A hidden hand. A series of unlikely miracles. People retiring in the middle of their terms out of the blue. People getting ill and then disappearing as if they never existed. Children being found all over the place by US Marshall’s, which is more important than being noted. Zelensky not allowed into NATO. Meaning Ukraine is toast.
The Trump indictments are going to fail for one reason or another. It won’t be obvious. None of it is. It’s gonna look organic. Politicians are gonna keep retiring or getting sick. We aren’t going to see the military doing anything. They already told us. They are ghosts in the machine. They literally told us exactly how they are doing it.
When it’s all over, it’s gonna look so obvious. In 100 years, when this time is described, people will wonder how nobody noticed what the hell was going on. They are shoving it in our face with television ads.
If they were in control 2016 wouldn’t have happened and Epstein Island would still be open. It was supposed to be in business to this day.
He knows. He is taunting them. There is so much that isn’t public knowledge. Every now and then Trump slips and gives out more info than he is probably supposed to.
Remember in the debates when he was talking about Biden himself setting up Gen Flynn in the Oval Office, and Biden denied it. Then Trump said, we have the tapes! And Biden looked like he shit himself.
Durham didn’t discuss FISA much at all. That portion of the Russiagate scandal. Susan Rice (retired) unmasking everyone. Rogers catching the Obama admin and everyone else abusing the shit out of the NSA database, spying on Trump campaign, the FBI console in Clinton’s lawyers office.
“Durham isn’t the only game in town.”
There is something else going on that Durham left out. He only covered the juicy bits that most of us know. The stuff that isn’t FISA. The DOJ got Adam Schiffs IPhone subpoenaed, along with 100 other people. Who did that? Why would a friendly DOJ do that to Schiff?
Durham was only the tip of the iceberg. There is something else going on that we can’t see. I think the sign is the retirements and people just quitting out of nowhere. Where is Mitch Mconnell? What the fuck is going on with him? Is he alive? Dead? In the hospital? What about his votes? Is he still a Senator? This is the damn head guy. And he fell off the face of the earth. No speeches thanking colleagues, no statements, the media is pretending he never existed. It’s just weird.
I’m watching carefully. Retirements early, people getting sick and vanishing, and people wearing injury boots. I think the governor of Georgia is gonna end up in a boot this year. And I think more Biden admin people and congress members are going to retire and fall off the face of the earth.
If Schiff disappears then we know for sure people are being taken out.
Where are all the experts who predicted a successful counter offensive? Guys like Patreus and Milley and talking heads on legacy media. There are still millions of people who have been convinced Ukraine is winning, and have no idea what’s actually going on. The propaganda is crazy effective.
Russia is getting bigger month by month, Ukraine is getting smaller, Russia owns the airspace, and yet these NATO bots will still insist Putin is an idiot and the Russians are inept and disorganized.
Gonna be interesting to see what the tipping point is for them to suddenly decide peace talks are actually a good idea. It’s gotta be soon if the Ukraine major agencies are being blown up. Overnight the narrative will switch from Ukraine is winning the war, to a peace deal is actually winning the war. Gotta be soon.
It’s a shame when they die so quick. They never even get the chance to realize they were wrong. It’s better when they don’t die but have strokes, or auto immune disorders or other life changing injuries. If you read VAERS, there’s a lot of people who end up with bowel problems, shitting themselves daily. That would give them time to reflect on their choices, and how they pushed poison on others. They may not admit it out loud, but deep down they know.
Maybe this was the event we needed. The pharma companies making it so obvious. People are now really questioning child vaccines. That genie isn’t going back in the bottle. Tens of millions of people have had their eyes opened to the medical industrial complex, and government corruption as a whole.
The shot was massive red pill. It does have a silver lining.
Some dipshit Navy flag officer just sent out an email saying recruiters are going to 6 day work weeks because the entire fleet is collapsing. That same flag officer had his pronouns in his signature on that email.
These same voices crying about how broken and bad the recruiting numbers are, are the same ones who loudly and proudly kicked out anyone refusing the vax. Instead of taking a step back and assessing if doing that was worth the cost, they went on a rampage because they were asshurt enlisted were refusing to participate in a medical experiment.
There is too wide a difference now between the attitudes of the top and the bottom. The top are so insulated, so out of touch, they think it’s a good idea to have their pronouns on their military email signature. They don’t even realize that is why no one is joining the military. No one wants to work for some insufferable dipshit with pronouns in their bio.
Thanks! Don’t even drink anymore. I used to be quite boozy in my military days. I guess I will always self identify as a fuckface who smells like stale whiskey.
Hard to say with a guy that jacked. Steroids users are different now. They don’t off cycle like in Arnold’s day, or even like some in the 90s. There are off season photos of Arnold and he would drop 60 pounds. At best, they go on “cruise” and take 300-400 mg of test a week, which is a fucking lot. Many of them blast year round. This is extremely hard on cardiac health. And bloodwork doesn’t catch everything.
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy is what kills these guys, and it doesn’t show up in bloodwork. The heart is a muscle. If you feed your body steroids and growth hormone for years, the heart grows like a bicep. You get LVH, and the heart just fails. It no longer functions how it’s supposed to. The muscle doesn’t twitch like it’s supposed to, it’s too thick and imbalanced. You just keel over one day at 28 or 35 or whatever.
If anything, his high weight and drug regimen made him even more prone to vax cardiac impact. He may have got away with it if he weighed 185 and wasn’t blasting gear and GH.
I would be very curious how big his heart was. That would be the red flag. If he has a regular sized heart, and his bloodwork was clean like he said, then the jab would be the most likely major cause. Based on his size, and his social media job, I’m willing to bet his heart was much bigger than it should have been. Dallas Mcarver died at 27 with a heart more than double normal size. It doesn’t take long if you really go heavy on the juice and growth hormone.
Would be interesting to see RFK picked as Secretary of State under Trump. A position usually held by the slimiest of the slimy, since state and cia are essentially joined at the hip. The biggest fuck you to the deep state possible. Put a descendant of the guy you whacked in charge of the whole damn thing.
Because they already created dozens of news articles and media clips describing Q as the NSA police force during the Snowden hunt. They had to change the name because they already legitimatized Q in earlier reporting. People may remember, or have archived the articles.
Vice Admiral Navy Seal?
Can probably count the number of those on one hand. Doesn’t seem to fit their career tree. They wouldn’t be posted at an Air Force base pulling security, or in charge of it. And even if they were in charge of socom, they wouldn’t be read into the program of security at an Air Force base. That info would be extremely compartmented. You can follow the entire careers of officers, especially one as rare as a Seal making vice admiral.
I call bullshit. There are much better choices for that job than a seal. It just doesn’t fit.
That account is incredible. Supposedly it’s 5 people, like a hand.
I get the feeling reading it that whoever it is has been working on this for decades. That somehow they are part of the core brains behind all of this.
They knew that the 2016 election was being protected at the highest levels. Before anyone knew anything. Before Q. Before all of this. Somehow they knew that there was 2 powers fighting in front of the entire world and yet no one could see it.
Been looking at those for awhile. Can’t really be too many things. When they have the drone over there you can see it’s track up and down. Whatever they are it’s stationary. Either some anomaly in the system or balloons. Pretty strategic location for national defense, would be quite a coincidence that of all places on the map glitches pop up there. I’m guessing balloons first, anomaly second.
We have it all. The single best video I have found laying out the operation, with accompanying video proving it. Doesn’t really go into specific Q drops, but shows how Trump traveled the world putting the plan into place.
There is no way to explain his ceremony in SA, or the Bush funeral envelopes, which are covered in this video.
It’s actually astonishing, if you watch with open eyes. The entire time, the operation has been happening right in front of us, quite openly. The videos of Trump carrying the sword in Saudi Arabia went around the globe. The news of the Saudi purge after Vegas went around the world. Everyone saw it. And yet no one saw it.
Never in the history of Saudi-US relations has a president had that welcome. And no one seemed to grasp how significant it was.
I don’t think he is either. That’s not how they are playing the optics.
He’s gonna win 2024. It’s going to be a massacre. The largest landslide in a century. It has to be a certain way, so he has the image of a country behind him as he goes scorched earth. And it has to be a global message, to both our enemies and our friends.
They defeated decades of vote rigging in 2016. Which means they can do it if they want to. It wasn’t luck. It was an op. So why didn’t they in 2020? When it was so obvious? Because they chose not to.
2024 they will do it again. Now, we may see some crazy shit before then. Russiagate arrests, maybe election fraud arrests, leaking or treason arrests. But the actual public image of Trump retaking the White House will be after the public image of him winning a landslide.
That’s not say there isn’t some crazy behind the scenes shit where he actually still has military powers. Biden is still not flying in a plane marked AF1. Which is just incredibly unusual. Unheard of for the president to fly in that 747 and it’s marked NA. Never happened a single time for Trump.
But publicly? Stepping back into the White House? That’s gonna be after he wins 2024. They beat the deep state once. No reason they can’t do it again. It’s not like they don’t know how they are gonna try to rig it.
Have to keep in mind. All of this is already known by the NSA. The Whatsapp conversation, plus every single other electronic communication these fools ever made. And they have known since the day it was done. Essentially the Q group has had it all, this whole time.
How did Trump know those documents in the garage had anything to do with China? Media never mentioned that.
The hard part is getting these treasonous communications to the public. Notice this stuff just keeps leaking out, in a myriad of ways? It’s never one big obvious dump. You don’t see military Intel written all over it. Every time these comms appear to the public eye, it appears to have come organically.
A whistleblower here, tax document here, house committee, it always appears like it’s just luck. An unlikely miracle.
This is the hidden hand. The ghost in the machine. A series of never ending unlikely miracles. Watch. Every single Trump prosecution is going to appear to fail organically for one reason or another. It won’t appear to be some special op by the military. That’s not how they are doing it.
Think back to the Q post about the tarmac meeting of Clinton, Lynch. It appeared as if that reporter just got lucky and happened to be there to catch it and publicize it. The Q post implied that it wasn’t luck, that there was an intervention.
This deluge of evidence of Biden’s corruption is going to continue. It’s going to be fire after fire for their admin to put out. Week after week after week. Durham has gotten Russiagate into the public record. That means we just climbed another rung on the ladder.
2023 is gonna be lit.
It seems so statistically unlikely. And it’s always a boot. Not an actual cast. I could go for years not seeing anyone in public with one of these. As soon as you start looking at shady politicians, it seems like every month a new one has a boot on.
Why aren’t they casts? You break a leg you get a cast. But casts aren’t easy to take off at night when out of the view the public. They itch. You couldn’t really put a cast on over a gps ankle monitor.
They aren’t athletes. How are they constantly injuring themselves. Every single time I see another of these people in a boot I become more convinced it’s not coincidence.
Bingo. I would have been a whistle blower as soon as I found out that maniac was sending people down 12k feet in that thing. That is fucking deep. At least 10 times deeper than modern military platforms tend to go.
The compression at that depth must have been crazy. As you dive in a steel sub, it shrinks considerably. You can hear it. Stretch a line taught across bulkheads and then dive and it becomes loose. You start with a foot of free space outside your rack, and later you have 6 inches.
What does that do to carbon fiber and the bonding area where the titanium is literally glued on? They don’t expand and contract at the same rate. What if the titanium shrinks less than the carbon? Or more? We are talking inches here. It compresses that much.
My guess is they had a failure of the hatch, which the manufacturer plainly stated wasn’t rated for 3k meters, or a failure at the meeting area between carbon and hatch.
That’s why the deep subs are just usually big ass spheres of one metal. James Cameron’s sub he built for the Mariana Trench is a great example.
The utter hubris of this company. I really hope it was fast. Those poor saps that got conned into going on that death machine.
It’s a genuinely terrifying environment for a human to be. Aside from the bottom of a volcano, it’s hard to imagine a more dangerous place to be. The bubble of air you live in is an aberration of nature. The entire weight of the ocean is trying every single second to correct you out of existence. You don’t get small problems. Even modern 2 billion dollar nuclear submarines are a balancing act of danger. It’s a never ending fight to be trained enough to not die if something happens. And hope you don’t have an equipment failure that can’t be corrected.
Never should have turned it into a tourist trip. Especially 2 miles plus deep. It’s dangerous enough doing it over coral reefs in the Bahamas for tourists. Humans don’t need to be down there, robots can do it. It’s pure ego. And a sense of invulnerability by rich people who have gotten away with other risky behavior.
I wouldn’t have gone down in that death trap for any amount of money. Hell no. Surrounded by a bunch of naive college kids. Like it was a sky diving trip or something. I hope it was fast. Not a good way to depart this earth.
I was on submarines for awhile. This was bound to happen. There is a video of their CEO saying he doesn’t hire ex submariners, because 50 year old white guys are not inspiring. That idea alone explains why this happened. Typical lefty rich guy idiocy.
The list of problems I saw in these videos is endless. Many of the talking points they use are theoretical. Its max depth is theoretical. It’s never been down to its advertised max. And you are supposed to have reserve depth. So if they claim 4K meters as max operating depth, there should be 500 meters to max crush depth. To give you a reserve. And that should be tested. They should have sent one down and see how far it can actually go before failing.
The life support was a joke and never tested. They didn’t put 5 people in that thing for 96 hours to see what happens. It’s not just a matter of oxygen. You have to scrub air, remove gases. It’s a balancing act. If you get too much oxygen, the air literally explodes into flame from any minute electrical spark. Like one of the Apollos.
It’s carbon fiber with titanium hood bonded onto it. How many times can that cycle between depths before failure? They have no idea. It’s never been done. Usually these super deep vehicles are total spheres, made of metal. This wasn’t a sphere, meaning the pressure is applied unevenly. All it takes is a dent in the carbon weave to create a weak point and it will crush like a Coke can.
They don’t have emergency transponders. This is lunacy. There should be a fail safe transponder that much be reset manually every hour or so. If someone doesn’t reset the thing, it automatically begins sending a signal that can be picked up on the surface for locating. So if the gases get fucked up and everyone passes out, or they lose comms and electrical, the surface ship will get an emergency signal.
They have zero contingency plans in case a sub disappears. No backup sub. No plans. Just praying the inevitable never happens. They don’t even have a contract plan with another company that has DSRV, to establish some sort of within 24 hour response time. Anything. Any kind of plan on what to do when a sub disappears.
Apparently they lost comms all the time. This wasn’t solved. Why? That’s lunacy as well. If you can’t rely on your comms, when bad shit does happen, people are just gonna assume the best. It’s gonna cost you an entire day of rescue time because the people up top are gonna assume it’s just bad comms. Not an emergency. There are plenty of ways to keep comms going. If the system they had didn’t work, they should have spent the money to get one that does.
They lost comms 90 minutes in as the sub reached the bottom. I’m assuming it suffered catastrophic hull failure and everyone was vaporized instantly. They will struggle to ever find this thing. It’s tiny, made of carbon that isn’t a great reflector of sound waves, and it’s almost 3 miles down in the endless chasm of deep ocean.
Now they will pass regulations for these things. Regulations the Navy already learned from the Thresher and Scorpion. That’s why you hire sub veterans. Because we already paid the price in blood. It’s always the same for humans. We never learn. We always think we are smarter than the other guy. This fancy carbon fiber shiny vehicle built by college students.
Regulations are always written in blood. It never changes.
The survey flights seem to be winding down. Their patterns have switched from inform side to side passes to squiggly random lines. I assume trying to patch up holes they missed as the processed data comes back and they get the map put together.
It’s summer so I can give some credence to vehicles out on training work. But there is video of APCs on streets of downtown Philly. That doesn’t strike me as a training location, and if it is, that’s just as interesting.
As far as I know, the national emergency declared by trump in 2018 tied to foreign election interference is still active. Biden extended it twice, I haven’t heard anything about it ending yet.
If that’s still active, that would be the legal tool to deploy the military as a domestic police force.
This is definitely something to keep an eye on. It’s a big country with a lot of cities that committed heinous amounts of election rigging. If they are staging for an operation we should be seeing videos of vehicles all over the place coming out.
Paul Walker was killed by old tires.
That Porsche is widely known as a vicious car. The car he was in just purchased used. It had very low miles. They didn’t change the tires. The treadwear looked great. But that’s not all that matters. After a few years the delicate chemical composition breaks down. A supercar tire is a complex thing. It’s not just tread that gives you grip. It’s formulated specifically for that car, certain formula. Most super cars have tires that you are supposed to buy every time, that are made just for that car.
They drove that car thinking it would handle the way it should. The turn could have been taken at an enormous rate of speed in good tires. Both were skilled drivers. They were deceived and were on tires that looked good. But they were not. Might as well have been Prius commuter tires.
The tires broke free when they shouldn’t have, was not expected by the driver at that speed, and they crashed. The driver wasn’t expecting it, as a guy that knows when to expect tires to begin to break free. It’s like dancing once you race enough. It makes sounds. It has a feel. This time it broke free way too soon.
A simple mistake. But fatal. You don’t always get a second chance. They should have swapped fresh tires on that car immediately, knowing that tread life isn’t the only factor in tire health. It’s a chemical product that breaks down like anything else and loses the magic that makes a super car adhere to the ground.
I leaned this myself putting old unused tires from storage on a car and taking it to the track. They looked great. Barely any wear. But they behaved like butter. Went off the track twice in places that people don’t go off, because the tires behaved 100% differently than I expected. They had no grip. Zero. Even worse, they got hot, chunks of tire were being pulled off. Falling apart. Took the car in and talked to a Hoosier Tire rep who was on site selling tires, and he knew why in an instant.
More to a tire than tread depth and appearance. Don’t use old ones. They don’t work.
Kash is more powerful than it appears. Does he seem worried? No. It seems like the exposure of the corruption is going as planned.
They are all outright saying it. You have to show the people. The seal is broken now.
To get the world on board with how badly the destruction of DC needs to be, it has to have the right optics. This is their last chance. It has to be done right. No half measures. To do that, you have to set yourself up as the good guy, not a dictator. This is how they are doing it. They are making Trump appear as a victim. It’s genius.
I would bet my car all of these indictments fail one way or another. It will appear as an unlikely miracle, not something outright interfering with them. It’s not gonna be spec ops kicking in the courtroom doors. It’s gonna appear legit. One reason or another will be given for their failure or dismissal.
Arizona got rid of all voting machines. Dominion CEO said they were going bankrupt eventually. Every single populated area in the entire country has had multiple DOD contracted survey flights in the last 90 days. Almost to 1k flights now. 17 audio recordings of Burisma bribing Biden. Every day another boom it seems now.
A never ending series of unlikely miracles. A hidden hand. A ghost in the machine. The movie is getting good. Enjoy the show.
Been looking for video of prior pres security details, don’t see much. A few Bush and Clinton ones as they pull into charity functions or whatever.
They aren’t this fucking big. It’s usually 3 SUV.
If it wasn’t for the jet, you would think this was the active president. It looks no different at all than it did in 2018.
All these small details paint a picture.
It’s not the same. NARA is not managing the files like everyone else. Thats the entire point of the library. Obama wanted to separate the management into civilian hands, “non-partisan” private employees. NARA isn’t totally cut out of the loop, but the way Obama set his records up differs completely from everyone else. They weren’t shy about advertising that this was a completely new way of handling presidential records, until people started asking questions.
It’s not the same as everyone else.
“Along with organizationally separating the museum from NARA, this would offer a clear, bright line between nonpartisan government employees faithfully executing their duties under the law to preserve and make available presidential records and the activities of a partisan political organization.”
He got very confused for awhile. He actually thought he was a world leader. A someone. He mistook all that money for the war, as support for him. It’s no coincidence that the same time Nato shoots him down, is the same time the government admits Ukraine was a strategic failure, is the same time the counter offensive failed.
He was merely a puppet installed to do his job and keep the money laundering going. Only useful as long as the grift could keep going.
The counter offensive, as predicted, was a total catastrophe. They made zero significant progress into the 3rd and 4th line of Russias defense. None. All they did was lose dozens of tanks and APCs and mine sweepers. The entire world got see NATOs finest tanks burning in fields 15 kilometers from the actual Russian defensive line, clusters of 3 here, 5 there, destroyed.
Now the damage control starts. Biden says we are out of ammo. That’s convenient. Time to save face. Time to spin. NATO knows Ukraine is fucked, and now their goal will to be to get peace talks going to save as much as possible. Try to keep the banking going in Kiev at least. Try to keep the money laundering a possibility.
Let’s see what Russia does. Now that Ukraine has lost all the tanks it was given, and thousands of the troops they just spent months training in the UK, what’s Russia gonna do?
Zelenski is now the most vulnerable he has ever been. They don’t care about the Biden blackmail he has. They will sacrifice Biden too if necessary. That’s why the media has been allowed to ask the questions they have been. To send a message. Biden is just as expendable as Zelensky, and he realizes that.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Zelensky flees and seeks asylum somewhere. If they let him.