Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed!! Holy crap. Talk about impressive. Joe just lets him talk.

No wonder the internet is now getting scrubbed and he is censored. He speaks truth and backs up his words AND it is not the msm narrative.

His voice is dangerous to the ds/cabal. We need to add him to our prayers.

Dee68 10 points ago +12 / -2

June 17th you say.....


Check this out as long as we are datefagging. Planetary alignment coming up on the 17th and possible internet/power grid interference.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Totally agree!!

Did you see the Mike Tyson interview? He speaks about his father's assassination.

Sirhan Sirhan shot 2 bullets AT his father (both missed) from the front. Then SS was tackled and the remaining bullets were fired IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION as his father.

He names the guy who was next to his father who shot RFK in the BACK four times. The guy (I forgot his name) was CIA related, recent security hire that night, and has died.

It is all sickening.

If you have not seen a rich man's trick, it's about JFK and worth the watch.

I will get links.

EDIT: Rich Man's Trick https://greatawakening.win/p/15JAJftlrj/jfk-to-911--everything-is-a-rich/

RFKJ/RFK https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/06/05/why_robert_f_kennedy_jr_is_convinced_that_the_cia_killed_his_father_.html

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was born in '68, so I missed witnessing it. Now I am teaching American History, when I get to the 1960s, it is so clear. The voices of JFK, MLKJ, RFK all projecting a vision of the best of America and what she can be, all cut down - starting with JFK.

Dee68 17 points ago +17 / -0

When he speaks about the U.S. projecting economic power around the globe instead of military power, I want to weep. It is a vision of who I think many Americans are - helping others less fortunate improve their situation.

It is the dream that was shattered when JFK was assassinated in broad day light by the military industrial complex.

As much of a violation of trust covid and the 2020 election were, I think that the assassination of JFK is the point in time that created a schism in the American psyche and overall character.

Thank you for posting this. And, good to have you back. 💜🙂

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Intriguing is correct.

Is RFKJ the snake?

Is this message to us (maga/q) as a warning?


Is this a warning to the DS/Cabal who murdered his father and uncle? Revenge is the dish best served cold.

I HOPE that he is not the snake we are taking home. I like a lot of what he says. Some things not so much/not at all.

He is a Democrat.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great points.

I'm voting Kennedy in the primary. (In MN, I can only vote for the Democrat OR Republican slate of candidates).

My vote will be a NEW democrat vote and against Biden.

I think that RFKJ is the palatable vote against Trump come 2024 general election.

However, along the way, there will be debates. These will help wake the normies since they shine light on the issues.

RFKJ recent stances:

Vaccine concerns - he has been calling for an investigation into the safety of vaccines and children - Trump is now calling for this as well! Both D and R calling for the same thing.

Not a Fauci fan.

He wants to close the border, and bring the troops home.

Gun control. He states it is currently part of our constitution and therefore needs to be upheld, but he is bringing up SSRIs and mass shooting issues - we need to investigate this connection. Sweden (?) has more guns per capita, but does not have any where near the same problems - so it is not the guns, is it the SSRIs? (The "currently" hedge bothered me)

Has stated that Ukraine is not the humanitarian and democracy effort we were led to believe, but is about regime change in Russia - Bindin/administration has admitted as much.

Wants to see free market capitalism used as a way to combat climate change. (I need to see more specifics on this one.)

Abortion. Supports medical freedom. Woman's right to choose up until there is a viable life - his timeline - 3 months into the pregnancy.

He has stated that Trump is a devastating debater comparable to Lincoln.

Will I vote Kennedy over Trump in the general? No.

Do I believe Kennedy will be Trump's vp pick? No.

Can I see Kennedy being in a Trump administration? Yes.

Right now, RFKJ is being dismissed as a Democrat contender by the msm. Why? My guess is because he is actually intelligent and can articulate the issues without notes or a teleprompter and is a serious contender. (Or its a psyop to wake people up). He closes the divide between us.

I do not think that RFKJ will split the MAGA vote. MAGA will not abandon Trump. I think that any "MAGA" votes he peels away will be from voters that werent really sold on Trump to begin with.

Personally, I am not sure about him. He witnessed his uncle and his father being gunned down by essentially the CIA, so I give him a lot of latitude concerning where his political allegiances truly are.

Links forthcoming. EDIT Sources for this are: Epoch times interview https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQSgRSG/rfk-jr-on-vaccine-injuries-proxy/

Kennedy24 website https://kennedy24.com

Mike Tyson interview https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPVAWHYp/not-sure-how-we-missed-this--the/

On trans https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPZr9sKT/rfk-jr-water-supply-is-turning-k/

Trump debater https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPeTIMr8/rfk-jr-donald-trump--the-most-de/

On childhood vaccines https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPLgNhEO/rfk-jr-cleans-the-clock-of-wsjs-/

EDIT2: Mike Tyson interview is messed up. Found this instead. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/06/05/why_robert_f_kennedy_jr_is_convinced_that_the_cia_killed_his_father_.html

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, exactly. Thank you.

The messaging was about trusting those in authority, being a good citizen, compliance (obey). This is how to act so you will be accepted in society.

Which character doesn't "fit" in to society? Oscar!

He is grumpy and groucy. Does not fit in. Not a people-pleaser! Acts so poorly that he has to live in a "garbage" can. He likes it. Outcast! Messaging - don't be like Oscar!

Oscar, in an adult context, probably would be an anti‐vaxx, anti-authority, conspiracy theorist. (I never saw him do drugs, but maybe it was early programming against cbd oil-druggies dont fit in. 😉)

FYI. My favorite character, btw.

It is all light hearted and fun. Letters and numbers. With wide-eyed plausible denialably of "we are just teaching polite manners". We have been so programmed!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here. I remembered that they did something a while back that caused me to delete their existence from my life - thanks for the memory help!!

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is very inspiring, but also very inaccurate. The author/originator of the video states as much.

I wanted to use this in my U.S. History class lecture. However, after researching it, I felt I could not show this to the class given all the inaccuracies (unless I did it as a spot the mistakes exercise) - as much as I DO like the video. It is a patriotic work of fiction.

There is a document on the web detailing all of this. I will try to find it again. Very briefly, here's what I remember from the doc off the top of my head.

-- The year is 1812 - we were the United States. Not colonies - not subject to British rule. Video confuses War of 1812 with Revolutionary War throughout.

-- There were not women and children in the fort.

There are many more examples in the doc, too many to just gloss over and explain away.

EDIT: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2019/04/fake-news-our-national-anthem-video-not-true-story-of-star-spangled-banner.html

Here is an article similar to the one I remembered. And I have a correction, the year is 1814, not 1812 as I stated. But, it is during the War of 1812 and we were the United States by then, not colonies (both years).

In the article I remembered, these facts were shared with the creator of the video as well.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fox's comment: “I have been burned at the stake by insecure narcissistic impotent little men like you many times and yet I’m still here.”

Got video? If not, it didn't happen.

She claims she is a witch who was "BURNED AT THE STAKE!" She sounds vaccinated.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is George actually a woman? I see boobies and womanly hips. Still ugly, though. Hair style is not all that flattering.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of Anchoman 2's Chicken of the Cave.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't even think Dylan is trans. I think it's just a persona he adopts to get attention.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the best films I've seen in a long while. My husband actually found himself rooting for the demon. Why? Because the demon was actually stating the unvarnished truth and exposing the lies of this clown world and those who believe the lies.

Think about this, we are surrounded by evil and so many lies that the demon, while evil - make no mistake, is the character I think based individuals will best relate to for his truth telling.

This film is disturbing because I do believe in Jesus (my savior) and Satan (father of lies). I believe in the supernatural realm and the war being waged there. Watching the film reminds me of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, where one gets a glimpse of how the demonic side operates.

Available for streaming now. Rented it on Prime.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now available on vudu, prime, and others. Streaming is fine - mostly conversation. I know that there are free services available, too.

Very good movie.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe, but I could see Biden and crew taken out and then a Trump vs. Kennedy as well.

Imagine the debates!!!!

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Westworld III and IV explored this tech. Allows one to see a world where this tech has become common place and mainstream.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump has picked up the RFKJ talking points. Love it!!

This is an issue that needs to be addressed. According to RFKJ, the NIH and/or the WHO has been refusing to do the studies.

I love it! Two presidential candidates from different political parties BOTH calling for this research to be done.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. I did not realize that a person could go on and off of hospice until we were dealing with hospice for my mom. See above.

Sorry for your loss.

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