Now John Deere is talking about going all electric. How well do you think that is going to work during harvest when farmers are running 16 hour days, far away from any electric plug in? The fact that they have the MONOPOLY on the repairs is how you screw your customers. It’s like an Apple computer except these things are $490K.
Yeah. These people are so stupid. She has less of a chance than Pence.
It just cracks me up, and I am always sure to rub it in on every D I know, that they are supporting a Cheney! LOL. Known liars.
Stay away, Anon! Stay away!
Dang, it’s like watching a cheap movie in which you know the girl will get her gun knocked away and the weird guy is toast. You are yelling at the screen. Obvious bad guy!!
Super good. I would add —stand on God’s word. Read your Bible, pray. Ask God for wisdom, provision, guidance, help, and acknowledge Him in all you do.
Ok, I am on the opposite end. I am the awake wife with the a-political asleep husband who doesn’t believe anything unless his friends say something about it or it’s on his morning news. But I did get him to start asking questions during Covid and he ended up being a strong anti-masker, which I deeply admired. Regarding Q, I tell him a little bit, but he does not take things on faith—it has to be verifiable and then we had too many friends that swore Trump would be back in office last summer. But all in all, I am making in-roads.
And 5. Tell him to get that stupid bacteria infested rag off his face.
We need to question the need for either one. The FBI was not established until 1930’s. All investigation work they do can be handled at the state level as it used to be. Should we abolish much of the billions in foreign aid, the massive bureaucracy, shutter DC and have the Senators and Reps work via Zoom in their home states, would it be possible to just operate a minimal Federal government using tariffs?
So if you’re black and are a really good teacher (think: Thomas Sowell or Walt Williams), how would this make you feel? You are not being judged by how GOOD you are; you were judged by your skin color. When you don’t raise the bar for accomplishment, and you lower it for something that no one has control over (like skin color), then instead of having people rise to meet the challenge, they slack off and just don’t care. (Think of a professor with tenure.).
It is easy to see where this will end, and it won’t be good for students. If I were a young teacher, I would start my own private classroom school. Take 12 kids, charge $1000 each per month for 10 months, and do what they did back in the 1800’s with a classical education.
Stupid people do stupid things. And you know what Q says….”These people are _ _ _ _ _ _.”
When I am discouraged, I pray and ask God to rescue the kids. I pray the Lord’s Prayer—that His will be done as it is done in Heaven. And I go around declaring victory over all the darkness. I usually have to deal with some little demon harassing me through a family member or something, but I tell it to get behind me and keep praising God all the more.
You don’t ever see a good old fashioned debate anymore—the kind that is moderated and allows people to speak. That’s what did it for me—watching a debate with William F Buckley and some up-and-coming state liberal. I think Fox News guys would win over so many more of they put a tight limit on interruptions and had timed responses. The constant screaming over each other is painful and frustrating—I can’t watch them anymore.
I don’t believe that was the one “reveal” that was the smoking gun. With all these issues, Spygate included, it is often the weight of all the evidence together that builds a case. We tend to believe that it works more like a Perry Mason episode where the guilty party just bursts out and admits guilt. That’s not what happens in real life.
It has been very weird. Even by our pastor who believed that masking and distancing was all about “loving others well”. And by NOT wearing a mask, by standing for freedom to choose what goes into my body, etc, we are considered “rude”, “selfish”, not respecting others, wanting to kill Granny, etc. It was a rough couple years, for sure. Obviously I don’t go to that church anymore.
The 1%? You ask? Why that would be her staff in Wyoming. Maybe a couple neighbors and friends, if she has any.
And her unsecured Blackberry…
Yes, I hear the same. They can’t tell you an example of a “mean tweet”, they have just heard about them. They are all people who just want peace and we’re tired of the relentless attacks. When you tell them that we need a fighter in office to clean up the mess, they still insist that he “could have been nicer”. I just shake my head and say, “No, given the satanic level of corruption, that’s just wishful thinking but not possible.”
When you you are a “Trump supporter who has never wavered on your support”, you know how much the media lies and the FBI sets people up with false evidence and accusations. They have done it for 6 years! No way you would ever believe a word the Clowns say. So, No—I don’t believe you, Jon Cooper. Liar.
Desperate people doing stupid, desperate things. Of course they had to get the evidence that implicates them all. Or at least try.
Well, Border Collies for sure.
As Sundance says over in Conservative Treehouse, “ when you put a tribe of rabid leftists together in a room long enough, they will collectively concoct the goofiest plans in an effort to advance their quests.”
When you ask them, give them a few days. Cognitive Dissonance takes time to sort through. Generally, the first time you say something, they will have a melt down, so just let them simmer. Then you will find that the next time, they can take a tiny spoonful more. The best is when you use their sources that contradict each other, such as Fauci and the vax. But Comey and his press release on Clinton emails and servers and not doing anything as compared to the cocktail napkin they spent hours combing Mar a Lago for…is also a good exercise in Cognative Dissonance for the Normie.
The irony of all of this—old liberals HATED Kissinger. They HATE Dick Cheney. The squawked about Nixon and Watergate as the epitome of corruption for decades. They HATE big corporations having power and influence. But now here they are—supporting war mongers, big corporations, corruption that puts Watergate to shame, and Government agencies infiltrating and raiding the supposed “bad guy” because of mean tweets or orange hair or something.
I live around these clowns, and I can tell you why: they do too much drugs and alcohol. They are all arrogant and consider everyone else smelly deplorables who are just too stupid to run our own lives. I fully enjoy asking them about all the new wars going on and looking shocked about the cost of gas and organic food.
Time to close the three letter agencies. I have not seen a single so-called threat to the clowns. Instead, we get threats from them—labeling patriotic Americans as potential terrorists, breaking illegally into President Trump’s home, setting up innocent Americans. They can look in the mirror for the next threat.
Two things: we have cotton harvesters and they have been around for decades. Nobody picks cotton by hand. We had them when I was a kid and I am old. Second, kids today know how to manipulate and get out of work at school and with other social situations and they do so ALL THE TIME. They play off getting teachers in trouble, getting other kids in trouble, etc. and laugh because they not only get away with it, but get a kick seeing the adults dance around to accommodate their whims. I read this and could see right through the kids’ BS. It’s not until we take back control of children, teach them respect, punish wrongs, etc, that things will get better.