Ok. But we haven't forgotten her stint at State, her 35k emails, her bengazi treason, and NXIVM.
Then there is the laundering of trafficking money to the Clinton global initiative, and all the corruption through the Clinton foundation.
Then there is Haiti and the gold mine, and Hillary's brother. He died. Who's running it now?
I don't have to mention she was a senator.
Back during the Bengazi incident, I looked into why no military support was given. I found that there is a US airforce base in Sicily that could have sent air support in a fairly timely manner. I contacted the air base and asked why they didn't send support. I was told something on the order of "I can't comment on that". Maybe a combination of Hegseth and Patel will finally get to the truth of the Bengazi incident.
They were ordered to stand down, per several people (I believe a couple were members of the security team stationed for the US consulate in Benghazi) documentaries that came out a couple years after the event.
What is frightening is that so many on the left believe him, and think he's on the moral high ground. Those people are so lost, and desperately needing affirmation that they have embraced their captors in an effort to simply feel better about their miserable lives. Instead of breaking the chains, they engrave them with decorations.
Respectfully, they don't need affirmation. They need a thunderbolt from the heavens to shake them free from their brainwashing. This is the purpose of the Great Awakening.
Q said that only a small portion of people would be able to withstand the awful truth of the depths of the evil of the Deep State without experiencing a psychological break.
When that asteroid hits, God-fearing people will rise up to help them recover their true heritage, so they may live the remainder of their lives as free souls.
Shittypedia has Patel as a 'Conspiracy Theorist' in their summary on him.
I get that Pedopedia can 1A slur patriots as 'conspiracy theorists' on a day to day level, but surely once you get into the realm of people getting senior Administration appointments and titles, they are veering towards Slander if they can't back it up with anything.
Most people kinda forget about Hildabeast’s short stint as a senator.
Ok. But we haven't forgotten her stint at State, her 35k emails, her bengazi treason, and NXIVM.
Then there is the laundering of trafficking money to the Clinton global initiative, and all the corruption through the Clinton foundation. Then there is Haiti and the gold mine, and Hillary's brother. He died. Who's running it now? I don't have to mention she was a senator.
Then there's frazzled.rip
True, but she wasn’t part of congress at that time, part of the executive branch. And she deserves the death penalty.
Back during the Bengazi incident, I looked into why no military support was given. I found that there is a US airforce base in Sicily that could have sent air support in a fairly timely manner. I contacted the air base and asked why they didn't send support. I was told something on the order of "I can't comment on that". Maybe a combination of Hegseth and Patel will finally get to the truth of the Bengazi incident.
They were ordered to stand down, per several people (I believe a couple were members of the security team stationed for the US consulate in Benghazi) documentaries that came out a couple years after the event.
Even without knowing anything he did, I have a hard time not thinking that David Rockefeller would be on that list, too.
Same with Prescott Bush. Certainly some around the Civil War and 1880-1900 period, 1913, etc.
We should have a good list of most corrupt senators in US history.
Of course probably none of them ate live children. So there’s that.
She was not in place long enough to do much damage like shifty.
Well not as a senator she wasn’t, that’s true. She did plenty as the “co-president “ and as a pos SOS.
She was more destructive as First Lady and Secretary of State when she sold secrets to China.
Agreed 100%
Every time Schiff uses the words, ethical and moral, I throw up in my mouth. Go get 'em, Kash!
What is frightening is that so many on the left believe him, and think he's on the moral high ground. Those people are so lost, and desperately needing affirmation that they have embraced their captors in an effort to simply feel better about their miserable lives. Instead of breaking the chains, they engrave them with decorations.
Respectfully, they don't need affirmation. They need a thunderbolt from the heavens to shake them free from their brainwashing. This is the purpose of the Great Awakening.
Q said that only a small portion of people would be able to withstand the awful truth of the depths of the evil of the Deep State without experiencing a psychological break.
When that asteroid hits, God-fearing people will rise up to help them recover their true heritage, so they may live the remainder of their lives as free souls.
They feel they need affirmation. You and I both know what they need is a good kick in the ass with the cold, hard truth.
Because he's one of (them).
Yes. LOL
Amen. Even if all he does is de-nut him where he can no longer hold office.
you think the guy in front of the camera I is the biggest criminal?
he's an actor. think about the director
Satan is the ultimate director. These people either consciously, or more likely, unconsciously, do the will of Satan.
Of course not. I would not believe it. He is a small potato.
Small potatoes (UK TV)
LOL. Thanks.
We know Schitt killed kids.
So has Clinton
Standard Hotel
Clinton has done much worse.
Assume he has the goods on schiff
Most likely. You do not write books unless you have the goods.
Shittypedia has Patel as a 'Conspiracy Theorist' in their summary on him.
I get that Pedopedia can 1A slur patriots as 'conspiracy theorists' on a day to day level, but surely once you get into the realm of people getting senior Administration appointments and titles, they are veering towards Slander if they can't back it up with anything.
pedia's defense is "we don't write the entries, it is open-source"
Oh I know but surely they must still have liability for it appearing on their platform...
"Open Source" more like Orders of Soros 🤣🤣
Except they locked out all the truly open source editors years ago.
It’s definitely curated now, but there’s still a ton of good info there, and someone other than theirs has some level of curation authority now.
Shittypedia can get sue.
Obama by a nose.
You spelled noose wrong....
Yes. This.
I thought of that one too.
We only see a portion of what's going on.
That's true. Small portion.
Yeah, no disrespect, but how is this pedo worse than Hillary, BHO, or Feinstein with the spy chauffeur?
I was educated that she wasn't in Congress but other department.
Perhaps Kash has more intel. I dunno. Just sayin'.
Could be. We don't know.
Kash literally wrote the book. I'll go with his interpretation.
Got you.
Shifty schiff calling Kash a "political hack". Comedy gold!
...does uranium 1 come to mind
Of course.
Trust Kash
Got you.
I think the pedal-phelia aspect of Schiff's alleged crimes is what earned him that label.
Obama is also.
Has Kash been sworn in yet? If not, when is it going to happen? I know Trump signed it, but I haven't seen any video of the actual swearing in?
He's in.
Probably, gotta go with the people that know. I would think Barack Obama would be a close second?
He could compete for first also. Oh. You are right.
Schiff is legislative. Slick Willy is executive. Patel is right
Got you.
How the hell did he top the rest of 'em?
Will certainly find out soon.
I assumed he meant Congress crimes, where Killary was lawyer, first lady governor, Mena, stock fraud, suicides, Epstein, Haiti, state department...
Oh. You are right.
Vince Foster
I would think theres a lot of competition for the top spots.
Quite a lot of them.
I'd be thinking of UpChuck Schumer.
Oh good one.