AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

There’s two everything’s right now.

AzTrumplican 4 points ago +4 / -0

This 👆🏼

AzTrumplican 6 points ago +6 / -0

That’s the million dollar question isn’t it? Why is all of this taking so long? Because it has to. The white hats are systematically undoing hundreds of years of evil. It takes time & all the moves must happen when appropriate.

AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

This paragraph….sheesh. Did a 16 year old grammar student write this article?

Mike Tyson appears frail as heavyweight legend requires wheelchair at airport Legendary heavyweight Tyson is now 56-years-old and has been talking about fears over his “expiration date” in recent weeks, and has now been spotted in a wheelchair looking a shadow of his former self

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. The military was listening to your every word as you screeched “Let’s rape these nooooooooobs!”

AzTrumplican 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just one time I want him to throw us all a curveball with: “Let’s talk about your penis.”

AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the WH are in control, if we truly believe this, then we can assume this is clearly a WH move.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good questions fren. I’ve asked similar ones in my past. I think I’ll answer each one of your questions the best I can:

Q: “Isn’t this a little extreme?”

A: It depends on your perspective. If you believe what the Bible says is true, then yes, it is extreme. Following Jesus is an extreme decision. Your spirit literally transforms into something new and wonderful. After deciding to follow Jesus you now have an extreme life filled with many difficult decisions to make which are very counter-cultural. The era of “If it feels good, do it” mentality needs to be eliminated.

Q: “The whole world needs to turn to His Son?”

A: Yes, only if each person wishes to spend an eternity with God & the other believers in heaven. But the whole world does not actually “need” to turn to His son. In fact, the Bible says that the majority will NOT choose to follow Jesus. With that said, scripture also says that Jesus is not coming back to earth until all of mankind has had a chance to hear the gospel.

Q: “What about Buddhists, Hindu’s, etc.? Their religions are just “wrong”?

A: There are many aspects to the world’s religions which are not wrong. Most implore kindness & love; wonderful attributes of course. But, based on the gospel, they are wrong in the fact that they will not offer salvation or eternal life. God is a selfish God. The only way to Him is through His son Jesus.

Q: “Couldn’t this extreme religious view spark a global war?”

A: Yes indeed. In fact, these global wars started many centuries ago, and they will continue for the rest of earth’s existence until Jesus comes back.

I recommend you read the book or watch the movie: The Case for Christ

And remember, the Deep State hates Christians more than anyone. The Deep State (the main players) worship Satan/Baal.

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mainly so we can carry out his great commission: to evangelize & edify the people of the world. Different brains can connect with different people in different ways. All of this deep state/Q stuff is actually quite trivial in the grand scale of life. It has its purpose though, and our brains were created to be “awake” and were designed to evangelize & edify the normies as they wake up and ask “Why?” The great awakening is Biblical. God is using the ever-exposing evil to turn people to His son.

There will be a lot of people asking Why?

You & your brain are here to help them answer the why: Jesus.

AzTrumplican 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember; we all have different brains. We all think & see differently. That’s the beauty of mankind and our Creator. We were not meant to be uniform. Consider yourself lucky to have the brain you do. You are awake. God chose you to be awake for a reason.

AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is BRICS?

-said in thick Arabic accent

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

The best medicine for feeling what you’re feeling right now is to stop putting your faith and hope in mankind. The Bible says we are all inherently sinful & incapable of offering ourselves or anyone true peace.

The only hope for the contentment & satisfaction you are hoping for is Jesus. Plain and simple. Put your hope in him, not men or women. They cannot save you. He can.

The Bible has all the answers to peace. Remember that God uses evil for good. Remember that God is in control of evil and allows it to happen to strengthen our spirits and turn us to His son.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Magic wiener rot from communist inspired trysts.”


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