EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

it was probably the Gestapo, i mean FBI, that posted that...

what scum wishes death upon another for a disagreement in beliefs?

democracy is not what the US is & or ever will be.

EDC1745 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump has been doing this for a long time now... he brings people out of the shadows & INTO THE LIGHT.

this is how he exposes the enemy. you place them front & center.

Vance can't say no at this point.

He has to accept the VP roll.

He is being placed into the spotlight for a reason.

EDC1745 1 point ago +2 / -1

but Hitler was a socialist, who was placed into power by the very same people who he then went after. (hint: that's why he went after them)

if [they] had the power to place him as "Fuhrer", [they] would have the power to take him out... and they did.

all tyrants do this. they immediately go after the "intellectuals" & those they believe are "behind the veil", to secure their place in power.

the very next thing in line after socialism, is communism.

Hitler simply wanted to replace the "old" guard of socialism & communism, with his own.

the enemy of my enemy, is not always your friend...

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

i've seen saying for a long time... the DS playbook isn't deep. they keep using the same play over & over & over... because the sheeple are too damn dumb to figure it out.

when something works, it just works.

forget about the kid for just a moment, climbing up the ladder, getting into position, taking aim, etc.

access to the ladder should not have even been an option. it would have either been totally blocked off by armed security or police, or removed completely until the rally was over.

did this kid just walk up to the rally location, with a loaded RIFLE & no one saw him beforehand. did he walk there on foot, carrying a big ass RIFLE with him? did someone drop him off? did he drive himself & park right next to the building??

we had all the DNA, photos, his background, supposed Blackrock vids he was part of, his fucking high school photo, all this useless info about someone who we still don't know for sure whether it was him or not.

too bad we can't ask him, because he was taken out just like that, by our "wonderful", "intelligent" & "top of the line" secret service or police forces, that apparently sucked shit at their job, up until they fired that killshot on the 20-year old supposed assassin.

100% absolute, inside job

100% the "kid" was a patsy.

100% the MSM "facts" don't add up, AS USUAL.

0% chance that no security, police or SS detail didn't see him show up, crawl up a ladder & get into prone position, then IMMEDIATELY FIRED upon him once the shot was taken.

0% intel was taken on the location & the spot this kid was setup at, was chosen as a no-risk spot. i mean, you'd have clear sight of the president, but.... fuck it, we're not gonna blockade or prevent access to it. just leave it open & accessible for whoever the hell wants to get up there & do whatever they want. i mean what, is a 20 year old patsy gonna climb the ladder & attempt an assassination on Trump or something??? nahhh, that would never happen

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

either way, [they] can make anyone into a president (then have that person killed off, just as they've being doing for thousands of years) & they can make anyone into a patsy.

Mystery Babylon is our enemy. It isn't governments or agencies, private or federal.

it is those who belong to an ancient religion & doctrine, who control the upper echelons of our governments & agencies.

The Philosophers of Fire.

The High Priests behind the veil.

The Brotherhood of the Snake (aka The Brotherhood of the Dragon)

They give allegiance to no particular nation, although they use nationalism to further their cause. The oaths they take allow them to lie.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

his brain was replaced.

the CIA gun that Greer fired, used bullets filled with shellfish toxin.

the murder was a Masonic attack upon a Catholic president (revenge for DeMolay & men of "enlightenment, Friday the 13th 1307, etc.)

3x shots to replicate the death of the Master Mason builder of the temple, Hiram Abiff.

throat - chest - head, same as Abiff.

the shots came from:

1 - the "squared-circle" Depository window (but NOT by Oswald, who was standing in the doorway of the building at the time of the shooting)

2 - straight ahead, possibly atop a railcar

3 - the driver, Greer, who fired over his right shoulder as his left foot presses down on the brake, to slow the car down & shoot

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

they're trying to tell us they had all the time to prepare for this rally & chose the one spot where the guy couldn't defend the president "until something happens"?

SS can't afford to have another team placed at the building the alleged assassinator got?

so the kid can carry a rifle up a ladder, less than 200 yards away from the most targeted individual on the planet, but the SS can't? they also can't get eyes on the building the kid climbed up, but ordinary citizens could?

incompetent or planned?

if people don't believe the SS is corrupt & infiltrated, idk what to say.

they acted in direct contradiction to what SS agents should do, when Kennedy was murdered & they showed the exact same negligent behaviour yesterday.

EDC1745 7 points ago +7 / -0

SS was obviously in on it.

hopefully now people will understand why Jackie Kennedy didn't expose to the world who fired the final killshot to her husband.

she didn't tell us that Greer reached over his right shoulder with a CIA pistol, because SS surrounds her & her family.

if she spoke out, they'd kill her or the children.

It would be security 101, to have that clear line of sight building covered by security, but they just allow some maniac with a rifle to climb up, get into position & take aim at the most targeted man on the planet???


EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

he signed the ONE WORLD tower (after the 2 towers fell, to become the 1)

(W)e remember.

(W)e rebuild.

(W)e come back stronger.

In Hebrew, (W) = 6 = Vav

W - W - W = 6 - 6 - 6

(for fun, guess where they got the idea to use the MONSTER energy drink logo. look at the symbol for Vav... same thing)

Revelation 13:18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666

Obama's dad was a Sun Cult leader, Muhammad Subud (The Subud Cult)

Obama's logo was the sun (Islam; the east) rising above the American Flag (the USA; the west)

EDC1745 0 points ago +1 / -1

idk who all these weird people are that keep getting posted here are, with NO facts, just HEARSAY.

"I just hung up with my friend in DC who has nailed everything & gives me inside scoops that lead to viral tweets...."

LOL, ok pal

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

this is what i believe as well. it can't just be another 4 years for this party, another 4 for this party, etc.

some really corrupt shit must be allowed to happen. let the dumb enemies dig their own graves deep, then expose it all.

once again, Trump can't be in office when this happens, because it will look like "orange man Hitler or tyrant".

there are already people calling this assassination attempt on Trump as "America's Reichstag", where they claim Trump is creating this as a false flag to take down Biden & the dems.

EDC1745 5 points ago +5 / -0

the gold standard works, that's why the bankers keep trying to replace it with methods of control, such as fiat & CBDC.

just as they try to change the definitions of words to fit their agenda & narrative, they try to confuse us when it comes to systems which work or not.

systems that actually DO work= good for us, bad for them

deceptive systems that do NOT work & are designed for control= bad for us, good for them

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

lolwut, it HAD to be done this way.

control things in a way, that without a doubt, makes the radical left look as scummy & corrupt as possible.

we are in a WAR. bad shit happens in WAR.

EDC1745 4 points ago +4 / -0

this has been a great scene in the movie we're all watching.

whoever is playing old joe should be nominated for actor of the century.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

obviously not the real Pelosi. it just isn't.

whatever "it" is, barely looks human.

she looked pretty bad before, but this is next-level weird.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

it comes down to people being AFRAID & STUPID.

they stand for nothing, so they fall for everything.

life scares them, so they want to be treated like cattle. cattle are led to slaughter.

literal SHEEPLE. too afraid of doing their own thing, too dumb to take charge of their own life.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

i want that last phrase framed & put on my wall...

"I feel as long as I gave it my all & I did the goodest jobs I know I can do, that's what this is about" - Resident Brandon

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

the precipice, i imagine, is still a ways out. not nearly enough has happened to truly shock people back to reality.

pray in Jesus' name, to our Holy Father, The Creator & Almighty.

put faith in only HIM & no man, that is all we can do (speaking as a Christian)

This system is Satan's & the fallen angels (Elohim). The LORD GOD did not put us here. HE had us in HIS kingdom & we turned away from him to chase strange flesh. HE came into this system to conquer it (death) & to buy us back.

We are not long for this place. HE wants us back home with HIM. Do the best you can while you're stuck here, bring as many people back to the FATHER as you can & remember that JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY mediator between us & HIM.

Things will play out here however they may. Just know that in the end, LORD GOD wins.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0


EDC1745 4 points ago +4 / -0

someone tell Meathead to STFU

Imagine if the FOUNDING FATHERS were to create " a democracy, if you can keep it " lol

they didn't. that's stupid.

they created a REPUBLIC.

a system that pulls a little bit from the left & a little bit from the right, where this new government is designed to be something somewhere in the middle with checks & balances, so that only GOD gives rights, not man (the mob).

if that system created, was allowed to work as intended & be kept up by the citizens, that would be the NEW WORLD ORDER, where man was finally able to govern himself.

the ironic thing is, those very same Masonic Founding Fathers knew exactly what would happen. that the lazy sheeple mob would eventually give away their rights & freedoms. that is exactly what has happened. so effectively, at this time in history, the USA has been hijacked & has operated as a democracy. we the people sure as hell haven't been in control of things, especially not since 1913 at a minimum.

we have proven them right for a long time & it would be nice if we could prove them WRONG, clean up our shit, take responsibility, stop blaming our enemy (because they are doing as expected, that's a given).

we need to put blame on those responsible for losing the country... ON OURSELVES. it should not be a given, that we give up our rights or expect one person or group to bail us out.

as a people, we need to learn to how to speak to one another again & begin holding everybody accountable for their actions. as it stands, we elect & nominate strangers to represent us, from local elections to state & national offices.

EDC1745 -3 points ago +1 / -4


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