AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you! I'll check it out. Flea and tick and worm prevention is the only reason i take my dogs to the vet anyway. If I can get an alternative I'll never take them again.

AbjectDynamite 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know you're right. We have more than one animal, and not many vets in our area. The place we're taking them is supposed to be the best around here. We wanted to have a place to take them if we need to. The nearest emergency vet service or anything like that is over an hour away. We are looking for alternatives. I don't mind driving. And we don't want any more vaccines.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I find it hard to believe this moron could muster 13 million real votes across the country. No way.

AbjectDynamite 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah, it's good to know that they're actually thinking about longevity in a relationship as a goal, and partnership, et cetera. My post didn't address it because it was collateral to the point, but surprisingly, the topic has them thinking about what this fantastic woman would want/expect in a partner too. (That was when I smiled.)

AbjectDynamite 3 points ago +5 / -2

You have zero idea what they did or didn't do. You're just making assumptions based on a vague description. I think it was a bunch of guys goofing off. You think they're "firmly in" gay. Well, okay, so what? I'd argue they'd be better off gay than in a relationship with the types they're trying to avoid.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah, my og post doesn't go into enough detail about where these guys are coming from and why. But you get the gist. I'm not seeing the young guys around here who are interested in the Kim Kardashian, or blue hair/you will conform images, etc. And they've seen their parents divorce and the result of that, so I think all these things have had an effect not widely talked about. That's why I posted it. It's real. And it's out there.

AbjectDynamite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sorry, but I don't want to go there.

AbjectDynamite 5 points ago +5 / -0

These kids are all 22-25 range. I thought it was interesting because a decent amount of them have divorced parents.

AbjectDynamite 4 points ago +6 / -2

Respectfully, it looks like you stumbled onto the secondary point they were making. They'd rather be thought of as gay than choose girls who are a step below that, lol.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

The anger and sheer hatred I feel for all of these disgusting traitors can't even be described.

AbjectDynamite 13 points ago +14 / -1

I'm sorry for this answer anons, but I am so full of rage over this:

I will never forgive or forget what these cuck fucks did.

Where was all this God loving, mercy loving, fellow man loving, crock-o-bullshit when we were suffering?!

They can all fuck right off with this 100% self-serving, after the fact, pretend and fake narrative that "we were just innocent, gullible, little do-gooders, just living our best lives and had no one to tell us anything". Bullshit, 10,000% bullshit. They had the news on blast and sat by in their circle jerks jacking each other off while watching us get threatened, terrorized, and ostracized from society, 24/7/365.

Our suffering was their fucking warning... the unheard of violations of human rights was their big fucking red flag that something was not right in Kansas. And what did they do? Did they voice an objection to the terror we were under? Did they support us in any way? Nope.

Instead, they voluntarily sat in the communist, terrorist section of the bleachers of this shit show. They stood silently, joining in with those concepts of refusing us participation in society, taking our children away, putting us in concentration camps, and worse. To all of them, I say, FAFO, and die. These fake mf's only want mercy and sympathy and unity for themselves and their own suffering. Fuck them, no, not from me.

AbjectDynamite 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here's my thoughts in reference to the topic, and, in no way to provide any disrespect to you or your post. The topic of whether the 2024 election will occur is complete and utter nonsense. It's noise not signal. It's a ruse to distract and entertain, so to speak.

To answer I have to digress and summarize, but here's why: If the overview of the story Q provided is true, then it's also true that NCSWIC (because you either believe Q or you don't), of which is the stated purpose of the end of the demoncratic party as an ideology, and of the degenerate criminal class ruling the world. **** These events occurring during this pause are the backdrop to the election. Q and company are just providing the storyline. The warp speed shit is solely to get the attention of the comatose public.

How do we assign faith or value to anything Q said?

Because Q and Q+++ provided us with an exhausting amount of evidence and confirmations. They literally told us the public portion of the plan. Declass is happening now right in front of our faces.

Q said, "Future proves past." Q also said, "Follow the pen." We know one interpretation of follow the pen is a direction to look at Pres DJT's EO's.

Now, here's some conjecture about how this works for your consideration:

In short, Pres DJT used the public face of his authority while in office to write and authorize several EO's, including the declass one. That one EO is a CYA step for later, a map for anons, and a public announcement of the actionable consequence to the criminal fuckery afoot all rolled up into one.

Pres Trump isn't stupid. He knew that declass wasn't going to happen just because he signed a piece of paper. And he knew the criminal parasites sure aren't going to tell on themselves- this is one tiny facet of this issue. So, what's the point of the EO?

The answer is: Q team always intended to declass the way it's happening right now...by showing and not telling. It was simultaneously a head fake to the criminal morons making them think he was going to do it through our fake governmental system/processes using his "authority" as the president. Fuck no, lol. Publicly, he just goes through the motions of pushing the issue.

The EO is a procedural maneuver and preemptive strike covering their ass legally for the future fuckery. The declass was always going to happen by controlled demolition because there's no other way. Because the really big problem isn't the criminal class, it's us. An entire world society full of people who let criminals get and stay in power. What good is removing the current batch of criminals if the populace doesn't change? Zero. A bandaid. A complete waste of time. That's why Q referred to the people having to change, he literally spelled it out.

Changing the public's appetite and tolerance for it's own suicide/genocide and rejection of the death cult's values is the goal. Letting these values play out over time accomplishes three goals simultaneously: (1) declass; (2) change the public; (3) provide the path for changing the system. This is the same method lawyers use with juries: Tell you what they're going to do, do it (aka telling you again), then tell you what they did again (in the close/clean up).

Back to the beginning now: If you believe Pres DJT and Q and Co., are fighting for our very existence, then you can't simultaneously hold the belief that any of the fake rules we've been living by, of which elections are one, would be the avenue for the criminal class to neutralize this op...in essence, the reverse Trump card for them. And that by winning the public 2024 election that's game. Because if what Q said is true, it's common sense to predict if they quit, they definitely die. But wait, there's more... You're ignoring the evidence of your own eyes. We already had a stolen election. And we are watching and living through a fake presidency right now.

Now here's where I'm going to get heavy for some anons: If we have another stolen election in 2024 it's not going to be because the bad guys are so-fucking good and scary. They're not. They are God-damned morons. Pres Trump and Co is literally showing us that every day. Rather, a stolen election in 2024 will be because Pres DJT and Q-team have decided the job isn't done and to allow it. Our Pres will signal with further orders when the time is right. The shitfits, pearl clutching, baseless panicking, and fear-mongering are low IQ knee-jerk emotional reactions which Q told us directly are non-productive.

Q also told us we had to get involved, that normies will need anons, and so much more. So, what's our job? Our job is to stay on task: educate normies (which is providing fuel for their own revolts), to provide the path to be tactical not emotional, to run cover for our team which helps them sell more head fakes to the criminal dumb fucks. Our job? is to play along publicly with and for our commander until the job is finished. If having a vote is the public op, then we show up to vote, or at his rallies, or posting replies to the bot shit on social media. We don't cry, and fret, and panic, and have a shitfit about muh timeline and I'm not gonna vote if, and retreat like fucking cowards. We hold the line like we were asked. We continue to attack as we have been. THAT's why anons were chosen. Exactly because we're not fucking panicky, illiterate normies.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

No way. They should lose their licenses permanently, serve jail time, and be subject to civil lawsuits from the people and families they harmed like it's supposed to be.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree 100%. What a POS Jeff is.

AbjectDynamite 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'd like to see the white hats publish what these race baiters have been doing to blacks in Haiti, as well as everything else.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe it should be made public because the allegations and acts are as serious as criminality can get, and you can't justify an immediate death penalty without it or changes in the laws protecting this criminality. I don't believe the pearl clutching expressed by some of the anons here can or should be extrapolated to society as a whole. Society as a whole does not have the moral or ethical concerns that the anons here do, and there are plenty of disgusting and evil promoting movies to confirm it, SAW, as one small example. Regarding access, it could me made available with restrictions limiting access to minors. For example, they could burn old school dvd's and send them to every courthouse in the country, designate movie days, and check ID's similar to the process for access to other records. If a movie hurts the sensibilities then they could print off screenshots. The point is viewing the proof should be available so proof cannot be denied. Concerning the argument of protecting society from the evil, again, I don't think that is the answer because that's the very argument (regarding the reporting laws) that has helped us as a society get to this point to begin with. If people need to be scarred maybe they should be. if they need to seek out trauma counselors as an after effect, fine, make them available. But voters should not be able to continue to worship politicians and their co-conspirators and hang on the words of criminals and liars as though it were truth. They need their naive bubbles burst forever. Even if the proof is made available it doesn't guarantee that every person is going to watch it. Some will. Some won't. Some will watch enough to be sure what has been said about these monsters is true. As disgusting and horrible as it is the truth needs to come to light and immediate and final justice should be administered. Otherwise this whole endeavor is pointless because the whole justification for everything we've all been going through since 2016 and for why the white hats had to act in the first place is exactly this - one of the many reasons these people had to be stopped.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Search the posts in this forum. You should find many posts about options. There's a lot of smart anons here who discussed it. I'd be doing you a disservice by trying to repeat it. Prayers for you and your family. Thank you for reaching out.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh God, I've never imagined this scenario in my wildest dreams. I think I would have a stroke, lol. No way they'd ever be able to top that.

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