First of all they are called racks, not bunks. Second of all, I was stationed in KBay and only ever heard of two deaths on base in 4 years (besides a helo accident at a nearby training base). One was cancer, the other suicide. If you compare base sizes, 11 seams about right.
She just said the quite part out loud: "It is a Russian propaganda technique to blame the other guy for something they are about to do themselves".
This is literally the Deep State's playbook.
Exactly. I've always felt COVID crap was a mechanism to weed out military leadership, create database of noncompliant, rig all further elections so that they are bulletproof & thin the herd.
They have succeeded in all these areas for the most part. The lines have been drawn and anyone who has refused the shot will never take it. So I agree, what else is their plan with COVID if not to go full concentration camp mode?
They've come full circle haven't they lmao
Don't want to sound mean, but how do you even get a refund? I increased 401k to 20% and had them taking out an extra $150 each check and they are saying I still owe these crooks $1800....
I only make 80k a year it's bullshit.
When the Revolution is complete, all cops doing this to their people need swiftly removed and ruined. They have zero place in what our countries should expect out if their law enforcement.
We got a big one in Alabama this year. Governor Kay Ivey is either corrupt or too weak to fight for us. Personally, I think shes on the payroll. She increases taxes like crazy, worthless infrastructure projects that wreak of money laundering they are so pointless, and we are always the 8th+ state to finally do something against Washington's demands like ending the mandates, protecting first responders, etc.
We also have huge senate races. Unfortunately too many in Alabama can't see past the names they know (Mo Brooks and Kay Ivey). Doesn't help that Trump endorsed Brooks either.
Getting a false positive AIDS test is "science"
I would had agreed to this two years ago. That was before they stood silently in support blaming everything on unvaxxed and their immediate 1939 playbook to turn them into loathed 2nd class citizens for inevitable removal from society.
These mother fuckers can't blame shit on anything else at this point. They crossed the Rubicon and I will never let them forget what kind of pieces of shit they really are.
I hope the truckers quickly change their demands and make it known. Was always afraid "it's the mandates" would give them a easy way out and appear to be the victim when a lot of protestors felt appeased and left. Trudeau have them a gift the first day out of hiding by doubling down against them. USE IT!
Can we vote like Democrats do on Election days?
Trudeau's actions coming out of hiding today when the bridges got shut down are telling. Using language we haven't heard since a guy with a funny mustache, he doubled down on the mandates and went on a rant attacking and villafying the truckers.
I always assumed the vax was to create a registry of all the countries "undesirables" even with the whole "show me your papers" vibe. But his actions today solidify the scary truth. They intend to use COVID to take us all the way to death camps. And they are getting angry it's not proceeding quick enough.
I honestly cannot explain any other alternative to what's going on. They have succeeded in turning neighbors into collaborators, but they haven't brainwashed enough.
Everyone has always been puzzled how ordinary Germans could allow what happened. How else can you explain what these past two years have been?
A lightbulb clicked today. The vax definitely has severe issues, but I think it's true purpose is to turn us into jews metaphorically. That dude's actions today - absolutely no one would be surprised if Biden did the same thing. France. UK. They are all primed to remove us.
SUPPORT YOUR RALLIES. Not just words of encouragement. No. Get off your ass and go support them. This shit ends now!
It got the PM out of hiding. First words out of his mouth show clearly a heightened need to depose him. They haven't got enough collaborator brown shirts to go clear them out. He is done. I hope now that he doesn't remove the mandates, but there is no way they can keep this going for 48 more hours.
It's true. One of my driver's got to Detroit just as Ambassador got shut down. We re-routed him to Huron and it was chaos.
While I felt for my customer forcing them to air-frieght what they needed, this act got the PM out of hiding because now the US Auto Industry is yelling. And Trudeau comes out swinging at the truckers using language I haven't heard since a certain guy with a funny mustache.
It's clear now that EVERYTHING they are planning on their dehumanizing campaign against us depends on COVID. Trudeau just showed everyone their hand!
It looked like another Antifa riot to me. All black, bookbags and helmets. I think your suspicion has legs.
German Shepherds are typically very protective of children. Maybe he kept mauling Biden everytime he sniffed another kid?
He's still touting it as one of his accomplishments and that it saved millions of lives - but I haven't heard of his telling you that you had to take shot. He remains pro-choice about the governments role in it.
I didn't realize he got rid of his first dog. What happened to him?
"I learned more about Washington(DC) in my first 17 days than you wouldn't believe" - Part 3/President of the United States of America
Personally, I'd rather see her run and "win" her primary and presidency, and THEN the House of Cards falls with a simultaneous deluge of
- Full military round up
- Proof of their crimes plastered on every TV, Radio and Internet Browser with nothing else able to be viewed until this is over, forcing EVERYONE to seeing it
- All jobs closed for a week, or even martial law/house arrest under strict shoot on site if mobs/protests try to form
I honestly don't care anymore. I want this shit to be SHOVED down everyone's throats regardless of infringing on our freedoms for a week or two.
At least you'll expose to everyone who in your leadership structure is the marxist plant.
It would be good to get rearmed with some good fresh material booms heading into Christmas dinner parties with liberal family members.
All the treatments we used for flu seem to mysteriously work on the biggest pandemic mother earth has ever faced lmao
She got me when she went to the border with a life-sized carboard image of Kamala 😂🥰
I just saw there are "reports" of Russians staging for a South Korean invasion. Which of that happened, you can garuntee a three point invasion from China and NK which would have to be defended.