No! I had the same experience two nights ago watching part one.
The entire pizza scene was truly unnecessary and felt shoehorned in, but then at the end Kevin looks directly at the camera and says something like "Mmmm. An entire cheese pizza all for myself!"
Knowing the symbolism involved it really struck me as a "look what we can get away with" flex by the producer class. Wonder if there's anyway to follow the script development... Too lazy to research. Lol.
Since we're on the topic, 80s vampire film Near Dark features a group of vampires living together by circumstance. One is a 300 (or whatever) year old in a child's body. He sets his eyes on the protagonist's elementary school age sister.
Towards the end, the vampires happen to be holed up in a motel where the protagonist's father and sister are staying. The vampire meets the girl outside at the coke machine and invites her back to their room to "watch TV".
The kid vampire and the girl enter the room where the other vampires are sitting around playing cards and relatively low in the sound mix you hear them joke about "someone ordered a cheese pizza".
That was so wildly random it blew my mind. In plain sight. I suspect if I was to rewatch a lot of the sleazy VHS horror stuff I used to, I'd find a lot of this stuff. I suspect the producer circles operated in much the same way the porn industry did.
I have to because it's one of me and my young son's favorites:
"They won't go to church, they will go to the beach, and I think it's their choice."
That's a really true way to explain "Godlessness".
However, I never trust videos like this is be accurate translations as opposed to misleading redubs (at best!). Neither should anyone who doesn't understand the native language.
Still, thanks for posting.
I've dealt with unions as far as being a candidate for membership and seeing how greasy their approach is, and what a misallocation of money and energy recruitment is .. but I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.
Frankly, one can never go wrong asking if someone has accepted Christ. So try that.
I know journalists and editors always pick photos that match the skew of their story but, damn, if Pelosi doesn't always appear ghoulishly happy when there's something awful or of great existential importance occuring around her.
Zelensky looks like he's going to break character and start laughing. All the world's a stage.