BurnNewHistoryBooks 11 points ago +13 / -2

Ironically, as an Irish catholic I haven’t been to mass for years, due mainly to the degenerate nature of Vatican 2.

I now feel closer to God.

I don’t need a church or a middleman between me and our creator.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was gold, I never saw that before. Thanks fren, I just added it to “our greatest ally” folder.

What documentary was it from?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Always amazing to watch.

Like the 3rd world welfare parasites who leave their shithole countries without trying to fix them, then enter into politics of host countries to help with the “diversity and climate challenges”.

We need “blow in” rules to prevent these parasites from entering any public office, or even voting, until they are there for 4 generations with no criminal records in the entire family.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Ireland we have proportional representation, this means that after every count, the lowest candidate is eliminated, their votes are then distributed.

People vote by preferences, 1, 2 3 etc. first choice counts first, then if that guy gets in excess votes go to choice number 2.

So if the conservative guy is eliminated, the vote’s highly likely go to Reform. The lib votes would go to labour (commie / socialist / thieves).

In this example the commie still wins, but it is a fairer representation of public opinion.

The system they use in the UK is fundamentally corrupt. But it suits the main two parties, who are simply the public facing elements of the civil service.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 15 points ago +15 / -0

A question;

What poses more risk,

1: a single tourist taking vague and undetailed video from a distance.

2: Ex mossad Israeli “art students” filmed inside the towers handling explosive detonators, and arrested after complaints about their joyous dancing during the tower collapse, in a van with a picture of a plane heading towards the towers, only to be mysteriously released and allowed to return to “our greatest ally”.

Definitely the Arab.

Lucky Larry who took out a lease on the buildings weeks before only to make billions in insurance claims is only a cohensidence.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is by design. Bread and circuses on steroids.

But not all young generation are like this, plenty of young people are proud patriots, fighting against the system designed to shame and shape them into tax cattle.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren.

This made me smile and think of growing up in Ireland 70’s & 80’s. Simple unregulated government free happy days.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a great win for the USA, but also a loss.

Suing the agency involved rather than the individual civil servants means they compensate you with your taxes.

There is still no reason why these bureaucrats would stop harassing people as it has no impact on them or their little power trips.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

He should take civil action against any of the civil servants involved.

Sue them for all of his costs, loss of earnings and time.

Only when they are held personally accountable this will stop.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

The little jewish beggar has cost the lives of thousands if not millions of Ukraine and Russian troops and civilians through a war that he started as a terror campaign against Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens.

He is a war criminal, corrupt politician and now a de facto dictator. He needs to be tried for treason by the Ukrainian people along with all the other cronies.

Disgusting little creature.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, and they managed to kill millions of Christians in the process, as they did in WW1, and the Bolshevik revolution after the war.

It’s about destroying Christian Europe, today they are doing it through mass migration of 3rd world bio weapons.

The welfare cost is destroying our nations economically, rotting us from the inside.

Most of the politicians and senior civil servants are compromised traitors, or satanic puppets.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saars, please saars, we only want to make money and live happy saars.

We need to import our entire family to be happy saars.

We need a bigger house and healthcare saars.

Why are you racist saars?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

This should wake everyone up to the reality of these marxist fanatics. Murder is simply a tool to achieve their goals.

Ask the 20+ million Russians / Ukrainians Christians that died at their hands from murder or starvation

They are soulless zealots.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

These degenerates are scared and acting on emotions.

She has openly called for the assassination of a former president of the USA. This must be considered a treasonous act and treated as such by at the least, the secret service.

Will X ban her?

BurnNewHistoryBooks 21 points ago +21 / -0

The Vatican has become a den of vipers and jesuit satanists.

I say that as a catholic.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Often the outsourced “experts” were related.

BurnNewHistoryBooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Civil servants are nothing more than mafia with a monopoly on violence and propaganda.

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