ATLAS_ONE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like a convenient theory to draw attention away from communism.

ATLAS_ONE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Late stage? Rome ia currently getting sacked.

ATLAS_ONE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or Trump just let Zelensky know that patriots are in control by revealing he is aware of Zelensky's conversations with Putin.

ATLAS_ONE 2 points ago +2 / -0

...but we can certainly pay them for their injuries acquired against their will...

All the sympathy in the world, but no, no we can't. There is no money to pay them. Sure, something like this takes greater priority than most spending, but there is nothing to spend. It will only put unborn children on the hook for even more.

ATLAS_ONE 5 points ago +5 / -0

Got me there handshake. Don't even remember my own comments. I will show myself out...

Might I add though, the context here is someone who was coerced. Not someone who voluntarily got it because Trump said it was good. Not that it particularly matters. I have made a fool of myself this day!

ATLAS_ONE 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know a lot of you are going to call me a dumbass.

I don't know where you got this idea from, but it's absolutely not how we roll here.

I won't shame you for succumbing to coercion. Is it disappointing? Yes, but I try not to get mad at the victims of coercion.

The guys from Badlands Media on rumble are always dropping ads for some "Spike Defence" concoction or something like that. Sounds like bullshit to me, but I have no idea and don't know anyone who has used it. Might be worth a look.

Out of curiosity, why were you so susceptible to threats against your job? Was it for Financial reasons?

ATLAS_ONE 8 points ago +8 / -0

OP: "My neighbour had a heart attack"

OP scratches beard: "This calls for a LOCAL WIN flare".

Well done, kek'd my pants.

ATLAS_ONE 5 points ago +5 / -0

About time we put an end to circumcision. It's astonishing that it exists in any "civilised" society.

ATLAS_ONE 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm not a fan of this one...

Don't know why you'd target ceiling fans specifically as they are much more efficient than pedestal fans. Also a good choice before escalating to air-conditioning.

ATLAS_ONE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Any link for this? I've seen it go by another title before.

Never mind, got an archive link:


ATLAS_ONE 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's a game of chance. When you post, your post is assigned a number. It's considered good luck to get a post with consecutively repeating numbers. The more repeating numbers, the lower the chance, the more luck.

When someone "rolls" (posts) with a prediction and also gets multiple repeating "digits" it becomes prophecy. You must pay respects to the poster and acknowledge the digits by saying "checked". As in "check my digits".

ATLAS_ONE 8 points ago +8 / -0

The meme energy is back!

ATLAS_ONE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Might be like order 66 is Star Wars. We don't know what it means explicitly when Palpatine gets on the phone, but we know shits about to get serious.

ATLAS_ONE 9 points ago +9 / -0

I hope he calls the Georgia DA a gremlin mid interview and violates his bond kek.

ATLAS_ONE 1 point ago +1 / -0

The law is a gun. Every interaction with the government is by force. It's not voluntary. They get away with whatever they want because they have a monopoly on the initiation of force. Don't pay you taxes? Escalates to a gun. Don't wear your mask when legally required? It escalates to a gun.

Every law is a threat of violence if you don't comply, that's how it works. The only moral use of force is self defence, or defence of another, against the initiation of force, which is about 0.00001% of government laws. The rest of it is the government initiating force. Therefore the majority or the population is forced into certain actions every day.

ATLAS_ONE 2 points ago +2 / -0

We already know. This is why scomo kicked it to the states and relied upon social and economic ostracism to enforce their will.

The government doesn't give a fuck. They do what they want because they have the guns.

ATLAS_ONE 3 points ago +3 / -0

"chosen at random"


lmao, even

ATLAS_ONE 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same thing happened during peak COVID hysteria. As soon as a new variant hit the news cycle you'd see a deluge of books titled "what you need to know about XX variant" plastered on Amazon.

I think they were monitoring literature in advance and using that pre-named variant list to dump absolute gibberish into an ebook just in time to take advantage of Karen's latest panic attack.

ATLAS_ONE 2 points ago +2 / -0

They locate it via it's sonar ping. When in close proximity they can even send extremely low bitrate mesages. However, they can't detect it. It probably lost power, or has been crushed due to depressurisation.

ATLAS_ONE 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's a yearly reminder that slavery was probably the biggest mistake of the American experiment. Not just for the obvious reasons, but because it cemented big government in what was supposed to be a small government / relatively stateless society. Why? Because it needed a government bureaucracy and legal system to socialise the cost of slave ownership for the few slave owners and it prevented a free market in human labor. Not to mention that it imported people from incompatible cultures.

No, the British weren't the first, and no it wasn't limited to blacks, but If they had nipped slavery in the bud just a century earlier, we might not be experiencing nearly as much cultural and political subversion today.

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