Christ_Alone 6 points ago +7 / -1

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN Gary F. Smith Plaintiff, Case No. 2:22-11572 vs. Jocelyn Benson et al. Judicial Officer: Kimberly Altman Defendant(s). Objection to Recommendations

Objection No. 1, Public record of “number of registered voters on 11/3/2020” for the local municipality of “Cottrellville Township” shows critical flaws in the State of Michigan “Qualified Voter File”. This system searches for voters registered between “1/1/1800” and “11/3/2020” for every local municipality in the state. How can the Michigan public trust our electoral or judicial institutions if they are unwilling to recognize that it is impossible for anyone who existed in the 1800s to be registered to vote in the November 3rd 2020 election? To argue that two-hundred year old registries are commonplace or “Garden Variety” in elections is appalling.

Objection No. 2, State of Michigan Contract No. 071B7700117 has been breached by the county clerk and local clerk in the local municipality of Port Huron Township. On the official contract, the local authorities of Port Huron Township never signed State of Michigan Contract No. 071B7700117. Thus it should be considered null and void for operating without local consent. The full contract, signed by Jay DeBoyer, has been provided via ProSe upload; and is placed below again for reference. This is found on page 41. Consent to use Dominion contracted machines in Port Huron Township has never been granted in the first place. Port Huron Township uses Dominion Voting Systems without the consent of the people. Another offense that must not be ignored.

Objection No. 3, A comprehensive report of the current records and papers of St. Clair County's 2020 election turnout, and registered voters has been provided to the courts, showing beyond a doubt that there is no consistent record of the 2020 election in St. Clair County. Not on the local, county, or state level. The local clerks give one number for voter turnout. The county clerks give a completely different number for voter turnout for the same election in the same local municipality. Therefor the records and papers of St. Clair County’s 2020 election have not been retained or preserved. There is no consistent record of the 2020 election in St. Clair County thanks to the dereliction of duty by both defendants. Not properly recording the records and papers of votes cast in any election is a clear and obvious violation of 52 USC 20701. Local and county clerk’s records for elections should match and agree with each other. Instead over 80% of the local municipalities records of the 2020 election do not match the county record. Someone has to be wrong. There should be one consistent number of votes cast for local municipalities and the county should reflect this same number to show preservation of the records and papers of the election. Contractors responsible for digital election reporting (Election Source Contract #071B7700117) also conflict with official county 2020 election results. This clear violation cannot be ignored.

Election Source (Contracted via Co.#071B7700117) Record of 2020 Turnout

St. Clair County Record of 2020 Turnout

Objection No. 4, The most recent August 2022 primary election puts the issue of ongoing corrupt election practices on full display. Mr.DeBoyer just presided as county clerk over an election where his own name was on the ballot. A direct conflict of interest. Mr.DeBoyer never recused himself from his duties as county clerk and proceeded to certify and rubber stamp his own victory in St. Clair County’s 2022 primary elections without a hand recount, or full forensic audit of absentee counting board’s chain of custody records. DeBoyer’s office gave topdown mandates to local clerks to mandate “sharpies” instead of black or blue ink pens to all local voting booths in the county. Sharpies have been shown to bleed through ballots and send ballots cast to the “manual adjudication” folder to be adjudicated manually by the county clerk without a trace. Federal ballots clearly state they are to be marked with only black or blue ink at the bottom. Defendant DeBoyer, and other candidates, won their primary races in a suspiciously overpowering fashion that should not be ignored. Results for votes cast show nearly the same ratio of votes cast for DeBoyer and his opponents in every single precinct. Showing mathematical intent and weighting of votes programmable within with Dominion Voting System interface. I plead this court does not allow this ongoing issue to exist unchecked for any political party.

Objection No. 5, Simply because the federal criminal statutes do not afford a private right of action does not mean that 52 USC §20701 has not been violated by defendants. Nor does it mean that the federal government can’t intervene once becoming aware of 52 USC §20701 violations. St. Clair County is a border county. We have our own Department of Homeland Security that is tasked with ensuring “trust in election infrastructure” and “the confidence the American public places in basic democratic function”. Based on this premise, as Plaintiff, I plead this court refer any and all relief action to the election infrastructure experts at the Department of Homeland Security. Since the United States government is the only entity who can act on 52 USC §20701 violations, they should be the entity responsible for restoring public trust in democratic functions now that violations have been brought to light in this federal institution. Should this court move to dismiss this complaint, it would not only be moving to dismiss valid claims against highly corrupt election officials, but would be moving to dismiss the public trust of the people of Michigan along with it. If justice for breaking federal election laws cannot be obtained, then our elected officials will continue to violate the will of the people.

Objection No. 6, There would be severe repercussions for judicial officers who look the other way when it comes to this issue. On September 12th, 2018 Executive Order 13848 was signed by the President of the United States. Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election. On September 7th 2022, executive order 13848 was extended by the President of the United States. This executive order calls for a “national emergency” to be extended for an additional year. This national emergency is elaborated on in the executive order by stating: “the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference. The ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”. October 4th 2022 the President of a core software engineering elections data company in Michigan (Konnech Inc.) Eugene Yu was arrested at a Los Angeles airport trying to catch a flight out of the county and without a cell phone. Making a clear attempt to flee the country. Thankfully he was arrested before he was able to

leave the country and will face justice. Eugene Yu was responsible for sending election data between local and county infrastructure. Yu's charges include sending live election data from Michigan’s local and county elections infrastructure to Los Angeles, and then overseas to the People’s Republic of China! The East Lansing Police Department and Ingham County Sheriff’s Office in Michigan also assisted in the investigation. In a related case (Bill Bailey V. Antrim County) constitutional lawyer Matt DePerno uncovered “Telnet” Modems in Dominion Machines out of Antrim County that were engineered in Italy and manufactured in Taiwan. The first two IP addresses to connect to the modem were from Taiwan, and then Germany. Two foreign powers connecting directly to our election system’s modems. It is now public knowledge that Dominion Voting Systems and Machines contain internet capability. Allowing these contracts to exist without consent from local townships, allowing foreign actors like Eugene Yu to manipulate election data from a software standpoint, is to be complicit in the foreign Interference of a United States Election. Both defendants and Judicial officers in this court swore an oath that they would protect and defend this nation and it’s people from enemies foreign and domestic.

This proceeding is this court’s final chance to do the right thing by the American people. At our current trajectory, this state will continue to be operated by unelected officials who rise to power and wield unchecked authority unaccountable to any political force. To ignore the blatant criminal action within Michigan’s election system is to yourself participate in the undermining of public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure.

Election lawsuit Smith V DeBoyer just filed by Gary yesterday! Gary F. Smith as since been arrested by FBI just for attending DC rally on Jan 6th after filing this against the corrupt St.Clair County Clerk Jay DeBoyer.

Christ_Alone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Clandestine has just lost a big chunk of respect from me over this haha.

Christ_Alone 10 points ago +10 / -0

So she is co-intel pro along with Fox News. Im beginning to question even Tucker.

Christ_Alone 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to post on the situation out of St. Clair County , Michigan. Our county has an election lawsuit against Jocelyn Benson and St. Clair County Clerk Jay DeBoyer. We cite violations of the contract for state of Michigan Dominion contract after getting transfer numbers associated with purchase orders made under that contract to be coming from Maine into Michigan and the contract says that the tabulators were supposed to be "newly Manufactured in Plano, TX" to be void in relief. It's a big piece of the puzzle and we also provide courts in Eastern District of Michigan.

Filed: 7/12/2022 Case #: 22-11572 Court: Eastern District of Michigan Subject: Violations of 52USC20701 "Preservation of Records and Papers" associated with federal elections.

Status of Suit: Pending Magistrate Judge Kimberly Altman's ruling on both defendant's motions to dismiss Gary F. Smith's claims against DeBoyer and Benson. Gary's response included substitutive evidence obtained by citizen FOIA requests to all 31 clerks that comprise St. Clair County and comparing it to the county record of the 2020 election.

Most counties have the same numbers for local vs county records of election. However in St. Clair Count's 2020 election this was not the case.

Substantial discrepancies between "number of registered voters on 11/3/2020" and "number of votes case in the 2020 election" amongst local v county data for the same municipalities on the same election. Two separate and conflicting records of the 2020 election for at least 28/31 local municipalities within St. Clair County.

One of the local satisfied FOIA's from 2020 " number of registered voters" shows a screenshot of what the State of Michigan Qualified Voter File looks like when you're logged into it from the local clerk's end. It shows the search query for number of registered voters going back to January 1st, 1800. (1/1/1800)

Benson's lawyers claim this is so they can make placeholder voter files for eligible voters whose birthdays they cannot verify. How are they eligible voters without verifying their birthday and who they are / State ID.

This seems to make a loophole for ability to have votes cast in an election with no State ID backing the vote.

Her lawyers go on to say that local clerks are supposed to "further investigate" the registries with unrealistic birthdays as a way to flag it to the clerk.

Christ_Alone 1 point ago +1 / -0

W're holding on by a flipping thread but it also feels like we're about to some some major victories and even possibly an ultramaga house speaker. FIRE NANCY!

Christ_Alone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last time WH went red @ 9PM I bet Penguins will catch it for us!

Christ_Alone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Obviously Soros runs Michigan, Chinese Police stations in Canada. I think they are about to make their move when this fake war begins.

Christ_Alone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey Bubble I told you I was involved with the federal case in Michigan (22:11572) . I think I'm under surveillance. Had a drone flown around me and up to within 5 feet above me, then it went directly up into the sky. I will sign an affidavit and so will 1 other person who witnessed it with me. I'm from St.Clair County Michigan. Our case over 2020 involved Benson and the RINO Republican St.Clair County Clerk Jay DeBoyer and ongoing issues in our county/electorate/ FOIAS backing our claims made about state QVF going back to 1/1/1800 on the official state of Michigan registries.

Christ_Alone 1 point ago +1 / -0

so cool you caught on to that as well! Devolution/Contingency plans were most certainly discussed by Trump and Putin.

Christ_Alone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch for sharpies at the voting booths. Make sure you supply blue pens instead. Blue pens are dangerous to the election riggers because it differentiates between the original ballot and one that has been printed by the machines.

Christ_Alone 11 points ago +11 / -0

Holy cow! Didn't the Vatican just say they want all the money international banks owe them by September 30th?Queen just died? Buckle up guys I think impact could come tomorrow or the next 4 days.

Christ_Alone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump is still the President, Military is not listening to Biden . See Ukraine for example. WHy is Adam Shiv legislating his way into seeing the Presidential Emergency Action Documents?

Christ_Alone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im directly involved with a Michigan case in eastern district of Michigan. 22-11572 Smith V DeBoyer.

Christ_Alone 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whats going on Sept 24th????

Christ_Alone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Staging area for the parents? what an odd choice of words. This was some sort of comm and a would be event went sour hopefully because if active white hats. God Bless em.

Christ_Alone 5 points ago +5 / -0

I love seeing CNN freak out over his truths to anons. Keep up the good fight everyone. God is in control.

Christ_Alone 4 points ago +4 / -0

@bubble_burst. This is an emergency message for you. I need as much media/GAW on this federal lawsuit as possible.

As you may remember I’m an anon from St.Clair County Michigan. Recently I asked all my local clerks and county clerk how many people voted in 2020. Each local municipality had a different voter turnout than the county had for turnout in the same municipalities. A patriot from our county has sued the county clerk for emergency custody of St. Clair County, Michigan’s ballots. We know in September 2022 the federal 22-month law ( USC 52 20702 ) expires. This means there will be bonfires nationwide destroying the records and papers of the 2020 election LEGALLY. We argue that before the records are legally destroyed emergency custody must be had of all ballots and the record of St.Clair County Michigan’s 2020 election ( only 92,000 ballots). Thus the records and papers must be retained and preserved. We are sueing SoS Benson and St.Clair County clerk Jay DeBoyer who just won a primary for a state rep seat this summer. He was also the county clerk during the election and he most certainly had his thumb on the count. There was a Trump endorsed candidate going against him. Jacky Eubanks. We knocked over 15,000 doors and only 10,000 primary voters existed in the district. The clerks claim a trump endorsed candidate received less than 25% of all the R primary voters in EVERY SINGLE PRECINCT. Statistically unheard of. Here’s the federal lawsuit case # so you can look into this yourself.

Eastern District of Michigan

Case#: 22-2-11572

Christ_Alone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work in the 63rd district for Jacky Eubanks and it’s super competitive. Most everyone is excited for Jacky though. Only a handful of dems and RInOs disapprove of her in any given day of door knocking.

Christ_Alone 2 points ago +2 / -0

To me it looks like two of those dinosaurs from "The Land Before Time" the same dinosaur https://dino.fandom.com/wiki/Parasaurolophus

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