Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like - for real though I don't ever really feel compelled to cry especially for something like this.

Secondly, I really can't imagine recording myself crying, as a man, purposefully, and posting it on the internet.

I just don't know why anyone would thing this impacts literally anything except making them seem weak.

Only people who have seen me cry is my mother and my wife.

And the real trigger for me is that this isn't like a "oh be a tough guy" and don't cry deal it's just that outside of a very few things such as like death, or real trouble with family or something like that I can't understand what would make a man cry in the first place.

Like is it just me? Do other men really feel compelled to actually cry at the results of an election? I've never had the emotion. It's crazy to me. Actual psychological disorder level crazy.

Maybe MAYBE I could see a man crying if they like lost their job and didn't want to tell their family or something. Or if they were cheated on. Death of a pet? I'm trying to think of lowest possible times a man would cry...

Nothing about politics is one of them.

Grade A bitch.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make no mistake their lives are full of strife and misery brought to them by their own hand.

I was the child the of these people.

Their homes are not peaceful. Their minds are always uneasy, and their families will deteriorate.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

My wife actually really likes the lab stones. I'd rather just get her real gold/silver bracelet or something but for the sparkles she likes the cheap champaign. Haha.

My wife, in her wisdom, much prefers our disposable income to be much higher than our bills such that she can purchase a lab diamond on any given month rather than having debt for a "real" stone.

Myself, in my wisdom, have learned that most women seem to generally value and prefer to spend a day getting their nails done, shopping for clothes, and having enough left over to order the large queso at the Mexican food joint to end the day 100x Over a single diamond.

I think no woman wants a man to get them a diamond and them not order the large queso.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not mad about this. Maybe everyone could use a few.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

There has been a good few people / lawyers who got chat gpt to talk about them and then sued OpenAI for slander or whatever. Various cases like that.

They have a hard filter for names and specific people. It's a shitty bandaid so they don't get sued to oblivion. They have been relatively open about it all.

Don't jump the gun on this one. It's not that exciting.

The real strange thing is that I just read about article about exactly this just a day or so ago.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Being able to maintain this, his family, while doing what he does is what turned me into a better person.

I learned a lot about what's possible through Trump.

People can do more than they know. And they can have fun and be full of love while they do it.

This is what I hope America learns again.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Corporations work more like vehicles... humans pilot them or large pieces of them poorly.

Bandanna1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always have John Titor in the back of my mind.

We have diverged, but are definitely on a similar timeline. Not out of the woods yet.

Mad cow disease. Civil War. Nuclear bombs on US Soil. That was his timeline.

How different is ours, really? Only slightly.

Bandanna1 18 points ago +23 / -5

No trump has 270. It is literally too big to rig.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Weaponized autism brings balance to the world.

Bandanna1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Literally cheaper just save a new down-payment and invest it than carry insurance anyway.

Bandanna1 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a corporate Financials analyst - I have reviewed this and can tell you...

It means nothing!

This is a stupid methodology and there is no justification. These AI's do not model, and if they did this is not enough to model anything.

If you got a gut feeling this is bullshit. You are right 100%

I bet AI could model this - Not this one with the method and this data though.

Garbage in garbage out.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prosperity through innovation fighting prosperity through destruction.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big lots kinda sucks though. Very random store where you can buy a couch and milk.

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