I've thought for sometime that most of the people in the public eye are products of the program. Politicians, celebrities, CEO's. I've read that batches could be a few thousand children at a time. These children were sent by parents mostly in the alphabet agencies. Interesting story here of the hippie movement and the artists from the 60's
Judge looks like a dude.
Divide and conquer, pretty obvious as shit is coming out against all of them. Let the dust settle and don't let it distract.
My wife went to pick an ornament for our oldest boy and his wife that just had a new baby, she said the same thing. Most had to do with the vaccine. The sales girl said she didn't know what buyer was thinking as most people didn't want them.
Anagram for MORONIC , it's what they think of us.
Now that gave me a chuckle.
He should have said, "while he is the current resident."
Doing everything they can to disrupt the supply chain.
The Canadian health Minister called the story fake news when asked about it.
Trudeau was just reelected in Canada with only 31% of the vote, and nobody is questioning how this is mathematically possible.
What they do with the stats is common in the pharma marketing. It's done by using relative vs absolute stats. E.g. 2 groups of 100, the placebo group has an disease re occurrence of 2 people, the medicated group has 1 out of 100 have a re-occurrence of the disease. They market the drug as reducing the chance of the disease coming back at 50%.
It would be nice if true, give it 48 hours and see if anyone else reports.
Devolution is compartmentalized so many can be involved with few knowing the whole picture.
Nice, not allowed in the gym without a vax pass here.
The C_A ran the mkultra out of McGill University in Montreal, Canada starting in the late 50's supposed to have ended in the early 60's if you can believe that.
Interestingly,camel toe's mother took a job there during camel toes high school years.
I believe it's a worldwide military operation, that has been in play for decades
Same playbook as HIV and AZT. Fauci needs a very slow and painful punishment.
The same dude that last week confessed the the vaccinated get and transmit the virus the same as the unvaccinated. Which I'm sure he caught shit for and is now trying to ignore it was said.
A doctor has essentially been trained in how to poison a patient without killing them.
I was thinking the same. , Now that we know the vaccinated spread and get the virus at the same rate as the unvaccinated. The businesses have lost their only case for mandates which was to providing a safe work place. Should also prevent the OSHA regs but who knows they simply ignore facts.
Nobody that dies of the wu flu would be able to walk on a plane in their final hours.
With the way the dems have been exposed for CRT and covid mandates there is not a chance the race is that close without the attempted steal.
Chances are the revolt against dems was to great to to cover with the cheat. Odds are they still cheated. If the white hats played a part in it then why not also in the cali recall election?
Na, they are too greedy and too stupid.
The Canadian Minister of Health. Who was actually a graphic designer before becoming part of Trudeau's diversity cabinet called the vitamin d study at the time Fake News.