (foolish to let the government hold your money interest-free, but that is just my way of thinking, outside being unconstitutional), Seems someone is getting hosed either way. Logistics seem off for a base sum. Just eliminate the entire illegal system.
Based on what they have found so far and the amount of tax paying citizens, I think it should be more like 50k. 5 k is a fucking joke,. especially for those of us who run business and pay in 40%.
79 million is a low number considering the workforce is close to 162 million.
Just about all workers pay taxes but if they take too much we can get an income tax return. I'm guessing this dividend will only be for those who have to pay taxes at the end of the year and not for those who get a tax return. Even though we did pay taxes.
No thanks. I'd prefer that they do away with income taxes all together instead.
Yeah, especially as there seems to be no strings attached, why would you want your tax money back? (/s)
Pretty sure the IRS going away is still on the table. Realistically though, never thought it would go away this tax season.
Trump would be prescribed a madman if he axed it now without first demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt it truly isn't needed for a balanced fed. budget, or to kill the deficit. I'm willing to wait one more year to have it completely gone (you have to show them).
Edit: If it does by some miracle go away this tax season, I'll happily eat crow.
Part of the proposal is the requirement that you must file a tax return. They are trying to incentivize people to go back to work so only tax payers will get a refund. Looks like we will at least have 2 more tax seasons if this proposal is approved.
Yup, see that now. Kinda depressing IMO. Agreed it would be infinitely better just to axe IRS.
Let's wait & see first,
We are still looking for [SUICIDE WEEKEND] and the [PRECIPICE] to arrive
I assume once the FED is audited and some criminal activity like money laundering or fraud is found, shit finally hits the fan... Then the public will demand an end to income taxes forever, as the gov no longer deserves to have the people's money if they are abusing their income like this.
Yep. Just take away my income taxes and promise to get this question on all 50 states election ballot: "Do you want State, County and local governments to accept DOGE audits to identify and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse?"
IT'S BOTH. Don't doubt it.
How long is your $5,000. going to stay in your pocket?? Trump wants to stimulate the economy. This is how you do it.
Not that I'm greedy, because I'm not, but why can't we have BOTH?!
Maybe we can. I just want them to stop stealing from us.
Please just get rid of income tax altogether. And if they want to send us 100K each, I'd gladly take it.
5k I can spend that on ONE handbag (and for the guys 5k is for a good kickass drone or 2) .. but I know it's better than nothing
Two decent guitars, one really good one, a top of the line PC, top of the line bicycle, used motorcycle, yeah, a free $5k would be nice.
Now you're talking. A nice guitar or an [A]R would be awesome!
LoL, you ain’t getting all that for 5k. Maybe 10-12k. Know a guy who part time sells “top the line” bicycles. His personal one is $4500. A top of the line PC, that’s 2k easy. An average gamer one cost $1600. My dad sold his Gibson electric guitar like 10 years ago for $3500. Now a used motorcycle, they actually aren’t that expensive. Can find a really nice one for under 5k. Depending on the brand/style.
Well not all of it together, but individually, definitely doable.
Easily affordable.
BTW, Selling your Gibson for 3500 ain't bad, I sold my epiphone for about 1200, and I feel like I robbed the guy..
You sold an Epiphone for $1200?
120* Jesus sorry lol
$5k would be a good buy in on $DJT to own a bit of Truth Social and TMTG+ for yourself. Once DOGE has the SEC cleaned up, see what that $5K grows into.
Guns and ammunition
So each taxpayer will get an equal rebate amount which seems unfair to those of us who have paid MORE in taxes. Person A paid $20000 in taxes while Person B paid $1000 but they both get a $5000 Doge rebate.
This. Payment schedule should contain brackets.
I’m not sure it will look good if they give the upper class more money than the lower class. I totally get your point…but optics..!! Also perhaps some of that tax money taken from the wealthy should have been going to the poor over the years but instead much of the aid was sent to foreigners instead of American citizens forcing many to remain in poverty and struggle to survive. Just give every legal citizen who has paid taxes in the past a check. We are all Americans and we have all been cheated, abused and drained to the fullest. 🇺🇸
Good perspective.
I meant time worked taxes paid brackets. Someone who filed taxes for the first time should NOT get the share as someone who has filed for 50 years.
You will never be made whole as o will not either. The reward for me will be the end of all tax slavery. Most will piss their 5k away, ill do something to increase mine bill store it in silver.
I would definitely like to own my first oz of Gold. Would definitely consider that and the rest in silver rounds
The flat 5000 plan will have the highest boost to the economy and will build the strongest support for further cuts. The solution has to be cutting waste, paying down debt, and spurring growth to grow out of the debt. This is just the first step. It sounds like there is way more than 2 T to cut so this is just the beginning...
With all the corrupt money disappearing it should be a lot more than $5000
Since this in no way comes close to compensating American taxpayers, this should be considered only as an initial microscopic token payment, with increasing ongoing compensation as DOGE uncovers more.
This will demonstrate the viability of Trickle Up Economics.
It is badly needed.
It's a good start but I want it ALL back.
Eliminate income taxes then create a sliding scale to pay back at least some of the taxes people have paid. Someone in retirement who paid all their lives get a much bigger chunk than someone who is 25 and only paid in a little thus far. Seems fair to me.
Sooo…let me get this straight.
If ur shacking up with someone and pay taxes separately but at the same address…you get $10,000? But if you’re married at the same address you only get $5,000.
Elon should give married couples filing jointly $10,000. How about a reward and incentive for doing things the right way?
That's preexisting tax filing status.
Not following your train of thot.
All of the other "economic stimulus checks" were by tax payer, right? Not sure why they wouldn't just do that again.
Proposal said “per household.”
Yeah, kind of weird they'd only be going by household. I guess to eliminate all of the young kids who work but still live with their parents?
Fuck that. A flat $5,000 "dividend" makes zero sense. So, a small business owner getting taxed nearly 50% and sending hundreds of thousands in taxes to the government... WAY beyond any taxes their employees may be liable for, gets the same refund?
LOL. I'd just rather they keep it and dissolved taxes altogether.
If the average HHI gets a $5,000 tax kick-back... by comparison, a business owner should get a $25,000+ kick-back, if not more.
We get taxed from every angle imaginable. It really feels like there is an active campaign in the USA against entrepreneurship. And this doesn't help that case one bit.
Considering all of that $2 trillion has been flat out stolen from us, $5000 isn't even close to being enough. $5000 per month for the foreseeable future probably isn't enough.
If the gubmint can print all the money it wants, why are we paying taxes in the first place?
Honestly, I'd prefer to see it applied to the national debt so that my kids and grandkids have a chance to not live their entire live as debt slaves.
Everybody buy one ounce of gold and break the system.
I do really like this idea. I feel like a refund is absolutely owed to those of us who have slaved away paying taxes for years without anything in return. My only thing is that I think the amount should be reflective of the amount of taxes you've paid (like those of us in middle to upper middle class) who have consistently paid far more than our fair share in taxes without receiving anything in return. People who get more back from the system than they pay in should be exempt. Their taxpayer funded benefits should be their dividend.
It really annoys me that every tax season, all of the broke degenerates with 5 kids from different dads all get massive $10K refund checks on top of the Medicaid, food stamps, free childcare, and subsidized housing and college that they receive year round. Meanwhile people like me work full-time only to have the government steal 30% of my income, then I have to pay full price for my own healthcare, childcare, groceries, housing, student loans, property taxes, etc. Never received one single dime aside from the Covid stimulus. The last thing this people deserve is yet another massive windfall from the government that will be blown on new iPhones, flat screen tis, tattoos, down payments on cars they can't afford payments on, and other dumb shit. I'm in so many mom groups on FB with these types and every spring it's like they all hit the lottery, talking about all the luxury crap they are buying with their refunds. Then come Christmas time, it is all the same ones begging for money to buy Christmas presents or posting sob stories about how they can't afford rent. Meanwhile I'm over here living frugally year round so that I can pay for all their crap.
I’d put mine back for “appliances”. Always good to have some cash separated for those emergencies.
5K ain't enough. End it all. No more income tax. That is the way to make up for all the years of theft from the American citizens.
Trump and Elon understand they have to keep the economy going. They know its necessary. They know people are hurting. Its not about the IRS or the debt it creates, or the spin the media will put on it. Its simply about keeping the economy going until the IRS/FED is gone, and the switch occurs. In my humble opinion, this is the tip of the iceberg.
Its a nice start but since all of us have been getting ripped off since we all began working we should be getting more. What about reperations for us folk whose grandparents & great grandparents paid into this scam?, lol
As long as it's diverted from USAID. I can take this stray cat I care for to the vet.
How is that fair? I owe a lot this year, thanks to a f-up by me and my financial advisor. Should I get to wipe those off my slate, and then collect 5k? What about the guy who broke even, or the guy who overpaid (foolish to let the government hold your money interest-free, but that is just my way of thinking, outside being unconstitutional), Seems someone is getting hosed either way. Logistics seem off for a base sum. Just eliminate the entire illegal system.
I like to see how the dems spin this into a bad thing. P
Based on what they have found so far and the amount of tax paying citizens, I think it should be more like 50k. 5 k is a fucking joke,. especially for those of us who run business and pay in 40%.
works for me as long as they dont tax it
79 million is a low number considering the workforce is close to 162 million. Just about all workers pay taxes but if they take too much we can get an income tax return. I'm guessing this dividend will only be for those who have to pay taxes at the end of the year and not for those who get a tax return. Even though we did pay taxes.
Even though you pay taxes you can still do a tax return each year which may even qualify you for a refund if you overpaid.