Hegelian dialectic (problem reaction solution) occurring right now.
This looks like the standard low info crowd agitprop response the government gives to a population which is experiencing adverse consequences from said governments terrible fiscal policy and borrowing (money printing) practices. The inflationary consequence is dismissed by the government propaganda mouthpiece. The shiny object is greedy business and their windfall profits.
The problem (apparent)-- prices keep increasing on everything at an alarming rate.
Reaction -- government dismisses inflation and points to greedy business jacking up prices for windfall profits. People struggling to live demand relief from their government (fix it).
Solution (presented) -- government price controls and further controls forced on means of production and distribution. Effective nationalization of means of production and means of sale are implemented.
Result -- a further spiraling of disruption to production, devaluation of money, and eventual starvation from lack of resources available.
Note at no time is root cause analysis employed to identify the causal problems and eliminate those issues (which would restore sound money and eliminate inflation of the money supply). The point is never to address the real causes because they are the instrument and tool that enables the above problem, reaction, solution cycle to repeat endlessly until a population is enslaved by their own government completely (the true ultimate goal of the cycles).
Obviously he knows the Clinton's. I hear acquaintances of the Clinton's often pickup this little known skill of suicide by double tap to the head.
So is the picture communicating that the Palestinian fighters hole up in caves and attack from cover while using their women and children as extra cover /human shields (warcrime / crime against humanity) while the Israelis hole up a bunch of human trafficking sex slaves in a cave (crime against humanity) while they fight the Palestinians?
Also if the picture is meant to communicate the reality of Israel and military service, it falls far short. Women are conscripted just like men over there. Your propaganda (viewed only in the best light with rose colored glasses) suggests only men are fighting while women are protected with children. So it basically falls flat.
Here's a crazy idea for you OP:
This whole thing sucks and everybody sucks here (Israel, Palestine, middle east). That said the conflict will be perpetual until one side wins completely. So in the interest of getting on with the planet so we don't have to revisit this BS later, I personally hope Israel is successful at removing Palestine and we can all say well that was a sucky outcome to a sucky situation (no surprise there) and get on with our lives. However it needs to be Israel doing it with their own men and equipment. US and other countries need to stay out and not throw around money or supplies (besides perhaps truly humanitarian supplies -- food water).
I have no interest in rushing into the longest family feud known to this world. It's their family feud and it's thousands of years ongoing. Someone has to win the day there for this thing to finally stop being a festering infection threatening the world with a wider conflagration every few years when tensions boil over.
Does it seem odd to anyone else that the actual way governments get established, created, funded is nothing like the people have been told.
Or perhaps rather the modern origin story for nations and governments has been cloaked in secrecy and misleads the people as it harkens back to an earlier story of establishment that is not the legitimate origination of the currently existing nation state / government.
It's also fascinating to me that the controlling families managed to keep this so secret from public knowledge for over 100 years in America and has performed the same exact trick right in front of the whole world watching multiple times and nothing leaked and people didn't catch on. It is as if everyone was hypnotized by the magician performing the slight of hand.
Perhaps it is more amazing that in consideration to how deep the deception took hold, the majority is awaking to the scam in this age.
So by banning his monitoring device of WIFI signals for fear of interference, they are admitting that the voting machines are connected to WIFI which also means they are not "air gapped" as we have been told they are supposed to be.
The boomerang here is they just effectively admitted the voting machines are on the internet even though they are officially not supposed to be.
From how over the top ridiculous this judge is, I'm thinking he probably has some really ugly skeletons in his closet --Probably involves harm to kids
I'm curious if the version in the link you posted is the compete work (supposedly 22 volumes?).
The review there suggested it is missing some things.
There is apparently a freely accessible complete Steinsaltz English translation + Hebrew version if you trust installing their phone app. I have not tried it myself.
After a brief search, I located this Israeli publication explaining the story of their current iron dome development and history.
It does lack in depth details that would clearly trace iron dome to the patriot missile system of the 90's and early 00's, but if from my perspective, it isn't believable that their new systems development wouldn't have built upon lessons learned from the patriot missile system because that had that system sitting in their own backyard the whole time. It's also interesting to me that they have contacted to US MIC corporations to build substantial portions of their own iron dome system.
Yes, in many cases it is exactly that.
For Desert Storm, which like all wars had its own set of cabal involvement problems, Israel joining that conflict at that time would have fractured the coalition (Syria and Turkey would have dropped out and not let us over fly for our air sorties, Saudi Arabia would have had a conniption fit with fearing invasion and likely make it difficult to keep bringing in troops or to build bases within their territory). Basically the winning move in that theatre was for Israel not to respond or counter attack Iraq while we were ramping up for invasion.
Saddam understood the political climate of the Middle East very well which is why he lobbed SCUD missiles over at Israel which didn't even have a border with him while the operation was building as Desert Shield. He hoped for a response that would break up the coalition.
However you look at it, Israel's motivation was not to be a good ally then, but to milk the international political capital from refraining from retaliating against Iraq. It was a strategic, politically advantageous action for Israel which also aligned with our interests and what we were doing at the time.. Heck their whole Iron Dome thing would not have been started if they had decided to respond.
The closest thing to ally action I can recall coming from Israel is back in Desert Storm, they tolerated a bunch of haphazard SCUD missile attacks from Saddam Hussein. We did send them over the latest greatest whiz bang tech of the time called the patriot missile system which blunted the SCUD attacks. Of coarse they were being ally like because it was against Israel's self interest at the time to jump into that conflict directly and break the coalition.
That's the best I could come up with which isn't a particularly good example.
I think President Trump spoke about this very thing a few years back.
Something Something wounded snake...Something Something caregiver nursing snake back to health... Something Something snake bites caregiver after getting well... Something Something snake says what did you think I would do for I am a snake. Caregiver dies of snake poison.
When you teach your children for 2+ generations to hate the Jews and to have every intention of killing or maiming them reflexively at the first opportunity, I would not expect such a people to produce great strategists for winning a protracted conflict that requires careful selection of where and how to battle the enemy. Rather they will go for instant gratification of their reflexive indoctrination to kill and maim with occasional pauses to ransom hostages for money.
That said, it appears obvious to me that Israel intelligence and security intentionally stood down for this attack to succeed, even going as far as to move a soft target of expendables right next to the Palestinian's border to encourage the attack and provide the media the necessary bodies (both Israeli and foreign) for outrage to take over with minimal questioning of the narrative. Once initial outrage is achieved, they move on to providing further evidences of horrific acts on Israeli settlements (also betrayed by intelligence and security stand down) with little worry of uncomfortable questions since the world is already operating on emotion and outrage.
Of course he knew this would happen. It was the plan all along. He's just gaslighting to try to keep people from noticing he was pushing this immigrant influx garbage a few years back.
It's probably one of the spares taken out of Israeli + CIA joint storage (from the Obama years) and casually dropped on site after they cleared the Gaza neighborhood.
Yea no, this isn't a storm. It's a gentle shower maybe. We will know without a doubt when the storm is upon us.
I do hope he and others like him keep insurance policies (blackmail material) against their colleagues.
And if he does have such info, I hope he retaliates against his fellow corrupt officials by releasing what he has publicly and kicks off a chain reaction.
Guess they have to insert race into everything to keep division levels high in California.
Oh look it's election season again and like clockwork BLM returns from their 3 year respite to hustle more money from election riggers and provide their special brand of protest (anarchy and terrorism) to cities across the nation.
This downfall started well over 100 years ago. In recent history, each president (except Trump) beginning with HW Bush has simply been a new actor doing their part to accelerate our nation to the eventual downfall. Clinton pushed us further down the line. W Bush accelerated the decline by eroding freedom with the Patriot Act. Obama was a change of actor again and played things even further. Biden is trying to make up lost time by destroying the nation as fast as possible.
Game theory. WH moves caused BH (DS) counter. Ukraine funding cutoff (compromised SOTH removed) (WH).
New funding source required. Iran gets billions (BH). Hamas and Hezbollah get green light to attack (BH). Israel attacked and calls for war (BH controlled). War declared conflict ensues, insurance policy activated (Rubio sleeper funding). Backup funding source reestablished (BH). The DS in the bigger world conflict had now expended their ammo and insurance policy. WH operation can proceed to next step. Getting your enemy to strike out at inopportune times and to expend resources in their own territories prevents them from completing operations successfully in the actual theatre of battle. The operation also brings more exposure to the world of how BH funds both sides of conflict and initiates the conflict too.
BH will want to make this regional conflict a World war to salvage the usefulness of the operation. WH will move to defuse that bomb. Then the Middle East BH operation will fail.
The civvies have often been cannon fodder in Palestine. Human meat shields are a common strategy over there including putting ammo caches in elementary schools and attacking from these same structures when the opportunity arises (typically AA).
Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. They don't generally create clear military installations, in the vicinity of their active operations sites, separate from civilian areas unless they are operating in a neutral or supporting country that they believe is safe from attack by Israel military.
Now given all that above, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israeli military might embellish the validity of some seemingly civilian targets (calling them military) in the coming days. It's going to be ugly and messy. A lot of innocent people and children are already dead and in the next few days and weeks many more innocents will join them in premature violent brutal horrifying death. It is a war and it's going to suck.
ATF getting intelligence on cartel activity? First ATF and intelligence are gramatically incorrect when appearing in the same sentence together.
Second this agency had never been interested in protecting American citizens and in fact generally desires to piss on the constitution while killing Americans. In my opinion ATF would probably be on the sides of cartels if said groups came out and started targeting and killing pro 2A Americans.
We can be assured that any warning from ATF is either BS, a thinly veiled attempt to get people to give up their rights for safety, or is their way of telling us what is intended to happen to us so they can in their sick belief system be blameless for the actions they took or caused to happen.
They reason that somehow it hurts less when the stomping boot has a pretty sky mural painted on the sole..... It could be worse, the boot crushing my soul could have been ugly to watch as it came down on me.
And we know this is all truly the case because we all read the damn reports of people getting bad Covid cases after vaccination or even dying with Covid and it being written up to highlight how it could have been worse if they had not been vaccinated.
Parasites would make a whole lot of sense for hand foot mouth disease given the typical way it is contracted.