Because real investigations dont have leaks. They are attempting to put people in prison. Not trying to smear them on CNN. The entire point of all the Trump investigations was as a media tool. They knew they were never gonna put him in prison over Russia. They knew there was nothing to find. But they were able to leak nonsense to the media for 3 full years of his presidency.
When your plan doesn’t include daily leaks to the NYT and CNN, the risk of leaks goes down. Leaks would also jeopardize prosecution. A problem the deep state didn’t have, because that wasn’t their goal. Their goal WAS the leaks.
The last presidential election took how long?
And the last Arizona election took how long? How long was Maricopa “counting” even though they used machines?
The entire point of the machines was to create a quick one night process capable of being wrapped up before bedtime on election night. Well that’s no longer happening is it?
Their entire argument is built on a lie. The machine’s apparently can’t count quickly or timely either. So what’s the point of having them.
This is going to keep happening. There is a reason Dominion CEO said their business was going to zero. He knows.
By the time we reach 2024, there won’t be any machines left. It will appear as unlikely and unconnected miracles in each state that does use them. Each state it will appear differently.
A hidden hand. Ghost in the machine. Biden restoring Trump era deportation rules. Politicians retiring, getting sick, and resigning. Where the fuck did Mitch McConnell go? It’s like he fell off the face of the earth.
Just cause we can’t see it, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. 80% private. 20% public. 2+6 years from 2016.
There is a chart floating around out there concerning Warp Speed, and it’s baffling. It contains hundreds of different branches and orgs and acronyms. It seems to be much more than just speeding up the covid 19 vaccine. It doesn’t even make any sense. If the only goal was to speed up the vaccine, how complex could it be?
There is more here than meets the eye. I have a feeling this is another part of the operation that we wont know shit about for another few years.
This is just another version of you can’t tell the people you must show them. Another nod to Q.
It has been very effective. Think of what we know now, verse what knew on day one of Trump. How much your understanding of just how corrupt and evil the entire government is. Every American assumed there was some corruption but we had no idea how vast it was, and how it has tainted just about every single part of it. Now more than half of Americans no longer trust the FBI. More than half is ready for a mass deportation event. More than half is ready for Trumps plan to cut hundreds of thousands of bullshit jobs in DC in all the bureaucracies that do nothing but leech off the economy.
By portraying weakness, and using the Q operation to force them into exposing themselves, the public is ready for the next stage. They knew America needed the most drastic shift in policy and government ever accomplished in our history. Not half measures. A total destruction of the status quo. You cannot do this if the people still trust the government and trust the media. You have to show them.
The wisdom of hindsight will show us that all of this was necessary. It has been extra painful for us because we knew what was happening from start to finish. We were blessed with sight while others were blind.
They told us how long this would take multiple times. 2 years plus 6 years. Project America 250 end goal. July 2026. Trump himself has said that this is going to take awhile. That some older people may not survive to see the end, but they can trust that it is happening. That we are doing it not just for ourselves, but future Americans. It has to be done right the first time.
He has never lied about anything else since day 1. He told us they were spying on him. He told us they would keep counting at 4am and find votes. He told us they would open the border, destroy our oil freedom, and cause WW3, and wreck the economy. All turned out to be true, in a very short period of time.
He also told us the best is yet to come. We have Twitter now. The pieces are falling to place. The stage is being set. He never looks worried, Kash never looks worried, Chris Miller never looks worried.
Buckle up. Shits gonna get crazy. In the end, the light will win over darkness. Just got a few more miles of tunnel to go.
The idiocy of this guy.
Russia has taken over large swaths of the country. And just finished clearing out Bahkmut, a big fucking deal. There is a Russian flag flying over the city, and much the region.
How is Ukraine winning? By losing territory to the Russians? That’s their game plan? Ukraine has no hope of getting that land back. It’s over. The only question left is how much will Russia take before Ukraine folds to peace talks.
The best thing about Twitter is the total idiocy of these people will be captured forever. When you see tweets like this, screen shot them instantly because they will be deleted. These people need to be reminded forever, how fantastically wrong they were.
It’s a preview of what’s to come here. This is why they are conducting detailed surveys of every major population center in the country. 2300 flights so far. Updating maps with current data.
What else would it be for?
There was a casino resort somewhere in Asia, Thailand, Burma, Laos, that was another version of Epstein island. Way out in the country. Huge payoffs to the government to look the other way. Supposedly any vice could be catered to. It was a resort only for the ultra wealthy. Not publicized widely, but those in the club knew about it.
Doesn’t surprise me at all. Parts of Asia already notorious for pedo tourism. Wouldn’t be hard to pay off the government and set up your own resort way out in the jungle. Drugs, kids, the place had it all. Not sure if it’s still open.
There are some articles written about it around the web. It’s not a total secret anymore. Probably more other places. Ukraine used to be a hub for child porn. A prodigious amount of it was filmed there, taking advantage of poor families. They got away with it so long that there was even watermarks and brand names on the photo sets. Finally a few years ago some people got arrested and the stuff moved elsewhere.
Anywhere a government can be corrupted could potentially be one of these places. Of course there are more.
It’s not going to be the fall. It’s going to be 2024. Q said read carefully. First 2 years. Next 6. 8 years from day one of Trump.
They are going to do it silently. Like they did in 2016. They have already shown us that they are willing to work offensively to secure an election. 2016. We didn’t see it, but they were there. And it worked.
That’s how they are gonna pull it off. And how the optics will be. They will secure the election and Trump will win in the biggest landslide in US history. There will be no doubt. And then he will have the will of the people to do everything he says he is gonna do. Drain the federal government. Destroy the agencies. And most importantly, the biggest deportation event in American history. He has already explained how they are going to fix this. He said explicitly he is gonna deport everyone.
It’s not hyperbole. People tend to always think he is exaggerating. He’s not. He is bragging about how he is going to deport them all. How do you do that? How do you get the American people to accept that after decades of propaganda? You show them how broken the border is and you scare them into seeing the country being destroyed by illegal immigration. Behind the scenes, they are deporting people. They are preventing total collapse of the border. Remember seeing the Biden admin restore Trump rules that were taken down in federal court? Think about that. A federal court ruled under Trump those laws were not allowed. And yet magically, Biden has reinstated them. You can see the flight traffic from facilities back down to South America. They are deporting people. It’s not totally open, but it’s bad enough to get people ready for the next step. Mass deportation. You have to show them.
Now, we may see arrests before 2024. But we won’t see Trump “return”. It has to be done right. He had to be seen globally as the guy who just won the election by a landslide and has the overwhelming approval to do what needs to be done. There can be no doubt.
Either he wins on Election Day like 2016 and we get the storm tweet , or they try to rig the election again, they stop counting again, and that’s when we get the Storm tweet. In the middle of the night when they began rigging the election.
They have already shown us that when they want to, they can secure an election completely silently and there is nothing the DS can do about it. They have the capability and the will. The “final battle” 2024, is when they will do it again.
That word is meaningless. It has no impact and no one gives a shit about it. It’s over. Just give up using it. No one is listening.
Everything is racist which means nothing is.
There was an EO written for this exact scenario. This is just the public info.
Imagine what Durham has at this point via subpoena/interviews with accomplices like Bobaluski and electronic surveillance.
It’s going to appear that nothing is happening after this info is released. This is FISA territory. We won’t be seeing anything publicly. It’s a conspiracy case. RICO. This is tied into all the other shit like the tractor trailer full of classified documents they took.
The DOJ is going to appear to ignore this. It doesn’t matter. This is FISA court. At some point, they are going to execute the arrest warrants. It’s going to be everyone at the same time, like any other conspiracy. When it does happen, this info will be available to the public. That’s why all of this is coming out.
Everything’s racist.
That word has zero meaning.
Might as well call the sky blue.
How many of your neighbors are black? Do you live in a black community? Likely no. Like every other race you prefer to be around your own. It’s natural. For just about all of human evolution, if you saw someone with a different skin color, you were about to get murdered and pillaged.
It’s only relatively recently that humans of all different types are able to mix so freely. And yet inevitably, we end up grouping back up again and living in communities near other people that look like us.
But only white Europeans are shamed for wanting to be around their own. Every other race on earth is allowed to have their own space. Only white European countries need to be multicultural. No one is calling for Japan to be invaded because it’s damn near 95% homogenous. But white people can’t have that.
I don’t care about black people. But I am not gonna live in their community, and I’m not gonna send my kids to a school that’s mostly black. They don’t like me more than I don’t like them. They can have their own thing. And I want to have my own thing.
Put your money where your mouth is. Go move deep into the middle of a black neighborhood. Send your kids to a 90% black school. Lol. As if you would ever do that. The idea is absurd. Does that make you a racist? The white guilt era is over. Shove your “you don’t like black people” bullshit up your ass.
We are done. We just don’t care. We are tired of being the only people on planet earth who are guilted for wanting to be around our own.
Shit is always broken. Planes, ships, subs, it’s all the same.
It’s runtime. Most systems on a submarine never stop. The reactor stuff may get shut down in port, but we bring on shore power and everything else stays on. It never turns off. After a decade, stuff is getting old. Then it’s just a constant battle against stuff breaking. There is plumbing everywhere. Thousands and thousands of valves. They go bad. Pumps go bad. Motors go bad. Electronic boards burn out. Hydraulics leak. It’s never ending. Just the way it is with something so complex that operates in such tough environment. The ocean never gives up trying to get in. A void space in the water is unnatural. Nature never gives up trying to restore things.
It’s a great career choice. There are several headhunting groups that specialize in only AF and Navy tech rates. I had a job before my end of service was up. Didn’t have to do shit but send my resume into the head hunter. My first job, half my department was ex military. It’s just more useful than a degree for most jobs. You can start ready to fix it shit, while the college guys have a woeful lack of real world experience.
I was a sonar tech. And he’s right. There is no one to call. You just have to fix it or the mission is compromised. Although I will say I was lucky. Lockheed Martin owns our most advanced gear. When we would do post deployment, contractors would come in from LM and do the most complex work. That’s unusual. Most divisions are just fucked and own everything.
I’m glad I did my time, it set me up for life. Also glad I got out. It’s dangerous. I had several fires and casualties in my time and it was starting to give me sleep problems and nightmares.
Nothing more terrifying than being woken up by silence or an unplanned general alarm on a submarine. They’re always fans and ventilation and background noise, always. Even in port. Sudden total silence is horrifying. It means something is bad enough we just lost electrical, or they killed electrical on purpose. Either scenario could be a death sentence. Fire is the same. Waking up to an alarm and announcement of fire somewhere sucks. You got minutes to figure it out before that bitch fills with smoke and that’s not a place I want to be.
Hard on sleep patterns and general mental health. You don’t feel totally safe closing your eyes to sleep and after months of that in a row your brain starts to hurt.
It’s not a surprise. It’s not possible to get that many subs underway at one time without months and months of planning. When subs are not deployed, they are being repaired. Period. They are stuffed full of machinery, piping, electronics, valves, wiring. All of that shit breaks constantly. The repairs require planning. What parts will you need, what systems are going to be taken down for repair, it’s carefully choreographed. The maintenance and deployment cycle is already set on paper for years ahead.
So that means if you have 6 subs sitting at the pier, maybe one or two of them can scramble on a day or two notice. The rest are going to have dozens of systems tagged out and offline as repairs are done. It could take weeks to scramble these boats. You would have to first put everything back together. If you fucked with plumbing or components that face sea pressure, those have to pass quality cert tests. You can’t just put a trim pump back in place and call it good.
If all these boats deployed in the same week, a year ago it was on the schedule. Or more. That would be the only way to assure that when the call came, half the trim system wasn’t off the ship. Or reactor controls weren’t half installed as electrical work is completed.
This is a nuclear power plant combined with communication, sonar, torpedo, life support, potential nuclear missiles and trim system. Try to imagine the complexity of the equipment, and how much has to work perfectly. No way this was just a phone call.
This was planned ages ago.
Look at this fucking idiocy. This was a staged event to show that he’s ok and functional. The geriatric idiot lady nodding her head. When clearly, he’s not ok.
Look what they have done to our country. Look who they installed. Geriatric and brain damaged idiots are in office.
The most televised and public collapse of an empire in human history. Future generations will no longer have to wonder how exactly America fell. They will have plenty of videos to watch.
It does look like a pack of wild animals got in there.
Like if you opened up the zoo gates and let them in overnight.
Walmart closing 4 Walmarts there. Fuck them. They got all mouthy after George Floyd about how they were there to support equality and we’re gonna invest 100 million in Chicago. How did that work out Wal Mart? Even worse, they said the other 4 stores in Chicago are also unprofitable. Which means in a year when it cools off they gonna close them too.
And the new Mayor of Chicago is even worse than Lightfoot! The destruction we are going to witness this year in Chicago is going to be next level. The animals just rioted 3 days for fun, no punishment, and now they learned they can get away with it. Which means it will get worse.
This isn’t the end. This is the beginning.
I was in the Navy. Never in my life did I think I would see an army unit logo painted on a ship. That would be like the Yankees painting a Red Sox logo in their dugout. It’s impossible.
Plus, you can’t just paint shit where you want without approval. Especially on the outside. This is a US warship, representing the US everywhere it goes. Every port this ship docks, foreign citizens can see it. Our enemy can see it. This logo was approved at the highest levels. It’s not an accident. This is intentional. And the photo is intentional.
They took the photo from this angle on purpose. All of this is no accident. This is a direct message. There is some sort of operation underway utilizing at least both army and navy assets, that also involved psy-ops and 5th generation warfare.
They may as well start buying billboards this is such an obvious message.
Ghost in the machine. It’s also on the spine of Flynn’s 5th generation warfare book. It’s an old logo for psy-ops units used in WW2. Probably still in use by a unit somewhere.
The message is that nothing is what it appears to be. And that some sort of 5th generation warfare is occurring. That there is a hidden hand pulling the strings.
It’s a threat, and it’s a message to us.
We do these surveys for maps. Accurate maps that are more customizable than just using satellite data. If you want to invade a city, you want your commanders to have accurate maps. So your vehicles have accurate maps. Your guys on the ground who have no idea where anything in a city is, can be given accurate maps. Where new construction is, new roads, closed roads, anything that might not be seen on current satellite images.
Prepping for invasion. Of our major cities, where the most election fraud took place. It’s not out in deep red states, none in Florida. It’s Arizona, CA, all over the east coast. Michigan, Philly, NYC, Atlanta, Chicago, ect.
The Q posts referenced this. How does military intel override the 3 letter agencies? War. What’s an act of war? Interfering with an election. Wether it’s ballots, electronics, internet, doesn’t matter. State secrets is mentioned multiple times, and yet that doesn’t apply to Russiagate. It applies to the election infrastructure.
I think the piece of pie we are all missing is that Durham isn’t tied to just Russiagate. It’s the entire ball of cheese.
It had to be this way because they basically needed to do a repeat of Lincoln and go all out. It had to be an act of war. And they caught them all.
Something big is brewing. It’s gonna happen before 2024. The system will be cleaned by then. Trump isn’t a fool. He knows that his running in 24 will legitimate. He knows something we don’t.
Judging by the 1000 survey flights of major cities on the eastern seaboard in the the last month, and the 3 spy balloons over AZ, it’s coming closer.
It’s going to be biblical. Something so drastic and dramatic that they will be using the emergency broadcast system to keep us informed. Something so dramatic that they need up to date surveys and street mapping of every population center on the east coast. Who needs those surveys? Troops in vehicles do. When they are coming in on the highway.
Shits gonna get nutty. Pray.
How the hell did an air national guard guy get access to some of that stuff? Secret stuff I could see, plenty of people have access to that. But TS? Was none of it SCI? What need to know did he have for Ukraine artillery numbers? Or troop numbers? How was he able to use his access, to see that stuff? It doesn’t make sense.
They must have been super sloppy where they put all that stuff, for this dipshit to get to it. If he could see it, that means a shitload other people could see it. Hopefully we get more whistleblowers dumping this stuff. If he is actually the leaker.
Someone came in their office with a folder, described in detail all the crimes of their career, and told them resign or face prosecution. Immediately. “We have it all.”
The same process that was used in Saudi Arabia, then the Vatican, then the EU.
This started in the House awhile ago. Making a list of politicians from Congress that announced their retire or resignation mid term is likely 100+ by now. Statistically impossibility. The media is desperately trying to make all this appear normal, and making these people disappear off the radar as fast as possible. It’s not just the House and Senate. Susan Rice retired mid term. Where the hell is Mitch Mconnel? He’s off the radar completely now.
They are being knocked off one by one. The trend will continue unabated for the next 2 years. The media will continue to minimize it as much as possible. Announce their retirement, and never mention them again.
Easy to verify. I expect the number to double by a year from now if this trend continues. 70% of government.