335K 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like how the girl who spit on the cop and the camera girl had their own little "no, I'm the center of attention!" dynamic going.

Also, kek.

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

Still haven't seen Metropolis, but phew, "M" by the same director (Fritz Lang) sure is a pedophilic doozy.

I look forward to reading. o7

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0


Not an expert on Twitter, don't have an account either, but it looks like the meat of this is totally in the comments as opposed to the original thread. Kind of useless, IMO.

335K 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Unfortunately, the harm isn't just to the useless ones: it is also harming those who are productive and do apply intelligence and common sense..."

If we, the critical thinkers, had no stakes in the game would we be playing as hard as we are? I don't think so. And without us being forced to bark, the sheep would have no idea which direction is up.

Personally, I think we're at least due another election steal, but this time with 4 years of forensic precedence in the zeitgeist to call back on and point to. And this time, the normies will be receptive. Pavlovian conditioning.

I say at least due a steal, but I also suspect another round of the exact same shenanigans involving riots, illnesses, wars... Whatever is in the old playbook.

Eyes are wide open now though.

by sol7
335K 2 points ago +2 / -0


335K 4 points ago +4 / -0

A "lack of context" statement from Fact Checkers is about as clear of a "Yes, it's real" that I've seen. Would love for someone to bring more evidence on either side as I've recently been asking the same question as OP.

For reference: normies are abuzz about this, and it's crazy. I thought it had been categorically proven to be a sham suit at this point. Feels crappy to not be able to "disprove it". Still, I'm comfy. Thanks for the source.

335K 14 points ago +14 / -0

I miss that sleepy alchemist, but glad u/joys1daughter keeps us abreast of his work. He's an easier to grok Decoding Symbols, and I mean that complimentary. o7

335K 38 points ago +39 / -1

I hate having to go to X to see the "after the jump part", so here's the rest minus the whales link:

"But here’s the catch: Under BCBS’s rules, pediatricians LOSE THE WHOLE BONUS unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated. This includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head -it could be the whole bonus.”

(Credit: @shadyavefarm )

Those aggressive well-baby visits make a little more sense now don’t they? The absolutes; with zero informed consent.

And this is why they “fire” you from their practice. It messed up their numbers if you decline. "

335K 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have to admit that I'm conflicted here.

Edit: I have to say i doubt an actual woman teacher would have reacted like this. Essentially "thank you sir, may I have another." To me, that's identifying behavior for this teacher being a tranny; most of them were ritualistically sexually assaulted as kids, or at least verbally and physically abused to the degree their fight or flight instincts are replaced with disassociation, which is its behavior here.

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

The inner fear in this young man is palpable. Lord, I pray.

335K 18 points ago +18 / -0

Seems like it.

Been personally extremely busy and unable to keep up with commenting, but I've been lurking on the normies as always, and the amount of chatter on "those internet streets" is pretty wild right now.

Seen random, heated and vitriolic discussions of Israel (mostly one sided, against) pop up in completely inappropriate, normally neutral chat environments.

Checked back in on broader reddit after a few months of "things I'm interested in for entertainment only" mode, and wow, it's blowing up. /r/conspiracy is chock full of "enlightened" talk, which one may think should be normal, but it has been astroturfed and censored there for years. It's almost full on war over there, and heating up.

It's also definitely creeping into those "entertainment only" subs where politics occasionally pop up. Still an obvious carpet bombing by liberal shills (as expected) but there's more and more conservative voices speaking up against things like LBQT, abortion, etc. Sure, it's typically down voted by the bots and brainwashed, but it's occuring more and more - which it seems like only 6 months ago was a unicorn type event.

Thats just traditional conservative topics. The actual Palestinian / Israel stuff is making the left short circuit. It's glorious.

Still aways to go, but game theory seems to be working.

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

TBH, I feel like David Lynch could've directed this under WH hat orders (masking himself by relying on a slightly less enigmatic symbolistic style - his real work is inscrutable except to the very clued in and comms aware). The visual and audio work of the Ghost videos is synergistic in a way very few artists stuff is, much less 9 to 5 non-autuers.

I mean, highly unlikely, kek. But this continues to impress.

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stuck on mobile for the last few of the Ghost drops, but yes, the other recent shorter ones appear to be previews of this piece if I'm not mistaken.

And again, mobile w crap speakers, but are not at least the first few quotes in this JFK speaking? If so, highly evocative of the Secret Societies speech, which is an interesting timing imo.

Then again, I'm an audio autist who is fascinated in listening between the lines. 🤷‍♂️

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why'd the tiktoker skip the First Born Unicorn line?

Satanic sacrifice. Y heads.


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