PLEASE DO! Wokeness harms the people it claims to help.
I recall back when I was in college (in the early 70's) and this nonsense was beginning to gear up. I recall being outraged at the concept of "ebonics" wherein students of a specific ethnicity were allowed to turn assignments in written in "street language". The rest of us had to adhere to proper grammar.
When we protested this practice, we were lectured on our lack of "empathy" for the disadvantaged. When we pointed out that failing to correct the disadvantaged caused them to graduate unemployable -- we were basically told to shut up.
I often wonder what happened to these people the university pushed through. Some could not construct a coherent sentence and yet received their degrees. They did those students no favors.
Not too sure about laws -- can a natural born citizen's citizenship be revoked? Since this gentleman is so concerned about the future of the illegal migrants perhaps he should join them on their trek back to their native land. Then he can continue to show his love and compassion for them by being their advocate in their country of origin! Think of the good he could do!
Apparently, there was a discussion over dinner where the dad asked them casually. Both sons are business majors and replied that they voted for Trump because he was good for business and because of the immigration issue. The Dad went ballistic because he felt the kids did not have the "empathy" for what he considered "marginalized groups" that he felt he instilled in them due to his liberal influence.
It seems both sons did not expect the dad to go batshit crazy during what they believed was a casual conversation.
I don't quite understand this. They announced they were going to break the law and then they did? They're sitting there in their chairs listening to people tell them off? Why? Shouldn't they already have been arrested by somebody? Do they have no cops? If local cops are scared, where are the state police? Is the whole state lawless?
I am not saying it wasn't a crime or that it wasn't planned.
What I'm saying is that as Mayor -- it was Guiliani's responsibility to clean it up and see to it that the city functioned. If he had done nothing then he would have been derelict in fulfilling his duty to the people who voted for him. I do not see why cleaning up this disaster automatically makes him part of a conspiracy. I am not following your logic.
Do you believe the debis should have been left untouched? That would be dangerous and legally an "attractive nuisance" for curious people and open up the city to potential lawsuits. Not to mention the toxic effects already mentioned. I don't see the mayor as having any other choice but to clean it up.
I am not sure that I believe you can hold on to all of the "evidence" at the crime scene of two collapsed buildings the size of the World Trade Center. Granted, I never actually saw the buildings in person, but in photos they appeared huge. The article cited depicts the removal of the collapsed buildings as some kind of "proof" of suspicious activity. That seems to be somewhat irrational if you look at it from the perspective of a search and recover angle.
Truly -- from an objective standpoint (having tried to clean out an apartment for an elderly relative who was a hoarder) it is impossible to do anything when there is too much "stuff" around until it is removed. So I can -- having dealt with a situation of "too much" of something -- tell you truthfully that there may not have been a nefarious purpose for removing debris from the collapse of the buildings. Simply put -- the people working would be unable to do anything with all of it "there" in their way.
Then too -- how long do you actually think it would take to sift through two huge buidings worth of debris? You would never know if you missed any evidence -- how could you? That's a massive undertaking. I think you need realistic expectations as to how long a time can be devoted to going through such a massive pile of debris. Would a month have satisfied you? Six months? A year? Five years? Realistically, no matter how much time was devoted to the project someone would claim it wasn't enough.
i have never been to New York. But it's my understanding these buildings were located in a highly populated business district. People going to work had to breathe the dust from the debris (allow for wind). I know my cousin by marriage - a NYC police detective eventually died from lung issues he developed from breathing in debris on 9/11 doing whatever he could to help. So that is another reason you can't have this toxic stuff lying around. Did you know Giuliani has lung issues himself due to 9/11? Is it likely he would have willingly given himself up to this health issue?
As to the other matter raised in the article -- whether someone told him the buildings would collapse and so he "knew" is anyone's guess. I'll tell you this much. I am no architect, but if I saw a building get hit by a plane -- the thought that the building might collapse would definitely cross my mind. I would get as far away from it as I could. And I would not need a "professional" to tell me to clear out because I have common sense.
I don't know anything about that. It's just that this man is 80. i don't understand how what they are doing to him doesn't qualify as elder abuse. It is over and above vindictive persecution of an elderly (and looking more frail of late) man.
Is it too much to hope for that with RFK in charge funding might be alloted to discover a method to reverse the effects of these vaccinations? Not only for the children afflicted with autism, but also those manipulated or forced to take the Covid vaccine?
Surely, this is more worthy of government funding than some of the other totally idiotic expenditures Congress has authorized over the last four years under the Biden administration.
Just throwing this out there in the wild hope it is seen by someone who has the ability to allocate funding in the new administration.
Why haven't I been elected to Congress? I'm at least sane. Why are we paying 15M for Egyptians to be educated? That is the responsibility of their government. Don't even get me started on the other absurd things on that list. What is wrong with those people? Don't they know the value of a dollar? They must not or they woudn't be wasting it on such bullshit.
I swear they all need to be put to work at a menial job for a few weeks to get a feel for the worth of an individual dollar. Then they'd stop throwing millions away on crap.
IMHO -- this woman and every other person who received funding for this nonsense from the Biden administration should have to pay it back.
She used the cash for her mortgage which, in no way addresses the issue of his " supposed" cat behavior. (It could be a scam to get cash from the government).
I want to know who approved this woman getting this much for that issue because I know people with children who have a genuine medical diagnosis who had difficulty getting anything and her kid gets it for "identifying as a cat"?
I want these cases examined and the money paid back! And then the returned funding to go to genuinely ill people. This is such BULLSHIT!
And so? The Democrats stole another two elections by putting in a cadidate that wasn't eligible. Do we get those years back? I'm serious. What consequences do they get for this? We should automatically get 8 years of a Republican in the White house. THAT would be justice.
And what? Mitch McConnell who was responsible for this sneaky, underhanded vote being taken before the new senate is seated waltzes off to retirement and "happily ever after"? In his long career there must be oodles of skeletons just waiting to be dug up. This guy doesn't deserve a peaceful retirement and needs investigators up his tush.
He is purposely attempting to derail President Trump's 2nd term -- so the compliment should be returned by derailing his retirement. Turn over every rock in his life until something is discovered that will ensure he spends his retirement on a Carribbean island!!
They need to pull in all the whack-a-doodles out there already and check their credentials to ensure they know something besides communism. They probably should have them all sit for recertification classes followed by exams too.
This will probably be an unpopular opinion but there should be school uniforms like they have in Japan. I can not believe how little fabric girls wear in their "clothing" (if you can even call it clothing) at the public high school. Boys aren't dressed appropriately to attend school either. This would cut down on the "gang colors" baloney, the drama between the "haves" and "have nots", and give the young people an inkling of what the future requires in terms of attiring appropriately for a particular venue (i.e. proper job attire).
It doesn't seem to hurt the young people in Japan and I don't think it will hurt the young people in the United States either.
I hope this newfound faith is sincere and that they are not gearing up to play the "I've seen the light" card at their next parole board hearing.
The main problem with those who have a truly deep relationship with God is that they see the world through the prism of their faith and believe the best of everyone.
Those of us who have a more pragmatic view of religion believe in God but are less apt to take things at face value.
I HOPE the deeply religious are right. But do I think hundreds of prisoners in San Quention found God around the same time? Some may have -- but my suspicion is that these poor folks in the ministry are being told exactly what they want to hear. People who end up in prison are not noted for their veracity. I hope the good people in the ministry do not end up disillusioned. We still need idealists in the world.