Dicyanin2C 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm Who is doing the MATH? Add it up, Adds up to 100.1%

So..... Either it's DEI at work OR they are just telling You that more than 100% will vote.


Dicyanin2C 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can appreciate what your saying, it is logical. When viewing the videos of the initial flood wall coming down the hill, I couldn't and still can't fathom all of that water just dropping from the sky all at once. Yes, microbursts do happen. The footage we do have looks like someone destroyed a dam or a levee and the water came all at once. The truth is out there, it's out in the places THEY are stopping us from getting to while they cover their tracks.

Was it caused by opening a flood gate? I'm gonna have to say no. Flood gates release water in a metered way. I get that yes if they just slammed the gate open..... But they don't and can't. If they even tried to open it all at once the dam itself would fail. It has to be done in a metered way.

Whatever the Truth is folks, we do not have it all. Too many unanswered questions along with the 30,000ft view of FEMA hindering those who came to help cause us to question exactly WTF happened here......


Dicyanin2C 4 points ago +5 / -1

Where did the Water come from?

Start with how far from the shoreline of the ocean is the affected area?

Could just rainfall be the cause of the flash flood OR was there an event that released all that water at once?


If you understand weather as well as elevation of the flooded out cities then you'll understand why I'm asking WHERE THE FUCK DID THE WATER COME FROM?

What we witness in the video evidence we do have is an inundation of water, a very powerful wall of water, that seems to have been released upon the land all at once. So I just have to ask....


I won't come out and say it, Go look at maps and figure it out.

In closing I must point out..... Just because the land was completely destroyed, just because the rightful owner may be dead now, doesn't mean that land is GONE. Every address leads to a geographic location, every property owned is still physically in the same spot.


The event was not an act of God but an act of The deceiver himself. America needs to stand UNITED against this Tyranny.


Dicyanin2C 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just gotta say it..... When I was a child I was heavy into Nostradamus and the like..... One little tidbit I remember clearly......

The last president will be a WALK IN President.

Now, absolutely nobody could explain what that really is or means...... Until now. What if Kamala AND Tampon Timmy have to drop out due to WHATEVER. At this point we are left with one candidate. The truth here is that PDJT is the ONLY candidate. The American People NEEDED the show folks. I'm not even mad, as they say..... Whatever it takes to wake everyone up, in the end NCSWIC.


Dicyanin2C 3 points ago +3 / -0

Around the 2 minute mark..... Who is the Stuffed Suit in the chair behind MTG that is flipping Her off. It is obvious what He's doing.....

Dicyanin2C 3 points ago +3 / -0

If everyone in the United States woke up tomorrow and found out that the economic system, the way it was setup since 1913 was now history, would that cause panic?


Why not? Because the next shoe to drop right after that would be the truth about the Trusts and how the system was setup as Usury. The only way out of that is to reveal the truth about Wealth and WHO really owns that wealth.

Now, What happens when those funds are dispersed to the true holders of them? I'll tell you, Your going to have a massive shift in the economy and how things operate.

But .... If that's the case, exactly WHO is going to do all the jobs that need to get done in order for things to remain operable? Society will still rely on goods and services however the majority of the populace is now wealthy......

The scenario was proposed by a group of Professionals that were on a vacation, in a State in which recreational drugs are legal. I'll just say it, they were higher than inflation. Initially they all dismissed their theory as intangible, however one of them was an autistic fuck who started to dig. What He found out was they all were pretty close to something.

It may sound bad shit bonkers to y'all but to Mr Autist He's sincerely dug in on this and says that NCSWIC is ten times more of a BOOM than most know.

As for me, well, let's just say I'm not a third party here, deep conversations around bonfires are something this group enjoys and sometimes we stumble into crazy scenarios......

But.... What if.......


Dicyanin2C 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget, Chynaaa has SAM launchers that look like regular truck trailers. Can't really spot them until they go live.

Dicyanin2C 10 points ago +10 / -0

Typical answer is it's caused by a blown transformer. When they short out they burn oil then short. It causes smoke rings like this.

Or aliens..... 🤔 ✌️

Dicyanin2C 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will some Billionaire please just buy one of these networks already? So sick of their literal stranglehold on "information". And for all of our sakes, Make American Culture Great Again??

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that made this Country what it is has been systematically taken apart piece by piece. Rule #1. Fuck Your Feelings. #2 No More PROPAGANDA, MAKE PROPAGANDA ILLEGAL AGAIN!! (Thanks Obama)

Dicyanin2C 2 points ago +2 / -0

The FACT that as the world, including the United States, was coercing the public into getting the shot in order to continue moving freely, those who were illegally entering those countries were exempt from getting the shot tells you everything.

Replacement Migration and the killing of tradition and cultural norms is real folks. As the people start dying off, the need for workers to replace the dead will rise. Same goes for housing. Everything that your forefathers worked for, died for, will be handed over to the new class of workers. Those folks will be grateful for what they are given and will not stand against tyranny.

It's a very very sad state of affairs when the population itself is still asleep and actually facilitating its own demise. We are getting very close to the precipice, the point in which a Great Awakening will occur. When that happens it does not mean the end of the cabals plans but the beginning of the true difficult times. The Storm has been raging in the shadows for decades, anyone that thinks when it gets here and it's known to be here that everything will be suddenly better hasn't been paying attention.

Be as prepared as you can be, know that no matter what you do to prep that it will never be enough without having your neighbor as your allie. It is going to take everyone working together for us to succeed and not succumb to the sheer devastation we will all witness.



(Always remember, if someone is sleepwalking they say to leave them be. To wake them can sometimes cause more damage than to just let them continue to snooze)

Dicyanin2C 9 points ago +9 / -0

Completely Hijacked. The complete creation of agencies after 911 also allowed for rewriting the charters for agencies like FEMA. A once great idea brought forth in 1979 ultimately turned into a hot bed of corruption and treasonous actions that would never be allowed in a true non corrupt Republic. It's despicable knowing the tax monies were spent on political whimsy and now that we need OUR RESOURCES they are not available.

I pray people wake up. Fast.


Dicyanin2C 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's a planned humiliation. Now people will associate his Stolen Valor to a misspoke and think it's ok. They did this to cover the real fuckup. 🤔

Dicyanin2C 7 points ago +7 / -0

I felt the same in the past, until I found the perfect home in the perfect location in my price range. The term HOA didn't really come up until the day before closing.

I've gone up against them now about 8 times, mostly overreaching bull crap that I never saw as an issue that became u huge deal because those folks have no other shit to do. It was getting pretty heavy so I started looking into the board.

Turns out two people, the president and the CFO both moved out of the neighborhood years ago but remained on the board. I brought up a motion to vacate their positions based on them NOT living in the area anymore and got a 2/3 vote. The following day after the vote I woke up to having two of my trees, the very two they were after me because of leaves falling in fall, both were cut down.

🤔 Yeah, this ain't over ya bastards.....

Dicyanin2C 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same face they make when Ditty pulls out, I assume.... 🤣

Dicyanin2C 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is according to plan. They just opened themselves up to discovery. How do you Legally introduce evidence? 💭 🤔

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