The story of this island isn’t over. There are too many holes in the dam for the cabal to protect them all forever. It may not be a week, or a year, but sometime during Trump presidency the hammer is going to drop. And Trump is going to smile for the cameras when it happens.
But never NA. He chose his tags for a purpose. Like Night76. To send a message.
Why would Biden willingly chose Not Applicable for every single flight of his entire presidency, while Kamala flies AF2.
Never in my live have I seen so many peoples heads and necks appear to be fucked up in some way or another. Seems like once a month we get a new picture of video of some lizard person having neck skin that’s looks fucked up, a face that appears to be melting off, or skin around the eyes that looks like latex hanging off of a face underneath it.
I would just assume it’s all masks and bad AI, but it’s getting to be so many different people it doesn’t even make sense. I could buy faking Biden, but why this guy? CEOs die in helicopter crashes all the time. No need to fake him, it wouldn’t be suspicious if he died of all sorts of reasons.
Fat fucking lot of good it does AFTER vaccination.
Best case, a kid doesn’t need any more vaccines than we got in the early 80s. The autism line seems to have come a generation after us, when the # of shots doubled then tripled. At this point, it’s fucking absurd how many shots they want to give you. Why?
What health crisis did my generation have that means our kids need to have 3-4x the shots I did?
We are on our own. Doctors have been giving this poison their entire lives. They will never willingly put 2 and 2 together. They will never answer the simple question. Why don’t the Amish kids have autism? It’s a simple question. It’s the only question that matters. And they won’t answer it.
We are on our own. It’s just the way it is.
Is this fake or is this enforcement of human trafficking EO? The same goes with the prosecution of that idiot senator Menendez. He’s a dem, and he’s on powerful committee. Why are they targeting him? Was it due to his violating of the Corruption EO?
Not enough of a pattern yet. I’m really waiting to see if more corrupt members of congress are prosecuted. Like it’s a small drip, and not a massive flood.
Supposedly the Biden DOJ dropped human trafficking as a priority, obviously, which makes these big busts even more suspicious. I just don’t see them wanting to go out their way to bust elite sex trafficking rings. That’s their own people.
Time will tell. Either it’s a fluke or it’s not.
There’s a partnership for the whole thing. DOD funds were given to create the entire thing, like a joint development project. Elon gets credit for it all, but it wasn’t just his idea. It was about national security from the start. It’s not advertised, but if you go back in time there are instances of Kash discussing all the money he gave Elon to develop it.
Nope. It’s DOD affiliated. It exists in its own little bureaucracy bubble.
They have seen their recruiting numbers, and have seen the quality of the recruits going through training, and now that Israel may need bodies for the meat grinder, they are shitting themselves.
Too late. The officer class and Pentagon have shown their true colors. Enjoy the army you got. Supposedly all you need for a strong military is diversity. Now you have it. You picked a side. You endorsed critical race theory. You said the military was full of white supremacist. Now you have to defend Israel with the people you so desperately attempted to court. Let’s see how well a bunch of mentally ill genderless, gay and transsexual millennials perform in combat.
No one is saying it out loud but this is all due to EO. It started with computer chips and other obscure chemicals needed to make computer chips. One by one China has been cut off from strategic resources produced in the west. Then it became manufacturing. The huge factory cities are becoming ghost towns because Taiwanese, Japanese, US and European corporations are moving their manufacturing to India, Vietnam, Thailand. Within a few years, most Apple products will no longer be manufactured in China. Foxconn is moving out. And Apple is just the face of manufacturing. It’s not just them. It’s everyone.
It’s cataclysmic for China. We are going to watch in real time as the gains of the last 40 years are erased. It’s over. They are no longer the factory of the world.
It’s war. 5th gen war. Did they really think they could get away with unleashing a WMD on the US? Well, they can’t. Just because we aren’t shooting bullets at them, doesn’t mean we aren’t attempting to cut their hearts out. Famine, starvation, destruction of the middle class, that is coming for China.
They may as well have shot mustard gas, or anthrax, or smallpox into the U.S. A biological weapon is a biological weapon. The CIA may deny it, but everyone else has assessed it came from a Wuhan lab. That cannot be allowed without consequences.
And that doesn’t even get into them tripping over another EO with foreign election interference. How many ballots do you think got printed in China and shipped over? Has anyone ever explained why immediately after the election the Port of Long Beach turned into a parking lot? Is it a coincidence there was a Q post years ago with nothing but an image of that port?
China. Ukraine. Israel. We knew they were in the crosshairs. And now look what’s happening.
It’s not hope. It’s observation. It’s little things that simply cannot be explained. Not a single time that Biden has flown somewhere in the 747 has it been call signed AF1. It’s always NA. And yet when Kamala flies she goes get the AF2 tag. In our lifetime, no President has ever not had the AF1 callsign, unless you count Trump choosing Night76 for his evening flight on Jan 6 to the Texas military base.
Biden has extended the national emergency declared by EO in 2018 for foreign election interference 3 times now. It’s still in effect. Does that make any sense?
5 years ago Q made a post about national emergency broadcast on our phones. 5 years later we get a test on our phones, it was 1 day off. 10/3 was the post 10/4 was the test. That defies any possibility of a coincidence. None of us in our lifetime have had a ebs nationwide test on our phones. So the first time it does happen it just happens to be the day after Q posted about it 5 years prior?
Why did they spend 500 million at Gitmo and build a second courthouse? War on terror is over. There is only 35 dudes left down there. What war or event is the military anticipating that they are going to have so many prisoners that a second courthouse, a new cell block, and a new hospital is going to be needed? Why a hospital? Because if you are planning on locking up a shitload of corrupt old geriatric politicians, you gonna need a hospital.
I could go on for pages. Why does Trump consistently still use Q phrases? Why has he never disavowed Q when asked? Why does he throw up air Q hand signals at his rallies? Why does Kash make references to Q all the time?
I have a unique experience in the strategic weapon side of the military, the nuclear triad community. I have participated in war games and seen how the planning works. The idea that they would turn over nuclear weapons to Joe Biden after that shit show of an election is far more preposterous to me than the idea of Q. There is no fucking way that they turned them over to the Biden admin. He may have assumed administrative control over much of the federal government, but there is no way they handed over nuclear weaponry to him. Which to me, explains perfectly why he never flies with the AF1 callsign. Cause it’s not AF1 when he is onboard, because that would imply he has decision making control of nuclear weapons.
It’s only a year or so left until we get all the answers we need. I’m absolutely confident that when the story is told the truth is going to reflect that in the entire background of the Biden admin there was a shift in continuity of government, and he has not held control of the nuclear football for a single day. The rest of the details I may be right or wrong on, but I will be proven correct that they used proof of foreign interference to executive COG plans that kept the nuclear football either in 3rd party hands or in Trumps hands.
A few brief frames showing only the white ghost moving. And of course it’s 17 seconds.
When this is over you won’t be able to find a single person who will admit they didn’t see the signs of the operation. No one is going to want to admit they ignored the most complex military operation in at least our lifetimes because Brian Stelter told them it was a conspiracy theory. Eventually, you will also not be able to find a single person who will admit they voted for Biden. The media will overnight jump ship and pretend they knew about it the whole time.
Don’t do drugs. Looks to me like he’s on a shitload of uppers of some sort. Jaw clenched and heavy breathing for no reason.
You are willing to go to incredible lengths to avoid the obvious reality of a situation that you can literally see with your own eyes.
When this is all over, you are going to tell people you knew the whole time. No one is going to want to admit they missed the obvious signs constantly being thrust in the public’s face.
There was a time when even CNN discussed the Q group. That was before it became politically inconvenient to admit such a thing existed.
There is going to come a day when CNN is forced to admit that the NSA was behind the current Q leaks and oddities. And when that day comes, you are going to tell anyone who will listen that you knew the whole time.
“People are given an envelope”.
As if these are Dick and Jane from up the street. This was a collection of the most powerful people in politics. Security would have been absurd. Whoever placed the envelopes did at behest of someone in control of the entire building. And then these people were filmed, specifically zoomed in to catch each one of them opening the letter.
They were only given to specific people. Carter didn’t get one. Traitorous pieces of shit got them. And whatever was in them, made Jeb Bush visibly terrified. Your whole cute spiel might carry a bit more weight, if we didn’t get the reaction from idiot Jeb. Hillary is a pro and knew she was being filmed. Jeb like the idiot he is damn near passed out.
It’s amazing what lengths people will go to denounce what they are seeing with their own eyes. As if pretending you can’t see what you are seeing makes you the smart guy in the room. As if any dipshit could somehow sneak a bunch of items into the specific envelopes placed at the seats of a bunch of ex-presidents. You know what security is right? All those dudes with earpieces you can see, in the video? Do you know that part of their job is to keep their people from getting blown up? Do you suppose there is some sort of control over who gets to place what where presidents are gonna sit?
In your quest to sound smart, you made yourself sound like the biggest idiot in the room
He was vaccinated. Proudly. Made social media posts wearing a damn t-shirt bragging about being vaccinated. Combine his contaminated mud blood with a 50 year old heart and a hot tub and heart attack is what you get.
His death fits the predicted fatality curve. For every one of him there is 100 dead guys not famous enough to make the news dying the same way.
Who is the smart guy now? How many of these idiots are going to die just because they wanted the clout to brag about it on social media and establish that they are part of the in-group?
No refunds.
Twitter isn’t 4chan. You can get away with a lot, but not stupid shit easily caught by automation. Don’t use words like tranny, or openly post supporting violence. You have to be smart about it.
I have gotten away with just about everything I wanna say, I just say it smart. We are smarter than them. You can trigger them even worse by posting things that cannot be taken down. They only punish you for specific words or images. They don’t try to punish you by figuring out intent if you speak sideways.
It has to be this way to keep X open. Musk cannot allow thousands of examples of people openly advocating violence or using racial slurs to be used against the company.
Just be smart. Make it obvious what you are saying, without using the specific words caught by AI.
My take is that for optics sakes he won’t be back publicly until after a blowout election. It wouldn’t be hard. In 2016 they blocked the algorithm. In 2020 they didn’t. They cannot cheat with just fake ballots alone. The algorithm to convert votes from red to blue is absolutely necessary.
So how do you get the crazy shit done, that Trump wants to do? Deporting 30 million people? Military at the border? Mass arrests for all of the crimes since 2016? All of the fisa stuff? Yes, it could be possible without Trump being the visible president. But like he said, they chose to do it different. They wanted everyone to see how bad it is.
So let’s say they secure the election and Trump wins in a blowout. There is now NO doubt that the silent majority is silent no more. The media can no longer pretend Maga is a minority or fringe. The entire world can see the results of the election. And that gives Trump the freedom to do what he wants to do.
It’s needed. The world needs to see honest election results. The people need to see it. It’s the final nail in the coffin of the deep state. They have exhausted hundreds of billions of dollars and decades to paint a picture of what Americans really want and how they vote. A charade that conservatives are a minority and liberalism is the inevitable mainstream. Anything they don’t like is painted as “far right” and fringe.
What happens to the establishment messaging when Trump wins in an unmistakable landslide? It give him the freedom to do what is needed to save the world.
I don’t see this happening. That would require the Supreme Court to admit they fucked up on the most consequential decision in judicial history and everything that has happened since is basically their fault.
It’s like the vax and the medical community. Even though it’s now obvious that it’s not just useless but it’s also extremely dangerous, no one wants to admit it because they themselves forced it on their patients and family.
The “election” took days, even though it’s supposed to end by the night of election night. Multiple states openly and publicly allowed administrators to change election law without the legislature, clearly violating the constitution. Right there is just 2 examples of ways the entire election was unconstitutional and the SC didn’t do shit.
They are weak or corrupt. I highly doubt they will ever rectify 2020, because that would force to admit they got it wrong and now we are on the verge of ww3 because of it.
That’s not a good analogy. Immigration was already a catastrophe before Biden came in. It could easily be as high as 30 million. But it was hidden because the border states have been soaking it up for decades. This allowed democrats and uniparty to ignore it, downplay it, and make it not a priority.
From day one of his campaign, Trump was clear that immigration was going to destroy the country. He told us. And what happened? His message just didn’t get through. He was called a racist, blue states openly defied federal law and didn’t allow immigration arrests, and the uniparty blocked the wall.
They had to show everyone how bad it really was, and how quickly immigration would destroy not only border states, but every state. It’s always the same story with democrats. You have to shove it into their backyards before they realize it’s a problem.
It’s worked. Blue states are freaking the fuck out. The optics have changed. It had to be this way to pre-empt the media and democrat messaging that is going to come when millions of people are being deported from neighborhoods all over the US.
The establishment is going to throw everything it has at Trump to attempt to stop him from deporting them all. He had to make it personal for voters of every type in order to prevent civil war. He had to get the people on his side, to see the reality of the emergency.
The house has been on fire 30 years. But it was only the bottom floors and the top floors pretended there wasn’t a fire. Now the top floors are starting to have flames licking up their windows and are ready to finally call the fire department.
Disagree. The only way to truly solve the problem and not half ass it, is a deportation operation like we have never seen before. And this was before Biden. Already we had anywhere from 11-33 million illegals.
The only way to pull off something so big, is to get as many citizens as possible on board with it. The only way to do that, is to show them just how bad the problem is, and what it does to your community. Especially democrats. They never seem to care about anything, until it affects them personally.
We now have black Chicago democrats publicly protesting their own idiot Mayor on a weekly basis and demanding an end to sanctuary city status. They are furious, and rightly so. They are on board.
The stage is now set for the kind of mass deportation that is needed to truly reset the problem, and to truly make securing the border a national security interest. Trump has already said he is going to create a deportation operation bigger than anyone has ever seen. He has said he is going to use national emergency orders to deploy the military to the border. In order to do that, the fake news and establishment had to be defeated in the optics game. The only way to do that, is to show people with their own eyes just how bad it is.
We already had 10-30 million illegals and a broken border. We already needed massive deportation like we have never seen. Now, Trump has enough of the public on board to actually do it. He’s got black democrats off their ass and in the street with signs protesting illegal immigration in their city. That was the goal of allowing it to get this bad. Optics.
When they said you gotta walk through the darkness to get to the light, when they said the precipice, when they said WW3, they meant it.
You couldn’t script our current scenario better. Every single issue that needs to be fixed, is being hammered over the fucking heads of the normies. Immigration, the border, banking, energy, uniparty corruption, election rigging, fake news, nato, the war machine, corrupt DOJ and agencies, censorship, big pharma. All of it is being exposed.
It’s the same game that the deep state plays. The Hegelian dialectic, only being played backwards. Trump is setting himself up to be the only one who can solve all of these problems. Setting himself up for a fucking landslide victory.
The more absurd everything gets, the more obvious it is that had to be this way to wake up the sleeping normies.
You can’t tell people. You have to show them. If Trump wants to do the biggest mass deportation operation in history, could you do it without this type of operation? How do you red pill black democrats in the deepest blue cities in the country? You can’t tell them. Obviously. Trump tried for years. And the media just laughed and insulted him. You have to show them. How do you do that? You dump thousands of illegal immigrants on the street corners.
The worse it gets the more the comfy I become. The genius of the plan, “it had to be this way”, becomes clearer every week. There will come a day when the military is gonna to be deployed to protect the borders and illegal immigrants are going to be deported by the hundreds of thousands. And these black voters in NYC and Chicago are going to be cheering it on in the streets when it happens.
It no longer has the appearance of authenticity, of authority. Of quiet knowledge and maturity. The BBC and the rest of the EU and US establishment appear weak and desperate. They appear out of touch. They are a dying instrument of the old guard, broadcasting to themselves.
They know it’s over. We know it’s over. They are going to continue doing the only thing they know how to do, despite the new world of information they find themselves in. One of the first architects of the internet equated censorship to an illness. The internet may first struggle, but will always find a way to heal itself. To remap itself to allow information flow.
No matter how hard the cabal struggles, no matter how much money they spend, no matter how many silly laws they pass, information will find a way to those who are looking for it.
And Space Force/Musk have also now checkmated them into a corner they cannot escape from. Starlink is out of their control. They cannot kill it. They cannot abuse it. Their nuclear option, total internet blackout; has been yanked off the table. And every year, Starlink grows more accessible, more powerful.
You Brits are lucky. You are the generation that gets to take credit for the demise of the BBC. They may continue broadcasting, just like CNN. But that doesnt mean anyone is watching. They aren’t getting 100 million views in 24 hours. Based Tucker Carlson is. That’s how far we have come in such a short time. Musk fucking stomped the BBC reporter, and then flat out asked him if he liked BBC. Just openly shitting on the guy.
What a time to be alive.
Military in uniform on the streets setting up checkpoints.
He’s not a senile demented fool. He knows Q group is real. He knows every single thing they have tried since 2016 to stop Trump has failed, and he knows why. He knows Biden is getting so bad that soon they won’t even be able to let him in public. He knows congressman keep retiring or not running out of the blue. He knows Ukraine is over and there is nothing he can do about it.
He knows that everything he has done in his entire career is culminating in this, he’s a gopher for a total moron with severe dementia that just callled Xi a dictator and ruined the entire point of the trip that he set up.
He knows nothing can stop what is coming.