Before anyone lumps her in with all the lazy abusers, let me tell you she is not. She always has picked up and done others work to ensure jobs were done. Her work ethic is impeccable. I’m hoping she will be given another spot during the downsizing as there are a few good men/women who we need to continue in whatever remains.
Comments (58)
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It's kind of funny seeing the reaction of many to this simple and logical requirement - something that those of us in the private sector must do repeatedly over the entirety of our careers, not even counting the selling ourselves that needs to be done in order to get a new job or a promotion.
Guessing your daughter is able to fulfill this easily, probably with 2 or 3 times the number of bullet points requested...
Yea she’ll have no problem, but she’s afraid her little agency will be closed and she’ll be collateral damage. I told her they will probably move her to another agency once the air clears and they figure out the need and the positions remaining after dumping the bad performers.
I imagine that she is happy to see accountability finally happen. It’s demoralizing to work your ass off doing your job as well as other peoples’ jobs. Good luck to her and I hope that she is able to keep a job through this shakeup.
She is as when she worked for the SSA she was appalled at the sorry employees there.
She wasn't the only one. They went woke back in early 2000 and filled the ranks with TOTALLY useless people of color because in the words of the Associate Commissioner, Carolyn Simmons, "this place isn't colorful enough." My office did a special hiring only for people of color and the only requirement was to submit a resume, nothing more. You didn't even need to have any sort of work history much less any qualifications for the job. It was sichening.
She told me horror stories of how they would leave files waiting for days cause they didn’t want to do it, or misplaced files and nobody tried to find them or how they would take maybe 2 customers a day because they were to busy doing nothing. I filed a complaint from what she was telling me as it teed me off so bad.
A lot of people were collateral damage losing their jobs for not taking the vaccine, it’s part of the fight, so even if she is fired - she should be happy things are going in the right direction!
She knows as I did early retirement to keep from taking the jab she took. Many a battles we’ve had over the legitimacy of those jabs.
Yeah I'm used to doing this sort of thing annually, just completed it for this year.
Most of us have been around long enough to know there are some who have been doing the work of many and hope they are recognized and kept on. Good luck to your daughter.
Yep. 3 friends back in DC confirmed.
Gonna be a stressful time for the good true workers up in those agencies.
My friends are all productive 14s and 15s. DOD and TLAs. They should be good. No one seems to be sweating it. We'll see what happens with Langley. That's going to be fun.
Sorry, that's only four!
But since it's the first time for all of us this week, we are gonna let you slide. Just be careful in the future!
By the way, just a little tip for you: a really easy way to "find" another bullet point in there would have been to describe WHO you killed this week and HOW you did so.
Since the change over we have been paying EXTRA ATTENTION to these methods, making sure we stay in compliance as much as possible. For example, did you measure to make sure the drop was at LEAST 75 feet before your victim fell to their death?
Even if you're a little rusty on specifics, just try to describe the death dealing you did over the week in as great of detail as you can.
MasterThe chief reallygets off onappreciates that sort of thing. Easy way to get some bonus points!Thanks for your timely submission, it was good to hear from you! See you next week.
I’m actually wondering how they are going to separate the bs responses from the righteous ones…
I would imagine that the coder geniuses are using AI to compare work/hours logged on/actual keystrokes that was completed on each employee’s workstation and compare to the list that they generated by said employee.
That’s actually a good theory… My theory is that there is so much fraud that it’s to target maybe federal workers that don’t even exist? So many people were getting social security, even 150 year olds that I think they were paying fraudulent employees too…another money laundering scheme..they are required to reply by end of Monday…and maybe the ones that don’t they will know where to look for fraud?
I was thinking the same.
I believe they are going to find out that those 100 to 35 years old are actually non-citizen, green card holders who haven't worked a day in honest US labor and I know of what I speak.
That makes sense.
I'm amazed by how many people here are cheering on helicopter management and big brother snooping just because it is 'our guy's doing it.
Doing a weekly job review would be miserably stressful, especially for the conscientious staff.
Actually, no it's not. Keep a pad. Put date at top of page. Update it every couple of hours.
Not all work is an easy hour by hour thing.
Sometimes if you are in development, you can butt heads with an issue or bug for days before finding a solution.
Not all work is the same, and some people are bad at bullshitting 5 things for an arbitrary list.
You simply note that you're working on bug. I was employed for over 50 years. I have a vague idea how work proceeds.
I.e. "3 hrs finding work around for bill gates' stupid macro"
Or "2 hr required attendance meeting to hear pep talk on new global initiative from ceo and vp's. No questions allowed. No information imparted."
Or "4 hrs on phone being transfered to 8 different navy offices to find out why employee locked out of compter"
Or "spent hour hunting personnel in hanger to tell base commander why he was sitting at Pentagon and saw one of our birds flying down the Potomac"
Or "spent 6 hours sorting out a controlled document, typed and downloaded without permission, by an engineer who put a return at the end of each line. Spent one hour explaining to said engineer what he did. Colorful language takes time."
My wife works for a power company. She tracks her tasks daily. Is a typical part of most larger corporate jobs.
When I was working corporate, mainly consumer products, ibis to do the same. Public service employees should be even more diligent to report their accomplishments and how they progress towards their job responsibilities.
The issue here is that bureaucracy has gotten out of control in that there is no accountability. Making people accountable by telling what they accomplished means that there were no goals stated as to what they were to accomplish to begin with. If they do have goals to accomplish per week figured out prior to the beginning of each week, then this should be a slam dunk. I know I had to have my goals for each day of the week planned out completely, I would have no problem at all describing what I accomplished each day.
Hmm my father spends more time than he should though taking phone calls and answering emails outside of work hours. Hope that can be tracked too.
It should be possible as long as he is on his govt issued workstation/laptop.
Praying for your daughter , she will be spared . They aren’t stupid , they know who the dead beats are and so does God !Thanking the Lord that your daughter will not only keep her job, she will be put in a position that is higher then she is now, a lot of those incompetents will lose their position and they will put in place those who have been faithful . Dedication pays off especially for this young woman who had a dad who taught her well .
A mom who taught her well…lol. My Trump mis-identifies me every time. 😁
There is ruby red lips and I did think ,, I think she’s a she lol
This reads like a linkedin profile, kek.
Did it just pick IRS at random? Or did it just know that IRS fuckers be sittin' on ass
Bs and b.
Sounds like she should be one of the few who can easily provide 5 substantive bullet points :)
She can.
I've always had to be able to provide current status of my projects including cost and schedule status, risks, etc. to upper management. I see this as management 101 stuff.
I bet the govt has 5 million employees and only 4 million have e- mail.... are real employees.
This is exactly what the purpose is.
Many of our government workers don't have a government-assigned email address. If you're a manual worker who moves stuff around in a warehouse then why would you need it.
They all have them. Every single one. They give to you.
They need it to do the mandatory training. And the big bosses and even teams of people send out e- mail that no one reads.
Your talking about a WG-5 worker and I know some.
I worked for a local government in Maryland and had to complete a weekly "stat" sheet indicating what I had done all week. It wasn't difficult if you did your job-but it was stressful-if you wanted to goof off for a few days😎
I'm wondering if this will prove some employees are fictitious and their paychecks are going into a slush fund somewhere. It's plausible that only the living, breathing humans that send in their five bullet points each week are inadvertently exposing the slush fund NPCs who are incapable of sending in their weekly log.
updooting this for the sheer positivity!
I poked in to check the post and I can get behind someone like that.
Make government employees productive again! and very few, only enough to handle critical operations,
Read where Patel told his people to ignore it as they will have in house reviews.
I work in an area where we were advised to do the same.
Elon tweeted that those who gave good answers should be promoted
I hope she makes this count
When she write it, she should keep another file with doc that back up her claims.
There will be people claiming her work as their own
i would imagine Elon and his crew already know who the hard workers are and who the slackers are. having people fill out this form is just a formality.
most likely they have gotten into the servers and can see every key stroke from every employee that has been made over the last decade and whose computer hasn't had much activity at all.
Unfortunately we are at war and there is always collateral damage. Getting fired, as many know, is not an ending but rather ,a new beginning. Those with a good work record, common sense and a positive attitude will come out OK. Change is the only constant.