reparations as well from our parents & great grandparents, lol
Who was Q+? kek
It is "OUR" money and the cabal stole it. 2020 was the greates trnsfer of wealth from us to them. About time we get it back.
If you didnt do anything you have nothing to worry about.
Funding cut immediately. Arrest them at the airport upon return. Send them off to Gitmo to be tried.
Yet here she is. Feel free to leave anytime.
Cant afford a pallet of bricks either.
So the latest teet for the world to suck on is finally drying up & now they all have to fend for themselves.
A complete reverasal of this clown demanding for our American troops to protect his rotten land. Toll almost paid.
What a miserable person she is.
WOW, this seems like it can be potentially massive.
Suicide weekend??????
Sounds like a US democrat.
Hopefully they take their badges off like in South America. Evil bich!!!
Very violent for a gun hating, refugee welcoming state.
My POTUS is the only one in that cesspool who has faught for me & us.
Its a nice start but since all of us have been getting ripped off since we all began working we should be getting more. What about reperations for us folk whose grandparents & great grandparents paid into this scam?, lol
Not revealing tells me everything we all know!
They all took the money to defraud the American people. Its time for them to all pay.
Basically since Trumps first term sometime @ 2018. Only tv I watch is mostly old shws from the 50's-80's. Were those actors & actresses corrupt pedos? Yes nut they wereny smashing an agenda down our throats and screaming how much they hate the USA.
"They wont be able to walk down the street"
Put him on the stand & take his pension away if he refuses.
Just seize any and all assetts and give us our tax money back!!!
The left has always been good at spending and stealing everyone elses money.
How are the NPC's against any of this?!!!!