Should be any browsers I believe. I'm currently on Brave (a fork of Chrome) and it works fine. AFAIK, it works on Chrome/Brave and probably any fork of Chrome browsers, Opera, Firefox and not sure about Edge.
No worries though! No need for an apology, you're good, my fren!
Here you go:
Hope I got the right one.
Not sure if I have the video you're speaking of. I'm currently uploading it to Rumble. It's about 1 hour and 47 mins long (I believe). Once that's done, I'll follow up with a new reply to your comment.
Of course, you know because I'm deaf, I don't know what's going on in that video but because I wanted to archive everything possible in case of anything, I archived that interview with JohnHereToHelp and I believe it was the one with SantaSurfing or whatever his handle was.
I have the Return YouTube Dislike extension turned on for this so that part wasn't edited. The only thing edited in that picture was that I added the red glow around the likes and dislikes and nothing more.
I have the Return YouTube Dislike extension on ( and it actually shows you the dislikes. It goes by an algorithm so the dislikes may not be specific as it probably has a small margin of error but I don't know how small.
But it's quite accurate for propaganda like this.
That's possibly the best connection but my take on this could be that there are "stars" working in the background that we don't know of, who's working 24/7 to execute the plan then once the dust has settled, we will know the true stars behind the whole thing.
"Stars" = Patriots who worked hard to save America for President Trump and us all!
A friend of mine was in a car accident because the car going the opposite direction, swerved into my friend's lane and crashed head on. Turned out the driver had a stroke while driving. My friend is fine but has several bruises, especially on the right hand because my friend just had hand surgery.
My friend would have swerved to avoid the accident but the car came out too fast, probably due to the driver pushing the pedal to the metal and gave zero time to react swift enough for my friend.
Yep that was because I had the same thing my friend had, so I thought to recommend what I was already taking but they refused and saw the dr. Dr told them to take literally exactly the same thing I was already taking.
They didn't say, "Sorry I didn't listen to you" or the like. I was saying "I told you so!" deep inside but I just smiled at them when they told me what the Dr said.
As for your MIL, yeah, people can be that feeble enough to trust anyone who have a degree/diploma and is an "expert" at what they do, without even trying to do the research on their own. Little does they know that people can be an "expert" just because they memorized everything in the book but they may not understand 1/2 of it!
But to each their own!
Just recently a friend of ours had lost their son (just turned 13 or 14?), who apparently died from having a seizure. He did have a history of seizures but the family said they got his seizures under control for a long time and his last one was a few years ago.
We didn't ask if they were vaccinated, as it was clearly the wrong time to ask, but we do have our suspicions that they were. They were kind of submissive and would believe anything anyone with higher authority tell them what to do, i.e. take the clotshot.
Truly a sad time for them.
Additionally, another friend of ours, who has a long history of health issues, is also vaccinated because they had to undergo an operation and being vaccinated is required. Their immune system is somewhat compromised and I think it has gotten worse since the vaccine because they keep on getting a cold (the most recent one was a week or two ago and that's probably their 7th or 8th "cold" since the start of 2022) and they are complaining about chest pain and numbness in their left side.
They went to see the doctor and you know what the doctor said? "Found nothing wrong with you so come back about a few months later and we will run some more tests to make sure you're OK".
I asked them if they're still experiencing these symptoms and they still are. They're also the kind who will not listen to anyone other than a "licensed doctor" so if I were to suggest ivermectin, they most likely won't take it.
I've recommended antacids to them (this was way before I've learned about all of these stuff health-related) and they refuse to take it then the doctor said to take antacids and they took it, which was literally the same thing I told them to take. That tells you how submissive they are to people of higher authority and resistant they are to suggestions from "outsiders".
Where have you been 2 years ago? That's old news.
Gnews dropped a lot of the pics and videos of Hunter being naked and being with a couple of ladies of questionable age.
Seems like he has died?
"Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pronounced dead after being shot earlier today"
OK thanks so much! I was like that Gandalf meme and went, "???? Trump tried to grab the steering wheel? HOW?"
I've been away for a while but I've been lurking on here while being away, albeit short intervals of lurking.
My point is that I've been trying to catch up with stuff that has been going on but there's one subject that I can't seem to catch up on with is the situation with President Trump grabbing the wheel and all that along with Cassidy (?) Hutchinson (not sure of the name).
I'd look into this on the normie websites but they may be skewed to favor the "fake side" of the story so I'd prefer to hear this from people who's in the know on this one as well as a good summary?
Yes I know I can search for this but that's another thing -- I don't know what this is related to? Jan 6th? An isolated situation that came up out of the blue? Plus the search function is a little flawed but I believe this is for a good reason but I forgot why.
Much appreciated!
Not gonna lie that dark red on blue text is hard on my eyes.
Agreed. I'm slightly colorblind and this red on blue is almost "3D"ish to me as the red seems to be coming out of the screen to me but blurry at the same time.
I use AdNauseam and it blocks pretty much a lot, including ads on YT.
Thought Kinzinger wasn't seeking re-election as he said he would be stepping down once his term is over?
It should say "prequel" in title, not sequel.
Went grocery shopping the last three times and I noticed the $$ has increased. Used to average ~$100 per trip but it fluctuates between ~$150 and ~$220 and this is AFTER discounts/coupons (both paper and digital). One trip, I didn't buy much but knew the total would be at around $60 but it turned out to be close to $100.
Yeah it's getting worse.
Tweet has been deleted? I see no one has it archived... :(
And the Society Joker is the scariest of the two, due to him getting blackpilled over and over til he snapped.
Thought you were European when I saw the date and I read it reversed like the Europeans would do. Thought this was referring to today (6/11), but then realized it was actually talking about Nov. 6th.
"Not Too Dumb", the opposite of NTB, "Not Too Bright".
Obligatory video