Killjoy. I reject your logic and substitute my own. (I know your right)
I think she is just super awkward and way too weird while he was talking about burn pits. I think she caught herself being a preying mantis and sat back down. Barf.
Can confirm. That’s exactly what they told me on Twitter. It was a reply to my stance that Putin attacked under Biden because he demonstrated just how weak he is with Afghanistan. I used NATO discussion as an example of Trump putting Americans first while simultaneously presenting strength.
Libtard: Trump is Trump first. He would have blown up NATO and refused to help the Kurds.
Me: You have to put your oxygen mask on before you can help others or you both pass out, He was sticking up for us because NATO was funding a common enemy.
Libtard: ha. He is helping Putin now. It’s a con job. Didn’t happen while Trump was in office because it was good for Putin. Now it is good for Trump. You guys are so stupid. All hail your savior Drumf.
Me…here’s a infographic on critical thinking.
I want this man’s faith, gratitude, and joyous soul.
Help! I don’t understand and want to.
I just laughed a solid 30 seconds straight. Thank you.
Totally against pedaphilia. But this list could describe anyone of my performance art friends. They are very not pedaphiles. Just empathetic. They are the very people the cabal mainpulate. Weaponize their empathy. Be careful this looks like pitchforks.
Me too. I’m a gov contractor. They haven’t fired me or kicked me off projects yet. They are changing my official position to commercial though.
Or at the very least, where you at eager, energetic junior level supply chain consultant. Cut your teeth on this one and you skip right to partner :D But what would I know?
So, who are the made in America company or companies that can take its place. Seize the day Supply Chain peeps.
I mean yeah. Now who sees this?
WEll they have experience filing patents now don’t thy???
D-Damn!! 🍿
What you thinking. Audit and Durham on the same week’s news cycle?
It’s a tarp
- Stocking up on emergency essentials and cash.
- Paying down debt so I can leave major corporation credit companies.
- Buy American, Buy Patriot
- Stop giving Amazon, google, facebook, you tube, twitter, tick toc, et al my time, money, energy, anything.
- Researched my company’s political contributions
- Declined DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) training at my company
- I PULLED MY DAUGHTER OUT OF SCHOOL and I am now homeschooling. Feels right!
Thanks GA
7b. And that they will have to pay for your lawyer fees and medical fees if something goes wrong.
Wrong chin.
Eye color is blue though.
And yet, you dropped in to post and spread your condescending message. Bravo.
Thank you fren!
Doesn’t specifically say they will be here. Only that they will be connected to movement of military assets. You can move military assets in other countries.
Thanks! I was trying to figure out how to post in comments.
5 Leaders from my company. I suspected as much. Also, Trump on the list.