^^^^^^^ This!
I had this thought too
New Comms?
Great news out of Michigan!
Smells rigged
I can second this. Mike is aligned with the right people!
Couldn’t agree more. This gentleman needs both.
If we all chip in a few bucks, we can get this guy elected.
Strength in numbers, pedes!
Test positive = Taken in?
There is a way to pin comments
Deport doomers
Anyone not realizing the hand the Khazarian Mafia has in most of the world’s evil is simply not looking close enough.
Mind. Fucking. Blown.
WE will never forget, pede.
Beat me to it
Cats never needs to apologize for sticky-ing something. Thanks for sharing.
Love these! Voted.
Oh gawd I can see this happening
Sounds to me like you are describing the viral vector vaccines like J&J/Janssen and AstraZeneca in the beginning of your post. They use a modified adenovirus (synthetic or engineered virus). The mRNA ones inject the actual mRNA wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle coating, so that it enters our cells directly without needing a synthetic virus to do it.
Both have the end goal of editing the host’s RNA/DNA in my opinion. Just different ways of going about it.
THIS is why they want everyone jabbed. No control group.
The man survived his home exploding!
Her Facebook and Instagram never had a single thing put up after she “fainted.” She’s dead. RIP.
What a tool.
This was admitted decades ago. The Franklin Coverup, anyone?