They are arresting him so he can’t be questioned! It’s a coverup!
Yes. I want to kick the feds out so we can develop our resources.
Why does it say primary election?
Alaska has to wait a week to count absentee ballots. Gives the ballots that were postmarked on Election Day time to get there. We have stupid ranked choice voting now so we won’t know the results until the 23rd because that’s when they start dropping the lowest ranked with those people who voted for them with their second choice. Thanks dark money.
Are we sure about Abbott? I don’t know much about him and I don’t live in Texas but it seems like he’s been doing stuff behind the scenes.
They weren’t cleared to walk around without an escort.
Come and take it. I’m waiting!
I vote for the new tie!
Soldiers are allowed to have full beards now? Ok
I’m gonna be honest here, I bounce back and forth between 4 and 5.
Yep. I have 4 saves from last year on patriots and 170 between last year and this year here. Weird.
Yeah I just noticed that also.
Not a lawyer either but as I understand it the defense can request a change of venue but not the prosecution. I’m not positive on that as I haven’t looked into it much.
The trial was in DC because that was the jurisdiction of the “crime”.
She supports red flag laws. Enough for me.
Here is the YouTube link
Only 15 million? Everyone is slacking.
The website says the money doesnt go to trump.
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