Second Batch of JFK Assassination Files Released by National Archives | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
The National Archives has unveiled a significant release of JFK assassination documents, following a presidential directive for transparency. This new batch promises to shed light on historical mysteries surrounding the event.
things we know: CIA did it, the people involved are already dead and unable to stand trial and face justice… it is some solace, however, that we have taken over and will remove the corruption and use these agencies for good.
Israel wanted nukes. JFK wanted to stop them from getting nukes. So they killed him and they got their nukes.
The CIA helped. But it was Mossad.
I have been thinking the same thoughts since yesterday. I saw an AI synopsis someone posted here in previous comments. It included the name Lee Harvey Oswald, we know he was just the patsy. Jack Ruby, who's real name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, killed Lee Harvey Oswald. If you know anything about name origination, Ruby was a Jew. You can look that up, I already did.
With the way JFK was treating Israel at the time, preventing them from acquiring nuclear capabilities, I find it hard to fathom a Jew would be on a revenge mission. No, he was eliminating the patsy before he could expose the truth.
I heard there were an additional 2000 files or pages that were located when the main batch of evidence was acquired, I am wondering if the Israeli link to the assassination was separated from the main batch of documents. We may be fed the original fake version of the assassination, without the Israeli connection, only to be revealed later, once we are ready to deal with Israel.
Just my opinion.
Like, Saving them for last?
You betcha!
Oswald was more than a patsy. This pdf very clearly outlines that Oswald was working closely with the CIA to help assassinate Fidel Castro. It's also known he was in Russia for a period of time. He could've been a double agent or himself hired to do the deed if the CIA was directly involved.
CIA --- MI5 -- Mossad - all one and the same "group of henchmen" for the cabal. All are merely carrying out orders from well above their pay grade.
There is but one primary group that has controlled the entire world since time immemorial, empires, kingdoms and nations alike.
All the files that could ever be released by the entity they control "government-CIA-FBI-Mossad-etc." will never reveal this simple fact.
Is this JUST A coincidence?
Central Intelligence Agency › Founded September 18, 1947
Israel › Founded 8 months later May 14, 1948
Mossad --> Maxwell --> Ghislaine --> Epstein.
still only at the top of the iceberg of DEEP EVIL
That logic is skewed by a bias against Isreal. The CIA had stronger motives than Mossad for assassinating Kennedy, primarily Kennedy's stated intention to dissolve the CIA, and secondly Kennedy's role in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Throw in Kennedy firing Allen Dulles, a power-hungry sociopath who helped found the CIA. Isreal's motive comes nowhere close to those. The CIA already had a history of overthrowing governments and assassinating leaders. The CIA had the resources and willing accomplices in the mob who hated JFK and RFK.
If Mossad assassinated a US president, they wouldn't want it done in broad daylight in front of a crowd while trusting the CIA to clean up the mess. That doesn't make sense.
What makes sense to some doesnt make sense to others......Plenty of reasons to believe Israel was involved, even if CIA did the bulk of the dirty work.
Worth consideration.
Keep all options open.
God has always and will always protect Israel. Antisemitism does not thwart God and Hos covenant.They deserve to have nukes 🌞 They will always be defended
Are you nuts? Modern Israel is not the Israel of the OT. They deny Christ and follow the satanic Talmud
God’s remnant denies Christ but will be saved in God’s timing. Nothing stops that.
So many people want to go all one way or all the other.
The answer is a very narrow opening in the middle.
Yet we can’t be lukewarm.
“Medium beyond belief”, as John Cleese once said.
Check these posts
And the single most mind blowing thing I’ve stumbled into here:
It’s an insanely complicated subject, and I don’t claim to get it, but a lot of the claims and evidence are wild.
Israel is occupied by pretenders. Khazarian frauds.
Correct. They are LARPers using the identity of the ancient Israelites.
Yep and when they’re removed, God’s covenant will be fulfilled l. Beyond that, antisemitism is still rampant.
The term "antisemitism" is a fraud.
The saints had it right:
Made up term
What part of God cutting them off didn't you understand in the Bible?
What part of they've become a synagogue of Satan didn't you understand in the Bible?
The Jews have hijacked modern evangelical Christianity and introduced you to pre-millennial dispensationalism also known as darbyism to make you believe that Israel holds some important place in in times prophecy. They did this about 200 years ago with the publication of the Schofield reference Bible which was the first Bible that had eschatological footnotes in it that was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries.
God wins. The belief in a tribulation and a rapture is all a very very new theological position. All that destruction language in Daniel and Revelation was about the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem by Rome which happened in 70 AD.
They've tricked you into supporting and protecting them.
Our founding fathers didn't give a flying fuck about Israel.
This man said nothing wrong 👍
What if they rewrote the Bible?
There's a scientific practice called textual transmission.
Lots of people, mostly atheist, would say that the Bible had been rewritten and changed significantly since biblical times but we have so many fragments and manuscripts dating back thousands of years that that is easily refuted.
The only thing that was somewhat debatable for a while was some of the New testament accounts but after the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls that was completely put to bed.
They didn't rewrite scripture but they did push for a completely different understanding of what certain difficult passages meant in order to establish a view that Israel has an important place in the future.
Who writes the history books? The winners of wars. Why were only clergy allowed to read the Bible?
Well in the case of the clergy that was the Catholic Church. That was a control issue. They were also executing people for translating the Bible into common languages like English.
Thank God for the invention of the printing press by Christian which led to the enlightenment.
Overall the Masoretic is mostly the same, however there are still glaring differences. The Masoretes drastically altered parts in Genesis to push rabbinic ideas that contracict the book of Hebrews. They lobbed off hundreds of years from the genealogies. The Septuagint and other ancient witnesses prove this. There's a very interesting video on this.
I recommend you checking out Dr James White. He's one of the leading authorities in the world on textural transmission. He's done countless debates, written multiple books, and has one of the oldest running Christian radio shows which is now a podcast called "The dividing line" on the channel alpha and Omega ministries.
If you want somebody younger in a little less long-winded Wes Huff is great.
Nope. Temporary cut off but original branch and covenant will be fulfilled. M Replacement theology is from hell. 🥰
Lol You addressed virtually nothing I said.
The Jews were told their Messiah would come before the destruction of the second temple in the Old testament. God's people would follow him and does that did not would be cut off and become a synagogue of Satan.
Well the second temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
Also it's not replacement theology. It's choosing to follow God or rejecting him. Many Jews chose to follow Jesus. We call them Christians now.
Again I ask, what does the terrorist State of Israel have to do with the Israel of the Bible?
Would you still support them if their government was forced to admit their involvement? Or are you one of those people that believe our "greatest ally" can do no wrong?
I don’t support to level deep state actors, ever. But God’s covenant will still be fulfilled when those actors are hopefully removed
A big revelation was that CIA wanted the Israel connection redacted.
Of course they did and by the CIA wanted it redacted, it means their masters Israel wanted it redacted.
Israel did it. Nice try though.
Keep crying
Keep sucking down B.B's baby batter.
These released files are NOT the REAL juicy ones. There is not information about the second shooter theory at all. They are not releasing the interviews with the people sitting close to the car. They are not releasing the information on what, where and what Bush Sr was doing in Dallas that day.
I am dissapointed, but I have to believe that there is a reason why they are not declassifing that informtion YET? GOD Loves YOU!
I think we will have to face the fact that any evidence that he CIA had that would prove against the "mess" that currently exists pertaining to the JFK assassination has been DESTROYED.
We can take down the cia as it is still conducting & attempting coups.
I was curious about section 6103 of the IRC, so I did a search. There are a LOT of subsections to this one. But here's what it is: §6103. Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
The meat of what we are looking for will be held onto until the very last second until they can't hide it.
No doubt!
We are saving Israel for last.
Heck, I haven't been able to keep up with all the releases. Did this one get covered, where previously redacted areas had the redaction removed?? The phrases "S t a t i o n C h i e f" and " C I A" seem to pop out a lot!
This document only has a couple blurbs regarding JFK (his nickname was "Ruby", his actual last name was "Rubenstein"). The page numbers also skip pretty bad; however the redactions and references as to how regime changes in South American countries by a Certain Instigation Agency are all over the place.
Just to be clear from the beginning, I'm not trying to start a fight or anything of that nature. I'm just curious why people do this type of thing;
Why do people try to disguise who they're talking about like this? Are they trying to avoid triggering some sort of alert that would put their comments up for scrutiny by intelligence agencies?
I'm not trying to embarrass or single you out. Just finally decided to ask why people do this.
I'm sure we're all on multiple databases, with ratings ranging from "standard braindead zombie-no concerns" to "Just short of Cooper or Gunderson action required". When the wall fell in Germany, people were looking into what notes the communist intelligence services had on them and I'm sure it was an eye opener. I'm sure all our e-mails, online keyboard comments and forwarded documents are stored/rated as part of our "Issue to Deal With" score. At a base level, I'm sure there's algorithms scouring for keywords to start that process, then I'd imagine it moves up to "analyst level" items, and I'm sure that now there's been AI involved for a while. I've lost family members that in hindsight were probably secretly "dealt with". I have no intention of making there job any easier at this point. Hope that helps.
Yes, that is why.
Do they think that actually works, though?
That intelligence agencies haven't figured out they disguise references like that, or they're not able to include disguised references in programs scouring posts for any mention of intelligence agencies?
Speaking from my personal viewpoint, no I don't think it really matters or works. Maybe at one point years back it served purpose and actually disguised the agency in question, but by now they've surely expanded their boolean vocabulary to include all these popular "workarounds."
I think some of the reasons people like to do it (at least the folks here)has to do with the Q posts too. They frequently used: 🤡 In America or Clowns In America
to reference the agency in question.
I think others began to do it partially as a show of homage to the Q posts or just imitate the style (the greatest form of flattery, as they say).
It's also a way to show a little invention and creativity in your writing and posts, I think. It's good for a laugh when you read
and then maybe get inspired come up with one of your own, which gets a laugh in turn and maybe a few people copycat that and one guy comes up with his own
and on it goes.
And I'm just now thinking of this, but it probably does get hella annoying for them to have to continually add all these different acronyms and such to their search terms to stay on the cutting edge and figure out what we're saying about them.
But does it prevent anything or "throw them off the trail" in some way? Err, probably not anymore...
Just my thoughts.
That all makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time to respond.