They all have the same kind of blank stare. Dark eyes, set wide apart and long dirty looking hair. All of them look like they belong to the same family. Hmmmmm..were they bred from the same gene pool? Then raised to be drones in the modeling industry?
My gut tells me that they have come to their end of show. I think they've likely been used for all the ghouls can get outta them and all that is left are their organs. If that is the case, they will loose their organs and then be ground up into meat or fertilizer or just thrown away... They all look to be older than 12 so they are of no value to the adrenochrome harvesters. Pray for them. Pray for them and their families and indeed - their souls.
If I'm remembering correctly, which at my age may be bad, theseodels were connected to Rachel Chandler. Rachel Chandler was connected to the trafficking line. This makes sense when looking at their faces
Seeing these faces reminds me of that voice recording of John Podesta screaming at some kid. Let’s not forget his evil ass. He and his brother Tony in Portugal when that little girl disappeared close by. Pure demonic sickos
I saw an ad for a new clothing company called Miu Miu on YouTube, so I went to the site to see what trafficking victims they had. It was garbage product coating thousands of dollars being worn by sickly "models."
Most models have professional 'head shots' in a portfolio prepared so that the models can go on appointments and show their best side and how they photograph. These photos here are just disturbing.
All dead,I bet.
Yes ..💔🙏🤬
I can't believe they're models. Sickly and weird-looking. If they are for real, I'm sure their life is ugly as well sad to say.
Zooming in it looks like several have been crying with redness around the eyes and slightly swollen eyelids.
God bless their souls. 😟🙏
It's awful. Like there are evil people who actually want these poor souls for God knows whatever...certainly not conventional modeling.
I’m hoping that isn’t a sign of anal rape.
They were probably already victims? They do not look well cared for.
imo, yes. since Rachel Chandler's name is connected with them, they are most likely trafficked. God bless their souls.
I agree. So sad-looking.
Looks pretty obvious. So many young folks need saving. This is very detrimental to our entire species.
They all have the same kind of blank stare. Dark eyes, set wide apart and long dirty looking hair. All of them look like they belong to the same family. Hmmmmm..were they bred from the same gene pool? Then raised to be drones in the modeling industry?
I have no idea. All I do know is there is most likely an evil market for these kinds of suffering looks from a human being. God help them.
My gut tells me that they have come to their end of show. I think they've likely been used for all the ghouls can get outta them and all that is left are their organs. If that is the case, they will loose their organs and then be ground up into meat or fertilizer or just thrown away... They all look to be older than 12 so they are of no value to the adrenochrome harvesters. Pray for them. Pray for them and their families and indeed - their souls.
This is why we need to take down this pedo-cabal.
Truly Creepy AF
Forget their faces - look at their eyes. They ALL have the same eyes - eyes that look dead and void of any joy at all.
If I'm remembering correctly, which at my age may be bad, theseodels were connected to Rachel Chandler. Rachel Chandler was connected to the trafficking line. This makes sense when looking at their faces
Your memory is on point, fren! Now your eye sight is something else entirely. Just teasing, see the headline of the “model” photo
Haha thanks for pointing that out. I did not see it
Is it just me or does it look like some have wet work plastic behind them? It does not look like a photography screen.
Good catch, wowww, very unsettling
I'm sure I don't want to know what wet work plastic is but already do
Rotting in the Finger Lakes
People go missing in the finger lakes
Seeing these faces reminds me of that voice recording of John Podesta screaming at some kid. Let’s not forget his evil ass. He and his brother Tony in Portugal when that little girl disappeared close by. Pure demonic sickos
That shook me... I didn't expect it and I was not prepared at all. Have not slept good since.
I heard that once, years ago. It still haunts me. It will always haunt me...
Madeline McCann
Thank you.
They're so strung out looking - bet they're not living anymore. Here's another batch I just found:
This batch looks more ...angry
(I thought models were supposed to be attractive!? Barely a few of all these are not somehow hard to look at)
I saw an ad for a new clothing company called Miu Miu on YouTube, so I went to the site to see what trafficking victims they had. It was garbage product coating thousands of dollars being worn by sickly "models."
I am guessing on the back of milk cartons...
Only first names. No way look them up except image search and good luck with that …
Looks like their photos were taken in the basement of the Kennedy Center.
Most models have professional 'head shots' in a portfolio prepared so that the models can go on appointments and show their best side and how they photograph. These photos here are just disturbing.
Looks as if someone whisper to each of them you’ll be dead within the time it takes to read these twenty-three words.
All of them look quite depressed, and probably suffering from trauma.
I will contend that these people must be in good shape now! Why would Patriots, knowing what these people were going through, abandon them?