The P is silent
Hey OP ... When is the last time any of THEM supported anything Trump came up with? Trump knows this of course. What IF Trump is playing politics and knew it would die in the Senate? Imagine this getting blocked, what happens?? How does that actually HELP Trumps mandate?
Everytime this shit happens I'm left with a gut feeling that this is a Com. Certain pre-ordained words or phrases in tandom could easily be a Com right in our faces. Whether for good or bad, this stuff is too obvious, especially in today's age. Similar to taking out a want ad in the days of newspapers so the targeted person or group gets their message.
Crazy world we live in. ✌️ ✌️
That's a funny way to say Tallow. I'll pass.
Good Question!! Let's ask Jeffrey Eps... Ummm
The Craziest notion I see posted everywhere is that President Trump Is Not doing what He said He would do. That's complete nonsense, He's done more in the last 30 days than most presidents their entire term.
As far as Comeys Daughter, Can I just point out that up until President Trump took office THOSE PEOPLE in the SDNY for example have been entrenched and ready to enact their game. When Your playing chess for example the idea of the game is to position yourself in a winning position against your opponent. Sure, you know exactly where the King is on the board, you can see Him plain as day, BUT, the rooks, knights, horses, castles are still in play. Typically you systematically make your way for the kill. It takes time, strategy and most of all patience.
Don't think for one second that President Trump and his team aren't watching them closely. To expect President Trump and His team to take out the power on the board right away, without taking out the minions first along the way, well that's a losing strategy.
The hammer will fall, THEY know that Trump is on the board. THEY know Trump's team is surrounding them. The public, meaning most of you also, just found out or just started paying attention and realized WHOM was in charge down there at the SDNY, meanwhile Trump and his team knew this way before going into office. What I mean to say is chill the fuck out people, the Hammer is coming. The Federal government does not arrest people THEN investigate, no..... They investigate, get damning and uncontestable evidence THEN they make their move.
It's coming, the pieces on the board get shifted or taken off completely as the days go on. Eventually we will get to Checkmate, you gotta let the game play out.
That's all I gotta say about that. Besides, let's wait until March 4th to see what President Trump does and says during his address to Congress. That session is sure to be a popcorn event. Sit tight folks, all good things in this life take time to manifest.
✌️ ✌️
Bongino Rule, 2 More Weeks!!
Just Kidding!! He may give something 4 days max. For everyone that keeps saying two more weeks, pretty soon your going to have to go back two weeks and highlight your post because NCSWIC and it's coming in 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (HOT!!!!)
✌️ ✌️
Hmmm I didn't put that together..... Interesting. ✌️ ✌️
March 4th with Trump in front of a FULL Congress, live. It's coming.
Epstein was much more than a kid dispenser. Remember He was also involved in genetics and the science behind it. Bill Gates wasn't there just to touch a kid. Don't get blinded by anything folks. There's so much more to this than you realize. ✌️ ✌️
It was my understanding that a lawyer is someone who must do diligence for their client. If it's a defense attorney or lawyer whatever then they must use all legal avenues available to represent their client.
Although no reason was given by the exciting attorney, the act in itself can easily be viewed by the public as "This guy is guilty as hell and I cannot defend Him". So, isn't that action alone in itself against the grain so to speak? It would look better if he was dismissed or left the case due to a conflict of interest, something other than "under no circumstances can I continue" UNLESS HE HIMSELF somehow became entangled personally right? As in Something came up in the case itself, some detail, which forced the Attorney to Recuse Himself.
Hmmm so WTF.... ✌️ ✌️
The real question!! I've seen a few videos lately warning people to NOT do it at all because they ended up in jail. Kinda reminds me of the Chase Bank "Glitch" where idiots were making fake deposits and taking the cash out, or whatever they were doing.
I'm waiting to see exactly how the sovereign wealth fund is talked about. That and all the talk about the IRS going away, it surely does seem like something is happening there.
As far as the TDA Account thing I'm pretty sure that there's truth then there's a grey zone. You literally can go online and research the account numbers, they do populate based off your social and the RED digits etc. There really are funds there. Question is HOW to legally access and at the end of the day if there really is an avenue to access and use those funds then how is it that we don't know? It should be black and white right?
☝️☝️☝️☝️ this!! The little fish on the street are just the bottom. Eventually they will get to the real players, the money..... It's just a matter of time.
Maga Dittos on that sentiment!! ✌️👍
He who violates laws in order to save Himself at the cost of His Country Saves neither Himself nor His Country.
--Joe Biden --Adam Shifty Schiff --Bill Clinton --Barrack Obama (USA not Kenya) --Sean Penn --Fauci --Bill Gates --Peter Strok --George Castanza
Damnit George not You Too!!!!
""Save the taxpayers some money""
Suicide Weekend??
Top Tier Work Anon. ✌️ ✌️
Family Member, decided on Hospice and to stop dialysis due to their spouse dying. Immediately as the hospice paperwork was signed, instant COVID diagnosis. Died due to stopping dialysis. Death Certificate...... COVID. 100% absolute bullshit.
Let me know when the class actions start. ✌️
Democrats are in on it, sure. Republicans or shall I say Rinos are also in on it. People need to realize that this money glitch was created by ALL OF THEM. Every single time something came up to a vote guess what happened? That Bill which was probably 8 pages max ended up being a 10,000 page Fuck You to American Taxpayers, and THEY Passed it.
I will not be satisfied until I see people from all parties implicated and charged. Ukraine was just the red Herring...... ✌️ ✌️
There was supposedly a hard deadline on November 20th but then the news dropped off about it. I would imagine given the change in national emergency status changes allot. Whoever is still giving them money and housing are they now guilty of a federal crime? How far does it go.... 🤔
Here for the sauce ✌️
States Rights do not stand before National Security. 🤔
Hi. This is just a friendly reminder..... It will get louder from today on right pedes? WHAT WAS HIS NAME?
This out of context public service announcement wasn't brought to you by MSM or your Government. ✌️
They spelled COVID wrong