Agreed. Even though it's my own tax dollars that would return to me for funding the education of my children, the government will always identify that as a string they can pull anytime they decide to meddle in the education I decide to provide.
If the cures were found and suppressed long ago, and everyone got accustomed to the money rolling in, faking research is the obvious next step.
Benefits for faking research:
no chance previously identified and suppressed cures get rediscovered by the next generation of researchers. It's a messy business with some risk when they have to wet work one of their impassioned and ethical young researchers whom actually wants cancer cured.
less costly to fake a study and results than to actually pay money to do the real thing.
fake results can go any which way, so generating fake results can become its own money stream on top of the donations or grants funding the research that you are already not doing anyway. Money upon Money upon Money.
fake results likely allow your organization to appear to be more prominent as you should be able to operate multiple fake studies or investigations all at once for what the price would be for actually doing the real work.
more prominent publishing and activity will provide more positive marketing and could make your institution or organization receive even more public or donated money thus it can multiply your income streams.
As we can all clearly see the obvious best plan is to fake results about cancer research.
Typical turtle move if I ever saw one.
Endorse Trump. (Prevents getting smacked on the head immediately. -- akin to a turtle hiding in its shell.)
Try to look like you support him as you attempt to buddy up and subvert from the inside. (Like a snapping turtle waiting in its shell for something to come along and snap, it has taken a finger or two off someone's hand.)
He may be retiring from being Senate Majority Leader and endorsing Trump, but he will not be working to actually help Trump in any legitimate way.
I do understand where you are coming from on getting to the true source of these remarks. We are aware Biden doesn't write his own speeches. Most candidates and presidents have their own personal writers do most of the heavy lifting on putting together a speech or creating a statement for press release.
That said, this is the narrative being pushed. This is the attack the media will run with to try to damage or hinder Trump. It is useful to be aware that the enemy camp is setting up their narrative of attack. Of course it is filled with lies about Trump, but that's always the case. Knowing how they plan the attack will make it easier to counter and to be prepared.
So reading the remarks as published, I observe the language and choice of statements would lend itself naturally to calling for a revolt and rejection of results if Biden loses the general election. Wouldn't it be interesting if Biden triggered something like that for real when he loses? It would definitely give Trump the pretext ( if it were even really needed at that point), to arrest and remove and send to Gitmo the insurrectionists.
Really Trump has enough legitimate reason to do that today, but the public would not recognize this as an appropriate or legitimate response right now, so it cannot be accomplished with the full support of 90+% of the country and doing it today would cause substantial collateral damage to our nation and people.
So I take this statement for face value. It maybe be an early foreshadowing of how the election 2024 movie will play out.
How do you know it was officially a call from your bank?
Do you or have you ever had a run in with collections (legit obligation or not)?
Have you ever had a bankruptcy in your past wherein a legitimate debt was discharged?
If the call was legitimate and really from your bank / loan holder, then something is weird there.
If you are not sure the call was from your bank, then it may be an fraudulent entity trying to create a fraudulent evidence trail to support some kind of debt claim against you.
Unfortunately you are correct. Astroturfing for new laws. Hegelian dialectic.
I do look forward to when Letitia gets her skeletons brought out for the world to see. She's obviously a hack and completely biased and political with her NY DA position, but she's being allowed to continue so the populace can witness first hand what will happen everywhere if these communists are allowed to be in power. Even so, there will be a point where she will have served her purpose and that's when the skeletons will be revealed and she will nose dive just like Fani is experiencing down in Georgia right now.
Assets are safe.... But for whom?
I hardly ever goto Wendy's, but Surge pricing for a burger?
Sounds dumb since they can't argue scarcity with freezers -- sorry fridges for Wendy's -- full of "we promise it wasn't ever frozen" burger patties. The ride share gig gets away with Surge pricing because they have to come to your indeterminate location and there are limited resources (drivers) available to meet the demand. Wendy's doesn't have to come to you, you go to it. Wendy's doesn't have limited resources in their kitchen, they simply have the machines and staff that they designed their kitchen to hold at that location. Wendy's in my experience generally made your meal upon order ( except the frys) so it's expected to take some time before you get your food. Not seeing definable wins other than arbitrarily raising prices.
Seems like it would be a hard sell since the whole idea lacks a reasonable explanation for existence or a definable problem surge pricing would solve for Wendy's. Let's say you get in line for ordering. You see prices increasing as you get closer to ordering. Option 1 is suck it up and pay more. Option 2 is leave and go elsewhere. Option 3 is jump to back of line or order a drink and go sit down for a minute so prices can reset. As an aside, the Option 1 group whom might feel wronged by the higher price might decide to go to a competitor in the future.
Personally, I think there might be a lot of option 2 and option 3. So Wendy's ends up getting slightly more money on fewer customers and customers slow down their ordering by getting water and later coming back to get food at the desired price.
Well this is a little more involved than just the music. First the headphones have both the over ear cans and a bone conductor headphone device that is on top of your head. Next the music is moved around in the auditory space (left / right / above / below / in front / behind) and instruments are recorded on different channels so you will hear one set of instruments or perhaps only one instrument by itself away from the group moving around and getting louder or quieter, softer or brighter. Then other instruments are lowered or raised in volume around it and apparently this literally has impacts on brain function.
The songs are color coded (blue, green, orange, red) and colors target different brain functions. The program lays out a very specific song order and a person goes through the music typically one song a day. At first others will notice a disorganization in the targeted area for the person. Later (2 to 6 weeks or so), others will notice large jumps in progress and ability within the targeted areas. It's really crazy to see happen. Imagine someone on the spectrum whom is not verbal / barely verbal / not responsive verbally. You start doing this music program and the person suddenly becomes a chatter box. After you finish the program, there is no regression, your brain rewired / reorganized itself into a more efficient system of processing. The music doesn't force this reorganization to happen in only one way, it just provides stimulus in such a way that a more efficient processing path is created and that new path unlocks new abilities that were inhibited by whatever was going on previously.
I do agree with you in trusting only God.
I am very hopeful that God will be merciful on our nation and people. I believe his mercy would look like an actual spiritual revival nationwide that bears the fruit of repentance and newfound relationship with Jesus Christ the savior for those currently lost. I am also hopeful that God will use Trump as the catalyst for opening the door and pouring out his spirit pin the nation to begin this revival.
Should God choose not to move I this way at this time, I do believe that even with Trump succeeding in regaining office and removing the corruption, we as a nation (perhaps after Trump retires to private life) will experience a period of judgement for the collective wickedness as a nation. In my mind, we can excise all the corruption and eliminate the department's that have participated I the soft coup against Trump, but if the people do not turn back to God and repent, we will only find ourselves as a nation again back in the same situation far sooner than anyone would imagine possible.
I'm sorry to hear that. Please be aware that I'm referring to counseling licensure rather than psychology or psychiatry licensure.
I hope you are able to detox from the ssri quickly. Going forward on your journey to mental health without pharmaceuticals, I have witnessed some treatments that were helpful for some situations.
This is not medical advise and I'm not a doctor.
Past Trauma? Try EMDR (counseling therapy). If your the trauma event was severe enough to fracture your personality (DID diagnosis), then the integrated family systems (IFS) approach (aka parts theory) is probably a good idea, otherwise skip IFS as it really shouldn't apply to someone whom doesn't have DID.
Unexplained anxiety problems? ...Vitamins and supplements may help. I think others have covered that in this thread.
... Neurofeedback therapy may help (involves the fascinating interaction of the brain with normal stimulus and targeting via stimulus the 4 brainwave ( alpha, beta, delta, theta) ratios to align in a way that has been statistically identified to be normal for a well adjusted ( no anxiety / depression / etc) person. This treatment should involve some counseling so that if the root cause pointed to something identifiable that can be discovered and addressed rather than just being an imbalance of some kind, then the root cause can be targeted in counseling instead of treating only the symptoms.
... The Listening Program (Advanced Brain Technologies) is literally classical type music played into fancy headphones that uses the soundstage of the music to affect brain patterns of activity. It seems weird but it can be very effective for resolving unexplained anxiety or depression. Also it's really helpful for improving spectrum disorder (autism, adhd, add, etc) stuff and for helping you to improve executive functioning, communication, and many other aspects.
If Elon were to be a white hat, I'm of the opinion he is similar to the character Francisco d'Anconia in Atlas Shrugged.
But really I don't believe Elon to be a white hat. Rather, I believe either he has his own 3rd agenda ( split the difference between WEF and Trump)
OR he is controlled opposition to try to prevent bleeding out all their captured users publicly to Truth Social. In other words, a half controlled environment perceived publicly to be the largest (ie goto) social media platform is better than losing that platform's reach publicly and seeing your enemies platform supplant you as the new primary social media application.
IMO Game theory. Tucker interview WH event has forced the deep state to react or counter in a hurried and ultimately useless / poor way. This is how you cause your opponent to destroy himself.
Edit: After listening to the remarks I will say this appears unrelated to Tucker and more related to the special council report that declines to recommend prosecuting Biden for the boxes of classified material. Even so that interview appeared to me to come across poorly and to invite ridicule upon Biden.
Just that one truth social post is probably worth the entire year of marketing budget for bud light.
My thinking is along the same line. Biden shows up the actual town residents are prevented from being near the event. Biden buses in hundreds of actors to be supporters. He delivers some platitudes about how aide is still being delivered and how everyone had been so well supported and protected by his administration. Media gets their sound bites and pictures of the actors cheering for him. Biden rolls out of town and media pretends it was all legit. Now they believe East Palestine is no longer a negative on their approval numbers.
We all know nobody in Biden admin expects or cares about convincing anyone in East Palestine (or more generally Ohio) to vote for him. Instead they will just force the town to become a prop for his election disinformation campaign. With a complicit old guard media, they figure the truth won't get far enough to reverse the positive publicity they believe it will bring.
Must be all those micro aggressions in the conservative rulings and legal arguments. Things like logic, reason, intelligence, proper application of law. It would be difficult for any clown to deal with day in and out.
Everyone feel sorry for Sotomayor now.
Stockholm syndrome.
What if he gets pantsed on live tv at a very large event. The announcer starts denouncing this disrespectful behavior and stops mid-sentence when the Michelle's penis is unmistakably visible in the frame. Reposts on social media will spread quickly similar to the Timberlake / Jackson super bowl thing.
Yes, I know that would end badly for the person doing the pantsing and I'm not really being serious that this should happen, but really there are simple things that could happen which would wake people up effectively.
I too am glad for the belated action.
I also would expect getting to this point would necessarily take a lengthy amount of time and intermittent steps before finally saying enough.... Just not 3 years of very little response (or few notable direct action steps) and now finally the full response we desired.
Election years --go figure.
This is the tunnel they celebrated opening with that bizarre satanic ceremony attended by many leaders in Europe.
Edit: Nevermind, I was mixing up people's names today.
Half-Life / Doom. LHC broke through, but due to the non Newtonian physics existent in the other dimension, the portal tore open in Florida instead of Switzerland. /sarc
You may be onto something. Having RFK Jr in the race would make it a 3-way race. The Democrats would have their base split between RFK Jr and Biden. Trump would be unopposed as a Republican.
This candidate dynamic would be almost a poetic reprisal of the 1912 election where the Republican, Taft, found his base split when the bankers (ultimately the Rothschilds) funded Teddy Roosevelt to run his Bull Moose party campaign. The result was Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, won the election.
By January 1st of 1914, we already had the Federal Reserve Act create the current federal reserve of today and we had the IRS powers greatly expanded by the federal income tax legislation.
So working from that angle, would Trump and RFK be poetic enough to reprise the 1912 election ( our nations first irrefutable presidential selection by bankers event) so trump wins and them goes on to undo today all the garbage that came from the fallout of that 1912 selection?
I do believe the answer could be yes.