Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.

When I've taken the stuff it is between 0.2-0.4 mg/ 1kg of body weight taken daily for 7 days. Conversion to English system is 2.2 lbs = 1kg

So a person at 220lbs is 100kg. 100kg person would be a dose between 20mg and 40mg. Typical prescription seems to come in 3mg tablets where I am. So 7 pills is 21 mg dose for 7 days.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's pretty sinister.... But it would remove a lot of sick depraved people from the planet in a short amount of time.

Would prefer that they just repent and find Jesus instead.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you don't know an online contact in person, then you don't know them. Might as well be sending money to a stranger. I'm sorry you ran into an online scammer who took advantage of your situation.

Bottom line, build a network of people to rely upon in person and use the internet / social media for information sharing and research.

Anon_69E0A63BD 24 points ago +24 / -0

After disrupting daily operations significantly by firing the CEO who happens to also be an integral part of the strategy and on the ground journalist team, the board advises former donors that they are separated from the day to day operations.

Anon_69E0A63BD 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wow. That guy was serious. Gives himself a sucking chest wound. Then ditches the weapon and proceeds to tie a cord around himself. And to a tree.

He must have a strong theatrical personality, or he was murdered.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is a 2 day old video. We have already been experiencing the effects of the CME impact.

Here is this mornings video.


The information in these nearly daily videos is time sensitive, so posting a video with a title focusing on a solar event that was 2 days ago is often going to provide the wrong idea to the reader.

If we start getting reports of a mass of people around the world suddenly falling over dead in unison with the solar storm event interacting with earth's magnetic field, then it would be noteworthy tying in the solar events. From what I have read and seen about the vax effects, it seems like a man made EMF source is more exciting to the nano particles and self forming bio electronics than just random broad frequency EMF / interference.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Given how things are going, I wonder where PV will be in a weeks time.

Will the lights still be on? Archivers needed ASAP to preserve any info released prior to the Board purging JOK.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this the third one as I recall hearing of two Republicans recently in NJ who were killed off?

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

All those field agents.... All those quotas....

How will they all meet the metrics required to keep their jobs?

Real crime is difficult to unravel....takes too much time.

But if we criminalize a particular group of people, like Christians (generally) or Catholics who have liturgy in Latin or something similar, then we will have a massive pool of "criminals" that we can use to make our quotas and that insures we keep our jobs.

Sounds like a soft velvet glove version of Stalin and his list quota requirements for his secret police to provide daily lists of people who were suspect or accused of not being true believers in the Communist paradise of the Soviet Union.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he goes for their plan. They have time to drag it out and let story fatigue cause it to fall off the radar for potential donors. Also while employed, O'Keefe could be muzzled by NDA or other contract agreements with the carrot of getting this thing overturned.

He's dealing with a board of snakes. They will find a reason to terminate with cause if given enough time. They will also be glad to generate records and transactions that they will call fraudulent and pin them on O'Keefe without hesitation. It would be a way of Pfizer getting revenge to jail O'Keefe for supposedly misappropriating funds.

Now that he knows this, best to leave and fight from the outside while he begins a new operation.

Anon_69E0A63BD 10 points ago +10 / -0

Where's Gallagher been?

All those years of taking care of watermelons of various shapes and sizes, and he somehow missed watermelon head.

Well since he lost the opportunity by leaving us last year, hopefully the military will take up the cause and after a short tribunal and conviction give ol' watermelon head their version of the Gallagher treatment.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Corrective of what?

Outside of going undercover and a Pfizer director talking about engaging in gain of function.... I mean directed evolution, and O'keefe and team getting assaulted by the jerk as he shows the world how Pfizer loves to hire management that are highly unstable and of no moral or ethical character, what could we point to to say was wrong in what O'Keefe did?

If the Pfizer sting operation requires corrective action that would mean no more actual investigative undercover journalism or it would mean there is a no go list of topics or targets. In either case, project veritas becomes a useless entity no longer serving the purpose of it's creation. So best that it die sooner than later and people redirect their donations to the soon to come spiritual successor to the original entity.

by Kokonut
Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if that was a factor in their DNA gathering plan or not. They already have access to all the genealogy tracing DNA databases so I don't know what all the reasons were for getting DNA from the masses via covid tests.

I do recall Russia accused the US and NATO some years ago of trying to build a large database of Russian national DNA for the purpose of creating a targeted DNA bioweapon against their people. Maybe this covid test DNA sweep had similar purpose?

by Kokonut
Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

The underlying purpose woven through the OT of the Bible is effectively a plan to protect human dna from being desecrated.

Genesis discusses creation where God made humans in His image. Then the fall of man (corruption by sin) which is inherited by all offspring as an integrated part of our human nature. Shortly after the sons of God (fallen angels originally created by God in pre Biblical times) began taking for wives the daughters of man and the hybrid offspring known as the Nephilim resulted. In other ancient writings from Greek mythology to Indian mythology to the gods worshipped by the Canaanites and Babylon, these beings are generally know as demigods and according to the mythologies held non human powers and often enjoyed terrorizing and murdering and eating humans.

But why would this be? Well Genesis again provides the reason. God prophesied to Eve that out of her lineage would come a savior whom would crush the head of the snake (Satan). This was the first promise in the Bible that evil would be destroyed eventually and our human sinfulness would be excised as well at the end. Satan heard this prophesy as well and frankly being an angelic being and witness to the Creation events in the Bible was aware of genetics. Therefore the nephilim were the result of the first attack on the human genome by satanic aligned forces. The Flood was God's response. As the Bible records Noah was the only one left whom was just and perfect in his generations.

Sometime after the flood, God called Abraham out from his own people to be the father of what would become God's chosen people. Israel was the eventual outcome. The Hebrew people were commanded by God to not intermingle with other peoples. They were given strict rules that when followed would naturally prevent an attack such as the Nephilim from succeeding. They were also commanded to eliminate nearly all the people's of Canaan when they marched into the promised land in Joshua (the Bible identifies that many of the Canaanites had nephilim among them). Since it was promised to Abraham that the Savior would come from Abraham's lineage and since God secured that people's human genome in a way that the Hebrews held as the defining factor in their culture and heritage (chosen people who are set apart) the necessity or usefulness of a strategy of attacking humanities genome at large to create defiled hybrids (ie not in the Image of God) was diminished and the strategy was shifted more to trying to destroy Israel instead with other means.

After the Messiah, Jesus Christ, came to this world and fulfilled his mission to die as the required sacrifice payment for our sins. Jesus arose again from the grave demonstrating that He had accomplished all that he was purposed to do in bringing the promised salvation to sinful man. Satan's battle plan now shifted to persecute Christians and to decieve the Hebrews into rejecting Jesus, but that backfired as the Holy Spirit moved with the Gospel and many (Jews and Gentles) were given faith to believe and therefore saved. Next came infiltration to weaken the church from within with sin and wickedness. As all this happened over the ages man has been slowly increasing in knowledge until the inflection point of the last 200 years where our growth in knowledge has turned into an exponential upward curve.

Now man has come to know of genetics, and the possibilities of our changing our own code. This had opened the doorway for a reprisal of the pre-flood hybridization of the human genome. So that ultimately we may be no longer considered to be in God's Image. This is the reason that Matthew 24:22 records Jesus saying of the end times "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened."

We are here now. And the tribulation is very near if not already begun. I cannot speak to where the line is as that will entirely be God's decision. I do believe the Mark of the Beast is something to do with genetics and/or cybernetic hybrid organisms.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it's still asymmetric warfare, but it seems that infrastructure is the higher priority target now over the previous favorite small population group terror events (aka mass shootings).

Also the infrastructure targets are also apparently being chosen based on the highest probability that the initial attack event will create a secondary impact from a regional area to multi state area (aka chemical release and ecological damage to the local population and/or the regional food, air, and water supplies).

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

If only you had looked and read a little, then you would know better. I was intentional in what I said to search for.

Fischer scientific Revision Date 24-Dec-2021

Airgas Revision Date 7/9/2018

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Patriot_MAINIAC [S] 11 minutes ago +1 / -0 What is released when poly heated to decomposition?....and 10 tanker cars is a drop in the bucket. You act like its hard to burn plastic.

Thanks for telling me you didn't bother searching for the msds docs or reading my post.

You have yourself a nice day now.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

You really should do better research before you start suggesting others are displaying unwarranted panic or concern over this Ohio event.

First. Polyvinyl chloride (pvc) is different from Vinyl chloride (one of the major chemicals involved in the fire and explosion events).

You can search the following string for specific information on each chemical.

"MSDS Vinyl Chloride Airgas" -- Should provide a link to a 12 page PDF.

The hazard section of that document says:

"Extremely flammable gas. May form explosive mixtures with air. Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. May cause frostbite May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation. May cause cancer. May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. (liver)"

Then search "MSDS Polyvinyl Chloride Fischer Scientific" which should yield a 7 page PDF document.

The hazard section there says "This chemical is not considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200)".

Bottom line is Vinyl Chloride is an inherently less stable and more hazardous chemical than the polyvinyl chloride you are referencing in your post. Contrary to some media claims, the accident site was transporting vinyl chloride.

The burning and explosion of that chemical can result in many harmful chemical byproducts and potentially other secondary chemical reactions in the environment afterward too.

"Vinyl Chloride is a chlorinated hydrocarbon occurring as a colorless, highly flammable gas with a mild, sweet odor that may emit toxic fumes of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and phosgene when heated to decomposition."

According to the government published chemistry data below:


Finally you are incorrectly comparing plastics burned across the entire disparate world on a daily basis to a single mega burn event in a concentrated small area over a very small time delta. If you were to somehow burn an equivalent concentrated amount of polyvinyl chloride in the same small region at the same rate (this would be difficult since pvc has an ignition temp near 600F vs the much lower temp of vinyl chloride) over the same time delta, I am certain we would be equally concerned with some of the chemical byproducts there.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's our Biden government doing gods work right there. Screwing over the citizens who have been harmed yet again to benefit the corporate fiction person entity that through a series of criminally negligent actions or inaction by the employees and management kicked off a series of events that have poisoned an entire section of the state of Ohio and possibly Pennsylvania and eastward.

Sure the government agencies involved in authorizing or prescribing the explosive burn method are also criminally liable, but the railroad has primary liability for causing the originating events of the catastrophy. Got to make sure we indemnify the railroad though.... Can't hold them responsible for the damages caused by their negligence.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Freeze dried vacuum sealed: #10 cans, 5 gallon buckets (Mylar bagged contents).

That sort of thing.

Start a garden. Consider getting some books like "Seed to Seed" or "Mittleider Gardening Course".

Obtain heirloom seeds or buy some high grade seed off of an organic non-gmo farmer.

Given the possibility and nature of contamination via airborne toxins, possibly build a greenhouse in the future.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Train collision or derailment every 1.5 hours. With that kind of frequency, would anyone believe that train travel and shipping would be deemed safe enough for continuation?

Perhaps they define collision as inclusive of the bumping to cars that can happen when a train is being joined to more cars in the train yard? Seems like that would pad the statistics.

Or maybe this is a worldwide statistic inclusive of 3rd world nations with poor infrastructure and high accident percentages.

Either that or they are including train derailment and collisions from the hobbiest's HO train sets. Oh look little Johnny has his trains on the same track heading toward each other.... And there's another train collision for the books.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't see this live, but the jacket thing looks like a mockery by portraying Christ's crucifixion as one of those stupid dress up games.

The blue thing most visible on the jacket appears to me to be blue hair or a blue sash. The reddish brown tunic on the far side of the jacket and at the bottom left sides most of a wine skin is visible.

Anyway, it is a mockery to portray the crucifixion as a dress up game.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they are a hazmat unit they should have training and access to documentation, materials, testing equipment and other resource to figure out what to do before they make things worse. Probably not the team who was on scene.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

That hidden hand.... Always hanging out when accidents or disasters decide to happen. Unlucky for sure.

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