I’ve known Jesus my whole life, yet refuse to surrender, those things I just really love! I have fought opening up the Pandora’s Box of the 70’s my whole life! This story brings tears to my eyes and hope that I can escape this prison of my own accord! “Search me Oh Lord and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”. Psalm 139:23-34 I praise God every day for this site! Stories like this rejuvenate me! Be blessed!
I sure hope Trumps Truth Network is ready for the outpouring of love and support! The tech giant’s and mainstream media are about to get swamped! But we better be able to load the site, when we need it! This had been frustrating!
You are the same people who donate to your Alma Mater, because there are still a few conservatives there! It’s like the biggest problem with Christianity, is people like me! No surrender! Just going to do it my way! Stealing defeat, from the jaws of victory!
Man, so sorry for your needless loss! But I do believe, one day soon, you will be reunited again! This is just a way station for us all! That being said, still pissed at this world in which we reside! Falleness sucks!
It’s ironic how many times we have all sung “I surrender all” and yet not one of us have! I can’t shake wanting to be right about all of this stuff! And yet He still pursues me with a passion! Now that is love! Be blessed!
When I’m cooking with Kent, Toy Caldwell is always thumb jamming the guitar in the background! When we flip the narrative in the next couple of months, let’s have a big ole Kent Rollins BBQ! I’ll even invite GW to my neck of the woods in MH NC!
After being fed the back about Russia my whole life, I’m to the point where RT is every bit as believable as our media and more so than our State Department. You could call me jaded!