SHe's trying to keep her fellow Wine Moms in the fold.
Over and over "Lemme tell you...." Obama 2.0
And maybe to lure Kamala in to commit to a 2nd debate.
Is she wearing a covid boot too?
He is a worse actor than LeBron.
And this is exactly why Melania and Barron aren't involved publicly in the campaign. I will bet it is at Trump's request.
Better yet, how does one get access to the Epstein client list? How did this guy get access?
Is Mika wearing her slippers too?
Baby steps. Canada isn't a free for all, yet.
Or to claim the first female presidency for the dems.
It needs cleaned up to protect the US citizens from trafficking, both drug and human. Doesn't make sense for us to clean it up (and for free) then walk away. We need control of it, else, it will just regenerate the cartel leadership and be back in the same boat. If we make a deal to annex the country, will have all of our manufacturing plants that have fled to Mexico back in the US, will have a smaller land-border to protect, and a passport-free, safe vacation area for 'all'. Agriculturally, a big bonus to be had immediately. Once US money flows in there on a legitimate basis, things will clean up just by free-market forces alone. Better tourism, better food/water controls, more money from 'snowbirds' investing/moving down there, better policing if you don't have a DS/C_A Cartel defacto running the country. Because that is what is happening, regardless of whatever elections you have down there.
I am right there with ya!
Annex Mexico. Clean it out.
Is he now a citizen (US)?
If you can somehow work Trump's name in there as a cause, it's likely you would win.
Literally? That would make for some good TV.
What, no Kevin Bacon?
iDK - check out his walk in the video - he purposely lifts his left leg (unnaturally) to keep from the shuffle. Looks freshly medicated. (Not TOO freshly medicated or he would have some jerky movements, if I recall correctly.) Resembles a Parkinsons walk. (SPEZ: A good actor could replicate this movement.)
I just watched the interview of RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson and he said (4 days ago was when video was posted) that his campaign's polling shows Trump and Harris dead even. I know there are the 'unpollable' Trump supporters but wouldn't you think this would be a blowout in anyone's book?
And Web MD ' don't take cordyceps if you have cancer.' WebMD cite
Hey thanks, Dog, for reminding me of the CBS Radio Mystery Theater channel. Will be driving a fair amount in the next few days - good entertainment.
She is unburdened by facts.
He should ask that question of the illegals on that beach. "who you voting for?" and see if they take the bait.
After reading your comment, I wonder if Trump's tactic of changing topics was to put Kmala on the spot having to answer on a topic she didn't have 'in advance' for which to prepare her canned response. Everyone knows she cannot think on her feet - getting her to talk about an outside topic would have really exposed her ineptitude.