The bigger issue here is that
Trudeau resigns rather than the NDP's triggering an election with a non-confidence vote - leading to a conservative majority government. Now the ndp can say "we didn't support Trudeau, but this isn't a Trudeau government anymore" and not vote non-confidence.
when the election happens this fall the liberal party has spent 8 months distancing itself from Trudeau which gives them a much greater chance of having people vote for them VS if it was an election against Trudeau.
Trudeau has effectively left Canada without a government for 3 months, exactly when Trump is coming into power and threatening tarrifs. Canada needs a government that can actually secure the border and work with Trump to avoid these tarrifs that would cripple our economy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he's gone. But potically this was the best move for the liberal government and was the worst case scenario for the Conservatives.
Addendum: make Canada the 51st state! Let's goooo! (I know most people here don't want that, but think of us Canadians who have been living under communist rule and who want to be liberated)
Gave up fragrances years ago, and honestly, once you're adjusted to being scent-free things with fragrances are offensive smelling... Soaps, air fresheners, fabric softeners, etc. You're so much better off without them.
Yea the wall outlet ground ties to the rest of your homes electrical, so there is interference on that ground line. The ideal way to run your grounding mat is to run a line to a separate grounding spike that is dedicated for your grounding mat.
I wouldn't be looking at stevia as a safe alternative.
- the government prints money out of thin air, so they'll never go bankrupt until people stop accepting USD as payment.
- they printed another like $2T to bail out the banks by swapping treasuries a couple weeks ago. they bought low yield treasuries at their face value and gave banks new treasuries at current interest rates - I believe.. so $25b from the FDIC is irrelevant. Yellen said the USA will backstop all deposits at all major financial institutions, thus making the FDIC irrelevant.
- media won't bring this up because the strength of the usd is only from the belief people have in's not backed by gold or silver... So the media will do everything to make people believe the usd is still solid and has value, because if everyone believes it, then in a way it does.
Terrible advice to stop eating meat. Cut out vegetables and eat lots of ruminate meat. 1lb per 100lbs of body weight per day. Meat w/ saturated fat should be your main eating goal in the day. Add in fruit, raw dairy and honey. You will be at peak physical performance.
The funding has stopped, and was a complete waste... But the fake holiday called "truth and reconciliation day" remains...